New York Mayor Releases Flyer Telling Immigrants Not to Come


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free….”

Funny how all these Leftist sanctuaries are openly turning away illegals.

Obviously it’s racism.

View attachment 810704

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free….”

Funny how all these Leftist sanctuaries are openly turning away illegals.

Obviously it’s racism.

You know, if being shown they are not welcome via barriers made of floating buoys and razor wire installed into the Rio Grande doesn't do it, I'm SURE a yellow piece of paper asking nicely is sure to do the trick </sarc>
View attachment 810704

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free….”

Funny how all these Leftist sanctuaries are openly turning away illegals.

Obviously it’s racism.

Interesting how all those red states that the undocumented are landing in are being shipped off to blue states. Funny how conservatives try to ship their problems off to their opposition so they can blame them for the problem.
Interesting how all those red states that the undocumented are landing in are being shipped off to blue states. Funny how conservatives try to ship their problems off to their opposition so they can blame them for the problem.
I’ve never seen such a totally moronic post on USMB before.
Sorry, but NYC is a sanctuary city so they should keep sending 10-20 busses there per day. Let all the sanctuary cities take the illegal aliens. There's no good reason to send them to places that don't want them when places like NYC, SF, LA, Chicago, Philly and more have been bragging about their sanctuary status for years.

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