New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

None of this extareous bull shit matters people. The ONLY thing that matters is does the evidence support Zimmerman's story, or dispute it? It doesn't matter what Treyvon was like, it doesn't matter what Al Sharpton does, it doesn't matter what the media says, nor does it matter what photos look like.

We can't hear from Martin so we have to look at the evidence. What happened that night. Nothing else matters.

but, but, but, Dante is having so much fun demonizing a dead teen.

demonizing? you need to stop hanging with suck lily white middle class types. get out more


I don't know, if it's true that the kid was a burglar, that would give credence to Zimmerman's story that the kid was acting strange and looking at the houses like he was gonna rob one. Like I said, it would be interesting to find out who the jewelery belonged to that was found in the kids backpack.
None of this extareous bull shit matters people. The ONLY thing that matters is does the evidence support Zimmerman's story, or dispute it? It doesn't matter what Treyvon was like, it doesn't matter what Al Sharpton does, it doesn't matter what the media says, nor does it matter what photos look like.

We can't hear from Martin so we have to look at the evidence. What happened that night. Nothing else matters.

This is so true and 90% of the people, maybe more, posting here ignore that fact.

I've been yelled at by conservatives for saying the evidence shows zimmerman's actions do not protect him under the stand your ground laws.
I've been yelled at by liberals for saying Martin was wrong for going after zimmerman physically.

There are other laws that might protect him since Martin continued the confrontation after zimmerman, according to the reports, started walking away but considering zimmerman intiated the situation the stand your ground law will not cover him. This is according to the law's own language and statements made by the 2 men from florida who drafted the law.

All I know is Zimmerman was told not to follow and followed which loses him the stand your ground protection
Martin went after zimmerman after zimmerman reportedly walked away...which was also the wrong thing to do
Zimmerman shot martin when martin started kicking hte crap out of zimmerman.

I think that zimmerman should have been arrested and a judge/jury should have decided if his actions were protected under self defense laws or not.
None of this extareous bull shit matters people. The ONLY thing that matters is does the evidence support Zimmerman's story, or dispute it? It doesn't matter what Treyvon was like, it doesn't matter what Al Sharpton does, it doesn't matter what the media says, nor does it matter what photos look like.

We can't hear from Martin so we have to look at the evidence. What happened that night. Nothing else matters.

This is so true and 90% of the people, maybe more, posting here ignore that fact.

I've been yelled at by conservatives for saying the evidence shows zimmerman's actions do not protect him under the stand your ground laws.
I've been yelled at by liberals for saying Martin was wrong for going after zimmerman physically.

There are other laws that might protect him since Martin continued the confrontation after zimmerman, according to the reports, started walking away but considering zimmerman intiated the situation the stand your ground law will not cover him. This is according to the law's own language and statements made by the 2 men from florida who drafted the law.

All I know is Zimmerman was told not to follow and followed which loses him the stand your ground protection
Martin went after zimmerman after zimmerman reportedly walked away...which was also the wrong thing to do
Zimmerman shot martin when martin started kicking hte crap out of zimmerman.

I think that zimmerman should have been arrested and a judge/jury should have decided if his actions were protected under self defense laws or not.

YOU HAVE TO HAVE EVIDENCE OF A CRIME BEFORE YOU CAN ARREST SOMEBODY. No DA in the world will give the go-ahead to arrest someone with NO EVIDENCE OF A CRIME. They don't want to be scrambling to find the evidence AFTER the arrest because the clock is ticking.

They want to take their time, find as much evidence as they can...THEN start the clock.
None of this extareous bull shit matters people. The ONLY thing that matters is does the evidence support Zimmerman's story, or dispute it? It doesn't matter what Treyvon was like, it doesn't matter what Al Sharpton does, it doesn't matter what the media says, nor does it matter what photos look like.

We can't hear from Martin so we have to look at the evidence. What happened that night. Nothing else matters.

