New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

why don't you go to his house and check him out for crying out loud.

At what you acknowlege at least SOME

Man..I hope you never sit on a jury.

I'll wait for the case to proceed in the court of law... and not be like you vulture vigilantes

Staph, you damnded well without the outcry, this case would never have seen court. Now we need to find out who and why it was handled in this manner. Who gave the orders, and why.
No. The least you could do is admit that he doesn't look all THAT bad in the video.

I'm sure there are better pictures, but the lack of any kind of bandage DOES suggest that this guy wasn't being mercilessly beaten and MAYBE... just MAYBE this was a more equal fight then some people on this board would like to believe.

I'm JUST saying.

if they struggled over Zimmerman's gun, which is what I thought happened, he fear for life is there. how the heck could Trayvon start beating Zimmerman without his gun holster being obvious or Zimmerman not reaching for it.

things got out of hand, as I contend all along. all you people are making up scenarios and knocking them down. :cuckoo:

They didn't struggle. There would have been blood spatter on Zimmerman's clothes if he shot the kid at that close range and as we now see, there was none. Trayvon was trying to run away, he was scared and Zimmerman shot him dead.

:cuckoo: that would have been obvious at scene. police investigated Zimmerman's story while he was being detained and questioned

50 seconds in officer checks out back of Zimmerman's head, looking at .... injury?

a little over half way through the video (50 seconds in), a police officer takes a look at the back of Zimmerman's head .. looking at something on Zimmerman's head. then he asks him to stand back against the wall

George Zimmerman on Police Surveillance | Video - ABC News

pay attention people. stop being so R-a-v-i looks like a spot or two on back of head. fuzzy video
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why don't you go to his house and check him out for crying out loud.

At what you acknowlege at least SOME

Man..I hope you never sit on a jury.

I'll wait for the case to proceed in the court of law... and not be like you vulture vigilantes

THAT is the whole point. As far as I know, Zimmerman is still walking the street,still free, no trial, not in custody.

THAT is what people are demanding.

The real question is WHY are you rw's demanding a trial in a court of law? Why are you constantly defending Zimmerman, saying he sustained all these non-existent injuries from this ice-tea-and-skittles-crazed monster who was allowed to walk the street.

Some of you have even said he had no right to be where he was.

You've turned this into a free-for-all and made Zimmerman out to be the victim.

Let me say...

if that video had shown Zimmerman with bloody bandages on the back of his head and nose, blood on his shirt, grass stains clearly all over his back,and a neck brace walking into the police station with a limb crying like a baby, there are certain people on this board that would be dancing for joy... AND THEY KNOW IT.

Those same people have nothing to say about the tape now but... "it doesn't matter" or "the tape isn't clear enough".

It's clear enough to ASK SERIOUS QUESTIONS about whether or not Zimmerman really was in THAT MUCH danger. No I'm not saying the case is over based on this one video. I'm saying this video doesn't seem to add much to the narrative that Zimmerman was the victim of a vicious beating by a merciless 200 ibs football playing animal. Does this prove Zimmerman is a murderer? Not in the least. But you'd be an idiot if you didn't look at this video and have some questions.

Everybody calls everybody else biased... but can't even see the stupidity they're spewing out of their mouths. Each side is acting totally blind to facts and it's aggravating. If you're not going to take an objective look at facts shut up and stop railing against SharpTONE because you're just as biased as he is.
if they struggled over Zimmerman's gun, which is what I thought happened, he fear for life is there. how the heck could Trayvon start beating Zimmerman without his gun holster being obvious or Zimmerman not reaching for it.

things got out of hand, as I contend all along. all you people are making up scenarios and knocking them down. :cuckoo:

They didn't struggle. There would have been blood spatter on Zimmerman's clothes if he shot the kid at that close range and as we now see, there was none. Trayvon was trying to run away, he was scared and Zimmerman shot him dead.

:cuckoo: that would have been obvious at scene. police investigated Zimmerman's story while he was being detained and questioned

George Zimmerman on Police Surveillance | Video - ABC News

50 seconds in officer checks out back of Zimmerman's head, looking at .... injury?

Did you look at the video? There wasn't a struggle. I hope they take Zimmerman into custody now before he commits suicide.
At what you acknowlege at least SOME

Man..I hope you never sit on a jury.

I'll wait for the case to proceed in the court of law... and not be like you vulture vigilantes

Staph, you damnded well without the outcry, this case would never have seen court. Now we need to find out who and why it was handled in this manner. Who gave the orders, and why.

Yes -- It had been dusted under the rug until those nasty old black activists got involved. Why weren't more WHITE activists involved? Why are whites accusing Jackson and Sharpton of all sorts of crap while they do nothing to see that justice is done.

And why, instead of a normal arrest, investigation, trial, WHY is someone in the police department leaking stuff?
Richard Kurtz, funeral home director, said there was no bruising or injuries to Martin's hands. The only injury was the gunshot wound to the chest.

Anyone who has been in a fight knows that if you break someone's nose with your fist, you would have bruised knuckles.

