New York governor inching closer to legalizing prostitution

Spreading disease and ruining lives is a reason.

SO, you want to...what...criminalize sex without medical checkups? I suspect a call girl is LESS likely to get a disease than a woman who randomly picks up a couple partners in a bar.

So in your opinion we should legalize hard drugs and pedophile behavior too?

The fentanyl crisis is a direct result of opiates being illegal.

When one weighs pros and cons to a particular activity, you need to assess the big picture

For example, should Al Capone have gone to jail?

Yes or no?

Sure, he murdered people, robbed from them, manipulated them, raped them, controlled the city government by and large to enrich himself, but he ran soup kitchens for the poor on the side.

What say you?

For what he was convicted of, certainly not, it required eviscerating the 5th amendment.
And you can of course provide some sort of data to support this claim?

Of course not.

This is what happens in countries that have legal prostitution. Why do you think Amsterdam closed most of its famous red light district? Why do you imagine that legal brothels in Nevada never made a dent in street prostitution?

Legalize prostitution and there will be legal prostitutes and illegal whores because people just don't want to play by the rules.

One reason "street prostitution" in Nevada was such a thing is that it was NOT legal in Vegas.

Then it should be easy for you to find links to support your claims.

Crazy cat lady doesn't do proof.

Are there a lot of practicing Roman Catholic prostitutes?

It's difficult to understand what benefit you imagine legalization of prostitution will bring. At best, there will be legal prostitution and illegal prostitution. At worst, unemployment benefits will be denied those who refuse legal sex work.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul will make $1 million in public funds available to provide health care to sex workers over a span of two years. The money provides funding to two organizations for primary and sexual care, and even dental care, to potential prostitutes.

One of the benefiting organizations, Callen-Lorde, has described itself as one of the "global leaders in LGBTQ+ health care."

On its website, the organization endorses the decriminalization of prostitution: “Callen-Lorde firmly and without reservation supports the health, rights, and dignity of sex workers. We are opposed to laws that disproportionately regulate and criminalize bodily autonomy, sexuality and sexual and reproductive health and rights. We support the total decriminalization of sex work as an important step to protect and respect the human rights of all sex workers,” the website stated.

The organization also celebrated June 2023 legislation signed by Hochul to declare New York state a sanctuary for those who have illegally given children sex-change drugs, hormones, or surgeries.

So once again democrats have taken it upon themselves to make things that are illegal legitimate, like illegal immigration. It is a repetitive behavior of not liking a law and simply ignoring the law whether the law is against prostitution or gender reassignment for children or illegal immigration, etc.

Does this mean that New York will no longer have an issue with Trump paying the sex worker Stormy Daniels all that money to keep quiet about her sex acts?

I'm guessing not. Again, picking and choosing laws you hate and like, all based on political whims is what the democrat party is all about. Sure, you will go to jail for not paying taxes and lying on gun registration forms EXCEPT..............if your last name is Biden.
Will there be a sales tax on it? Reminds me of something Reagan years ago that politics being the second oldest profession is bearing a remarkable resemblence to the first.
Whenever you prostitute your body out, you're gonna attract killers, rapists, and other assorted freaks.

Which is why you legalize it so they can work in a safe environment.

For instance, when they shut down Backpage a while back, a lot of women lost the ability to screen their customers to weed out the ones that were dangerous.
It's difficult to understand what benefit you imagine legalization of prostitution will bring. At best, there will be legal prostitution and illegal prostitution. At worst, unemployment benefits will be denied those who refuse legal sex work.

Actually, I don't think that last part would even make sense. You aren't denied unemployment benefits now for not taking jobs you don't like or have no experience doing.

Here are the benefits to legalizing prostitution.

1) The women in it can be monitored. Sure there will be some that work outside the system, but they are less likely to get the good customers. You'd want to hire the ones who have been checked for diseaes, etc.

2) The women can be kept in a safe environment with security, making it less likely they'll be victimized by the bad actors.

3) They can be monitored for diseases and treated.

4) You can make sure that they women aren't underaged, addicts, or being coerced.

5) Most importantly, you can generate revenues from the pratice.
Actually, I don't think that last part would even make sense. You aren't denied unemployment benefits now for not taking jobs you don't like or have no experience doing.

Here are the benefits to legalizing prostitution.

1) The women in it can be monitored. Sure there will be some that work outside the system, but they are less likely to get the good customers. You'd want to hire the ones who have been checked for diseaes, etc.

2) The women can be kept in a safe environment with security, making it less likely they'll be victimized by the bad actors.

3) They can be monitored for diseases and treated.

4) You can make sure that they women aren't underaged, addicts, or being coerced.

5) Most importantly, you can generate revenues from the pratice.
They may copy Nevada. They have legalized prostitution in some counties outside Vegas and Reno.
Spreading disease and ruining lives is a reason.

Both of which would be controlled if they legalized it.

There are two issues here

1. What is a vice for society?

2. Should identified vices be outlawed to discourage the particular behavior? If so, how?

The Left can't even bring itself to recognize prostitution as a vice in society that harms society, so they promote it with laws instead.
Actually, the left is just as prude as the right, for different reasons. The right will say, "because it make Baby Jesus Cry", while the left will say, "It exploits women".
When one weighs pros and cons to a particular activity, you need to assess the big picture

For example, should Al Capone have gone to jail?

