New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

when westboro mentions a funeral taking place somewhere, is it a lie?


credible source for what? what is it that they say that is not true? did Trayvon use that screen name and did he post anti-white stuff?

It's his screen name, that has been corroborated. The rest? No, I don't believe it to be true. The store picture is a poorly done photoshop job.

is the info on the web site untrue about BOW black on white crime subculture?

It's untrue that there is any credible link between Martin and this subculture.

seriously. please try to explain. btw I detest all these sites, but free speech, ya know?

This site has a couple of pictures, one of which is an obvious fake. They post a lot of scurrilous words about Martin, with zero corroboration, while bragging of being an antisocial and antagonistic source.

It's not a valid source.
when westboro mentions a funeral taking place somewhere, is it a lie?


credible source for what? what is it that they say that is not true? did Trayvon use that screen name and did he post anti-white stuff?

It's his screen name, that has been corroborated. The rest? No, I don't believe it to be true. The store picture is a poorly done photoshop job.

is the info on the web site untrue about BOW black on white crime subculture?

It's untrue that there is any credible link between Martin and this subculture.

seriously. please try to explain. btw I detest all these sites, but free speech, ya know?

This site has a couple of pictures, one of which is an obvious fake. They post a lot of scurrilous words about Martin, with zero corroboration, while bragging of being an antisocial and antagonistic source.

It's not a valid source.
that's my question. was Trayvon as antisocial and antagonistic in his posts as those sites are?
In all, police had been called to the 260-unit complex 402 times from Jan. 1, 2011 to Feb. 26, 2012.

“He once caught a thief and an arrest was made,” said Cynthia Wibker, secretary of the homeowners association. “He helped solve a lot of crimes.”

Zimmerman told neighbors about stolen laptops and unsavory characters. Ibrahim Rashada, a 25-year-old African American who works at U.S. Airways, once spotted young men cutting through the woods entering the complex on foot, and later learned items were stolen those days.

“It’s a gated community, but you can walk in and steal whatever you want,” Rashada’s wife, Quianna, said.

They discussed the topic with Zimmerman when the watch captain knocked on their door late last year. Zimmerman seemed friendly, helpful, and a “pretty cool dude,” Ibrahim Rashada said.

“He came by here and talked about carrying guns and getting my wife more involved with guns,” he said. “He said I should have a weapon and that his wife took classes to learn how to use one.
Gated Community that Trayvon Martin was shot in was “Multi-Cultural community”, not exclusively white. « Octoberfreedom's Blog

did having a gun save Zimmerman's life? save him from being maimed or worse?
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when westboro mentions a funeral taking place somewhere, is it a lie?


It's his screen name, that has been corroborated. The rest? No, I don't believe it to be true. The store picture is a poorly done photoshop job.

It's untrue that there is any credible link between Martin and this subculture.

seriously. please try to explain. btw I detest all these sites, but free speech, ya know?

This site has a couple of pictures, one of which is an obvious fake. They post a lot of scurrilous words about Martin, with zero corroboration, while bragging of being an antisocial and antagonistic source.

It's not a valid source.
that's my question. was Trayvon as antisocial and antagonistic in his posts as those sites are?

I didn't follow him on twitter so...
the site has no credibility because it hates police?

Like Westboro Baptist, they call for defiling funerals.

It's not a credible source.
when westboro mentions a funeral taking place somewhere, is it a lie?

credible source for what? what is it that they say that is not true? did Trayvon use that screen name and did he post anti-white stuff?

is the info on the web site untrue about BOW black on white crime subculture?

seriously. please try to explain. btw I detest all these sites, but free speech, ya know?

"No Limit Nigga's" is also a Gangsta Thug Rap

It's his screen name, that has been corroborated. The rest? No, I don't believe it to be true. The store picture is a poorly done photoshop job.

It's untrue that there is any credible link between Martin and this subculture.

This site has a couple of pictures, one of which is an obvious fake. They post a lot of scurrilous words about Martin, with zero corroboration, while bragging of being an antisocial and antagonistic source.

It's not a valid source.
that's my question. was Trayvon as antisocial and antagonistic in his posts as those sites are?

I didn't follow him on twitter so...

I thought his twitter stuff was online?
Does this guy want a race ware
Always remember Janet and him were the best of friends and had no problem killing all those children.

You always have to remember this. Janet conspired to kill American children without a lick of a worry. She planned it. She executed it.

She murdered over 70. And now this evil man that was her right hand man is AG.

Reno should be prosecuted for murder.

That's a bitch from hell. She killed 70+ on American soil.

That is why Obama signed the NDAA bill into law. The heat was on the AG due to unconstitutional killing by the ATF, FBI, AG & Whitehouse.

Face it! - Any of us can now be executed at the whim of the FBI, AG or the President.

Does this guy want a race war?

Does Axelrod really want this? Never forget She wanted it. We knew she did.Ayers bitch wanted this.

She always wanted this. Hey Suzie Q......
Treyvon Martin Grew Up to be a Big Tall & Strong Football Player.


He was in football when he was younger, not in high school.

