New York State Calls For $15 Minimum Wage For Fast Food Workers

I can see that the pro rich supporters are bitching about the rich not turning most of this country into slaves. I honestly feel that the rich should be taxed on their INCOME at least 8% more and without the ability to hide it in other countries.

The rich are destroying this country and you people are too blind to see it. They use our resources like our roads, police, tax polices and favorable business environment, so why the fuck not.

It is nice to see the poor get a little more for their hard work!

Minimum wage is a middle class killer. If the minimum wage earners start arbitrarily making $15 with no additional skill or production and there is no corresponding increase to the current middle class, all you have done is closed the gap between poor and middle class. The cost of goods and services will rise and the middle class becomes poorer.

Minimum wage is a shell game. It increases the tax coffers, albeit temporarily, and allows for more money in Washington. Simultaneously creating the need for more government.
Which one percent do you represent?

The one percent that Republicans work for.
That means nothing to me. Which one percent do you represent?

WOW! Republicans work for rich people.
Like the Clinton's and obama's and Soros, etc.?

No. Bush-Cheney-Reagan.
But they're only some of the rich people. You inferred all.
OH MY. where are the people in that state? they are just going to Allow this man act like their Dicktator?


New York Gov. Cuomo to state Economy: "Drop Dead" ^ | July 22, 2015 | Nick Gillespie

Posted on ‎7‎/‎23‎/‎2015‎ ‎9‎:‎53‎:‎00‎ ‎AM

Byline (Cuomo Quote): "This is just the beginning. We will not stop until we reach true economic justice."
Getta load of Andrew Cuomo, the governor of the once-great state of New York. For the first time ever, reports Business Insider, a U.S. state "may single out one industry for a big wage hike."

Under a plan approved by New York's Fast Food Wage Board, a $15-per-hour minimum wage would be phased in over three years in New York City and six years across upstate New York, whose economy has long been the American equivalent of East Germany. The mandate would apply to any restaurant chain with 30 or more locations in the state.

Speaking at a rally in Manhattan, Cuomo pledged that he's just gettin' started:
"You cannot live and support a family on $18,000 a year in the state of New York — period....This is just the beginning. We will not stop until we reach true economic justice."

The legal status of the diktat is not immediately clear. Cuomo created this particular board after failing to push a broader minimum wage hike through the legislature. Chains are expected to fight the rules, which single them out for particular treatment.

Remember that Cuomo is the economic wizard behind Start-Up New York, a program that lures companies to the Empire State with tax breaks and other incentives. Earlier this year, Matt Welch noted that the program spent $28 million in advertising alone while creating "maybe" 76 jobs.

Welch also pointed out that Cuomo, after dithering, locked down Yoko Ono's vote by ruling against fracking in upstate, where it might have actually brought some economic vitality.

Upstate New York remains one of the great wasted opportunities in the country. It's a phenomenally varied, beautiful, and populated chunk of real estate with more mountains, lakes, rivers, and history than any single state deserves. Yet going back 60 or more years, it's been an economic slide area and nobody seems willing to actually deregulate the place so that it might become the East Coast's answer to the inter-mountain West.

Since the fast food industry is making hundreds of billions in profit, they can afford it.

Revenue of the U.S. fast food restaurant industry 2018 Statistic

NYC is currently going through a building boom, so the $28M was well spent.
OH MY. where are the people in that state? they are just going to Allow this man act like their Dicktator?


New York Gov. Cuomo to state Economy: "Drop Dead" ^ | July 22, 2015 | Nick Gillespie

Posted on ‎7‎/‎23‎/‎2015‎ ‎9‎:‎53‎:‎00‎ ‎AM

Byline (Cuomo Quote): "This is just the beginning. We will not stop until we reach true economic justice."
Getta load of Andrew Cuomo, the governor of the once-great state of New York. For the first time ever, reports Business Insider, a U.S. state "may single out one industry for a big wage hike."

Under a plan approved by New York's Fast Food Wage Board, a $15-per-hour minimum wage would be phased in over three years in New York City and six years across upstate New York, whose economy has long been the American equivalent of East Germany. The mandate would apply to any restaurant chain with 30 or more locations in the state.

Speaking at a rally in Manhattan, Cuomo pledged that he's just gettin' started:
"You cannot live and support a family on $18,000 a year in the state of New York — period....This is just the beginning. We will not stop until we reach true economic justice."

The legal status of the diktat is not immediately clear. Cuomo created this particular board after failing to push a broader minimum wage hike through the legislature. Chains are expected to fight the rules, which single them out for particular treatment.

Remember that Cuomo is the economic wizard behind Start-Up New York, a program that lures companies to the Empire State with tax breaks and other incentives. Earlier this year, Matt Welch noted that the program spent $28 million in advertising alone while creating "maybe" 76 jobs.

Welch also pointed out that Cuomo, after dithering, locked down Yoko Ono's vote by ruling against fracking in upstate, where it might have actually brought some economic vitality.

Upstate New York remains one of the great wasted opportunities in the country. It's a phenomenally varied, beautiful, and populated chunk of real estate with more mountains, lakes, rivers, and history than any single state deserves. Yet going back 60 or more years, it's been an economic slide area and nobody seems willing to actually deregulate the place so that it might become the East Coast's answer to the inter-mountain West.

Since the fast food industry is making hundreds of billions in profit, they can afford it.

