New York Daily news tells Cruz to drop dead

Cruz taunted the bull and got the horns.

Typical far right reactionary Christian dominionist who got stupid, and the stupids following him got even more stupid.
Oh go play on the interstate.
Christian dominionist? Did you make that up all by yourself?
my take from I've been hearing. is THAT RAG has been going into the toilet. so this is their way to drum up business. and unfortunately, NEW York is stuck with them.
First step is the NY Daily news going all digital. I give it, oh 5 years. And that's it....Of course the douche bags who print the paper still living in the 1950's will scream "NO FAIR"!!! Because they will be out of a job they should have been losing several years ago.
Cruz is a sanctimonious, holier-than-thou right wing asshole with a very punchable face.
And it just eats away at your insides that he and other conservatives are not placed in prison.

Huh? We don't need them to be incarcerated. We just want the truth about them to be available to everyone, even people who don't vote.
Yes...and liberals are pure as the newly fallen snow. Just brimming with integrity and perfection.
Stop it.
Cruz is a sanctimonious, holier-than-thou right wing asshole with a very punchable face.
And it just eats away at your insides that he and other conservatives are not placed in prison.

Huh? We don't need them to be incarcerated. We just want the truth about them to be available to everyone, even people who don't vote.
Yes...and liberals are pure as the newly fallen snow. Just brimming with integrity and perfection.
Stop it.

'They do it too' wasn't a valid excuse as a child and it is even sillier as an adult.
Cruz is a sanctimonious, holier-than-thou right wing asshole with a very punchable face.
And it just eats away at your insides that he and other conservatives are not placed in prison.

Huh? We don't need them to be incarcerated. We just want the truth about them to be available to everyone, even people who don't vote.
Yes...and liberals are pure as the newly fallen snow. Just brimming with integrity and perfection.
Stop it.

'They do it too' wasn't a valid excuse as a child and it is even sillier as an adult.
No sir...if you cannot accept the criticism for what you do yourself, then do not criticize others.
Liberals forget that Obama's contemptuous remarks about people clinging onto their Bibles and guns were just as insulting as Cruz's remarks about New York values.
Which will not affect this election, but Cruz's will.

addenda: love Eagle's selfie above
No.. It won't. No conservative candidate will take the majority of NYC's voting districts. That's a fact.
Liberals forget that Obama's contemptuous remarks about people clinging onto their Bibles and guns were just as insulting as Cruz's remarks about New York values.
Which will not affect this election, but Cruz's will.

addenda: love Eagle's selfie above
Says the Fake poster child for the liberal agenda................You gonna vote for the Hildabeast in the primaries............:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
I am mainstream Republican, and you are a far right reactionary moonbat. Rubio and Haley can beat HRC. Trump or Cruz can't. You have trouble with reality.
No you are not. You are far left of anything GOP...You agree with libs. You post lib.....You oppose conservatism. You are a left winger. Period. In fact, we don't want your vote. Get lost.
Cruz is a sanctimonious, holier-than-thou right wing asshole with a very punchable face.
And it just eats away at your insides that he and other conservatives are not placed in prison.

Huh? We don't need them to be incarcerated. We just want the truth about them to be available to everyone, even people who don't vote.
Yes...and liberals are pure as the newly fallen snow. Just brimming with integrity and perfection.
Stop it.

'They do it too' wasn't a valid excuse as a child and it is even sillier as an adult.
No sir...if you cannot accept the criticism for what you do yourself, then do not criticize others.

Where have I ever done such a thing? You'll find that I never have. Sorry if that doesn't fit your narrative. Please stop lying about me.
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New York Daily News cover to Ted Cruz: 'Drop Dead, Ted' -

Sounds like a threat to me. Shouldn't these people be put on the "no fly list"?

If any new yorker changes his vote because of this then such a voter is not a very thoughtful one.

No doubt the liberal media outlets will go into a frenzy over this --- but continue to miss the fact our nation is under enormous threat and being led by a traitor. Instead, let's all lose our minds because someone "dissed" new york.

