New York time new editorial board members celebrated dumbass f**king white people going extinct

Times hired this fucking gooker to be their tech reporter. Racist bitch. But hey...liberals think racism is OK so long as it is against white people.
New York Times stands by new tech writer Sarah Jeong after racist tweets surface
Suck it up cupcake.

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So that's what we need to tell all you WHINERS when something "racist" happens to some negro,mexishit etc. Good to know.

Says the whiner.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
then they hire, then fire someone for anti-black / gay tweets from her past and hire this person.

NYTimes’ Newest Hire Sent Tons Of Anti-White Racist Tweets

NYT announced on Wednesday that they hired Sarah Jeong to join their editorial board. Jeong previously wrote for the Verge and authored “The Internet of Garbage,” a book about online harassment and free speech.

Shortly after Jeong’s hire, Twitter users unearthed old tweets in which she expressed an extreme distaste for white people.

“Dumbass f**king white people marking up the internet with their opinions like dogs pissing on fire hydrants,” she tweeted in 2016.

Another tweet reads, “oh man it’s kind of sick how much joy I get from being cruel to old white men.”
if we're to fire white people for stupid shit they've said in the past, we need to fire all. equal opportunity and all ya know?
Times hired this fucking gooker to be their tech reporter. Racist bitch. But hey...liberals think racism is OK so long as it is against white people.
New York Times stands by new tech writer Sarah Jeong after racist tweets surface
Suck it up cupcake.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
So that's what we need to tell all you WHINERS when something "racist" happens to some negro,mexishit etc. Good to know.

Says the whiner.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
If it was a black person you would be whining about this, jim crow, slavery and your great great great great grandaddys tribal leader selling him for a bucket of oranges.
New York Times’ New Editorial Board Member Celebrated “Dumbass F**king White People” Going Extinct
The New York Times’ new editorial board member wrote scores of tweets expressing her hatred for “dumbass f**king white people,” including one which celebrated white people going extinct.

The best thing any PRO AMERICAN can do is help the others to take this pos company down.

How wil the nation ever get rid of " Racisim" if you STUPID POS F.........G. ASSHOLES DON'T STOP POINTING OUT EVERYTHING MAKING IT RACIST!!

Are you leftist morons this gawd dam stupd, oh yes you are!

It's obvious that the Democratic Party regards white voters as its enemy.
It's amazing that there are still white people who still vote Democrat.
The Dems are the Party of hate.
New York Times’ New Editorial Board Member Celebrated “Dumbass F**king White People” Going Extinct
The New York Times’ new editorial board member wrote scores of tweets expressing her hatred for “dumbass f**king white people,” including one which celebrated white people going extinct.

The best thing any PRO AMERICAN can do is help the others to take this pos company down.

How wil the nation ever get rid of " Racisim" if you STUPID POS F.........G. ASSHOLES DON'T STOP POINTING OUT EVERYTHING MAKING IT RACIST!!

Are you leftist morons this gawd dam stupd, oh yes you are!

It's obvious that the Democratic Party regards white voters as its enemy.
It's amazing that there are still white people who still vote Democrat.
The Dems are the Party of hate.
That’s because they bailed on them last election. This election blacks will be bailing.
New York Times’ New Editorial Board Member Celebrated “Dumbass F**king White People” Going Extinct
The New York Times’ new editorial board member wrote scores of tweets expressing her hatred for “dumbass f**king white people,” including one which celebrated white people going extinct.

The best thing any PRO AMERICAN can do is help the others to take this pos company down.

How wil the nation ever get rid of " Racisim" if you STUPID POS F.........G. ASSHOLES DON'T STOP POINTING OUT EVERYTHING MAKING IT RACIST!!

Are you leftist morons this gawd dam stupd, oh yes you are!
Where is Trayvon when you need him????
New York Times’ New Editorial Board Member Celebrated “Dumbass F**king White People” Going Extinct
The New York Times’ new editorial board member wrote scores of tweets expressing her hatred for “dumbass f**king white people,” including one which celebrated white people going extinct.

The best thing any PRO AMERICAN can do is help the others to take this pos company down.

How wil the nation ever get rid of " Racisim" if you STUPID POS F.........G. ASSHOLES DON'T STOP POINTING OUT EVERYTHING MAKING IT RACIST!!

Are you leftist morons this gawd dam stupd, oh yes you are!

It's obvious that the Democratic Party regards white voters as its enemy.
It's amazing that there are still white people who still vote Democrat.
The Dems are the Party of hate.
That’s because they bailed on them last election. This election blacks will be bailing.

