New York State Calls For $15 Minimum Wage For Fast Food Workers

Some of them are likely not going to be able to do anything /but/ raise the costs to consumers. There's legal clauses in both investor and shareholder contracts that demand certain things, the most common would be x% of gross income is owed to them. I believe McDonald's franchises run with around a 2-3% profit margin, not so they can pocket it, but because they'll owe like 1% to the franchise for the use of the name and w/e other benefits come with it and because their contracts require it (for various reasons, it looks bad on McDonalds when a franchise goes belly up so they have to maintain some padding and so forth.

You're talking about an expense increase of well over $1 million, even if you figure of the 1.5-1.9 million employees, 500k already make $15/h and the rest all only work 30/h a week (and I have a feeling the additional cost is well over that.)

When we get down to the franchise level, figure average is 65 employees, and we'll figure what 10 of them are making $15/h or more already. Figure the other 55 get a raise $5/h so the increased expense is $429k a year. The average /gross/ for a McDonald's franchise is between $500k and $1M.

You have to be a complete fool to think that an investor is going to spend $1M + on a franchise to receive a 2-3% return. With that kind of money you can invest in the market and make 10-20% or more and not have to put on pants.

FYI: Unless you have $1M or more liquid, McDonalds won't answer the phone.
You people can thank your (dictator Cuomo) government for the loss of jobs. I guess they can climb on the Taxpayer gravy train, welfare, food stamps, etc


Tech Company Develops Robots to Replace $15 /Hr Workers – Can Produce 1 Burger Every 10 Seconds

Jim Hoft Jul 23rd, 2015 12:45 am

On Wednesday Governor Cuomo’s New York Wage Board set a new minimum wage for New York City’s 200,000 fast food workers.
City establishments will now be required to offer employees at least $15 per hour by the end of 2018.

The move also makes it cost effective for companies to fire humans and hire robots.

Momentum Machines has developed a robot that can put out one burger every 10 seconds.

all of it here:
Tech Company Develops Robots to Replace 15 Hr Workers - Can Produce 1 Burger Every 10 Seconds - The Gateway Pundit

'You people'.....Really?

If the tech company ACTUALLY has a robot that makes one burger every ten seconds wouldn't be already at market?
The "rich" pay 80% of ALL Federal income tax. The "poor" don't pay a fucking dime in Federal income tax. The quickly vanishing Middle class thanks to BOBO the fucking Socialist Marxist clown pay the other 20%.
Millions of young people are leaving a failed education system thanks to the fucking unions without being able to read or write. These people will NEVER in their entire lives EVER to be able to get a decent well paying job.

Keeping up the delusion?

What percentage of income do the rich/wealthy pay in federal tax?

The poor don't pay federal tax because they're poor! They don't have any money!
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Why just burger flippers? Shouldn't every low wage earner make fifteen bucks an hour, if they pass some kind of a new minimum wage law calling for fifteen bucks an hour ?
Why just burger flippers? Shouldn't every low wage earner make fifteen bucks an hour, if they pass some kind of a new minimum wage law calling for fifteen bucks an hour ?

Since minimum wage is the base for ALL wages, they will.
Why just burger flippers? Shouldn't every low wage earner make fifteen bucks an hour, if they pass some kind of a new minimum wage law calling for fifteen bucks an hour ?

Since minimum wage is the base for ALL wages, they will.
Don't drive through New York. Drive around and avoid New York. The extra cost in fuel will be cost-effectively offset by the money saved in avoiding their businesses.
Get this. what in the heck is wrong with you people living in that state?

Cuomo on using executive power: 'I run the government'
Kenneth Lovett NEW YORK DAILY NEWS 07/22/2015 7:02 PM ET

Gov. Cuomo made it clear Wednesday that he's the boss in New York.
ALBANY — Gov. Cuomo made it clear Wednesday why he has recently bypassed the Legislature on different issues like raising the minimum wage for fast-food workers.

"I run the government," Cuomo said.

"I am the executive and therefore I use executive power. And that’s why the executive is given the power," Cuomo said during an appearance on upstate public radio’s “The Capitol Pressroom.”

Cuomo dismissed criticism that his actions represent a major power grab by going around the Legislature.

In addition to creating a board that has recommended raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour for fast food workers, Cuomo recently went it alone in appointing Attorney General Eric Schneiderman as a special prosecutor to investigate cases where unarmed civilians are killed by police.

all of it here:
Cuomo on using executive power I run the government - NY Daily News
Get this. what in the heck is wrong with you people living in that state?

Cuomo on using executive power: 'I run the government'
Kenneth Lovett NEW YORK DAILY NEWS 07/22/2015 7:02 PM ET

Gov. Cuomo made it clear Wednesday that he's the boss in New York.
ALBANY — Gov. Cuomo made it clear Wednesday why he has recently bypassed the Legislature on different issues like raising the minimum wage for fast-food workers.

"I run the government," Cuomo said.

"I am the executive and therefore I use executive power. And that’s why the executive is given the power," Cuomo said during an appearance on upstate public radio’s “The Capitol Pressroom.”

Cuomo dismissed criticism that his actions represent a major power grab by going around the Legislature.

In addition to creating a board that has recommended raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour for fast food workers, Cuomo recently went it alone in appointing Attorney General Eric Schneiderman as a special prosecutor to investigate cases where unarmed civilians are killed by police.

all of it here:
Cuomo on using executive power I run the government - NY Daily News

'you people'? Whats wrong with you?
OH MY. where are the people in that state? they are just going to Allow this man act like their Dicktator?


New York Gov. Cuomo to state Economy: "Drop Dead" ^ | July 22, 2015 | Nick Gillespie

Posted on ‎7‎/‎23‎/‎2015‎ ‎9‎:‎53‎:‎00‎ ‎AM

Byline (Cuomo Quote): "This is just the beginning. We will not stop until we reach true economic justice."
Getta load of Andrew Cuomo, the governor of the once-great state of New York. For the first time ever, reports Business Insider, a U.S. state "may single out one industry for a big wage hike."

Under a plan approved by New York's Fast Food Wage Board, a $15-per-hour minimum wage would be phased in over three years in New York City and six years across upstate New York, whose economy has long been the American equivalent of East Germany. The mandate would apply to any restaurant chain with 30 or more locations in the state.

Speaking at a rally in Manhattan, Cuomo pledged that he's just gettin' started:
"You cannot live and support a family on $18,000 a year in the state of New York — period....This is just the beginning. We will not stop until we reach true economic justice."

The legal status of the diktat is not immediately clear. Cuomo created this particular board after failing to push a broader minimum wage hike through the legislature. Chains are expected to fight the rules, which single them out for particular treatment.

Remember that Cuomo is the economic wizard behind Start-Up New York, a program that lures companies to the Empire State with tax breaks and other incentives. Earlier this year, Matt Welch noted that the program spent $28 million in advertising alone while creating "maybe" 76 jobs.

Welch also pointed out that Cuomo, after dithering, locked down Yoko Ono's vote by ruling against fracking in upstate, where it might have actually brought some economic vitality.

Upstate New York remains one of the great wasted opportunities in the country. It's a phenomenally varied, beautiful, and populated chunk of real estate with more mountains, lakes, rivers, and history than any single state deserves. Yet going back 60 or more years, it's been an economic slide area and nobody seems willing to actually deregulate the place so that it might become the East Coast's answer to the inter-mountain West.

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