New York Jews rise up and stand solidly with Israel


Conservative Babe
Feb 6, 2011
Watch: Pro-Hamas Protesters Were Marching In NYC. What Happened Next Was Completely Epic

When push comes to shove, be they democrats, American Jews are in solidarity with their Israeli brothers and sisters.. Most. There will always be those who are the George Soro's of Jews.. but make no mistake about the majority of NYers and Americans who support the tiny beacon of freedom, ISRAEL.

Watch the video.. :)

Missouri Jews too, we're just fewer in number so don't make the news. :)
Not class, stereotype.

Nahh.. it's class warfare and smells of raunchy iron crosses.. the wasteland of bigoted hatred.. it all comes out the same in the dirty wash.. FILTH.

Paint seems to have spent his time off here over at Stormfront polishng his neo Nazi credentials.

I've long debated anti-semites like him.. he's a waste of air and life.. He and his kind are rooted in hate simply over one's heritage.. He is a brainwashed minion of Nazism.
My member of Parliament was just over there during a fact finding mission for Prime Minister Harper (no greater friend of Israel than Canada).

Ted said it was unreal to have to run into bomb shelters and to actually get off a tour bus and hit a ditch and witness the rockets flying in from Gaza.

I know I wouldn't put up with that shit say for example rockets flying at me from Fargo. I'd wipe out anyone who tried that crap.

Israel has been so tempered in her responses to this "Hamas rockets for money telethon" that they play at least once a year.

Casualties be damned, Hamas gets off having the Penelope Cruz's of the planet feel sorry for them and send $$$$.

Other groups have telethons or run marathons for cash not Hamas. They send rockets to Israel as PR for raising cash because everyone knows Israel will have no choice but to respond.

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