New York Daily news tells Cruz to drop dead


You haven't come close to presenting a "legitimate" challenge or question, you've only made a pathetic effort to spin this story into an attack on liberals.
Here is what you said earlier:
Typical con. You think that because some moronic rightwinger blogs agree with you, then you must be right.

The Daily News editorial page is to the left of the Post, but to the right of the Times. It's pretty much right in the middle - it only looks "far left" when you're so out of touch with reality that you think TheBlaze is "mainstream".

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Here is how I responded:
Are you suggesting “mainstream” or moderate bears some kind of bestowed righteousness or truth?

I find it rather funny (if not childish) how the left (and New Yorkers as well) almost fell over themselves because Ted Cruz misspoke, so to speak.

Can you imagine being slighted or made fun of in some way? Can you imagine the gall of that man? Is there a hurt meter to measure this?

Let’s face it. The mainstream media and the left media really don’t care one bit how many crimes and scandals obama and his band of a-holes commit. But say something demeaning about New Yorkers and now this is serious! That guy needs to be excoriated and scandalized.

Any city that easily votes in a total bastard like De Blasio deserves to be made fun of.

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And since then you have sent 4 or 5 posts my way none of which answered my question or commented on my opinions. Instead all we got was an uppity attitude more bothered than amused by my “silliness.”

So I responded in kind. This is what people who are full of themselves do when they not comfortable being challenged. Pretend it's all a nuisance. At least, that is how it looks from here.


Tell me which of those questions you consider to be "legitimate ". I am quite curious.
No so to speak. The dork stupidly affronted NYC. The moron far reactionary right goes ballistic at every possible slight, then defend Cruz for doing what they decry. Judas Priest! NY will go Dem for sure.

Let's see what other cities and entire states these morons on the far right can alienate.

To think that New York would vote for the GOP is like thinking that Bill Clinton would walk by a whore house without paying a visit.

No one understands Cruz. Cruz has positioned himself against the establishment by challenging them at every turn, as well as the press. He is doing this betting the house that the country is circling the drain. The worse things become in the country the stronger Cruz becomes.

It is also important for Cruz to distance himself from the Donald, especially if he wins the nomination. After all, Trump is nothing more than a typical New Yorker who is a loud, arrogant, Prog.
No so to speak. The dork stupidly affronted NYC. The moron far reactionary right goes ballistic at every possible slight, then defend Cruz for doing what they decry. Judas Priest! NY will go Dem for sure.

Let's see what other cities and entire states these morons on the far right can alienate.

To think that New York would vote for the GOP is like thinking that Bill Clinton would walk by a whore house without paying a visit.

No one understands Cruz. Cruz has positioned himself against the establishment by challenging them at every turn, as well as the press. He is doing this betting the house that the country is circling the drain. The worse things become in the country the stronger Cruz becomes.

It is also important for Cruz to distance himself from the Donald, especially if he wins the nomination. After all, Trump is nothing more than a typical New Yorker who is a loud, arrogant, Prog.

Many N.Y. conservatives disagree with you!

  • Backfire: Well-Known New York Conservatives Respond To Cruz’s ‘New York Values’

    The Daily Caller ^ | 1/14/2016 | DEREK HUNTER
    It's a line he's used against Donald Trump before -- that he represents "New York values." But when Texas Senator Ted Cruz used the line, "Not a lot of conservatives come out of Manhattan," in the Fox Business Channel debate, he not only raised the ire of Trump, but of many well-known conservatives in Manhattan. Trumps defended his hometown, citing how the city responded to the terrorists attack on 9/11. Conservatives from and living in Manhattan, took issue with Cruz as well. GregGutfeld ✔ @greggutfeld "I LIKE NEW YORK VALUES. TRUMP COULD WIN THAT STATE YOU DOPE. AND NOW YOU...
Pamela Geller @PamelaGeller “I am a New Yorker and @TedCruz should have said “Bill de Blasio’ when asked what he meant by “New York values”
13 NY cons do not a majority make, Vigi.

Cruz stepped on his dick, and while Trump stood up for his state, he won't carry it if he is the candidate.
New York City Values


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