New York State Calls For $15 Minimum Wage For Fast Food Workers

well it looks like the people living there now lives under dictatorship. and they sit and say nothing.

say goodbye to summer jobs for you teenagers. self serve touch screens will replace them. way to go people who freaking doesn't HAVE A say in your own State Government or WHAT goes on there
It's already happening in China.


Of course. these people on the left thinks they are doing good by FORCING COMPANIES to pay what wage they pulled from their ass. is supporting their OWN CHILDREN out of a job. it's disturbing.
well it looks like the people living there now lives under dictatorship. and they sit and say nothing.

say goodbye to summer jobs for you teenagers. self serve touch screens will replace them. way to go people who freaking doesn't HAVE A say in your own State Government or WHAT goes on there
It's already happening in China.


The guy serving the beer is a waiter. The 'robot' is a novelty.
Of course. these people on the left thinks they are doing good by FORCING COMPANIES to pay what wage they pulled from their ass. is supporting their OWN CHILDREN out of a job. it's disturbing.

Baby Boomers have screwed their own children by voting Republican.
I don't feel sympathy if the PRICES sky high or raise taxes on the people to support all this. they elect people Bloomingidiotberg and the commie De'Blasio

I just wrote about this in another thread about not loving having to pay taxes


Holy smokes, just listening to the news. Places like La and Seattle who raised the mim. wage to 15 buck an hour. Now the people are asking to work LESS hours so they don't LOSE THEIR WELFARE, FOOD STAMPS, ETC

we are Freaking doomed as a country. when they made living off the backs of others no BIG DEAL, they now feel they are Entitled to the taxpayers monies and feeling no SHAME about it.

man oh man. and then they wonder WHY we don't want to pay ANYMORE taxes to this government to give out to these blood sucking the life out of us and OUR FAMILES ...... disgusting
Yup it appears they are asking for less hours so they don't lose their government benefits
Seattle sees fallout from 15 minimum wage as other cities follow suit Fox News
I don't feel sympathy if the PRICES sky high or raise taxes on the people to support all this. they elect people Bloomingidiotberg and the commie De'Blasio

I just wrote about this in another thread about not loving having to pay taxes


Holy smokes, just listening to the news. Places like La and Seattle who raised the mim. wage to 15 buck an hour. Now the people are asking to work LESS hours so they don't LOSE THEIR WELFARE, FOOD STAMPS, ETC

we are Freaking doomed as a country. when they made living off the backs of others no BIG DEAL, they now feel they are Entitled to the taxpayers monies and feeling no SHAME about it.

man oh man. and then they wonder WHY we don't want to pay ANYMORE taxes to this government to give out to these blood sucking the life out of us and OUR FAMILES ...... disgusting
Yup it appears they are asking for less hours so they don't lose their government benefits
Seattle sees fallout from 15 minimum wage as other cities follow suit Fox News

Yep, I know it. it's sickening. Remember how they told people this would LIFT THEM out of poverty? it would be a joke if it didn't hurt our Children
I don't feel sympathy if the PRICES sky high or raise taxes on the people to support all this. they elect people Bloomingidiotberg and the commie De'Blasio

I just wrote about this in another thread about not loving having to pay taxes


Holy smokes, just listening to the news. Places like La and Seattle who raised the mim. wage to 15 buck an hour. Now the people are asking to work LESS hours so they don't LOSE THEIR WELFARE, FOOD STAMPS, ETC

we are Freaking doomed as a country. when they made living off the backs of others no BIG DEAL, they now feel they are Entitled to the taxpayers monies and feeling no SHAME about it.

man oh man. and then they wonder WHY we don't want to pay ANYMORE taxes to this government to give out to these blood sucking the life out of us and OUR FAMILES ...... disgusting
Yup it appears they are asking for less hours so they don't lose their government benefits
Seattle sees fallout from 15 minimum wage as other cities follow suit Fox News

Yep, I know it. it's sickening. Remember how they told people this would LIFT THEM out of poverty? it would be a joke if it didn't hurt our Children
The left will spin it and will say it gives them more time with their children.
Some of them are likely not going to be able to do anything /but/ raise the costs to consumers. There's legal clauses in both investor and shareholder contracts that demand certain things, the most common would be x% of gross income is owed to them. I believe McDonald's franchises run with around a 2-3% profit margin, not so they can pocket it, but because they'll owe like 1% to the franchise for the use of the name and w/e other benefits come with it and because their contracts require it (for various reasons, it looks bad on McDonalds when a franchise goes belly up so they have to maintain some padding and so forth.

