New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

I have not seen anything that's 100% reliable. The twitter page was deleted. There's no way to determine what is real and what is fake. I did see Trayvon's Facebook page before it was deleted. Which is how I know he did smoke weed, and the kids he hung out with weren't the brightest kids in the world (at least on fb), the black and the white ones. He didn't portray himself as the brightest kid either. He certainly wasn't an angel.

I did too, read all the way to the end. Nothing earth-shattering, nothing radical, nothing to indicate he was anything but a typical kid.


I wish typical kids would be smarter about what they post on the internet though... then again... I wasn't... so I can't really saying anything.:D
reading the tweets of a young man who thinks it's cool to beat white people "no_limit_nigga" that is what the screen name means...

the tweets are generally sexual and dopey, but this is no altar boy and he sounds tough and aggressive like f()ck people up

Trayvon Martin Tweets | Twitter Account | The Daily Caller

LOL! Imagine if someone read the entirety of the posts you'd made on the internet! You'd be judged batshit crazy and you don't even have the excuse of teenaged stupidity to fall back on.


and people use your posts for bed tim.........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I have not seen anything that's 100% reliable. The twitter page was deleted. There's no way to determine what is real and what is fake. I did see Trayvon's Facebook page before it was deleted. Which is how I know he did smoke weed, and the kids he hung out with weren't the brightest kids in the world (at least on fb), the black and the white ones. He didn't portray himself as the brightest kid either. He certainly wasn't an angel.

I did too, read all the way to the end. Nothing earth-shattering, nothing radical, nothing to indicate he was anything but a typical kid.

typical kids video today.

None of this extareous bull shit matters people. The ONLY thing that matters is does the evidence support Zimmerman's story, or dispute it? It doesn't matter what Treyvon was like, it doesn't matter what Al Sharpton does, it doesn't matter what the media says, nor does it matter what photos look like.

We can't hear from Martin so we have to look at the evidence. What happened that night. Nothing else matters.
And if it leads to the same results, will you accept that or will you still call for the lynching of a Latino? See you and all the Martin supports want blood not justice!

(1) Martin is 6'3, 17 yrs old and a football player. Hardly the tiny helpless kid the media is portraying him as. In fact the 5'8 Zimmerman had to look up to him. Martin had 7 inches on Zimmerman! Actually, the police report has Zimmerman at 5'9" (per his DL probably) and Martin guestimated at 6'. The photos of Martin in uniform were when he played for a youth league; I've seen nothing to indicate he played recently.

(5) The community Martin entered is a GATED COMMUNITY. So any stranger would be suspicious.He was a guest there; this wasn't the first time he'd visited there, and was known by other residents.

(8) When the 911 operator told him not to pursue Martin, he said OK and ended pursuit and headed back to his car. At that point a pissed off Martin PURSUED Zimmerman to his car. We know that's not true given where Zimmerman claimed to be when he called (prior to leaving his car) and where the fight/shooting took place

(9) At his car, Martin and Zimmerman had words and Martin punched Zimmerman, BREAKING HIS NOSE. Martin got on top of Zimmerman smashing his head against the CEMENT. Police reports stated, Zimmerman had a broken nose, ripped cloths. grass stains on his back (meaning he was fighting off his back) and blood gushing from his head (consistent with his getting bashed onto concrete).It did not happen at his car. The police report did not state Zimmerman had a broken nose, ripped clothes or blood "gushing" from his head

(10) The EYE WITNESS stated he heard cries of help FROM ZIMMERMAN and saw Martin on top of Zimmerman. He called 911.I'll listen again, but I don't recall any of the 911 calls ID'ing Zimmerman as the one yelling

(11) Then Zimmerman shot Martin which, like it or not, was lawful under the 'Stand Your Ground' statute. That is up for debate. In pursuing Martin, he may not have that statute to protect him.

(12) After the guy shots other eye witnesses came to the scene and saw a crying Zimmerman holding Martin and telling them to call for an ambudance! OMG. Please link to this one.

Just a few points.
Yup both Zimmerman and Martin made some pretty stupid decisions that night.

I expect more from the 28 year old than the 17 year old, but both were stupid.

yeah if zimmerman listened to the 911 operator he would have never gotten out of his car and none of this would have happened.

if martin let zimmerman walk away once zimmerman allegedly decided to he would still be alive today.

So many opportunities for this tragedy to have not happened from the information out there in the media.
Teens Busted for YouTube Beat Down | NBC 6 Miami
track down three teenagers who are seen in the Web posting dragging and abusing a homeless man for no apparent reason. Police found the video while investigating another crime that was caught on camera and posted to the Internet website.

Deputies arrested Brandon Edwards and William Sleight, both 19, late Monday night and are looking for a third person who appears in the video. Police arrested Nicholas Bakum of Lighthouse Point and Bradley Wunderlich on Wednesday.

You can see part one of the attack above.
He was in football when he was younger, not in high school.

Btw, that picture is cropped, here's a better version of it. He looks pretty skinny to me.


Looks like he's a Rattler's fan. OMFG the Rattler's are the mascot of FAMU, a BLACK college!!!! I bet that means he's a New Black Panther!!!!!


This old white woman knows something. The New Black Panthers are Karenga's team.

These are the people that offed Bunchy. Fuck you. Not kidding. I may be white but I fucking remember. I really hate you. You killed Bunchy.