This is so true and 90% of the people, maybe more, posting here ignore that fact.

I've been yelled at by conservatives for saying the evidence shows zimmerman's actions do not protect him under the stand your ground laws.
I've been yelled at by liberals for saying Martin was wrong for going after zimmerman physically.

There are other laws that might protect him since Martin continued the confrontation after zimmerman, according to the reports, started walking away but considering zimmerman intiated the situation the stand your ground law will not cover him. This is according to the law's own language and statements made by the 2 men from florida who drafted the law.

All I know is Zimmerman was told not to follow and followed which loses him the stand your ground protection
Martin went after zimmerman after zimmerman reportedly walked away...which was also the wrong thing to do
Zimmerman shot martin when martin started kicking hte crap out of zimmerman.

I think that zimmerman should have been arrested and a judge/jury should have decided if his actions were protected under self defense laws or not.

Hey... you're a libertarian... right? :D you should be used to being yelled at by libs and cons.

The fact is your right.

All we have right now is Zimmerman's account. From Zimmerman's account we get this:

-Zimmerman was (mind his own business) in his car. Sees a random kid walking around who looked suspicious, possibly high.
-Zimmerman called police. The tape revealed that the teenager began coming toward him with his hand on his waistband suggesting he was armed. (He was not armed)
-After the kid checked Zimmerman out, according to Zimmerman the kid took off running.
-Zimmerman ran after the kid, however at the 9-11 operators wishes he stopped pursuing
the kid and walked toward his vehicle.
-When Zimmerman got to his vehicle he saw the kid approach him from behind. The kid said: "Do you have a problem?"

Zimmerman said: "No

The kid then said: "well you do now"

-Trayvon hit Zimmerman in the face, breaking his nose. Then began hitting his head up against the sidewalk and thus Zimmerman believed his life was in danger, took out the gun after screaming for help and shot Trayvon once. (That shot led to Trayvon's death).

The girlfriend's account from how I understand it is:

-Trayvon was on the phone with her the whole time.
-Trayvon noticed an individual who he could not identify was watching him. He began trying to figure out who it was and his girlfriend told him to run.
-Trayvon did not want to. However he said he would leave the scene quickly. (Zimmerman claims he DID actually run, so we'll assume he ran even though he told the girl he was walking fast, probably in an effort to sound hard)
-Trayvon informed her that he was being followed by the random guy.
-She heard him stop, turn around and ask Zimmerman why he was chasing him.
-According to her Zimmerman asked what the kid was doing in the neighborhood and then she heard a scuffle take place and the phone went dead. (Note: I recently read that the girlfriend at some point this week was hospitalized for having some sort of panic attack).

Trayvon's account:

-Dead men don't talk.

Witness accounts other than this vary.

Is it possible that Zimmerman continued to pursue Trayvon? Yes.
Do we have absolute evidence? No.

Is it possible Zimmerman is lying about the whole thing? Yes.
Do we have evidence? No.

As of right now. There's not really a case.

Disclaimer... this is the story of both Zimmerman and the girl as I understand them. If you need to correct something please do so.
None of this extareous bull shit matters people. The ONLY thing that matters is does the evidence support Zimmerman's story, or dispute it? It doesn't matter what Treyvon was like, it doesn't matter what Al Sharpton does, it doesn't matter what the media says, nor does it matter what photos look like.

We can't hear from Martin so we have to look at the evidence. What happened that night. Nothing else matters.

This is so true and 90% of the people, maybe more, posting here ignore that fact.

I've been yelled at by conservatives for saying the evidence shows zimmerman's actions do not protect him under the stand your ground laws.
I've been yelled at by liberals for saying Martin was wrong for going after zimmerman physically.

There are other laws that might protect him since Martin continued the confrontation after zimmerman, according to the reports, started walking away but considering zimmerman intiated the situation the stand your ground law will not cover him. This is according to the law's own language and statements made by the 2 men from florida who drafted the law.