Revenue of the U.S. fast food restaurant industry 2018 Statistic

NYC is currently going through a building boom, so the $28M was well spent.
And if you were truly the one percenter you claim to be you know that no business will tolerate forced charity, which is what you are suggesting and defending. Any incurred costs will be passed on to the consumer so the business maintains its profit margin.
Minimum wage is a middle class killer. If the minimum wage earners start arbitrarily making $15 with no additional skill or production and there is no corresponding increase to the current middle class, all you have done is closed the gap between poor and middle class. The cost of goods and services will rise and the middle class becomes poorer.

Minimum wage is a shell game. It increases the tax coffers, albeit temporarily, and allows for more money in Washington. Simultaneously creating the need for more government.

Wrong on every count.

A financially healthy middle class makes the country economically prosper.

The costs of goods and services will rise without regard to wages. It's called profiteering and greed.
Minimum wage is a middle class killer. If the minimum wage earners start arbitrarily making $15 with no additional skill or production and there is no corresponding increase to the current middle class, all you have done is closed the gap between poor and middle class. The cost of goods and services will rise and the middle class becomes poorer.

Minimum wage is a shell game. It increases the tax coffers, albeit temporarily, and allows for more money in Washington. Simultaneously creating the need for more government.

Wrong on every count.

A financially healthy middle class makes the country economically prosper.

The costs of goods and services will rise without regard to wages. It's called profiteering and greed.
You cynical view of the market means nothing. I agree that a strong Middle Class is important. You are kind of like a blindfolded child in a fight, you just take random swings at everything hoping to connect.
And if you were truly the one percenter you claim to be you know that no business will tolerate forced charity, which is what you are suggesting and defending. Any incurred costs will be passed on to the consumer so the business maintains its profit margin.

It's rather sad that you equate 'forced charity' with paying the people that make you all of your money.

It's not a matter of maintaining your profit margin, it's making record profits to keep investors happy. Since the 70's, companies have decided to do this by screwing the people that make them their money, in other words; The Easy Way.
And if you were truly the one percenter you claim to be you know that no business will tolerate forced charity, which is what you are suggesting and defending. Any incurred costs will be passed on to the consumer so the business maintains its profit margin.

It's rather sad that you equate 'forced charity' with paying the people that make you all of your money.

It's not a matter of maintaining your profit margin, it's making record profits to keep investors happy. Since the 70's, companies have decided to do this by screwing the people that make them their money, in other words; The Easy Way.
No one is forced to work for anybody. Obama and the left are trying to change hat very constitutional dynamic, though.
You cynical view of the market means nothing. I agree that a strong Middle Class is important. You are kind of like a blindfolded child in a fight, you just take random swings at everything hoping to connect.

You're confusing 'cynical' with reality.

If you are truly for a stronger middle class, you'll agree with equalizing the disparity between corporate profits and salaries.
No one is forced to work for anybody. Obama and the left are trying to change hat very constitutional dynamic, though.

So we're back to the 'If you don't like your employer get another one?'

Obama and the left are trying to make companies responsible by giving as much as they take.
No one is forced to work for anybody. Obama and the left are trying to change hat very constitutional dynamic, though.

So we're back to the 'If you don't like your employer get another one?'

That's right. You have no right to a job and that isn't up for debate.

Obama and the left are trying to make companies responsible by giving as much as they take.

Only a complete and total fuck tard would believe such a thing. The Democrats in D.C. are pocketing Wall Street money and giving them special favors behind closed doors just like the GOP. The Democrats were instrumental in the corrupt Wall Street bailout.
You cynical view of the market means nothing. I agree that a strong Middle Class is important. You are kind of like a blindfolded child in a fight, you just take random swings at everything hoping to connect.

You're confusing 'cynical' with reality.

If you are truly for a stronger middle class, you'll agree with equalizing the disparity between corporate profits and salaries.
That has nothing to do with minimum wage.

The shlub working the drive thru at Taco Bell doesn't deserve $15hr. They can't get an order right 50% of the time.

The game is stacked by the hacks in Washington (both parties). I neither have the time nor the skill set to have an economic discussion with you.

Simply put, and back to my original assertion, you cant arbitrarily increase one wage without impacting the buying potential of everyone above that wage. Think of all of the tenured employees that currently make $15hr after years of hard work. You put them in the poor house in one night...
New York State Calls For 15 Minimum Wage For Fast Food Workers
So now fast-food workers will be getting a double salary in New York. It's probably a good thing in short-term since burger flippers are highly underpaid. But I doubt employers are going to tolerate it for long. It will probably drive automation to increase efficiency and decrease the number of employees. Fast food workers would better search for another job.

That's not going to happen. Employers aren't going to go to robots or automation because they have to pay their employees a living wage.

My state has the highest minimum wage in the nation. It's required by a law we have here.

Guess what? No one lost jobs.

In King County where Seattle is, the unemployment rate is 3.3%. In Snohomish County which is right next to King County and has most of the Seattle suburbs, the unemployment rate is 3.6%.

Starting wages for fast food workers in my area is 11 dollars an hour. At least that's what McDonalds is paying. There are HELP WANTED and NOW HIRING signs everywhere. Not just fast food jobs but good jobs that pay good salaries and benefits.

High wages benefits everyone. Low wages benefits the top 1%.

What do you want for our nation? Everyone prospers or just a small 1% of the population?

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