New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

This is so true and 90% of the people, maybe more, posting here ignore that fact.

I've been yelled at by conservatives for saying the evidence shows zimmerman's actions do not protect him under the stand your ground laws.
I've been yelled at by liberals for saying Martin was wrong for going after zimmerman physically.

There are other laws that might protect him since Martin continued the confrontation after zimmerman, according to the reports, started walking away but considering zimmerman intiated the situation the stand your ground law will not cover him. This is according to the law's own language and statements made by the 2 men from florida who drafted the law.

All I know is Zimmerman was told not to follow and followed which loses him the stand your ground protection
Martin went after zimmerman after zimmerman reportedly walked away...which was also the wrong thing to do
Zimmerman shot martin when martin started kicking hte crap out of zimmerman.

I think that zimmerman should have been arrested and a judge/jury should have decided if his actions were protected under self defense laws or not.

YOU HAVE TO HAVE EVIDENCE OF A CRIME BEFORE YOU CAN ARREST SOMEBODY. No DA in the world will give the go-ahead to arrest someone with NO EVIDENCE OF A CRIME. They don't want to be scrambling to find the evidence AFTER the arrest because the clock is ticking.

They want to take their time, find as much evidence as they can...THEN start the clock.

A dead 17 year old with zimmerman's bullet in him is enough to arrest him and let a judge decide if his action were covered under the law or not. Police are not judges, only the judges can do that. The police should have arrested him and let the court clear him if he is innocent.

Like I said before, they're not going to arrest someone if they aren't sure of a conviction. It's a waste of time and taxdollars. In this case, they will probably arrest Zimmerman if only to stop the cries of "racism", which IMO is stupid.
The video is significant, the network said, because it appears to show that the muscular-looking Zimmerman is uninjured.
There is also no obvious trace of grass stains on his shirt or other clothing, as his attorney and an initial police report indicated. The stains could indicate Trayvon had the upper hand during their struggle, Zimmerman’s attorney said.
The surveillance video shows Zimmerman arriving in a police cruiser at a station wearing black jeans, a gray t-shirt and a red shirt with black shoulder patches. His clothing appears fresh.

Surveillance video shows George Zimmerman from the night he killed Trayvon Martin - Miami-Dade -

Zimmerman lied, Trayvon died.
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They said that in the police report, Martin's name, address and birthdate was written down from the ID he was carrying. Next to "Minor", "No" was checked off right next to this "birthdate" which showed he was 17.

It's despicable they way the right wing has smeared this young man. And it's Zimmerman with a history of resisting arrest, speeding and beating women.

I can't believe how dirty right wingers have become. I thought "let him die" was rock bottom, but they seem to find new depths.
Poor rw's ... They can't think of any new lies to excuse this "leaked" video.

It changes everything.

I remember hearing from the Libs here that Zimmerman was never brought in to the police
station,was never interviewed.

Were the Libs lying then?

You are correct. No having blood or cuts is equal to not going to the police station. Did Martin's parents say he didn't go to the police station, because Zimmerman's lawyer and black friend said he had cuts that required stitches?
Okay umm....


I want to be real careful to point out that this is not a HUGE development when it comes to incrimination...

...but it is absolutely RIDICULOUSLY HUGE when it comes to public opinion of this case and uhhh... I was kind of speechless when I saw this video...

George Zimmerman on Police Surveillance | Video - ABC News

Apparently ABC has just released a video showing what appears to be Zimmerman being brought out of a police vehicle into the local PD station. He has ABSOULTELY no cuts, bruises, or anything and doesn't look to even have been in a fight. He is indeed wearing a red jacket, as was stated in the initial reports.

DISCLAIMER: This is just HOW IT LOOKS. I didn't see anything when watching the tapes, there's no sound... so I have no clue what the cops are saying but it looks like one of the cops asked to see the back of Zimmerman's head. I didn't see anything there but the paramedics could have just done a really good job of patching it up and cleaning dude up. Doesn't look like there is any blood on the cats clothing.
Okay umm....