You're talking about an expense increase of well over $1 million, even if you figure of the 1.5-1.9 million employees, 500k already make $15/h and the rest all only work 30/h a week (and I have a feeling the additional cost is well over that.)

When we get down to the franchise level, figure average is 65 employees, and we'll figure what 10 of them are making $15/h or more already. Figure the other 55 get a raise $5/h so the increased expense is $429k a year. The average /gross/ for a McDonald's franchise is between $500k and $1M.
You people can thank your (dictator Cuomo) government for the loss of jobs. I guess they can climb on the Taxpayer gravy train, welfare, food stamps, etc


Tech Company Develops Robots to Replace $15 /Hr Workers – Can Produce 1 Burger Every 10 Seconds

Jim Hoft Jul 23rd, 2015 12:45 am

On Wednesday Governor Cuomo’s New York Wage Board set a new minimum wage for New York City’s 200,000 fast food workers.
City establishments will now be required to offer employees at least $15 per hour by the end of 2018.

The move also makes it cost effective for companies to fire humans and hire robots.

Momentum Machines has developed a robot that can put out one burger every 10 seconds.

all of it here:
Tech Company Develops Robots to Replace 15 Hr Workers - Can Produce 1 Burger Every 10 Seconds - The Gateway Pundit
I can see that the pro rich supporters are bitching about the rich not turning most of this country into slaves. I honestly feel that the rich should be taxed on their INCOME at least 8% more and without the ability to hide it in other countries.

The rich are destroying this country and you people are too blind to see it. They use our resources like our roads, police, tax polices and favorable business environment, so why the fuck not.

It is nice to see the poor get a little more for their hard work!
The "rich" pay 80% of ALL Federal income tax. The "poor" don't pay a fucking dime in Federal income tax. The quickly vanishing Middle class thanks to BOBO the fucking Socialist Marxist clown pay the other 20%.
Millions of young people are leaving a failed education system thanks to the fucking unions without being able to read or write. These people will NEVER in their entire lives EVER to be able to get a decent well paying job.
Fast food is for teenagers and immigrants who can barely speak English. Increasing labor costs will probably put all these people out of work.
Fast food is for teenagers and immigrants who can barely speak English. Increasing labor costs will probably put all these people out of work.
Yup. 100% guaranteed.
They don't give a shit. They'll just go on welfare and spend their day getting high and making money in the gray market.
Fuck the workers!

I'll be damned if I'm going to pay another quarter for my Big Mac.
Holy smokes, just listening to the news. Places like La and Seattle who raised the mim. wage to 15 buck an hour. Now the people are asking to work LESS hours so they don't LOSE THEIR WELFARE, FOOD STAMPS, ETC

we are Freaking doomed as a country. when they made living off the backs of others no BIG DEAL, they now feel they are Entitled to the taxpayers monies and feeling no SHAME about it.

man oh man. and then they wonder WHY we don't want to pay ANYMORE taxes to this government to give out to these blood sucking the life out of us and OUR FAMILES ...... disgusting

Yup it appears they are asking for less hours so they don't lose their government benefits
Seattle sees fallout from 15 minimum wage as other cities follow suit Fox News

LA and Seattle have already raised minimum wage?

People are asking to work less hours to keep their benefits because $15.00/hr ISN'T a living wage, $23.50/hr IS a living wage.

It's OK for corporate America to make money off the backs of others?
Yep, I know it. it's sickening. Remember how they told people this would LIFT THEM out of poverty? it would be a joke if it didn't hurt our Children

The sickening part is the income disparity (wealthy/workers) from 1970 until today.

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