New York Daily news tells Cruz to drop dead

And it just eats away at your insides that he and other conservatives are not placed in prison.

Huh? We don't need them to be incarcerated. We just want the truth about them to be available to everyone, even people who don't vote.
Yes...and liberals are pure as the newly fallen snow. Just brimming with integrity and perfection.
Stop it.

'They do it too' wasn't a valid excuse as a child and it is even sillier as an adult.
No sir...if you cannot accept the criticism for what you do yourself, then do not criticize others.

Where have I ever done such a thing? You'll find that I never have. Sorry if that doesn't fit your narrative. Please stop lying about me.
I posted that as a collective. Not you personally. Geez...
The only thing that could help New York better than Global Warming induced flooding would be a meteor strike. Or....maybe....a good nuking. But that's just a real tentative maybe....


Nothing says Freedom Loving Patriotic American quite like wishing death on millions of your countrymen just for have the gall to disagree with you.
And? So is this how you extrapolate "go fuck yourself"?
Tell me, oh great one, what's the difference?

You don't understand the difference between telling someone to fuck off and wishing an entire city destroyed?
Oy Vey

So that's a no, then.
Huh? We don't need them to be incarcerated. We just want the truth about them to be available to everyone, even people who don't vote.
Yes...and liberals are pure as the newly fallen snow. Just brimming with integrity and perfection.
Stop it.

'They do it too' wasn't a valid excuse as a child and it is even sillier as an adult.
No sir...if you cannot accept the criticism for what you do yourself, then do not criticize others.

Where have I ever done such a thing? You'll find that I never have. Sorry if that doesn't fit your narrative. Please stop lying about me.
I posted that as a collective. Not you personally. Geez...

'What you do yourself' doesn't mean me personally? lol. Nice backpeddle.

What collective do I belong to again? I think it is pretty clear that you're just making shit up as you go along.
Every day.......people from Iowa pull up stakes and move to NYC. When they get there...they are welcomed and soon blend in with everyone else.

To say that people from New York are somehow lesser than people from Des Moines is to not know any better.

The freakshow that is Ted Cruz is trying to win a caucus....and he will likely succeed. In doing so....he's losing any hope of becoming POTUS.
I lived in NYC, drop dead sounds typical. Looks like Ted was right.

Where? Probably Staten Island.
Oh.Yes the uppity elitist New Yorker "bridge and tunnel" put down...Hey genius, I bet those bone smugglers would howl like they were getting split in half by a Clydesdale if the outer boroughs decided they had enough of donating to Manhattan.

"Donating to Manhattan"?

What in the fuck are you talking about, exactly?
New York Daily News cover to Ted Cruz: 'Drop Dead, Ted' -

Sounds like a threat to me. Shouldn't these people be put on the "no fly list"?

If any new yorker changes his vote because of this then such a voter is not a very thoughtful one.

No doubt the liberal media outlets will go into a frenzy over this --- but continue to miss the fact our nation is under enormous threat and being led by a traitor. Instead, let's all lose our minds because someone "dissed" new york.

The NY Daily News is trying so hard to act like a British tabloid now. Liberty giving the finger --- yes, so cool and clever. And tasteful.
Of course. This is a typical lib knee jerk reaction to ANY criticism. Libs are always on the defensive. They are on high alert looking for anything that even remotely resembles a slight.
Then they screech "I'M OFFENDED!!!!!!!!"
Fuck their offense. Fuck 'em


Are you under the impression that this whiny butthurt thread was started by a "lib"?
No you are not. You are far left of anything GOP...You agree with libs. You post lib.....You oppose conservatism. You are a left winger. Period. In fact, we don't want your vote. Get lost.
No, I am not. Only in the weird heads of far reactionary righties does such silliness reside. I oppose TP nonsense. Yup, you want my vote. It will give you one more than four.
New York Daily News cover to Ted Cruz: 'Drop Dead, Ted' -

Sounds like a threat to me. Shouldn't these people be put on the "no fly list"?
The Daily News. A daily paper with sagging ad sales and tumbling subscriptions....Nobody reads that thing. The NYDN used to be the largest single city newspaper in the nation. Over 3 million in daily sales and over one million subscriptions.
It's editorial bias( far left) is the main reason the paper would not gain subscriptions if it were free. Even in New York City.


