New world order, with the US on the sidelines



BBC News - 'Iranian attack jets deployed' to help Iraq fight Isis

Iran has supplied Iraq with attack jets to help it counter an offensive by Sunni rebels led by the Islamist group Isis, strong evidence suggests.

In this case it's the Russians and Iranians coming to the aid of Iraq, a country totally messed up by the illegal invasion.

America has sodded off so Russia is gaining influence and Iran is assisting.

This is one of many things that are happening at the moment.
Venezuela Oil Sales to U.S. at 1985-Low Shows China Cost - Bloomberg

Venezuela, yet another enemy of the US, is exporting massive amounts of oil to China, mostly to pay back loans.

Analysis: Ever-growing business ties between China and Saudi Arabia « ASHARQ AL-AWSAT
Saudi is now exporting more oil to China than it is to the US, and not using the petrodollar to pay.
They're effectively part of BRICS in their dealings with China.

China and Brazil are trading without the Dollar.
So Long, Yankees! China And Brazil Ditch US Dollar In Trade Deal Before BRICS Summit

Your big mate, Japan, has just fucked off the Dollar in trade with China.
China, Japan Bypass U.S. Dollar in Pivotal Trade Agreement | Julian Phillips | FINANCIAL SENSE

Russia is getting into Egyptian politics, at cost to America.
Russian Arms to Egypt Threaten to Undermine U.S. in Mideast | Inter Press Service

Iran's Oil Bourse: A Threat to the U.S. Economy? -

While Iran's nuclear program has become a major focus of the international media, there are many who strongly believe that the program is only a cover for the U.S. government's true motive in a possible attack against Iran.
What some analysts posit is the real concern for the United States is Iran's plan to open its own oil exchange — the Iranian Oil Bourse (IOB) — with the alleged goal of becoming the dominant center of the Middle East's oil trade.
What makes the IOB the subject of such interest by the American government? According to rumors, which first vaulted the issue into the spotlight, the financial exchange in the aforementioned bourse will trade for oil in euros instead of the U.S. dollar. The dollar has long been the dominant currency for international oil trade.

The United States has the largest, easily most powerful military in the world, and it has used to to gain power all over the world, commonly at great cost to so many.
Its weakness is the petrodollar, and that's being exploited by the people America has attacked.
American influence in oil producing regions is being replaced by Chinese and Russian influence, all without a shot being fired, just cash being flashed at them.

Get ready for it, the United states is about to have a serious problem and, no matter how big their military, it's going to have serious problems.
Russia and Iran?

Let em

But America isn't letting them.
Iran is a major oil producer, and supplier to a number of countries.
China has massive investment in Iranian oil, Russia and India being other large customers, all not using the Dollar.

That's a large drop in use of the petrodollar, and a massive hit to America.
Russia and Iran?

Let em

But America isn't letting them.
Iran is a major oil producer, and supplier to a number of countries.
China has massive investment in Iranian oil, Russia and India being other large customers, all not using the Dollar.

That's a large drop in use of the petrodollar, and a massive hit to America.

Let em

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