All I know is Zimmerman was told not to follow and followed which loses him the stand your ground protection
Martin went after zimmerman after zimmerman reportedly walked away...which was also the wrong thing to do
Zimmerman shot martin when martin started kicking hte crap out of zimmerman.

I think that zimmerman should have been arrested and a judge/jury should have decided if his actions were protected under self defense laws or not.

YOU HAVE TO HAVE EVIDENCE OF A CRIME BEFORE YOU CAN ARREST SOMEBODY. No DA in the world will give the go-ahead to arrest someone with NO EVIDENCE OF A CRIME. They don't want to be scrambling to find the evidence AFTER the arrest because the clock is ticking.

They want to take their time, find as much evidence as they can...THEN start the clock.

A dead 17 year old with zimmerman's bullet in him is enough to arrest him and let a judge decide if his action were covered under the law or not. Police are not judges, only the judges can do that. The police should have arrested him and let the court clear him if he is innocent.
A dead 17 year old with zimmerman's bullet in him is enough to arrest him and let a judge decide if his action were covered under the law or not. Police are not judges, only the judges can do that. The police should have arrested him and let the court clear him if he is innocent.

An arrest would not have been appropriate with the facts known at the time.

It certainly is not appropriate now.
this is so true and 90% of the people, maybe more, posting here ignore that fact.

I've been yelled at by conservatives for saying the evidence shows zimmerman's actions do not protect him under the stand your ground laws.
I've been yelled at by liberals for saying martin was wrong for going after zimmerman physically.

There are other laws that might protect him since martin continued the confrontation after zimmerman, according to the reports, started walking away but considering zimmerman intiated the situation the stand your ground law will not cover him. This is according to the law's own language and statements made by the 2 men from florida who drafted the law.

All i know is zimmerman was told not to follow and followed which loses him the stand your ground protection
martin went after zimmerman after zimmerman reportedly walked away...which was also the wrong thing to do
zimmerman shot martin when martin started kicking hte crap out of zimmerman.

I think that zimmerman should have been arrested and a judge/jury should have decided if his actions were protected under self defense laws or not.

you have to have evidence of a crime before you can arrest somebody. No da in the world will give the go-ahead to arrest someone with no evidence of a crime. They don't want to be scrambling to find the evidence after the arrest because the clock is ticking.

They want to take their time, find as much evidence as they can...then start the clock.

a dead 17 year old with zimmerman's bullet in him is enough to arrest him and let a judge decide if his action were covered under the law or not. Police are not judges, only the judges can do that. The police should have arrested him and let the court clear him if he is innocent.

A dead 17 year old with zimmerman's bullet in him is enough to arrest him and let a judge decide if his action were covered under the law or not. Police are not judges, only the judges can do that. The police should have arrested him and let the court clear him if he is innocent.

Our system.

How does it work ?
Fact vs. rumor:

"Statement: Police should have simply arrested Zimmerman and let a judge sort it out.
Zimmerman has not been arrested because he told police he acted in self-defense, and then-Chief Lee said police did not have probable cause. Florida Statute 776.032 expressly prohibits police from arresting someone who had a reasonable fear of imminent death or great bodily harm. Police may investigate, the statute says, "but the agency may not arrest the person" without probable cause. "

Statement: Sanford police failed to collect key evidence in the case: the clothing of George Zimmerman, the gunman who killed Trayvon.
Not true, police said. They took his clothing as well as Trayvon's and packaged it for crime-lab analysis. A spokeswoman for Special Prosecutor Angela Corey would not disclose Tuesday where the clothing is now, but she wrote in an email that the Florida Department of Law Enforcement "is assisting with the processing of physical evidence."

Nation & World | Rumors in Trayvon Martin case abound, but here are facts | Seattle Times Newspaper
Zimmerman was taken into custody before he was released by investigators & the DA.
Zimmerman complied with all my verbal commands and was secured in handcuffs... Zimmerman was placed in the rear of my police vehicle and was given first aid by the SFD... Once Zimmerman was cleared by SFD he was transported to the Sanford Police Department. Zimmerman was placed in an interview room at SPD, where he was interviewed by Investigator D. Singleton.
This is so true and 90% of the people, maybe more, posting here ignore that fact.

