New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

Someone had asked about burglaries in that complex, since reports were that there had been a "rash" of them prior to Zimmerman calling police about Martin.

I don't think 8 or 9 in 13 months constitutes a "rash".
From the satellite view of the neighborhood, it doesn't look all that big - maybe 200 homes?

That seems like a lot of burglaries to me. And, maybe there was other crime, too?


It's all relative, though.

My sister in-law lives in one of those small gated communities in Florida. There was a rash of thefts & one of them was her home. When the thief was finally caught he turned out to be a teenager that lived just down the street in that gated community.

It would be interesting to find out who the jewelry belonged to that was found in the kids backpack at school. Wonder if any of it belongs to the people in that community.
If i was Trayvon and i was being confronted and followed by thug Zimmerman, i would have reacted the same way. He was chased down. He had to turn and "stand his ground". But, for Zimmerman, this situation would have never happened. Trayvon was not engaged in committing a crime. Zimmerman was a Nutjob itching to shoot his loaded gun. If your neighborhood is that freakin' dangerous, why not move instead of spending your days walking around with a loaded gun. Zimmerman had NO RIGHT to question Trayvon. Who the hell is he? If he came over to me and started questioning me i would tell him where to go. Trayvon had no obligation to answer that idiot or tell him his business. And if he punched first, Zimmerman deserved it but he had no right to fire a bullet into this kid's chest. And, this kid was a MINOR, legally still a child. Idiot Zimmerman gunned down an unarmed child. Those of you who aren't outraged by that are nuts.

If you had a guy down on the ground, having already broken his nose and slamming his head into the sidewalk, would you keep beating on him while he called for help?
reading the tweets of a young man who thinks it's cool to beat white people "no_limit_nigga" that is what the screen name means...

the tweets are generally sexual and dopey, but this is no altar boy and he sounds tough and aggressive like f()ck people up

Trayvon Martin Tweets | Twitter Account | The Daily Caller

You can't be this stupid.

If the tweets were actually his, it sounds like the kid just likes sex.

He's a teenage high school senior... so... I don't understand how this is a big shock to anyone.

As for him enjoying beating on white people, a claim you have no evidence of, it will suck when his black panther/foot soldier buddies find out that he beat up a latino and not a white man... if they haven't already...:D

he sounds like any 6'3'' teenager full of himself. I was like him once. Can see him going after Zimmerman.

what a waste. terrible tragedy. those web sites do highlight black racism. I guess they have their stromfronters. but Zimmerman acted within the law, unless you have suspicions based on credible evidence that suggests otherwise.

the rush to judgement against Zimmerman has given me pause to consider how I could have been so easy on progressives and society in general.

Madison was correct in his fears of the mob rule

he sounds like any 6'3'' teenager full of himself. I was like him once. Can see him going after Zimmerman.

I have absolutely no problem with you characterizing him that way. That is a good possibility. Like I said, he wasn't an angel by any means. There are conflicting reports about whether or not he was 6'1 or 6'3.

what a waste. terrible tragedy. those web sites do highlight black racism. I guess they have their stromfronters.

Yes, every race has it's racists. This shouldn't be a shock either.

but Zimmerman acted within the law, unless you have suspicions based on credible evidence that suggests otherwise.

The evidence that has been released does not suggest otherwise. I would agree.
Madison was correct in his fears of the mob rule

This is no stranger to society. However that's why we have law and law enforcement and a constitution. That is why they are trained to enforce the law. The system is not perfect, but it's the best system human kind has come up with as of late.
I hope we can all agree that this is a good thing.
(CBS News) - The investigation into the killing of Trayvon Martin is essentially starting from scratch, with the new special prosecutor and a team of investigators quietly re-interviewing witnesses and examining evidence related to the unarmed teen's shooting death.

The 17-year-old Martin has been dead for a month, and George Zimmerman, his admitted killer, remains free after telling authorities he was forced to shoot Martin in self-defense.

The Sanford Police Department's lead investigator initially pursued manslaughter charges against Zimmerman, but was told by the state attorney that there wasn't enough evidence.

Trayvon Martin killing investigation starts over - CBS News

And if it leads to the same results, will you accept that or will you still call for the lynching of a Latino? See you and all the Martin supports want blood not justice!