I hate you. Be kind because your like offed one of the best parties ever.
Would you fucking lay off the drugs?

you wouldn't say that if she were black
reading the tweets of a young man who thinks it's cool to beat white people "no_limit_nigga" that is what the screen name means...

the tweets are generally sexual and dopey, but this is no altar boy and he sounds tough and aggressive like f()ck people up

Trayvon Martin Tweets | Twitter Account | The Daily Caller

You can't be this stupid.

If the tweets were actually his, it sounds like the kid just likes sex.

He's a teenage high school senior... so... I don't understand how this is a big shock to anyone.

As for him enjoying beating on white people, a claim you have no evidence of, it will suck when his black panther/foot soldier buddies find out that he beat up a latino and not a white man... if they haven't already...:D

he sounds like any 6'3'' teenager full of himself. I was like him once. Can see him going after Zimmerman.

what a waste. terrible tragedy. those web sites do highlight black racism. I guess they have their stromfronters. but Zimmerman acted within the law, unless you have suspicions based on credible evidence that suggests otherwise.

the rush to judgement against Zimmerman has given me pause to consider how I could have been so easy on progressives and society in general.

Madison was correct in his fears of the mob rule

"You must spread some reputation around before giving it to Dante again".
None of this extareous bull shit matters people. The ONLY thing that matters is does the evidence support Zimmerman's story, or dispute it? It doesn't matter what Treyvon was like, it doesn't matter what Al Sharpton does, it doesn't matter what the media says, nor does it matter what photos look like.

We can't hear from Martin so we have to look at the evidence. What happened that night. Nothing else matters.

I have not seen anything that's 100% reliable. The twitter page was deleted. There's no way to determine what is real and what is fake. I did see Trayvon's Facebook page before it was deleted. Which is how I know he did smoke weed, and the kids he hung out with weren't the brightest kids in the world (at least on fb), the black and the white ones. He didn't portray himself as the brightest kid either. He certainly wasn't an angel.

I did too, read all the way to the end. Nothing earth-shattering, nothing radical, nothing to indicate he was anything but a typical kid.

typical kids video today.
"Nothing earth-shattering, nothing radical..."
None of this extareous bull shit matters people. The ONLY thing that matters is does the evidence support Zimmerman's story, or dispute it? It doesn't matter what Treyvon was like, it doesn't matter what Al Sharpton does, it doesn't matter what the media says, nor does it matter what photos look like.

We can't hear from Martin so we have to look at the evidence. What happened that night. Nothing else matters.

but, but, but, Dante is having so much fun demonizing a dead teen.
None of this extareous bull shit matters people. The ONLY thing that matters is does the evidence support Zimmerman's story, or dispute it? It doesn't matter what Treyvon was like, it doesn't matter what Al Sharpton does, it doesn't matter what the media says, nor does it matter what photos look like.

We can't hear from Martin so we have to look at the evidence. What happened that night. Nothing else matters.

Thank you.
and if it leads to the same results, will you accept that or will you still call for the lynching of a latino? See you and all the martin supports want blood not justice!

(1) martin is 6'3, 17 yrs old and a football player. Hardly the tiny helpless kid the media is portraying him as. In fact the 5'8 zimmerman had to look up to him. Martin had 7 inches on zimmerman! actually, the police report has zimmerman at 5'9" (per his dl probably) and martin guestimated at 6'. The photos of martin in uniform were when he played for a youth league; i've seen nothing to indicate he played recently.

(5) the community martin entered is a gated community. So any stranger would be suspicious.he was a guest there; this wasn't the first time he'd visited there, and was known by other residents.

(8) when the 911 operator told him not to pursue martin, he said ok and ended pursuit and headed back to his car. At that point a pissed off martin pursued zimmerman to his car. we know that's not true given where zimmerman claimed to be when he called (prior to leaving his car) and where the fight/shooting took place

(9) at his car, martin and zimmerman had words and martin punched zimmerman, breaking his nose. Martin got on top of zimmerman smashing his head against the cement. Police reports stated, zimmerman had a broken nose, ripped cloths. Grass stains on his back (meaning he was fighting off his back) and blood gushing from his head (consistent with his getting bashed onto concrete).it did not happen at his car. The police report did not state zimmerman had a broken nose, ripped clothes or blood "gushing" from his head

(10) the eye witness stated he heard cries of help from zimmerman and saw martin on top of zimmerman. He called 911.i'll listen again, but i don't recall any of the 911 calls id'ing zimmerman as the one yelling

(11) then zimmerman shot martin which, like it or not, was lawful under the 'stand your ground' statute. that is up for debate. In pursuing martin, he may not have that statute to protect him.

(12) after the guy shots other eye witnesses came to the scene and saw a crying zimmerman holding martin and telling them to call for an ambudance! omg. Please link to this one.

just a few points.

i really want the link for number 12 too.
None of this extareous bull shit matters people. The ONLY thing that matters is does the evidence support Zimmerman's story, or dispute it? It doesn't matter what Treyvon was like, it doesn't matter what Al Sharpton does, it doesn't matter what the media says, nor does it matter what photos look like.

We can't hear from Martin so we have to look at the evidence. What happened that night. Nothing else matters.

but, but, but, Dante is having so much fun demonizing a dead teen.

demonizing? you need to stop hanging with suck lily white middle class types. get out more

None of this extareous bull shit matters people. The ONLY thing that matters is does the evidence support Zimmerman's story, or dispute it? It doesn't matter what Treyvon was like, it doesn't matter what Al Sharpton does, it doesn't matter what the media says, nor does it matter what photos look like.

We can't hear from Martin so we have to look at the evidence. What happened that night. Nothing else matters.

then read the police reports and STFU

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