New York governor inching closer to legalizing prostitution

It is a total denial of reality to imagine that the legalization of prostitution will help anything. The proposition that adding a heavy layer of bureaucracy to an illegal activity will HELP make that activity palatable is so absurd as to defy understanding.

Democrats on gun control:

"If just ONE child's life is saved..."

Democrats on legalized prostitution:

"It'll cause a MASSIVE increase in kidnapping, trafficking, rape, imprisonment & murder of women and girls? Meh - we want our vice!"
new york has to find good paying jobs for all the illegals the city is having to support
It is a total denial of reality to imagine that the legalization of prostitution will help anything. The proposition that adding a heavy layer of bureaucracy to an illegal activity will HELP make that activity palatable is so absurd as to defy understanding.
They. Want. Their. Vice.




They. Want. Their. Vice.




More and more the left makes less and less sense in the real world. Legalization makes the crime go away. It doesn't make the harm go away. Eliminating penalties for shoplifting doesn't make the losses go away. Legalizing drugs didn't make the destroyed lives better. Legalizing prostitution won't stop the exploitation of women and children.
More and more the left makes less and less sense in the real world. Legalization makes the crime go away. It doesn't make the harm go away. Eliminating penalties for shoplifting doesn't make the losses go away. Legalizing drugs didn't make the destroyed lives better. Legalizing prostitution won't stop the exploitation of women and children.
Liberals/Democrats, and not necessarily the left, but yes.
Harvard Law School says:

Countries with legalized prostitution are associated with higher human trafficking inflows than countries where prostitution is prohibited.

Does Legalized Prostitution Increase Human Trafficking?

If you had bothered to READ the full article.

“The likely negative consequences of legalised prostitution on a country’s inflows of human trafficking might be seen to support those who argue in favour of banning prostitution, thereby reducing the flows of trafficking,” the researchers state. “However, such a line of argumentation overlooks potential benefits that the legalisation of prostitution might have on those employed in the industry. Working conditions could be substantially improved for prostitutes — at least those legally employed — if prostitution is legalised. Prohibiting prostitution also raises tricky ‘freedom of choice’ issues concerning both the potential suppliers and clients of prostitution services.”

So, yes, countries that legalize prostitution are more likely to attract prostitutes because - wait for it - they'll get better pay and more protections!
I KNEW it.

YOUR vice/s uber alles. :)

I don't smoke pot. I do drink alcohol, although nowhere near what I used to drink when I was in the service 30 years ago!

The thing is, Pot and Prostitution are victimless crimes. We cause more problems prohibiting them.

Some day, you need to develop a conscience.

Not an issue of conscience. Some women are going to be prostitutes because that's their personality... period.

Good to know where you get your information.

I guess you won't be reading the Harvard Law School piece I just posted.

I was trying to find a source that comported to your limited intelligence..

I read it when the first idiot posted it... I actually bothered to read it to the end, though, which you failed to do.
The New York Times says:

Legalizing Prostitution Leads to More Trafficking

Legalizing Prostitution Leads to More Trafficking -

Well, since you want to cite the NYT.

In legal brothels, employees report that they feel safe, are free to come and go, and are bound only by their contract. Of the brothel workers we surveyed, 84 per cent said that their job felt safe. Workers report that they felt safe largely because the police, employers and co-workers were there to protect them.

With concern growing about sex trafficking, the conclusions of our research are striking. Nevada’s model is worth considering, but there are plenty of models of legal prostitution throughout the world to draw from, and lots of research on these systems. Indeed it was this research that convinced a Canadian judge to overturn that country’s laws criminalizing prostitution. As hard as it may be with something this controversial, perhaps as a matter of good public policy, it is time we pay attention to the evidence and rethink our approach to this age-old profession.

Women who work legally enjoy huge benefits: better access to health care, protection from violent customers and protection from exploitation. Antwerp has apparently one of the best bordellos in Europe, equipped with its own police station and high tech sensors.

If prostitution is legalized, society gains income tax revenue that would have been otherwise lost.
Granted, legalizing the profession might make it attractive for sex traffickers but the benefits outweigh this prospect.
Legalizing prostitution just leads to a society that has fewer morals, standards and values because it allows self indulgence and hedonistic tendencies to be more open and free.

The more you let people indulge in anything they want the more those people lower a societies bar.

If two people want to slut around with each other behind closed doors in private ok. But sex isn't something that should be openly sold willy nilly. Sex is one of our baser instincts and something easily corrupted as well. It shouldnt be something you don't just go down the street and openly buy. Sex should have at least some measure of respect, responsibility and dignity to it because it's too powerful of a thing and too influential.

Were you never a teenager or a 20 something?
It is a total denial of reality to imagine that the legalization of prostitution will help anything. The proposition that adding a heavy layer of bureaucracy to an illegal activity will HELP make that activity palatable is so absurd as to defy understanding.

except that it's done exactly that in countries that ended these outdated laws.

More and more the left makes less and less sense in the real world. Legalization makes the crime go away. It doesn't make the harm go away. Eliminating penalties for shoplifting doesn't make the losses go away. Legalizing drugs didn't make the destroyed lives better. Legalizing prostitution won't stop the exploitation of women and children.
Neither does keeping it illegal.

The reality is, prostitution laws are rarely enforced, and when they are, they are minimally punished.

For instance, in my area, the police actually did bust a woman at one of the many, many Happy Ending Massage Parlors we have out here. She got a $100 fine.
Oh sure.

Because privation, addiction, desperation, innocence/ignorance and mental illness - among other related causes - have NOTHING to do with this "choice."


I’m not sure what those have to do with this. We’re talking about allowing people the freedom to choose what to do with their bodies.
More and more the left makes less and less sense in the real world. Legalization makes the crime go away. It doesn't make the harm go away. Eliminating penalties for shoplifting doesn't make the losses go away. Legalizing drugs didn't make the destroyed lives better. Legalizing prostitution won't stop the exploitation of women and children.

Not everyone wants to live in a nanny state where the Govt takes away our freedoms to keep us safe from ourselves.
except that it's done exactly that in countries that ended these outdated laws.

Neither does keeping it illegal.

The reality is, prostitution laws are rarely enforced, and when they are, they are minimally punished.

For instance, in my area, the police actually did bust a woman at one of the many, many Happy Ending Massage Parlors we have out here. She got a $100 fine.
Nonsense. Countries that have legalized prostitution have done what Amsterdam has done, severely limit legal prostitution.

Legal prostitution will exist side by side with the worst aspects of illegal prostitution.

Yes we have massage parlors here too. Yes they are fronts for prostitution. The girls are young, Asian, immigrants trafficked here for the purpose.
Not everyone wants to live in a nanny state where the Govt takes away our freedoms to keep us safe from ourselves.
The nanny state really should protect women and children from people like you. YOU want the freedom to visit prostitutes. The prostitutes seldom, if ever, enjoy freedom themselves.
The nanny state really should protect women and children from people like you. YOU want the freedom to visit prostitutes. The prostitutes seldom, if ever, enjoy freedom themselves.

I have no desire to visit a prostitute. I am happily married and have a thriving sex life with my wife. Amazing what having kids out of the house can do for that!

Unlike you though, I do not need to participate in something personally to think that others should have the choice to do so.

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