I mentioned that last week. Check the kid's hands. It's pretty hard to beat the crap out of someone without messing up your hands.
Sorry bout that,

1. You'd think this place is Shari Law?
2. Ya'll negros wanna lop his head off?
3. with no trial?


WHO said that?

EXACTLY who said they wanted to "lop his head off? And, if you know who said that, how do you know that person or persons is "negro"?

Why not admit that you know nothing of the kind and you just hope you can stir up more trouble?
They didn't struggle. There would have been blood spatter on Zimmerman's clothes if he shot the kid at that close range and as we now see, there was none. Trayvon was trying to run away, he was scared and Zimmerman shot him dead.

:cuckoo: that would have been obvious at scene. police investigated Zimmerman's story while he was being detained and questioned

George Zimmerman on Police Surveillance | Video - ABC News

50 seconds in officer checks out back of Zimmerman's head, looking at .... injury?

Did you look at the video? There wasn't a struggle. I hope they take Zimmerman into custody now before he commits suicide.

a little over half way through the video (50 seconds in), a police officer takes a look at the back of Zimmerman's head .. looking at something on Zimmerman's head. then he asks him to stand back against the wall

George Zimmerman on Police Surveillance | Video - ABC News

pay attention people. stop being so R-a-v-i looks like a spot or two on back of head. fuzzy video
At what you acknowlege at least SOME

Man..I hope you never sit on a jury.

I'll wait for the case to proceed in the court of law... and not be like you vulture vigilantes

Staph, you damnded well without the outcry, this case would never have seen court. Now we need to find out who and why it was handled in this manner. Who gave the orders, and why.

oh brother...cases never see the see the court all the time..
people raised hell over the intimidation of the black panthers at polling places, did it see the courts?
give us all a all hyperventilating over this isn't going to change things. You all might like the outcome, but that is life..
And you all should be ashamed of your Representatives and YOUR PRESIDENT for using this dead boy for their political agenda. Democrats in Government wearing hoodies to show their this what we PAY them for?
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He said he had a gash on the back of his head that required stitches..which he didn't get.
Where is it?

He said his nose was broken.

When your nose gets bleed like a stuck pig and get 2 back eyes..along with a swollen nose. No blood..the nose is not swollen and no black eyes.

Even the best EMT couldn't clean him up that quickly. Unless they used make up or a body double.

Slow down, take a look at the video again, the cop clearly looks at the back of his head at the 00:52 second mark...

Meaning what?

Zimmerman could have been pointing out his head hurts and he needs medical attention and the cop checked it. It could have been any number of things.

Right now..from this's not obvious he was involved in a struggle of any kind.
I'd like to see the report from the coroner on Trayvon. Rdean's right. His hands would have been bruised.

You're right, it's not obvious...the image is far from conclusive about anything, there is no way you can tell what injuries he sustained from this video...but then if all you are interested in doing is continuing the hate, this is right up your alley...

This story should be front and center because??? If Zimmerman's last name was Jimenez or Garcia or Baker, there is no story...

Our MSM today is selling hate and you're their ideal market, besides hate, what are your other motives...
Well, I just Looked at this video. Zimmerman is a liar, and should be tried for murder 1. No marks on his head, no grass stains on his coat, and the bastard had no damage to his nose. All the 'Conservatives' that have been trying to make Zimmerman the victim, if they continue to do so after looking at this tape, are simply bigoted assholes.
George Zimmerman on Police Surveillance | Video - ABC News

My bet is on the bolded portion prevailing.
Richard Kurtz, funeral home director, said there was no bruising or injuries to Martin's hands. The only injury was the gunshot wound to the chest.

Anyone who has been in a fight knows that if you break someone's nose with your fist, you would have bruised knuckles.

I mentioned that last week. Check the kid's hands. It's pretty hard to beat the crap out of someone without messing up your hands.

In a couple of articles, I read that the can of ice tea was without dents or marks too. Some had said he used that but apparently he did not.

The longer this goes, the less evidence they'll have at a trial.

That is, IF there ever is a trial. So far, it looks like law enforcement is going to just let him walk. And then, listen to the rw's whine when someone takes justice into their own hands.
I'll wait for the case to proceed in the court of law... and not be like you vulture vigilantes

Staph, you damnded well without the outcry, this case would never have seen court. Now we need to find out who and why it was handled in this manner. Who gave the orders, and why.

oh brother...cases never see the see the court all the time..
people raised hell over the intimidation of the black panthers at polling places, did it see the courts?
give us all a all hyperventilating over this isn't going to change things. You all might like the outcome, but that is life..
And you all should be ashamed of your Representatives and YOUR PRESIDENT for using this dead boy for their political agenda. Democrats in Government wearing hoodies to show their this what we PAY them for?

Stow it, bitch, we know where you are coming from.

a little over half way through the video (50 seconds in), a police officer takes a look at the back of Zimmerman's head .. looking at something on Zimmerman's head. then he asks him to stand back against the wall

George Zimmerman on Police Surveillance | Video - ABC News

pay attention people. stop being so R-a-v-i .....looks like a spot or two on back of head. fuzzy video

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