The NY Daily News is trying so hard to act like a British tabloid now. Liberty giving the finger --- yes, so cool and clever. And tasteful.
Of course. This is a typical lib knee jerk reaction to ANY criticism. Libs are always on the defensive. They are on high alert looking for anything that even remotely resembles a slight.
Then they screech "I'M OFFENDED!!!!!!!!"
Fuck their offense. Fuck 'em
Liberals forget that Obama's contemptuous remarks about people clinging onto their Bibles and guns were just as insulting as Cruz's remarks about New York values.
Which will not affect this election, but Cruz's will.

: love Eagle's selfie above

While the front page was over the top and shouldn't have been published - you are right about it effecting the election. It's a clear indication that Trump has got the New York vote in the bag and it would be impossible now for Hillary to lie, cheat, steal (typical Clinton legacy stuff) and claim she had it. She lost New York to Trump. Ditto for Florida because Florida is where NY'ers go when they retire. It's over for Hillary. She knows it, the Democrats know it.

Sanders is looking more promising to Democrat voters than Hillary - which is why he's reported to have over 40% and of course - Trump has what he doesn't. Hillary is no longer even a factor in the 2016 race from the looks of it, Jake. Her campaign events look more like an a commercial for the Maytag man. Her husband raping Broaddrick, her own intimidation of her husbands rape victim - all very bad press. And let's not forget about their sexual predator pal, Jeffrey Epstein. Birds of a feather........... Oy! Vey!

NBC coming out to do an interview with Broaddrick after she went on twitter and then canceling it - another blunder from the Clinton's not thinking before acting profile -it's a bigger story than the one their shill NBC reporter was going to do -------------> and now Trump is rolling out the Benghazi film story and paying for a theatre & tickets to inform the voters - it's a disaster for Hillary and the Democrats know it. (I hear Biden is waiting in the wings now - good luck with that)

Hillary Clinton is being investigated by the FBI. They've got the goods on her.
She's going to prison so..............what does it matter?

If you really want to help Clinton...... find a good exorcist.
She needs one.
Ya know what. I am fine that the NYDN editorial staff decided to go with that front page headline. It goes to expose what kind of crybabies liberals can be.
The only thing that could help New York better than Global Warming induced flooding would be a meteor strike. Or....maybe....a good nuking. But that's just a real tentative maybe....


Nothing says Freedom Loving Patriotic American quite like wishing death on millions of your countrymen just for have the gall to disagree with you.
And? So is this how you extrapolate "go fuck yourself"?
Tell me, oh great one, what's the difference?

You don't understand the difference between telling someone to fuck off and wishing an entire city destroyed?
Jere, Trump will not win NY at all, and he won't take FL without Rubio on the ticket.
Says the most respected political pundit this side of Reykjavik..
Florida is going GOP. So is Wisconsin.
Pennsylvania and Ohio may go GOP as well.
There is much animosity towards Clinton and Obama
The only thing that could help New York better than Global Warming induced flooding would be a meteor strike. Or....maybe....a good nuking. But that's just a real tentative maybe....


Nothing says Freedom Loving Patriotic American quite like wishing death on millions of your countrymen just for have the gall to disagree with you.
And? So is this how you extrapolate "go fuck yourself"?
Tell me, oh great one, what's the difference?

You don't understand the difference between telling someone to fuck off and wishing an entire city destroyed?
Oy Vey
New York Daily News cover to Ted Cruz: 'Drop Dead, Ted' -

Sounds like a threat to me. Shouldn't these people be put on the "no fly list"?
The Daily News. A daily paper with sagging ad sales and tumbling subscriptions....Nobody reads that thing. The NYDN used to be the largest single city newspaper in the nation. Over 3 million in daily sales and over one million subscriptions.
It's editorial bias( far left) is the main reason the paper would not gain subscriptions if it were free. Even in New York City.


It takes a truly deranged viewpoint to consider the Daily News "far left".

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