Yes or no?

Sure, he murdered people, robbed from them, manipulated them, raped them, controlled the city government by and large to enrich himself, but he ran soup kitchens for the poor on the side.

What say you?

What I say is that Al Capone kind of proves my point.
Al Capone got rich and powerful from selling alcohol, which at that time was illegal. (Because the morality police tricked stupid people into outlawing it.)

All Capone didn't rape or rob anyone. He only murdered his rivals for the alcohol trade.

And at the end of the day, he was sent to prison for income tax evasion because they couldn't get him on the bootlegging, which everyone considered silly, anyway.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul will make $1 million in public funds available to provide health care to sex workers over a span of two years. The money provides funding to two organizations for primary and sexual care, and even dental care, to potential prostitutes.

One of the benefiting organizations, Callen-Lorde, has described itself as one of the "global leaders in LGBTQ+ health care."

On its website, the organization endorses the decriminalization of prostitution: “Callen-Lorde firmly and without reservation supports the health, rights, and dignity of sex workers. We are opposed to laws that disproportionately regulate and criminalize bodily autonomy, sexuality and sexual and reproductive health and rights. We support the total decriminalization of sex work as an important step to protect and respect the human rights of all sex workers,” the website stated.

The organization also celebrated June 2023 legislation signed by Hochul to declare New York state a sanctuary for those who have illegally given children sex-change drugs, hormones, or surgeries.

So once again democrats have taken it upon themselves to make things that are illegal legitimate, like illegal immigration. It is a repetitive behavior of not liking a law and simply ignoring the law whether the law is against prostitution or gender reassignment for children or illegal immigration, etc.

Does this mean that New York will no longer have an issue with Trump paying the sex worker Stormy Daniels all that money to keep quiet about her sex acts?

I'm guessing not. Again, picking and choosing laws you hate and like, all based on political whims is what the democrat party is all about. Sure, you will go to jail for not paying taxes and lying on gun registration forms EXCEPT..............if your last name is Biden.
I wonder how much she charges? She's not so bad. Guess the governorship doesn't pay her enough money. Not surprising with the costs in New York.
Which is why you legalize it so they can work in a safe environment.

For instance, when they shut down Backpage a while back, a lot of women lost the ability to screen their customers to weed out the ones that were dangerous.

Its really the job of the Pimp to make sure the customers pay and to protect the bankroll.

Relying on a web page is like AI, trying supplant the human interaction of professionals.
Its really the job of the Pimp to make sure the customers pay and to protect the bankroll.

Relying on a web page is like AI, trying supplant the human interaction of professionals.

Actually, most of these girls know who is or isn't a safe bet, if they have the ability to screen customers, which is what Backpage allowed.
Actually, most of these girls know who is or isn't a safe bet, if they have the ability to screen customers, which is what Backpage allowed.

You are ignoring the important work of Pimps in the business.

They are really the key to safety, the johns know that they will be sorry if they mess with a pimp's bitches, and will usually watch their p's as well as their q's.
As with pot, liberals don't care who is harmed as long as their pet vice/s are made legal.

Here we have liberals pimping for the rape, kidnapping, trafficking, murder and imprisonment of women and girls worldwide.


Because it's creates convenience for them, and makes them feel that they're supporting freedom rather than its nightmarish opposite.

It has been said that liberalism is a mental disorder, and I'm more than ever inclined to agree.
Actually, I don't think that last part would even make sense. You aren't denied unemployment benefits now for not taking jobs you don't like or have no experience doing.

Here are the benefits to legalizing prostitution.

1) The women in it can be monitored. Sure there will be some that work outside the system, but they are less likely to get the good customers. You'd want to hire the ones who have been checked for diseaes, etc.

2) The women can be kept in a safe environment with security, making it less likely they'll be victimized by the bad actors.

3) They can be monitored for diseases and treated.

4) You can make sure that they women aren't underaged, addicts, or being coerced.

5) Most importantly, you can generate revenues from the pratice.
Yes. And there will still be illegal prostitution. There will still be police busting whores. Only now there will be added code enforcement officers.
You are ignoring the important work of Pimps in the business.

They are really the key to safety, the johns know that they will be sorry if they mess with a pimp's bitches, and will usually watch their p's as well as their q's.
A pimp will be happy to supply an exotic for a price. Women have a price. Someone will pay to beat a woman to death.
It puzzles me that prostitution is even illegal at all, nationwide. I’m also puzzled as to why the left are not fighting for it to be legal, what with all the “my body, my choice” talk.

They should make prostitution legal nationwide, and company’s could hire people to be sex workers, get insurance, vacation time, paid sick leave..etc..

Of course, we’d have to get rid of many of the sex trafficking laws, because, getting hired at a sex work company in another state and crossing state lines for sex work…well, you get the point.

Anyway, at this point in the state of affairs in the USA, we should legalize prostitution, and make it an employable profession, or you can work for yourself and provide your own benefits, either way..

What do you all think?

Same goes for drugs, my body my choice. As long as you are not dui, what you do in the privacy of your home is your business.


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