New York Jews rise up and stand solidly with Israel

For something Eternal, it sure comes and goes a lot. It's overdue, to go away again...

Actually I have some very good news concerning what is overdue. The Jews in Russia are returning to Israel in record numbers. According to an article in the Jerusalem Post over 9,000 Jews returned to Israel in a single day. In one year more Russian Jews made aliyah to Israel in a single year than all the other Jews combined making aliyah from around the world. There are more Jews moving to Israel now than at any other time in history. It is unprecedented. I tell you the truth, Israel is not only growing but soon her borders will expand as well! It is inevitable!

Gonna be an easy target then, for those who wish to complete what Hitler failed at...

Where ever did you get such an idea? Do you not realize that Israel was birthed out of the ovens of Auschwitz? What kind of price do you believe the Jews are willing to pay to keep it? I tell you the truth, Paintmyhouse, they will do whatever is necessary to keep it. That is what they shall do.

Let me give you a little history lesson on Israel. In 1948 there were 600,000 Jews living in Israel. In 2013, there were 8. 3 million, And now? Now there are many more. Why? Because the Jews are making aliyah to Israel in record numbers!

Furthermore, in the past 22 years do you realize that Israel has become the premiere miltary power in the Middle East? Yes. That is correct. She is the premiere military power in the Middle East today. The most powerful military nation in ME -from a tiny fledgling nation of 600,000 in 1948 to the premiere military power all in the matter of 22 short years.

One can only wonder where she shall be in the next 22 yrs! I would also like to include the fact that since the arrival of the Jew the land has flourished! Yes, it was not until the Jews returned and put their hands to that soil that the land began to flourish. It has become like a beautiful, fragrant rose blossoming in the desert! Which reminds me! 40% of Europes flowers are imported from Israel. Did you know that, Paintmyhouse? Would you like to hear more? Let me know.

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Actually I have some very good news concerning what is overdue. The Jews in Russia are returning to Israel in record numbers. According to an article in the Jerusalem Post over 9,000 Jews returned to Israel in a single day. In one year more Russian Jews made aliyah to Israel in a single year than all the other Jews combined making aliyah from around the world. There are more Jews moving to Israel now than at any other time in history. It is unprecedented. I tell you the truth, Israel is not only growing but soon her borders will expand as well! It is inevitable!

Gonna be an easy target then, for those who wish to complete what Hitler failed at...

Where ever did you get such an idea? Do you not realize that Israel was birthed out of the ovens of Auschwitz? What kind of price do you believe the Jews are willing to pay to keep it? I tell you the truth, Paintmyhouse, they will do whatever is necessary to keep it. That is what they shall do.

Let me give you a little history lesson on Israel. In 1948 there were 600,000 Jews living in Israel. In 2013, there were 8. 3 million, And now? Now there are many more. Why? Because the Jews are making aliyah to Israel in record numbers!

Furthermore, in the past 22 years do you realize that Israel has become the premiere miltary power in the Middle East? Yes. That is correct. She is the premiere military power in the Middle East today. The most powerful military nation in ME -from a tiny fledgling nation of 600,000 in 1948 to the premiere military power all in the matter of 22 short years.

One can only wonder where she shall be in the next 22 yrs! I would also like to include the fact that since the arrival of the Jew the land has flourished! Yes, it was not until the Jews returned and put their hands to that soil that the land began to flourish. It has become like a beautiful, fragrant rose blossoming in the desert! Which reminds me! 40% of Europes flowers are imported from Israel. Did you know that, Paintmyhouse? Would you like to hear more? Let me know.

"The Jewish population makes up 6,135,000 (75%); 1,694,000 (20.7%) are Arabs; and, those identified as "others" (non-Arab Christians, Baha'i, etc) make up 348,000 people (4.2%). When the state was established, there were only 806,000 residents and the total population reached its first and second millions in 1949 and 1958 respectively.

