New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

why don't you people just go drag the man from his home and hang him..?

Or better yet, you all can join in with the Black Panthers..

I don't wear uniforms. But I have a book on the postcards that used to be made from pictures of lynched and burned black men and women.

The Black Panthers are looking for volunteers, seems like you and a few others here would fit right in..

Nah, they ran from a crowd of whites a few years ago in texas. They went to protest the old white guy who shot and killed the 2 black Columbian guys who had burglarized his neighbor's house.

That's why the voting issue in Phi;;y was a joke. Everyone in the black community knew they ran from whites. No one was scared of them.
Lots of unsourced info..leaks, unnamed witnesses (which is understandable) and reports of "police reports say" and "the Orlando Sentinel says"...

Trayvon asked Zimmerman if he had a problem. Zimmerman said no and reached for his cell phone, he told police. Trayvon then said, "Well, you do now" or something similar and punched Zimmerman in the nose, according to the account he gave police.
Zimmerman fell to the ground and Trayvon got on top of him and began slamming his head into the sidewalk, he told police.
Zimmerman began yelling for help.
Several witnesses heard those cries, and there has been a dispute about whether they came from Zimmerman or Trayvon.
Lawyers for Trayvon's family say it was Trayvon, but police say their evidence indicates it was Zimmerman.
One witness, who has since talked to local television news reporters, told police he saw Zimmerman on the ground with Trayvon on top, pounding him — and was unequivocal that it was Zimmerman who was crying for help.
Zimmerman then shot Trayvon once in the chest at very close range, according to authorities.
When police arrived less than two minutes later, Zimmerman was bleeding from the nose, had a swollen lip and had bloody lacerations to the back of his head.
Paramedics gave him first aid but he said he did not need to go to the hospital. He got medical care the next day."
Trayvon Martin: George Zimmerman's account to police of the Trayvon Martin shooting. - Orlando Sentinel
Yes, it does appear that there is little there.

But, as you note, the paramedics had already treated him, too.

I would imagine the cops took pictures with better detail, too. bandages. No matter how you slice it, a broken nose and getting your head banged on a sidewalk would result in bandages, if not gushing blood.

A little video is gonna go a looong way in this case. That guy didn't have a mark on that bald head of his. No grass stains on his jacket, no limp, no sign of any trauma. He looks pretty clean actually.
So, you contend that the cops lied when they wrote in their report that he had grass stains on his back?
The Media doesn't seem like they are going to be happy until they stir up enough shit there will BLOOD on their hands.

this whole thing has become Sickening and we see politicians and some of you here DANCING on this poor kids grave for their political AGENDA
Right, one would think that.

And, where did this bashing his head on the sidewalk come from again? The press?

The Sentinel said Monday that authorities had provided the paper with Zimmerman's account of events, in which he said he called police after spotting Martin, then lost sight of him and was returning to his SUV when the teen allegedly approached him from the left rear and they exchanged words.

Zimmerman said Martin punched him in the nose, then as he fell to the ground, got on top of him and slammed his head into the sidewalk, causing Zimmerman to yell for help.
Sorry bout that,

1. Footage was taken much later, idjits.
2. He had plenty of time to get cleaned up.
3. Here is a clue, think time line.
4. He more than likely went to give a statement at a much later date.
5. And was filmed doing so.

"The initial police report noted that Zimmerman was bleeding from the back of the head and nose, and after medical attention it was decided that he was in good enough condition to travel in a police cruiser to the Sanford, Fla., police station for questioning. "

Trayvon Martin Case: Exclusive Surveillance Video of George Zimmerman - ABC News

This is from their same page making a deal about it, perhaps he was cleaned up by the medical people.
I shudder to point this out but in the article that accompanies the video they state they are not sure of the exact time the video was shot but it likely occurred after he had received treatment. Make of this little bit of information what you wish.
The video is significant, the network said, because it appears to show that the muscular-looking Zimmerman is uninjured.
There is also no obvious trace of grass stains on his shirt or other clothing, as his attorney and an initial police report indicated. The stains could indicate Trayvon had the upper hand during their struggle, Zimmerman’s attorney said.
The surveillance video shows Zimmerman arriving in a police cruiser at a station wearing black jeans, a gray t-shirt and a red shirt with black shoulder patches. His clothing appears fresh.

