New York Jews rise up and stand solidly with Israel

Watch: Pro-Hamas Protesters Were Marching In NYC. What Happened Next Was Completely Epic

When push comes to shove, be they democrats, American Jews are in solidarity with their Israeli brothers and sisters.. Most. There will always be those who are the George Soro's of Jews.. but make no mistake about the majority of NYers and Americans who support the tiny beacon of freedom, ISRAEL.

Watch the video.. :)

If you had a blockade up your ass you'd chant for freedom, too, but in your case it's your head.

I really liked the incredibly loose interpretation of their chants by the ultra-biased narrator, too.

So these people just want to be free....Imagine that.

But overall by NY standards it's a very small demonstration on both sides.
Watch: Pro-Hamas Protesters Were Marching In NYC. What Happened Next Was Completely Epic

When push comes to shove, be they democrats, American Jews are in solidarity with their Israeli brothers and sisters.. Most. There will always be those who are the George Soro's of Jews.. but make no mistake about the majority of NYers and Americans who support the tiny beacon of freedom, ISRAEL.

Watch the video.. :)

Glory to God! I love it when righteousness takes a stand against evil! Praise God! What a glorious thing to hear those men shutting down their businesses and crying out for Israel in the streets! Glory to God! May God bless them for their willingness to speak up for Israel! :eusa_clap:
My member of Parliament was just over there during a fact finding mission for Prime Minister Harper (no greater friend of Israel than Canada).

Ted said it was unreal to have to run into bomb shelters and to actually get off a tour bus and hit a ditch and witness the rockets flying in from Gaza.
That happens in war, and they are at war...
Hamas (according to what the far left Nancy Pelosi hears), is a Humanitarian group.


That's strange!

According to the US State Dept. HAMAS is listed as a Foreign Terrorist Organization!

Foreign Terrorist Organizations

Abu Nidal Organization (ANO)

Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG)

Aum Shinrikyo (AUM)

Basque Fatherland and Liberty (ETA)

Gama’a al-Islamiyya (Islamic Group) (IG)


See more Foreign Terrorist Organzations listed on link. Thanks for reading!
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Not class, stereotype.

Nahh.. it's class warfare and smells of raunchy iron crosses.. the wasteland of bigoted hatred.. it all comes out the same in the dirty wash.. FILTH.

Paint seems to have spent his time off here over at Stormfront polishng his neo Nazi credentials.

I'm afraid to say that the Nazis in this case are under the flag in your avatar, and all the sane world, and much of the insane world, knows it.
Glory to God!
God has nothing to do with this, nothing at all. If he was involved we wouldn't have to arm, finance, and defend Israel, which we do and have for decades since no one wants the Jews...

I find no trace of evidence that would persuade me to believe you'd know a thing about God and His relationship to the Jews and Israel. Stop painting, come down off your ladder and find a bible to read. You are in for a rude awakening. ( to say the least )
Glory to God!
God has nothing to do with this, nothing at all. If he was involved we wouldn't have to arm, finance, and defend Israel, which we do and have for decades since no one wants the Jews...

I find no trace of evidence that would persuade me to believe you'd know a thing about God and His relationship to the Jews and Israel. Stop painting, come down off your ladder and find a bible to read. You are in for a rude awakening. ( to say the least )

I have many Bibles, and I've read them and know a great deal about the Jews, the ones you want in Israel so that Jesus will return, and then damn them all to Hell...
Really? Does owning or reading a bible make one a Christian? Would sitting in a garage make me a car also? If I sit there long enough perhaps?
Really? Does owning or reading a bible make one a Christian? Would sitting in a garage make me a car also? If I sit there long enough perhaps?

From your response what your are is a moron. I know the Bible, which is why I rejected your faith, a faith for fools, slaves, and children.
I have nothing more against the Jews than any other faith. Zionists however, into the sea.

"By the rivers of Babylon, where we sat down, and there we wept, as we remembered Zion....." ISRAEL ETERNAL.
For something Eternal, it sure comes and goes a lot. It's overdue, to go away again...

Actually I have some very good news concerning what is overdue. The Jews in Russia are returning to Israel in record numbers. According to an article in the Jerusalem Post over 9,000 Jews returned to Israel in a single day. In one year more Russian Jews made aliyah to Israel in a single year than all the other Jews combined making aliyah from around the world. There are more Jews moving to Israel now than at any other time in history. It is unprecedented. I tell you the truth, Israel is not only growing but soon her borders will expand as well! It is inevitable!
"By the rivers of Babylon, where we sat down, and there we wept, as we remembered Zion....." ISRAEL ETERNAL.
For something Eternal, it sure comes and goes a lot. It's overdue, to go away again...

Actually I have some very good news concerning what is overdue. The Jews in Russia are returning to Israel in record numbers. According to an article in the Jerusalem Post over 9,000 Jews returned to Israel in a single day. In one year more Russian Jews made aliyah to Israel in a single year than all the other Jews combined making aliyah from around the world. There are more Jews moving to Israel now than at any other time in history. It is unprecedented. I tell you the truth, Israel is not only growing but soon her borders will expand as well! It is inevitable!

Truth.. :)
"By the rivers of Babylon, where we sat down, and there we wept, as we remembered Zion....." ISRAEL ETERNAL.
For something Eternal, it sure comes and goes a lot. It's overdue, to go away again...

Actually I have some very good news concerning what is overdue. The Jews in Russia are returning to Israel in record numbers. According to an article in the Jerusalem Post over 9,000 Jews returned to Israel in a single day. In one year more Russian Jews made aliyah to Israel in a single year than all the other Jews combined making aliyah from around the world. There are more Jews moving to Israel now than at any other time in history. It is unprecedented. I tell you the truth, Israel is not only growing but soon her borders will expand as well! It is inevitable!

Gonna be an easy target then, for those who wish to complete what Hitler failed at...
Really? Does owning or reading a bible make one a Christian? Would sitting in a garage make me a car also? If I sit there long enough perhaps?

From your response what your are is a moron. I know the Bible, which is why I rejected your faith, a faith for fools, slaves, and children.

Are your hands trembling? Typos are quite unusual for such a small response. I will tell you who the fool is seeing as you missed that scripture in the Bible you claim to know:

It is written:

The fool says in his heart there is no God.

Scripture has just been confirmed. (again)

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