I want to be real careful to point out that this is not a HUGE development when it comes to incrimination...

...but it is absolutely RIDICULOUSLY HUGE when it comes to public opinion of this case and uhhh... I was kind of speechless when I saw this video...

George Zimmerman on Police Surveillance | Video - ABC News

Apparently ABC has just released a video showing what appears to be Zimmerman being brought out of a police vehicle into the local PD station. He has ABSOULTELY no cuts, bruises, or anything and doesn't look to even have been in a fight. He is indeed wearing a red jacket, as was stated in the initial reports.

DISCLAIMER: This is just HOW IT LOOKS. I didn't see anything when watching the tapes, there's no sound... so I have no clue what the cops are saying but it looks like one of the cops asked to see the back of Zimmerman's head. I didn't see anything there but the paramedics could have just done a really good job of patching it up and cleaning dude up. Doesn't look like there is any blood on the cats clothing.

Video vs. written reports: THE MIAMI HERALD states Sanford PD did recommend charges, the STATE ATTORNEY declined to go forward.

Sanford cops wanted to charge Zimmerman in Trayvon Martin case - 03/27/2012 |
Okay umm....


I want to be real careful to point out that this is not a HUGE development when it comes to incrimination...

...but it is absolutely RIDICULOUSLY HUGE when it comes to public opinion of this case and uhhh... I was kind of speechless when I saw this video...

George Zimmerman on Police Surveillance | Video - ABC News

Apparently ABC has just released a video showing what appears to be Zimmerman being brought out of a police vehicle into the local PD station. He has ABSOULTELY no cuts, bruises, or anything and doesn't look to even have been in a fight. He is indeed wearing a red jacket, as was stated in the initial reports.

DISCLAIMER: This is just HOW IT LOOKS. I didn't see anything when watching the tapes, there's no sound... so I have no clue what the cops are saying but it looks like one of the cops asked to see the back of Zimmerman's head. I didn't see anything there but the paramedics could have just done a really good job of patching it up and cleaning dude up. Doesn't look like there is any blood on the cats clothing.
Yes, it does appear that there is little there.

But, as you note, the paramedics had already treated him, too.

I would imagine the cops took pictures with better detail, too.
Okay umm....


I want to be real careful to point out that this is not a HUGE development when it comes to incrimination...

...but it is absolutely RIDICULOUSLY HUGE when it comes to public opinion of this case and uhhh... I was kind of speechless when I saw this video...

George Zimmerman on Police Surveillance | Video - ABC News

Apparently ABC has just released a video showing what appears to be Zimmerman being brought out of a police vehicle into the local PD station. He has ABSOULTELY no cuts, bruises, or anything and doesn't look to even have been in a fight. He is indeed wearing a red jacket, as was stated in the initial reports.

DISCLAIMER: This is just HOW IT LOOKS. I didn't see anything when watching the tapes, there's no sound... so I have no clue what the cops are saying but it looks like one of the cops asked to see the back of Zimmerman's head. I didn't see anything there but the paramedics could have just done a really good job of patching it up and cleaning dude up. Doesn't look like there is any blood on the cats clothing.
Yes, it does appear that there is little there.

But, as you note, the paramedics had already treated him, too.

I would imagine the cops took pictures with better detail, too. bandages. No matter how you slice it, a broken nose and getting your head banged on a sidewalk would result in bandages, if not gushing blood.
Poor rw's ... They can't think of any new lies to excuse this "leaked" video.

It changes everything.

I remember hearing from the Libs here that Zimmerman was never brought in to the police
station,was never interviewed.

Were the Libs lying then?

Since police stations are typically videotaped, and no tape supposedly existed, it's not a stretch to think he never went in.

I suspect the police were trying to decide whether releasing the tape was more damaging or the lie.

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