(1) Martin is 6'3, 17 yrs old and a football player. Hardly the tiny helpless kid the media is portraying him as. In fact the 5'8 Zimmerman had to look up to him. Martin had 7 inches on Zimmerman!
(2) People say his crime was walking while black. Really he was walking while be very tall. Regardless of what people say, his height had a lot to do with the suspicion. Tall and/or large people are always viewed more suspicious, because their physicality is more threatening. Precisely why women are see as less suspicious!
(3) The community of the incident was a MIXED community. There are white, latino and black families living in the complex!
(4) The neighborhood watch was set up (as it is in many neighborhoods) because of an increase in burgaries in the complex. Many communities have a neighborhood watch ENCOURAGED by the police, because the police can't be everywhere.
(5) The community Martin entered is a GATED COMMUNITY. So any stranger would be suspicious.
(6) Wearing a hoody doesn't make a you a thug, but it raises a reasonable suspicions regardless of what liberals say they would view a hooded stranger in their community at night in the same way!
(7) Zimmerman first response was to call 911 and he did. He did it as pursuing Martin.
(8) When the 911 operator told him not to pursue Martin, he said OK and ended pursuit and headed back to his car. At that point a pissed off Martin PURSUED Zimmerman to his car.
(9) At his car, Martin and Zimmerman had words and Martin punched Zimmerman, BREAKING HIS NOSE. Martin got on top of Zimmerman smashing his head against the CEMENT. Police reports stated, Zimmerman had a broken nose, ripped cloths. grass stains on his back (meaning he was fighting off his back) and blood gushing from his head (consistent with his getting bashed onto concrete).
(10) The EYE WITNESS stated he heard cries of help FROM ZIMMERMAN and saw Martin on top of Zimmerman. He called 911.
(11) Then Zimmerman shot Martin which, like it or not, was lawful under the 'Stand Your Ground' statute.
(12) After the guy shots other eye witnesses came to the scene and saw a crying Zimmerman holding Martin and telling them to call for an ambudance!
(13) The tapes that people keep concentrating on are ambigious to what was said. CNN bumped dissected it greatly with a lot of technology. You can't for certain hear what is said, although it does sound like fucking coon, that is HIGHLY debatable and not even close to certain!

(1) He had runs in with the police in the past, but so did Martin and many others of us.
(2) He is LATINO!
(3) He has black friends immediately coming to his defense, disputing the claim of racism
(4) He tutors black children
(5) He is hardly a thug the media pictures portray him as!

(1) 6'3, 17 yrs old and a football player. Not a small kid
(2) Had run in with authority figures, in fact at the time he was on suspension from school
(3) He didn't have a criminal record and from all reports was not a thug or gangbanger.
You forgot the part where Martin was caught at school with stolen jewelry in his backpack and a screwdriver which supposedly could be used to break into homes.
If i was Trayvon and i was being confronted and followed by thug Zimmerman, i would have reacted the same way. He was chased down. He had to turn and "stand his ground". But, for Zimmerman, this situation would have never happened. Trayvon was not engaged in committing a crime. Zimmerman was a Nutjob itching to shoot his loaded gun. If your neighborhood is that freakin' dangerous, why not move instead of spending your days walking around with a loaded gun. Zimmerman had NO RIGHT to question Trayvon. Who the hell is he? If he came over to me and started questioning me i would tell him where to go. Trayvon had no obligation to answer that idiot or tell him his business. And if he punched first, Zimmerman deserved it but he had no right to fire a bullet into this kid's chest. And, this kid was a MINOR, legally still a child. Idiot Zimmerman gunned down an unarmed child. Those of you who aren't outraged by that are nuts.

If you had a guy down on the ground, having already broken his nose and slamming his head into the sidewalk, would you keep beating on him while he called for help?

Only a NO_LIMIT_NIGGA would...
In all, police had been called to the 260-unit complex 402 times from Jan. 1, 2011 to Feb. 26, 2012.

“He once caught a thief and an arrest was made,” said Cynthia Wibker, secretary of the homeowners association. “He helped solve a lot of crimes.”

Zimmerman told neighbors about stolen laptops and unsavory characters. Ibrahim Rashada, a 25-year-old African American who works at U.S. Airways, once spotted young men cutting through the woods entering the complex on foot, and later learned items were stolen those days.

“It’s a gated community, but you can walk in and steal whatever you want,” Rashada’s wife, Quianna, said.

They discussed the topic with Zimmerman when the watch captain knocked on their door late last year. Zimmerman seemed friendly, helpful, and a “pretty cool dude,” Ibrahim Rashada said.

“He came by here and talked about carrying guns and getting my wife more involved with guns,” he said. “He said I should have a weapon and that his wife took classes to learn how to use one.
Gated Community that Trayvon Martin was shot in was “Multi-Cultural community”, not exclusively white. « Octoberfreedom's Blog

did having a gun save Zimmerman's life? save him from being maimed or worse?

