New York governor inching closer to legalizing prostitution

Spreading disease and ruining lives is a reason.
There are two issues here

1. What is a vice for society?

2. Should identified vices be outlawed to discourage the particular behavior? If so, how?

The Left can't even bring itself to recognize prostitution as a vice in society that harms society, so they promote it with laws instead.
Spreading disease and ruining lives is a reason.
It already ruins lives and spreads disease, and it is a huge industry, you can’t stop it and as it sits now, it’s a high crime industry at least by legalizing it, you can get it out in the open and stop a lot of the victimization of prostitutes.
It shows how disingenuous the legal system is.

Porn in itself is legalized prostitution, rife with issues all it's own that the Left would argue is a virtue for society.

Again, no parent wishes their child to be a porn star.

Except maybe Joe Biden who I'm sure is proud of his boy.

You are just a fucking joke some days.

Like only the left engages in porn.

I truly do not understand how every single issue/topic in your life is broken down as right vs left.
You are just a fucking joke some days.

Like only the left engages in porn.

I truly do not understand how every single issue/topic in your life is broken down as right vs left.
Don't understand how you think that I think only the Left engages in porn.

I never said that.

Again, porn, as well as prostitution and illicit drugs, is a vice that many people engage in that harms soceity, those that view it as a vice and those that do not.

But you are a clown, so............

You deny that such activities are a vice, yet you would never move in next to a whorehouse or crack house, legalized or not, and on one else in their right mind would either.
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It already ruins lives and spreads disease, and it is a huge industry, you can’t stop it and as it sits now, it’s a high crime industry at least by legalizing it, you can get it out in the open and stop a lot of the victimization of prostitutes.
You can't stop murder.

You can't stop theft, etc.

So, should we have no laws then?

And do laws curb such vices on society?
Don't understand how you think that I think only the Left engages in porn.

I never said that.

They are the one you singled out. It seems a safe assumption.

You deny that such activities are a vice, yet you would never move in next to a whorehouse or crack house, legalized or not, and on one else in their right mind would either.

I do not deny they are a vice, unlike you I just do not think the Govt should be a nanny state keeping us safe from ourselves.
They are the one you singled out. It seems a safe assumption.

I do not deny they are a vice, unlike you I just do not think the Govt should be a nanny state keeping us safe from ourselves.
My point is, democrats are passing laws to encourage certain vices idiot.

Why are they passing laws specifically to help prostitutes?

Should not everyone have the same rights?
My point is, democrats are passing laws to encourage certain vices idiot.

Why are they passing laws specifically to help prostitutes?

Should not everyone have the same rights?

Yes, everyone should have the right to get paid to have sex if they wish to do so.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul will make $1 million in public funds available to provide health care to sex workers over a span of two years. The money provides funding to two organizations for primary and sexual care, and even dental care, to potential prostitutes.

One of the benefiting organizations, Callen-Lorde, has described itself as one of the "global leaders in LGBTQ+ health care."

On its website, the organization endorses the decriminalization of prostitution: “Callen-Lorde firmly and without reservation supports the health, rights, and dignity of sex workers. We are opposed to laws that disproportionately regulate and criminalize bodily autonomy, sexuality and sexual and reproductive health and rights. We support the total decriminalization of sex work as an important step to protect and respect the human rights of all sex workers,” the website stated.

The organization also celebrated June 2023 legislation signed by Hochul to declare New York state a sanctuary for those who have illegally given children sex-change drugs, hormones, or surgeries.

So once again democrats have taken it upon themselves to make things that are illegal legitimate, like illegal immigration. It is a repetitive behavior of not liking a law and simply ignoring the law whether the law is against prostitution or gender reassignment for children or illegal immigration, etc.

Does this mean that New York will no longer have an issue with Trump paying the sex worker Stormy Daniels all that money to keep quiet about her sex acts?

I'm guessing not. Again, picking and choosing laws you hate and like, all based on political whims is what the democrat party is all about. Sure, you will go to jail for not paying taxes and lying on gun registration forms EXCEPT..............if your last name is Biden.
What could go wrong?

If sex work is legalized, you'll increase trafficking by vast numbers.

That's more choice for Democrat predators.

I really don't see a problem here.
Well, no, Trump isn't being charged with hiring a prostitute, he's being charged with fraudulently hiding hush-money payments.

But frankly, this is a good thing. Laws against prostitution are idiotic.

If I pick up a woman in a bar, and we have sex and never call each other again, that's not a crime.
But the same scenario, but I pay her $300.00, that's a crime? Tell me what universe that makes sense in?

Stupid laws should be ignored.
Make sex work legal, increase trafficking by vast multiples.

What's not to love?
No, sex workers are more likely to be victims of serial killers and other abuses because it is a high-risk behavior occupation.

No parent watches their child grow up thinking, "I hope they become a prostitute in a society that does not marginalize them so they will be happy."

In societies where prostitution is legal human trafficking actually goes up.

  • Countries with legalized prostitution are associated with higher human trafficking inflows than countries where prostitution is prohibited. The scale effect of legalizing prostitution, i.e. expansion of the market, outweighs the substitution effect, where legal sex workers are favored over illegal workers. On average, countries with legalized prostitution report a greater incidence of human trafficking inflows.
  • The effect of legal prostitution on human trafficking inflows is stronger in high-income countries than middle-income countries. Because trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation requires that clients in a potential destination country have sufficient purchasing power, domestic supply acts as a constraint.
  • Criminalization of prostitution in Sweden resulted in the shrinking of the prostitution market and the decline of human trafficking inflows. Cross-country comparisons of Sweden with Denmark (where prostitution is decriminalized) and Germany (expanded legalization of prostitution) are consistent with the quantitative analysis, showing that trafficking inflows decreased with criminalization and increased with legalization.
  • The type of legalization of prostitution does not matter — it only matters whether prostitution is legal or not. Whether third-party involvement (persons who facilitate the prostitution businesses, i.e, “pimps”) is allowed or not does not have an effect on human trafficking inflows into a country. Legalization of prostitution itself is more important in explaining human trafficking than the type of legalization.
  • Democracies have a higher probability of increased human-trafficking inflows than non-democratic countries. There is a 13.4% higher probability of receiving higher inflows in a democratic country than otherwise.

You just won your own thread. :)
Hey, big surprise, Votto left this part of his link out.

“The likely negative consequences of legalised prostitution on a country’s inflows of human trafficking might be seen to support those who argue in favour of banning prostitution, thereby reducing the flows of trafficking,” the researchers state. “However, such a line of argumentation overlooks potential benefits that the legalisation of prostitution might have on those employed in the industry. Working conditions could be substantially improved for prostitutes — at least those legally employed — if prostitution is legalised. Prohibiting prostitution also raises tricky ‘freedom of choice’ issues concerning both the potential suppliers and clients of prostitution services.”

Here's the thing. I live in a state where Prostitution is "Illegal". Yet we have plenty of Massage Parlors, Strip Joints, Adult Book Stores, and Escort Services where if you were really keen on having sex for money, you could do so.
When one weighs pros and cons to a particular activity, you need to assess the big picture

For example, should Al Capone have gone to jail?

Yes or no?

Sure, he murdered people, robbed from them, manipulated them, raped them, controlled the city government by and large to enrich himself, but he ran soup kitchens for the poor on the side.

What say you?
Make sex work legal, increase trafficking by vast multiples.

How so?

If they have to be registered with the state like a hair dresser or any other profession the state can ensure they are doing it of their own free will and offer sanctuary for those that are not

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