Biden administration to announce new Moscow sanctions at G7 summit. qestion to our MAGA members , do you support new Moscow sanctions ?

do you support new Moscow sanctions ?

  • I do (MAGA)

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • I dont (MAGA)

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • I do (not MAGA)

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • I dont (not MAGA)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Nah, I support Trump. Strength through strength. We see what the Democrats give us. The need to react after it is too late.
Trump was all about the retreating... Trump figured if he ran away fast enough he couldn't loose... i.e. Syria, Afghanistan, Africa....

Europe are really going to screw with Russia in the long term as they are pushing over to alternatives to Gas as a primary electricity source... Gas Turbines will still be there but only as a back up, approximately 1/18th of the time average, so 1 day in 18...

This investment saves huge amount on gas and EU has storage of 100 BCM, that is at over 2 months supply... So build more wind farms... French still have Nuclear and Germany solar.

EU is planning to have 42.5% of Electricity from Wind by 2030 and are ahead due to Ukraine war...

Quatar are also trying to run a pipeline to EU for there gas, Russia will only be able to sell to BRIC countries after that (i.e. India & China) and if a version of TPP is signed, that shit will stop too...

TPP + EU is a lock on First World Trade and will have anyone wanting to sell goods to this block adhering to the rules set up by TPP and EU... Isolationists are really supporting China...
Guess which country is more corrupt on EVERY list of corrupt countries.

Go ahead. Guess.

I'll give you a hint.

It's a country that has had the same ruler for 25 years, who rigged every election and even had the constitution rewritten so he can be dictator for life.

This is a country where critics have a bad habit of falling out of windows and out of boats to their deaths.

This is a country where other critics are poisoned and sent to prison.

This is a country where the leader has stolen untold billions for himself from the national treasury.

Go ahead. Guess, you fucking, fucking, fucking useful idiot.
Trump was all about the retreating... Trump figured if he ran away fast enough he couldn't loose... i.e. Syria, Afghanistan, Africa....
Trump was about peace, not retreating. How Biden left Afghanistan was a retreat, now we have strengthened Terrorist Nation.
Europe are really going to screw with Russia in the long term as they are pushing over to alternatives to Gas as a primary electricity source... Gas Turbines will still be there but only as a back up, approximately 1/18th of the time average, so 1 day in 18...

This investment saves huge amount on gas and EU has storage of 100 BCM, that is at over 2 months supply... So build more wind farms... French still have Nuclear and Germany solar.

EU is planning to have 42.5% of Electricity from Wind by 2030 and are ahead due to Ukraine war...
The EU is backing away from wind, rapidly. Just not as fast as the wind quit blowing.
Wind and Solar is proven too expensive.
Wind and Solar are proven inefficient
Wind and Solar do not supply industry with the cheap, on demand electricity that industry needs. Germany has found out the hard way.

Wind and Solar are complete failures in Europe, at best they are a way too overcharge for electricity around 12 o'clock noon, some days of the year. Wind and Solar are great at forcing extreme peaking electricity prices.

Europe is going Nuclear, fast.

The Ukraine is building 4 nuclear reactors this year with the money we gave them. Two of the reactors will be Russian. Let that sink into your skull.
How about letting Ukraine fired ATACMS at targets all-over Moscow empire ?
qestion to our MAGA members , do you support new Moscow sanctions ?
ps Our sanctions work , very well

You're a Russian puppet, propping up Putin's partners in the White House.

Trump was all about the retreating... Trump figured if he ran away fast enough he couldn't loose... i.e. Syria, Afghanistan, Africa....

Europe are really going to screw with Russia in the long term as they are pushing over to alternatives to Gas as a primary electricity source... Gas Turbines will still be there but only as a back up, approximately 1/18th of the time average, so 1 day in 18...

This investment saves huge amount on gas and EU has storage of 100 BCM, that is at over 2 months supply... So build more wind farms... French still have Nuclear and Germany solar.

EU is planning to have 42.5% of Electricity from Wind by 2030 and are ahead due to Ukraine war...

Quatar are also trying to run a pipeline to EU for there gas, Russia will only be able to sell to BRIC countries after that (i.e. India & China) and if a version of TPP is signed, that shit will stop too...

TPP + EU is a lock on First World Trade and will have anyone wanting to sell goods to this block adhering to the rules set up by TPP and EU... Isolationists are really supporting China...

Trump was about peace, not retreating. How Biden left Afghanistan was a retreat, now we have strengthened Terrorist Nation.

You're a Russian puppet, propping up Putin's partners in the White House.

View attachment 961268
In St. Petersburg (PUTIN´S 🐷 🇷🇺 CITY) lines are forming at money changers after the news broke about the new US sanctions that caused the suspension of currency trading on the Moscow Exchange.

👉 The Ruble is going bust!👍

i think you guys understand the requirement to limit the war. it hurts. people are dying. but our first priority is to prevent "MAD" (mutually assured destruction measured in megatons.) with preventing trump from gaining a position to surrender on your behalf as a close second.

here is an idea. flatter the hell out of trump and offer him a prime location in like crimea or kiev for a golf course. ......

he really is a cheap whore.
How about letting Ukraine fired ATACMS at targets all-over Moscow empire ?
qestion to our MAGA members , do you support new Moscow sanctions ?
ps Our sanctions work , very well


What have the current sanctions actually accomplished? What will the new sanctions accomplish? We were told that the Russian economy would collapse almost immediately when we instituted the last round of sanctions. I don't know what was meant by immediately but it seems like we are far beyond that time frame.
How about letting Ukraine fired ATACMS at targets all-over Moscow empire ?
qestion to our MAGA members , do you support new Moscow sanctions ?
ps Our sanctions work , very well

this is hilarous.
Double secret probation I suppose,

What have the current sanctions actually accomplished? What will the new sanctions accomplish?
ask USSR´S empire, oops , we killed it with out sanctions :cool: 👍


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