I think having the gun saved Zimmerman, but at the same time, I think if he didn't have one, he never would have left his truck and that would have been the smart thing to do.
I hope we can all agree that this is a good thing.

Trayvon Martin killing investigation starts over - CBS News

And if it leads to the same results, will you accept that or will you still call for the lynching of a Latino? See you and all the Martin supports want blood not justice!

(1) Martin is 6'3, 17 yrs old and a football player. Hardly the tiny helpless kid the media is portraying him as. In fact the 5'8 Zimmerman had to look up to him. Martin had 7 inches on Zimmerman!
(2) People say his crime was walking while black. Really he was walking while be very tall. Regardless of what people say, his height had a lot to do with the suspicion. Tall and/or large people are always viewed more suspicious, because their physicality is more threatening. Precisely why women are see as less suspicious!
(3) The community of the incident was a MIXED community. There are white, latino and black families living in the complex!
(4) The neighborhood watch was set up (as it is in many neighborhoods) because of an increase in burgaries in the complex. Many communities have a neighborhood watch ENCOURAGED by the police, because the police can't be everywhere.
(5) The community Martin entered is a GATED COMMUNITY. So any stranger would be suspicious.
(6) Wearing a hoody doesn't make a you a thug, but it raises a reasonable suspicions regardless of what liberals say they would view a hooded stranger in their community at night in the same way!
(7) Zimmerman first response was to call 911 and he did. He did it as pursuing Martin.
(8) When the 911 operator told him not to pursue Martin, he said OK and ended pursuit and headed back to his car. At that point a pissed off Martin PURSUED Zimmerman to his car.
(9) At his car, Martin and Zimmerman had words and Martin punched Zimmerman, BREAKING HIS NOSE. Martin got on top of Zimmerman smashing his head against the CEMENT. Police reports stated, Zimmerman had a broken nose, ripped cloths. grass stains on his back (meaning he was fighting off his back) and blood gushing from his head (consistent with his getting bashed onto concrete).
(10) The EYE WITNESS stated he heard cries of help FROM ZIMMERMAN and saw Martin on top of Zimmerman. He called 911.
(11) Then Zimmerman shot Martin which, like it or not, was lawful under the 'Stand Your Ground' statute.
(12) After the guy shots other eye witnesses came to the scene and saw a crying Zimmerman holding Martin and telling them to call for an ambudance!
(13) The tapes that people keep concentrating on are ambigious to what was said. CNN bumped dissected it greatly with a lot of technology. You can't for certain hear what is said, although it does sound like fucking coon, that is HIGHLY debatable and not even close to certain!

(1) He had runs in with the police in the past, but so did Martin and many others of us.
(2) He is LATINO!
(3) He has black friends immediately coming to his defense, disputing the claim of racism
(4) He tutors black children
(5) He is hardly a thug the media pictures portray him as!

(1) 6'3, 17 yrs old and a football player. Not a small kid
(2) Had run in with authority figures, in fact at the time he was on suspension from school
(3) He didn't have a criminal record and from all reports was not a thug or gangbanger.
You forgot the part where Martin was caught at school with stolen jewelry in his backpack and a screwdriver which supposedly could be used to break into homes.

It probably was.
In all, police had been called to the 260-unit complex 402 times from Jan. 1, 2011 to Feb. 26, 2012.

“He once caught a thief and an arrest was made,” said Cynthia Wibker, secretary of the homeowners association. “He helped solve a lot of crimes.”

Zimmerman told neighbors about stolen laptops and unsavory characters. Ibrahim Rashada, a 25-year-old African American who works at U.S. Airways, once spotted young men cutting through the woods entering the complex on foot, and later learned items were stolen those days.

“It’s a gated community, but you can walk in and steal whatever you want,” Rashada’s wife, Quianna, said.

They discussed the topic with Zimmerman when the watch captain knocked on their door late last year. Zimmerman seemed friendly, helpful, and a “pretty cool dude,” Ibrahim Rashada said.

“He came by here and talked about carrying guns and getting my wife more involved with guns,” he said. “He said I should have a weapon and that his wife took classes to learn how to use one.
Gated Community that Trayvon Martin was shot in was “Multi-Cultural community”, not exclusively white. « Octoberfreedom's Blog

did having a gun save Zimmerman's life? save him from being maimed or worse?

I think having the gun saved Zimmerman, but at the same time, I think if he didn't have one, he never would have left his truck and that would have been the smart thing to do.