Btw, that picture is cropped, here's a better version of it. He looks pretty skinny to me.


Looks like he's a Rattler's fan. OMFG the Rattler's are the mascot of FAMU, a BLACK college!!!! I bet that means he's a New Black Panther!!!!!

Treyvon Martin Grew Up to be a Big Tall & Strong Football Player.


He was in football when he was younger, not in high school.

Btw, that picture is cropped, here's a better version of it. He looks pretty skinny to me.


Looks like he's a Rattler's fan. OMFG the Rattler's are the mascot of FAMU, a BLACK college!!!! I bet that means he's a New Black Panther!!!!!


I guarantee Trayvon was big & strong enough to beat you or Zimmerman to death.
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that's my question. was Trayvon as antisocial and antagonistic in his posts as those sites are?

I didn't follow him on twitter so...

I thought his twitter stuff was online?

Twitter messages are easy to photo shop. Blogs do it all the time (not just in this case but in all kinds of cases).

This is evidenced by this disclaimer on The Blaze.
It should be noted that neither Twitter nor the Martin family has confirmed that these tweets belong to Trayvon Martin. It is also possible that the Tweets have been photoshopped or otherwise tampered with, seeing as there are some obvious stylistic differences that exist, even among some of the Tweets on the Caller’s site (for instance, some are spelled more accurately than others). However, if genuine, these Tweets may give us more insight into Martin’s enigmatic life and character.
Did Trayvon Martin Tweet Using the Account NO_LIMIT_NIGGA? |

I have not seen anything that's 100% reliable. The twitter page was deleted. There's no way to determine what is real and what is fake. I did see Trayvon's Facebook page before it was deleted. Which is how I know he did smoke weed, and the kids he hung out with weren't the brightest kids in the world (at least on fb), the black and the white ones. He didn't portray himself as the brightest kid either. He certainly wasn't an angel.
Treyvon Martin Grew Up to be a Big Tall & Strong Football Player.


He was in football when he was younger, not in high school.

Btw, that picture is cropped, here's a better version of it. He looks pretty skinny to me.


Looks like he's a Rattler's fan. OMFG the Rattler's are the mascot of FAMU, a BLACK college!!!! I bet that means he's a New Black Panther!!!!!


This old white woman knows something. The New Black Panthers are Karenga's team.

These are the people that offed Bunchy. Fuck you. Not kidding. I may be white but I fucking remember. I really hate you. You killed Bunchy.

I hate you. Be kind because your like offed one of the best parties ever.
You have to understand we were all f'd up then.

Well most of us were.:lol: The good grandparents are....:D That's why we can have so much fun with your kids...


Some fun.
reading the tweets of a young man who thinks it's cool to beat white people "no_limit_nigga" that is what the screen name means...

the tweets are generally sexual and dopey, but this is no altar boy and he sounds tough and aggressive like f()ck people up

Trayvon Martin Tweets | Twitter Account | The Daily Caller

You can't be this stupid.

If the tweets were actually his, it sounds like the kid just likes sex.

He's a teenage high school senior... so... I don't understand how this is a big shock to anyone.

As for him enjoying beating on white people, a claim you have no evidence of, it will suck when his black panther/foot soldier buddies find out that he beat up a latino and not a white man... if they haven't already...:D

According to the article I read, and started a thread about, the NPP leader was arrested for a gun, nothing to do with the $10,000 bounty they put on Zimmerman.
reading the tweets of a young man who thinks it's cool to beat white people "no_limit_nigga" that is what the screen name means...

the tweets are generally sexual and dopey, but this is no altar boy and he sounds tough and aggressive like f()ck people up

Trayvon Martin Tweets | Twitter Account | The Daily Caller

You can't be this stupid.

If the tweets were actually his, it sounds like the kid just likes sex.

He's a teenage high school senior... so... I don't understand how this is a big shock to anyone.

As for him enjoying beating on white people, a claim you have no evidence of, it will suck when his black panther/foot soldier buddies find out that he beat up a latino and not a white man... if they haven't already...:D

he sounds like any 6'3'' teenager full of himself. I was like him once. Can see him going after Zimmerman.

what a waste. terrible tragedy. those web sites do highlight black racism. I guess they have their stromfronters. but Zimmerman acted within the law, unless you have suspicions based on credible evidence that suggests otherwise.

the rush to judgement against Zimmerman has given me pause to consider how I could have been so easy on progressives and society in general.

Madison was correct in his fears of the mob rule
Well the "Black Foot Soldier" "No Limit Nigga" links straight to the "New Black Panthers". This certainly explains why the why New Black Panthers put out a $10,000 bounty on Zimmerman's head & why New Black Panther leader is now in custody. This case has opened up a whole can of worms.


According to the article I read, and started a thread about, the NPP leader was arrested for a gun, nothing to do with the $10,000 bounty they put on Zimmerman.

dope. brags about guns and most likely no required license or permits.

met lots of those freaks at Occupy. pissed me off that violent anarchists and sovereign identity kooks made good well meaning and socially motivated people look bad.

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