New York Police can now shoot down planes!

If there had actually been someone on the roof of the WTC on 9/11 armed with a stinger, and he had actually managed to shoot it and hit one of the planes, it would still have crashed into the building. Stingers do not work like you see in the movies where a plane blows up in the air and nothing survives, especially with jet airliners.

Where exactly does it say they will be using "stingers"?

If there had actually been someone on the roof of the WTC on 9/11 armed with a stinger, and he had actually managed to shoot it and hit one of the planes, it would still have crashed into the building. Stingers do not work like you see in the movies where a plane blows up in the air and nothing survives, especially with jet airliners.

Where exactly does it say they will be using "stingers"?

What do you think they will be using? Nikes? Patriots? WWII era AA guns? None of those will stop an aircraft the size of a airliner in its tracks. The only thing that might would be a nuclear tipped missile, and I am willing to bet that NYPD does not have any nukes.
If a plane is off-course and not communicating by radio, how would they know if it's a hi-jack and not just an electronics failure?

What part of the "Hijacking confirmation" are you missing?

How do you get "confirmation" if you don't really know what is happening on the aircraft?

Believe or not..there is no landing strip on Manhattan Island. It's probably a pretty good indication that a plane making a beeline for that area and is not responding to radio hails is probably up to no good.

Left wing?

Does that make you a right wing liberal?

Regardless, you are still a cretin.

Well if it helps you to sleep at night.

Notice..I ain't calling you names.

I am not calling you names either, just pointing out facts. You are either stupid, obtuse, or mentally defective if you think arming police with military grade anti aircraft weapons is something to cheer. If I was calling you names I would be using idiot.
Does that make you a right wing liberal?

Regardless, you are still a cretin.

Well if it helps you to sleep at night.

Notice..I ain't calling you names.

I am not calling you names either, just pointing out facts. You are either stupid, obtuse, or mentally defective if you think arming police with military grade anti aircraft weapons is something to cheer. If I was calling you names I would be using idiot.

How's this?

Never again.

And fuck you.

What part of the "Hijacking confirmation" are you missing?

How do you get "confirmation" if you don't really know what is happening on the aircraft?

Believe or not..there is no landing strip on Manhattan Island. It's probably a pretty good indication that a plane making a beeline for that area and is not responding to radio hails is probably up to no good.

How about when Cory Lidle went off course and crashed into that building on 72nd street. Should his plane have been shot down?
How do you get "confirmation" if you don't really know what is happening on the aircraft?

Believe or not..there is no landing strip on Manhattan Island. It's probably a pretty good indication that a plane making a beeline for that area and is not responding to radio hails is probably up to no good.

How about when Cory Lidle went off course and crashed into that building on 72nd street. Should his plane have been shot down?

Well if it helps you to sleep at night.

Notice..I ain't calling you names.

I am not calling you names either, just pointing out facts. You are either stupid, obtuse, or mentally defective if you think arming police with military grade anti aircraft weapons is something to cheer. If I was calling you names I would be using idiot.

How's this?

Never again.

And fuck you.


I knew you had it in you.
Believe or not..there is no landing strip on Manhattan Island. It's probably a pretty good indication that a plane making a beeline for that area and is not responding to radio hails is probably up to no good.

How about when Cory Lidle went off course and crashed into that building on 72nd street. Should his plane have been shot down?


Well, that's your opinion, and I respect that. I just can't see it that way. If the Canadian Air Force took that view I would have been dead long ago, and it would have all been over a simple nav error.

First thing I thought was "Anti Air on the roofs" then I thought.....nah...shoulder fired missles ;)

Either way my mind next went to "I wonder if the terrorists want to get their hands on that system"

They will if they try the same silly shit.

Not only their hands..but their torsos, legs, heads..but not in the way they want it.

Oh i see what you did there ;)

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