Trayvon Martin could have been smart. He could have not started a verbal confrontation and then start beating a man who he assumed was unarmed

I think having the gun saved Zimmerman, but at the same time, I think if he didn't have one, he never would have left his truck and that would have been the smart thing to do.

Trayvon Martin could have been smart. He could have not started a verbal confrontation and then start beating a man who he assumed was unarmed

Yup both Zimmerman and Martin made some pretty stupid decisions that night.
You forgot the part where Martin was caught at school with stolen jewelry in his backpack and a screwdriver which supposedly could be used to break into homes.

awe man you just sayin' that because you white. white kids carry screwdrivers all the time and nobody says they should do time

Do they? None of my kids have carried screw drivers anywhere past the house with the small exception of the little tiny screw driver in the swiss army knife which they could never carry to school anyway.
You forgot the part where Martin was caught at school with stolen jewelry in his backpack and a screwdriver which supposedly could be used to break into homes.

awe man you just sayin' that because you white. white kids carry screwdrivers all the time and nobody says they should do time

Do they? None of my kids have carried screw drivers anywhere past the house with the small exception of the little tiny screw driver in the swiss army knife which they could never carry to school anyway.


I think having the gun saved Zimmerman, but at the same time, I think if he didn't have one, he never would have left his truck and that would have been the smart thing to do.

Trayvon Martin could have been smart. He could have not started a verbal confrontation and then start beating a man who he assumed was unarmed

Zimmerman could have stayed in his truck.

Trayvon could have kept running.

It was a tragic situation. I don't believe Trayvon had to die.

I also don't believe Zimmerman should go to jail.

I want to say this is a teachable moment, but in all the hyperbole I think this nation has lost itself...

... so I'll just say it's a tragic situation and everyone should find a way to learn something from it. Maybe?:eusa_angel:
awe man you just sayin' that because you white. white kids carry screwdrivers all the time and nobody says they should do time

Do they? None of my kids have carried screw drivers anywhere past the house with the small exception of the little tiny screw driver in the swiss army knife which they could never carry to school anyway.


Yeah, I thought about that after I sent the post. Sarcasm is really heard to hear on this posts. :D
reading the tweets of a young man who thinks it's cool to beat white people "no_limit_nigga" that is what the screen name means...

the tweets are generally sexual and dopey, but this is no altar boy and he sounds tough and aggressive like f()ck people up

Trayvon Martin Tweets | Twitter Account | The Daily Caller

LOL! Imagine if someone read the entirety of the posts you'd made on the internet! You'd be judged batshit crazy and you don't even have the excuse of teenaged stupidity to fall back on.

Treyvon Martin Grew Up to be a Big Tall & Strong Football Player.


He was in football when he was younger, not in high school.

Btw, that picture is cropped, here's a better version of it. He looks pretty skinny to me.


Looks like he's a Rattler's fan. OMFG the Rattler's are the mascot of FAMU, a BLACK college!!!! I bet that means he's a New Black Panther!!!!!


This old white woman knows something. The New Black Panthers are Karenga's team.

These are the people that offed Bunchy. Fuck you. Not kidding. I may be white but I fucking remember. I really hate you. You killed Bunchy.

I hate you. Be kind because your like offed one of the best parties ever.
Would you fucking lay off the drugs?
reading the tweets of a young man who thinks it's cool to beat white people "no_limit_nigga" that is what the screen name means...

the tweets are generally sexual and dopey, but this is no altar boy and he sounds tough and aggressive like f()ck people up

Trayvon Martin Tweets | Twitter Account | The Daily Caller

LOL! Imagine if someone read the entirety of the posts you'd made on the internet! You'd be judged batshit crazy and you don't even have the excuse of teenaged stupidity to fall back on.


Damn right.
Zimmerman should sue the family for medical expenses for the broken nose !

The little angel was ( off school ) suspended ? For marijuana

Nope. He was officially on suspension for graffiti. It sounds like there may have been a suspicion of burglary as part of the reason for suspension.

The empty baggy was 6 months ago.

Report says graffiti incident happened in October.
I have not seen anything that's 100% reliable. The twitter page was deleted. There's no way to determine what is real and what is fake. I did see Trayvon's Facebook page before it was deleted. Which is how I know he did smoke weed, and the kids he hung out with weren't the brightest kids in the world (at least on fb), the black and the white ones. He didn't portray himself as the brightest kid either. He certainly wasn't an angel.

I did too, read all the way to the end. Nothing earth-shattering, nothing radical, nothing to indicate he was anything but a typical kid.

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