New York state judge allows suit against Trump and his personal charity to proceed


Gold Member
May 3, 2017
Northern WI.
"A New York state judge on Friday denied a request by attorneys for President Trump to throw out a lawsuit alleging that Trump and his family violated charity laws with the management of their personal foundation.

Justice Saliann Scarpulla sided with New York Attorney General Barbara D. Underwood in allowing the case to continue, saying it was fair for the attorney general to argue that the president used the Donald J. Trump Foundation to advance his campaign.

Attorney Alan Futerfas, who represents Trump and his three eldest children, had argued that the president was acting in his individual capacity — not on behalf of the foundation — in hosting a televised fundraiser for veterans and allowing his campaign staff to dictate what groups received donations.

But the allegations, Scarpulla wrote in her decision , “show that Mr. Trump was acting in both of his capacities as campaign candidate and president of the Foundation.”She wrote that Underwood “adequately alleges that the political acts by Mr. Trump and the Campaign are attributable to the Foundation.”

In a statement Friday, Underwood applauded the decision, saying that the “Trump Foundation functioned as little more than a checkbook to serve Mr. Trump’s business and political interests.”
- Source


Looks like the trump cartel is starting to show signs of cracking. Here is a list of his lawsuits; Legal affairs of Donald Trump (citizen) and Legal affairs of Donald Trump (president)
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I really really hate your format of your op is there something wrong with your browser?

Because I really want to read them

I said it before in another post, Trump cant say anything because the precedent has already been set with Bills civil trial vs Paula Jones .

I use the "indent" tool to separate the quoted article from my own comments. All I did was remove the indent. It shouldn't make a difference. I use firefox.

You retarded idiot have no idea how to post an article. How are we to assume you can intelligently Google stuff?
I use the "indent" tool to separate the quoted article from my own comments. All I did was remove the indent. It shouldn't make a difference. I use firefox.

You retarded idiot have no idea how to post an article. How are we to assume you can intelligently Google stuff?
For the same reason that I assume you can't "intelligently Google stuff?"

Stop being an Asshole, dude.
You retarded idiot have no idea how to post an article. How are we to assume you can intelligently Google stuff?

Very few of you bed wetting libturd parasites post anything worth reading, but I know YOU can't intelligently steal oxygen. Leave the chick alone, it's bad enough she has to get trolled by me.

As to the OP, I'm confident that once the bullshit political TV show is over with, an adult judge is going to throw the case out. Just like every other major headline event of a republicrat getting charged or convicted, 95% of the time they win the appeal or the case is thrown out because leftist prosecutors are not at all concerned with the law, truth, ethics or justice.

Sorry to piss n your 15 mins Hate session Wind...

Wait no I'm not.

Some punk who distinguishes himself by typing nonsensical shit in blue that annoys everyone and another punk defending another punk who I exposed. LOL Windparadox is basically a non-English speaking and quite delusional idiot you limp-wristed fucktards. In other words attacking me is not going to get sex from Windparadox. Windparadox, can you confirm that please? :p
Some punk who distinguishes himself by typing nonsensical shit in blue that annoys everyone and another punk defending another punk who I exposed. LOL Windparadox is a delusional dude you limp-wristed fucktards.

All you bed wetting libturds are delusional you fuckin parasite.

Go suck some dicks or have an abortion, maybe you'll feel better.
Some punk who distinguishes himself by typing nonsensical shit in blue that annoys everyone and another punk defending another punk who I exposed. LOL Windparadox is basically a non-English speaking and quite delusional idiot you limp-wristed fucktards. In other words attacking me is not going to get sex from Windparadox. Windparadox, can you confirm that please? :p

Are you feeling not so fresh?
And that decision will be appealed, and then appealed again, and then appealed to Federal Court, where it will be appealed up to the Supreme Court eventually. No way this goes to trial before Trump has completed his second term, or has handed the reigns over to someone else.
BULLDOG, do you not find the mentally ill Pete7469's blue font, stupid comments totally irrelevant? Also BULLDOG, to your credit while Pete7469 visualizes sucking cocks you think about getting denied sex from menstruating women. Not sure if that is good or bad. I guess it is good if you can date pre-menapausal broads. There is an excitement to that does no exist with post-menapausal broads for several reasons. :p
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BULLDOG, do you not find the mentally ill Pete7469's blue font, stupid comments totally irrelevant?

I find about 93% of what is presented here to be irrelevant. If he wasn't nuts, his dumb choice to post in blue wouldn't be so bad.
Some punk who distinguishes himself by typing nonsensical shit in blue that annoys everyone and another punk defending another punk who I exposed. LOL Windparadox is basically a non-English speaking and quite delusional idiot you limp-wristed fucktards. In other words attacking me is not going to get sex from Windparadox. Windparadox, can you confirm that please? :p
They do not need to think they are getting sex to attack you you dumb fuck!
For the same reason that I assume you can't "intelligently Google stuff?"
Stop being an Asshole, dude.
I don't know about you but after being on these N&P forums for years, I've picked up the knack of just mentally ignoring certain people without putting them on ignore. They become, for lack of a better phrase; a persona non grata. The lioness has no quarrel with the flea, as pesty as they can be.

Any idiot can google something but there are many tools and tricks you can use to narrow down your search. Some take a little practice but once you get the hang of it, it becomes second nature.

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