New York Jews rise up and stand solidly with Israel

Atheists are the real chosen people. We don't start wars in the name of anything, persecute others or decide that they are lesser or greater because they believe in something that may or may not exist. It's ideal. Live and let live.

'tis true. Atheists don't murder and torture in name of their god. We don't invade other countries and force them to change their ways to conform to ours. We don't run around thumping a book of total nonsense and threatening others with an eternity of pain and misery.

You'll never have an atheist draggng their children and grand mother around, banging on doors on a Saturday morning and handing out garbage that goes traight to the recycle bin.

Renounce screwball religions = Save a tree.

Stalin rings no bells? Mao? Hitler? (he ditched religion, except as it served the STATE by the mid 1930s.? All atheists.

I had a momentary attack of isolationism.

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