I've been yelled at by conservatives for saying the evidence shows zimmerman's actions do not protect him under the stand your ground laws.
I've been yelled at by liberals for saying Martin was wrong for going after zimmerman physically.

There are other laws that might protect him since Martin continued the confrontation after zimmerman, according to the reports, started walking away but considering zimmerman intiated the situation the stand your ground law will not cover him. This is according to the law's own language and statements made by the 2 men from florida who drafted the law.

All I know is Zimmerman was told not to follow and followed which loses him the stand your ground protection
Martin went after zimmerman after zimmerman reportedly walked away...which was also the wrong thing to do
Zimmerman shot martin when martin started kicking hte crap out of zimmerman.

I think that zimmerman should have been arrested and a judge/jury should have decided if his actions were protected under self defense laws or not.

YOU HAVE TO HAVE EVIDENCE OF A CRIME BEFORE YOU CAN ARREST SOMEBODY. No DA in the world will give the go-ahead to arrest someone with NO EVIDENCE OF A CRIME. They don't want to be scrambling to find the evidence AFTER the arrest because the clock is ticking.

They want to take their time, find as much evidence as they can...THEN start the clock.

A dead 17 year old with zimmerman's bullet in him is enough to arrest him and let a judge decide if his action were covered under the law or not. Police are not judges, only the judges can do that. The police should have arrested him and let the court clear him if he is innocent.

No it isn't. if this is so, then why isn't he in custody now?

Educate yourself.
A dead 17 year old with zimmerman's bullet in him is enough to arrest him and let a judge decide if his action were covered under the law or not. Police are not judges, only the judges can do that. The police should have arrested him and let the court clear him if he is innocent.

An arrest would not have been appropriate with the facts known at the time.

It certainly is not appropriate now.

They took him in custody, interviewed him, interviewed the witnesses, took his gun into evidence and since his story checked out they released him. Unless sone sort of evidence comes along that disputes his story, he is innocent. So far, there is NO evidence that disputes Zimmerman's story. that is why he remains free (ish) today.
a dead 17 year old with zimmerman's bullet in him is enough to arrest him and let a judge decide if his action were covered under the law or not. Police are not judges, only the judges can do that. The police should have arrested him and let the court clear him if he is innocent.

an arrest would not have been appropriate with the facts known at the time.

It certainly is not appropriate now.

they took him in custody, interviewed him, interviewed the witnesses, took his gun into evidence and since his story checked out they released him. Unless sone sort of evidence comes along that disputes his story, he is innocent. So far, there is no evidence that disputes zimmerman's story. That is why he remains free (ish) today.

Fact vs. rumor:

"Statement: Police should have simply arrested Zimmerman and let a judge sort it out.
Zimmerman has not been arrested because he told police he acted in self-defense, and then-Chief Lee said police did not have probable cause. Florida Statute 776.032 expressly prohibits police from arresting someone who had a reasonable fear of imminent death or great bodily harm. Police may investigate, the statute says, "but the agency may not arrest the person" without probable cause. "

Statement: Sanford police failed to collect key evidence in the case: the clothing of George Zimmerman, the gunman who killed Trayvon.
Not true, police said. They took his clothing as well as Trayvon's and packaged it for crime-lab analysis. A spokeswoman for Special Prosecutor Angela Corey would not disclose Tuesday where the clothing is now, but she wrote in an email that the Florida Department of Law Enforcement "is assisting with the processing of physical evidence."

Nation & World | Rumors in Trayvon Martin case abound, but here are facts | Seattle Times Newspaper

Very well done, too bad you wasted all that time posting it because none of the Zimmerman lynch mob will pay any attention to it.

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