The overall population grew by approximately 147,000 people (1.8%) since the secular New Year 2013- a growth rate similar to that of the last decade."
Latest Population Statistics for Israel | Jewish Virtual Library
As soon as the christian RW gets what they want, they will turn on the Jewish christians have done in the past. The Jewish faith, hopefully, remembers the past.
They do but they are all too happy to take their support and money in the meantime. To a RW Christian, Israel is just a means to an ends since the Jews, who don't convert, are all going to Hell...
As soon as the christian RW gets what they want, they will turn on the Jewish christians have done in the past. The Jewish faith, hopefully, remembers the past.

The Left has already turned on the Jews. College campuses are among the most dangerous places to be a Jew in America. The Democrat Party could only get support for Israel in their platform in 2012 by lying. Obama is the most anti Israel president probably ever.
Diamond District? Classic...

The stench of covetousness - class warfare.. ALL typical of the HAMAS tripe.

If you love Israel so much why not move there. We wont miss another Zionist. And you wonder what causes anti Zionism. What is happening in Israel is nothing to be proud about, unless killing children turns you on.
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Diamond District? Classic...

The stench of covetousness - class warfare.. ALL typical of the HAMAS tripe.

If you love Israel so much why not move there. We wont miss another Zionist. And you wonder what causes anti Zionism. What is happening in Israel is nothing to be proud about, unless killing children turns you on.

She doesn't actually like Jews, they are all going to Hell after all, she just likes them there, in Israel, so Jesus will return...
I have nothing more against the Jews than any other faith. Zionists however, into the sea.

"By the rivers of Babylon, where we sat down, and there we wept, as we remembered Zion....." ISRAEL ETERNAL.

And that is why when King Cyrus freed the jews, only 45000 came back with their SLAVES and singers. The rest wanted to stay in the city of Babylon.

Must of had it real hard in Babylon hey.
The stench of covetousness - class warfare.. ALL typical of the HAMAS tripe.

If you love Israel so much why not move there. We wont miss another Zionist. And you wonder what causes anti Zionism. What is happening in Israel is nothing to be proud about, unless killing children turns you on.

She doesn't actually like Jews, they are all going to Hell after all, she just likes them there, in Israel, so Jesus will return...

No I don't believe in that end time crap , or that God gave them that land, and most of them don't believe it either.
I have nothing more against the Jews than any other faith. Zionists however, into the sea.

"By the rivers of Babylon, where we sat down, and there we wept, as we remembered Zion....." ISRAEL ETERNAL.

And that is why when King Cyrus freed the jews, only 45000 came back with their SLAVES and singers. The rest wanted to stay in the city of Babylon.

Must of had it real hard in Babylon hey.

And those who stayed assimilated and were lost forever.

Is there something you want to add here, Fraulein?
As soon as the christian RW gets what they want, they will turn on the Jewish christians have done in the past. The Jewish faith, hopefully, remembers the past.
They do but they are all too happy to take their support and money in the meantime. To a RW Christian, Israel is just a means to an ends since the Jews, who don't convert, are all going to Hell...

Horse hockey, not all Christians buy that line. Only God can know a heart & soul, not humans.
Diamond District? Classic...

The stench of covetousness - class warfare.. ALL typical of the HAMAS tripe.

If you love Israel so much why not move there. We wont miss another Zionist.

And make it easier for the terrorists you're supporting in their war against the Jewish pyyple to kill us and our allies? I think not.

Were all Jews to move to Israel, we would effectively be rounding ourselves up in a massive concentration camp, ready for nuking by Iran, Russia, Japan, or some other anti-Semitic country.
As soon as the christian RW gets what they want, they will turn on the Jewish christians have done in the past. The Jewish faith, hopefully, remembers the past.
They do but they are all too happy to take their support and money in the meantime. To a RW Christian, Israel is just a means to an ends since the Jews, who don't convert, are all going to Hell...

Horse hockey, not all Christians buy that line. Only God can know a heart & soul, not humans.
Christian Zionists buy it hook, line, and sinker. That's the root of the problem.

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