Surveillance video shows George Zimmerman from the night he killed Trayvon Martin - Miami-Dade -

Zimmerman lied, Trayvon died.

The video does look damning, but then again, it's not very clear and the stupid News banner was right over his head and face through most of it.
Zimmerman did state that Martin was going for his gun. That may be the reason the DA does not believe they will get a conviction. Then there are the two up close eye witnesses recorded on 911 tape & in video interview (one is black) that say that Martin was beating Zimmerman who was on his back screaming for help. This case still may not go to trial just because Zimmerman is not showing enough signs of being beaten in a poor quality surveillance video.
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The EMT's treated Zimmerman at the scene.

It appears they did a very professional job, too.

And if that dude weighs 240 I'll kiss your ass!!
The EMT's treated Zimmerman at the scene.

It appears they did a very professional job, too.

And if that dude weighs 240 I'll kiss your ass!!

He said he had a gash on the back of his head that required stitches..which he didn't get.

Where is it?

He said his nose was broken.

When your nose gets bleed like a stuck pig and get 2 back eyes..along with a swollen nose. No blood..the nose is not swollen and no black eyes.

Even the best EMT couldn't clean him up that quickly. Unless they used make up or a body double.
Sorry bout that,

The video is significant, the network said, because it appears to show that the muscular-looking Zimmerman is uninjured.
There is also no obvious trace of grass stains on his shirt or other clothing, as his attorney and an initial police report indicated. The stains could indicate Trayvon had the upper hand during their struggle, Zimmerman’s attorney said.
The surveillance video shows Zimmerman arriving in a police cruiser at a station wearing black jeans, a gray t-shirt and a red shirt with black shoulder patches. His clothing appears fresh.

Surveillance video shows George Zimmerman from the night he killed Trayvon Martin - Miami-Dade -

Zimmerman lied, Trayvon died.

The video does look damning, but then again, it's not very clear and the stupid News banner was right over his head and face through most of it.

1. I see nothing damning, I see a man getting out of a car and walking towards a door, then going in, etc.
2. What do you see?
3. Never mind, you must see a smoking gun still in his pocket with a KKK id card handing from his lapel.:badgrin:

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The EMT's treated Zimmerman at the scene.

It appears they did a very professional job, too.

And if that dude weighs 240 I'll kiss your ass!!

He said he had a gash on the back of his head that required stitches..which he didn't get.

Where is it?

He said his nose was broken.

When your nose gets bleed like a stuck pig and get 2 back eyes..along with a swollen nose. No blood..the nose is not swollen and no black eyes.

Even the best EMT couldn't clean him up that quickly. Unless they used make up or a body double.

why don't you go to his house and check him out for crying out loud. bandages. No matter how you slice it, a broken nose and getting your head banged on a sidewalk would result in bandages, if not gushing blood.

A little video is gonna go a looong way in this case. That guy didn't have a mark on that bald head of his. No grass stains on his jacket, no limp, no sign of any trauma. He looks pretty clean actually.
So, you contend that the cops lied when they wrote in their report that he had grass stains on his back?

See for yourself.
The EMT's treated Zimmerman at the scene.

It appears they did a very professional job, too.

And if that dude weighs 240 I'll kiss your ass!!

He said he had a gash on the back of his head that required stitches..which he didn't get.

Where is it?

He said his nose was broken.

When your nose gets bleed like a stuck pig and get 2 back eyes..along with a swollen nose. No blood..the nose is not swollen and no black eyes.

Even the best EMT couldn't clean him up that quickly. Unless they used make up or a body double.

why don't you go to his house and check him out for crying out loud.

At what you acknowlege at least SOME

Man..I hope you never sit on a jury.
Richard Kurtz, funeral home director, said there was no bruising or injuries to Martin's hands. The only injury was the gunshot wound to the chest.

Anyone who has been in a fight knows that if you break someone's nose with your fist, you would have bruised knuckles.

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