New York Gov. Kathy Hochul signs controversial legislation to create slavery reparations commission

Reparations for the wealth stolen from them and their ancestors through slavery, segregation and reclining and compensation for the violence used to maintain those systems of injustice.

aka. Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit, Bullshit Bullshit.
Reparations for the wealth stolen from them and their ancestors through slavery, segregation and reclining and compensation for the violence used to maintain those systems of injustice.

You got reparations when whitey abolished slavery and segregation. Along with a lot of other racist BS back then.

You're welcome.

In fact, black folks need to be paying us for doing all that. We could've just shipped them all back to Africa. Your motherland that you don't want any part of now.
Once the cost of the bill is known, those votes will go bye bye.

Look at what happened in just San Fran when they found out the cost.
I don't think it's going to pass this time. I think as your demographics change these calls will get more frequent until it eventually does pass because we'll have replaced enough of your fail whites to override your objections.
Reparations for the wealth stolen from them and their ancestors through slavery, segregation and reclining and compensation for the violence used to maintain those systems of injustice.
Ok, now that we have your dumbassery out of the way, the real definition is the same opportunities as everyone else.

Blacks have that. It’s just some are too busy whining and crying for free shit instead of taking advantage of those opportunities.
Ok, now that we have your dumbassery out of the way, the real definition is the same opportunities as everyone else.
You asked for the definition of reparations not equality you dipshit. Reparations are owed as a result of unequal treatment.
Blacks have that. It’s just some are too busy whining and crying for free shit instead of taking advantage of those opportunities.
No. They haven't. If you're speaking of welfare programs that exist for everyone those aren't the same as reparations.
Once the cost of the bill is known, those votes will go bye bye.

Look at what happened in just San Fran when they found out the cost.

America is going to pay for what has been done. You have 2 options:

1. Monetary reparations to blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans, Chinese and for women.

2. Face a national judgement from God. After alll, the right claims this is a christian nation.

And option 2, is going to cost far more than the reparations.
Only you fools have political betters. It's why you worship Trump. To me congressmen are servants.

I can't stand Trump. So what's your next lie?

BTW, you black boys should be supporting Trump. He tried to give you $500 billion with his Platinum Plan. (which was blocked by the democrats)
I know y'all can related to Trump. He's got a mug shot too.
America is going to pay for what has been done. You have 2 options:

1. Monetary reparations to blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans, Chinese and for women.

2. Face a national judgement from God. After alll, the right claims this is a christian nation.

And option 2, is going to cost far more than the reparations.

1. Nope. I wasn't here for it, neither were my ancestors. Piss off.

2. LOL
Reparations for the wealth stolen from them and their ancestors through slavery, segregation and redlining and compensation for the violence used to maintain those systems of injustice.

Standard prog agitprop bullshit.

You are a Marxist fuck using race instead of class to be a huckster.
I can't stand Trump. So what's your next lie?

BTW, you black boys should be supporting Trump. He tried to give you $500 billion with his Platinum Plan. (which was blocked by the democrats)
I know y'all can related to Trump. He's got a mug shot too.
Was it? When did Democrats vote on that campaign promise?
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1. Nope. I wasn't here for it, neither were my ancestors. Piss off.

2. LOL
It doesn't matter what YOU weren't there for. This is about what the government has done, and you and your ancestors have been here under this government.

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