New York and California Population Decline

You guys are always amazed at the workings of supply and demand. Florida growth will slow as housing gets to higher levels. Right now it’s still cheap. I own a place in NC and in Florida and the Florida place is 100 yards off the beach and about the same dollar per sqft as my NC home (6% more per sqft at the beach.. that is nothing).

California home price: Median $800k
Florida home price: Median $400k

Yep, normal retirees are being priced out of Florida. Alabama and Mississippi gulf cost communities are seeing a pretty large influx of retirees, everything Florida has to offer at a 1/3 or less of the price.
There are states who waste resources. California is one. An endless hole with the high-speed line is one example. The state has had its share of Prog governors. Local train lines that are conventional and cheaper could have been built and/or upgraded. None of the people living in areas that public transportation would be built would give them up in eminent domain either. The high-speed debacle is proof of that.
BART is really small for a PTS. It needs massive improvement.
Yet I sat in traffic for 45 minutes the other day in LA.

You guys have been preaching this bullshit for decades.

If people aren’t fleeing California why did the leftist kooks that run the state propose a fine for those who flee?
BART is really small for a PTS. It needs massive improvement.
The older cities that built transportation system a century ago or longer have an advantage. They also have issues as it is expensive to renovate or to build new tracks or routes. New York needs compete renovation of some of their subway routes and even extensions built for some. Climate people use any flooding as an excuse when it is not. So do we spend resources on people or real infrastructure.
They do have this newfangled doo-dad called a "Website", you may have heard about it.

You gotta excuse candy****.

It thinks it’s a whole lot smarter than it actually is.

Its next reply is usually gloating about fake election results. Like it’s actually proud of the sack of bones fraudulently sitting in the WH.
Wow....everyone is leaving these states. I'm guessing that if this keeps up housing might actually become affordable.

wheeling wv run away.jpg
I just can't imagine why anyone would want to leave California or New York. It just boggles my mind.
Why anyone would want to live there is beyond my understanding.

I've lived both in Bay Area CA and in NY both.
And where outside the big cities life seems almost normal still has the government to contend with. Both states have major expensive issues with taxes, insurance, driving, and cost of living.
The same moderate to low salary that these two states provide will make you a overly generous and fabulous lifestyle in most other states. Usually twice the size of home, less taxes and insurance so you can buy and easily maintain a second or third car....less daily commute. All sorts of perks and bennies.
Why anyone would want to live there is beyond my understanding.

I've lived both in Bay Area CA and in NY both.
And where outside the big cities life seems almost normal still has the government to contend with. Both states have major expensive issues with taxes, insurance, driving, and cost of living.
The same moderate to low salary that these two states provide will make you a overly generous and fabulous lifestyle in most other states. Usually twice the size of home, less taxes and insurance so you can buy and easily maintain a second or third car....less daily commute. All sorts of perks and bennies.
at one time it was one of the best places to be on the planet....
at one time it was one of the best places to be on the planet....
Lots of open and rich farmland...lots of orchards and fresh produce everywhere. You could go up in the mountains and hunt lots of game meat...go fishing was great. Fisherman's Warf was great for seafood and sourdough bread. Now....I ain't going.

But the interstates got clogged with traffic and the smog got to be thick and choking. There was acid rain and mud rain from so much smog....then the greenie weenies kept getting issue after issue on the ballots....(it's rather easy in CA) and people kept voting them in because at the moment you first read them at the ballot boxes they seemed like a good idea....but they weren't really good at all. There was always so many of them takes pages of reading to go through all the issues up for a vote. All of them confusing as well with how they are worded.

And then the taxes kept rising....and rising...just like property values. And soon it became too expensive to live. A dollar for a can of soda that cost $0.25 everywhere else in America....kinda nuts.

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