It takes a truly deranged viewpoint to consider the Daily News "far left".
Oh please.
Typical lib. You view yourselves as mainstream. Absent of any bias.
Your reaction to my description of the NYDN editorial bias comes as no surprise.
The New York Daily News has a solidly left-leaning editorial page.
[FONT=Roboto Slab, georgia, Times New Roman, arial, sans-serif]‘Disgusting Biased Rag’: The New York Daily News Front Page That Has Conservatives Up in Arms
Do your homework, Dr Evil
Jere, Trump will not win NY at all, and he won't take FL without Rubio on the ticket.
Says the most respected political pundit this side of Reykjavik..
Florida is going GOP. So is Wisconsin.
Pennsylvania and Ohio may go GOP as well.
There is much animosity towards Clinton and Obama
Obama is not running, little buddy.

NY, PA, OH, and probably WI and FL will not go Trump or Cruz.
New York Daily News cover to Ted Cruz: 'Drop Dead, Ted' -

Sounds like a threat to me. Shouldn't these people be put on the "no fly list"?
The Daily News. A daily paper with sagging ad sales and tumbling subscriptions....Nobody reads that thing. The NYDN used to be the largest single city newspaper in the nation. Over 3 million in daily sales and over one million subscriptions.
It's editorial bias( far left) is the main reason the paper would not gain subscriptions if it were free. Even in New York City.


It takes a truly deranged viewpoint to consider the Daily News "far left".
Oh please.
Typical lib. You view yourselves as mainstream. Absent of any bias.
Your reaction to my description of the NYDN editorial bias comes as no surprise.
The New York Daily News has a solidly left-leaning editorial page.
[FONT=Roboto Slab, georgia, Times New Roman, arial, sans-serif]‘Disgusting Biased Rag’: The New York Daily News Front Page That Has Conservatives Up in Arms
Do your homework, Dr Evil

Typical con. You think that because some moronic rightwinger blogs agree with you, then you must be right.

The Daily News editorial page is to the left of the Post, but to the right of the Times. It's pretty much right in the middle - it only looks "far left" when you're so out of touch with reality that you think TheBlaze is "mainstream".
Donald Trump saw Ted Cruz dancing in the streets on 9-11
Typical con. You think that because some moronic rightwinger blogs agree with you, then you must be right.

The Daily News editorial page is to the left of the Post, but to the right of the Times. It's pretty much right in the middle - it only looks "far left" when you're so out of touch with reality that you think TheBlaze is "mainstream".
Are you suggesting “mainstream” or moderate bears some kind of bestowed righteousness or truth?

I find it rather funny (if not childish) how the left (and New Yorkers as well) almost fell over themselves because Ted Cruz misspoke, so to speak.

Can you imagine being slighted or made fun of in some way? Can you imagine the gall of that man? Is there a hurt meter to measure this?

Let’s face it. The mainstream media and the left media really don’t care one bit how many crimes and scandals obama and his band of a-holes commit. But say something demeaning about New Yorkers and now this is serious! That guy needs to be excoriated and scandalized.

Any city that easily votes in a total bastard like De Blasio deserves to be made fun of.
No so to speak. The dork stupidly affronted NYC. The moron far reactionary right goes ballistic at every possible slight, then defend Cruz for doing what they decry. Judas Priest! NY will go Dem for sure.

Let's see what other cities and entire states these morons on the far right can alienate.
RIddle me this..................If he had stated that people from Alabama are back woods red neck hicks, who date their sister then we would...........................................

hmmmm.............Liberals do this ALL THE TIME............Hey Liberals....................


Did you get my drift?

Please give me honest and credible proof that even ONE liberal politician has ever said such a thing in the media.

Far right wing sites and fox news aren't credible or honest so I won't accept anything from them.

I'll wait.
No so to speak. The dork stupidly affronted NYC. The moron far reactionary right goes ballistic at every possible slight, then defend Cruz for doing what they decry. Judas Priest! NY will go Dem for sure.

Let's see what other cities and entire states these morons on the far right can alienate.
Yeah, I stand corrected, it was not so-to-speak. My larger point though was BFD.
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Cruz is a sanctimonious, holier-than-thou right wing asshole with a very punchable face.
And it just eats away at your insides that he and other conservatives are not placed in prison.

Huh? We don't need them to be incarcerated. We just want the truth about them to be available to everyone, even people who don't vote.
Yes...and liberals are pure as the newly fallen snow. Just brimming with integrity and perfection.
Stop it.

Own it. Cruz stepped in it. You think NYers only live in NY? Cruz owes his ability to fund his political campaigns to Goldman Sachs, and that ain't no little bank in Kansas, Dorothy.

Heidi, Ted's wife, would be working for the Bank of Bubba if Goldman hadn't opened a satellite office in Houston.

The Cruz family is beholden to Wall Street. Suck it up or shut up.


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