New Year's Eve

New Years Eve, I'm going to....

  • go to bed at my normal time

    Votes: 5 22.7%
  • stay up and watch the ball drop on TV

    Votes: 4 18.2%
  • hang out with family/friends until around 1 or 2am

    Votes: 5 22.7%
  • go to a party and/or bar

    Votes: 6 27.3%
  • get high and watch Wizard of Oz

    Votes: 6 27.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 13.6%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
May 17, 2015
Do you live in a state that prohibits alcohol sales on Sunday's? If so, will they be lifting that law for New Year's Eve?

Anyway, that's a side thought ... what is your idea of the perfect way to spend New Year's Eve?
... or is it much ado about nothing?
I will be trying to be the first in my time zone to post Happy New Years on USMB. Just kidding, will probably be in bed.
Do you live in a state that prohibits alcohol sales on Sunday's? If so, will they be lifting that law for New Year's Eve?

Anyway, that's a side thought ... what is your idea of the perfect way to spend New Year's Eve?
... or is it much ado about nothing?
Are there actually states that don't? I can't think of any state where I cannot on a Sunday night go to a hotel, bar or restaurant and buy beer, wine or liquor. Not that I frequent bars like I used to, but still....
I'm going to party like it's 1999.

NO WAIT! He's dead.

Nevermind. It's a sunday, only drunks drink on a sunday.

I will be trying to be the first in my time zone to post Happy New Years on USMB. Just kidding, will probably be in bed.
Wow! And here I thought I'd cut back a lot on the partying. I guess I have, but not as much as you, apparently. I'm nearly 60, but I'm still not at the point where I'd consider not partying on New Year's Eve, or any other major holiday for that matter. LOL
I will be trying to be the first in my time zone to post Happy New Years on USMB. Just kidding, will probably be in bed.
Wow! And here I thought I'd cut back a lot on the partying. I guess I have, but not as much as you, apparently. I'm nearly 60, but I'm still not at the point where I'd consider not partying on New Year's Eve, or any other major holiday for that matter. LOL
Any excuse to get drunk, right?
The only person I usually hang out with nowadays is my brother, and he's in West Virginia until the 2nd, so I'll probably sit around getting drunk and playing video games. :dunno:
It is going to be FRIGID cold here on NYE, so I am going to do what I usually do, stay home and eat snacks and watch movies! Now, THAT is my idea of a good New Year's Eve! I'm not much into alcohol either, so I bought some sparkling juice for myself and some egg nog (which I thought I liked - I liked it when I was a kid - but I had a glass, and it was kind of thick and sweet and gross actually).
It is going to be FRIGID cold here on NYE, so I am going to do what I usually do, stay home and eat snacks and watch movies! Now, THAT is my idea of a good New Year's Eve! I'm not much into alcohol either, so I bought some sparkling juice for myself and some egg nog (which I thought I liked - I liked it when I was a kid - but I had a glass, and it was kind of thick and sweet and gross actually).
Better make sure the vibrator's powered up!!
No way would I want to go out on New Year's. I've done it. It sucked. Crowds and being elbow to elbow with other people is not a good time at all. No thanks. I prefer to avoid the crowds and herds of human douchebags. :D
It is going to be FRIGID cold here on NYE, so I am going to do what I usually do, stay home and eat snacks and watch movies! Now, THAT is my idea of a good New Year's Eve! I'm not much into alcohol either, so I bought some sparkling juice for myself and some egg nog (which I thought I liked - I liked it when I was a kid - but I had a glass, and it was kind of thick and sweet and gross actually).
Better make sure the vibrator's powered up!!

Why would I do that? I'm not you! :dunno:
Put it this way: I won't be legal to drive on the first day of 2018 until around 6 p.m.
New Year's Crazy Story
Back in the mid-1990s, my wife and I hired a limo so we could go party hopping and not have to worry about driving. Around one-something in the morning, we got to the last party. The host greeted us at the door and saw there were several drivers standing around outside chatting. He asked my wife and me if we thought he should invite them in seeing as his was likely the latest party people would be going to. We said, sure, why not, they should have a bit of fun too before the night is over. Our friend invited the drivers to come in and enjoy themselves and the drivers accepted the offer.

My wife and I didn't think any more about it. I saw our driver once at the bar. I suggested that he and the lady driver whom he seemed "attached to" may enjoy going over to the pool house where there were sure to be between a dozen to twenty-some folks swimming in their underwear or less. (I don't know if they did.) Later my wife and I saw a couple of them out on the patio having a smoke, and we saw a few of them dancing briefly, but mostly the drivers kept to themselves, and I damn wasn't of a mind to keep an eye on them. At that point, they were merely other adults at a party with some 150 or so people of whom we knew about 20 or 30 and had made the acquaintance of about ten or fifteen more.

Around 4:30 or so, my wife and I were getting tired. We saw our host's butler/footman and asked him if he'd locate our driver and let him know that we were ready to go. A few minutes later the butler returned and suggested I accompany him. He took me to the lanai where to my surprise there was our driver wasted. He could walk and talk, but there was no way he had any business behind the wheel of a car.

I was furious, but I was tired and so was my wife, so I proposed to him that if he worked out a deal on the bill and was willing to let me drive (I was fully sober; I was a pretty vigorous partier, but after college, I rarely have more than one or two drinks away from home). He thought about it for moment and handed over the keys. I ended up driving us home.

When we got home, I helped the driver to our "in-laws apartment" and left him with some aspirin and soft drinks. My wife woke him around three the following afternoon. He came into the main house, took a "hair of the dog" and ate brunch with us. He was personable enough fellow. He ended up comping the limo for us and we gave him $100 tip. I never saw the guy again, though I did use the same limo company several times later that year. I have no idea whatever came of him.
I have a cousin who's an unrepentant lush. For him "a couple drinks away from home" is a measure of time and/or distance. LOL​
I will be trying to be the first in my time zone to post Happy New Years on USMB. Just kidding, will probably be in bed.
Wow! And here I thought I'd cut back a lot on the partying. I guess I have, but not as much as you, apparently. I'm nearly 60, but I'm still not at the point where I'd consider not partying on New Year's Eve, or any other major holiday for that matter. LOL
Any excuse to get drunk, right?
Well, no. I don't much care to get drunk. I like to have a great time, and I'm okay with being something of libertine, but being drunk is not something I enjoy. I will drink enough to get a very mild buzz if I'm hosting a party at my house, but that's as far as I'll go. I prefer me when I'm in control of what I'm doing.

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