Actually the left/east coast went for Hillary...again the headquarters for the "Intellectual effete" and as such so out of touch with the majority of Americans including "deplorables".
For that the premise the left/east coast MSM is truly the "enemy of the people" because these "intellectual effete" they think they are so much more informed, intelligent, etc. that
those of us in the "fly over" country are to be pitied.
Times hired this fucking gooker to be their tech reporter. Racist bitch. But hey...liberals think racism is OK so long as it is against white people.
New York Times stands by new tech writer Sarah Jeong after racist tweets surface

The racial relativism has gone off the hook in our America of the today. A "white" American tweets, texts, speaks, or reports something with even a sniff of political incorrectness, and it is game over for their public image, career, marriage, etc. However, when "a person of any other color" does the same or much, much worse--up to and including overt, naked, public calls for violence against other skin tones, the politically correct cultural infrastructure rushes to their defense. Same goes for straight people vs. LGBTQ and now pedophiles who are "only joking".

So obvious that this culture of the day is designed to promote class and race warfare--and it works? Have we all become so stupid we can't or refuse to call it when we've been fooled? Needs to end. End now.

You white racists just need to stop crying. I'm quite sure this Asian woman lady has heard plenty from white dudes about me love you long time and all the usual racist shit we put up with. Now you want to whine like little baby back bitches calling somebody anti white when she is not anti white but she's tired of taking the fucked up racism from you white racists and unlike these Asians here, she's no sellout.

So now what do you punks have to say about how asians never say anything about white racism?
New York Times’ New Editorial Board Member Celebrated “Dumbass F**king White People” Going Extinct
The New York Times’ new editorial board member wrote scores of tweets expressing her hatred for “dumbass f**king white people,” including one which celebrated white people going extinct.

The best thing any PRO AMERICAN can do is help the others to take this pos company down.

How wil the nation ever get rid of " Racisim" if you STUPID POS F.........G. ASSHOLES DON'T STOP POINTING OUT EVERYTHING MAKING IT RACIST!!

Are you leftist morons this gawd dam stupd, oh yes you are!

It’s OK if the NYT wants to employ a proud genocidal racist.
We just have to brand the NYT a racist bigot publication and boycott their advertisers.
BTW, everyone gets it, White Voters and Christians are not welcomed in the Democratic Party.

Asian not say thing about racism. Asian like customers at buffet. Do dry cleaning why honorable customer wait and eat buffet.
Times hired this fucking gooker to be their tech reporter. Racist bitch. But hey...liberals think racism is OK so long as it is against white people.
New York Times stands by new tech writer Sarah Jeong after racist tweets surface

The racial relativism has gone off the hook in our America of the today. A "white" American tweets, texts, speaks, or reports something with even a sniff of political incorrectness, and it is game over for their public image, career, marriage, etc. However, when "a person of any other color" does the same or much, much worse--up to and including overt, naked, public calls for violence against other skin tones, the politically correct cultural infrastructure rushes to their defense. Same goes for straight people vs. LGBTQ and now pedophiles who are "only joking".

So obvious that this culture of the day is designed to promote class and race warfare--and it works? Have we all become so stupid we can't or refuse to call it when we've been fooled? Needs to end. End now.

No, what we see here is called non whites being tired of white racism.

You white racists just need to stop crying. I'm quite sure this Asian woman lady has heard plenty from white dudes about me love you long time and all the usual racist shit we put up with. Now you want to whine like little baby back bitches calling somebody anti white when she is not anti white but she's tired of taking the fucked up racism from you white racists and unlike these Asians here, she's no sellout.

So now what do you punks have to say about how asians never say anything about white racism?
I love the Chinese.
Educated, honest and speak excellent English.
Times hired this fucking gooker to be their tech reporter. Racist bitch. But hey...liberals think racism is OK so long as it is against white people.
New York Times stands by new tech writer Sarah Jeong after racist tweets surface

The racial relativism has gone off the hook in our America of the today. A "white" American tweets, texts, speaks, or reports something with even a sniff of political incorrectness, and it is game over for their public image, career, marriage, etc. However, when "a person of any other color" does the same or much, much worse--up to and including overt, naked, public calls for violence against other skin tones, the politically correct cultural infrastructure rushes to their defense. Same goes for straight people vs. LGBTQ and now pedophiles who are "only joking".

So obvious that this culture of the day is designed to promote class and race warfare--and it works? Have we all become so stupid we can't or refuse to call it when we've been fooled? Needs to end. End now.

No, what we see here is called non whites being tired of white racism.

Too much perpetuation for self-gratification and ignorance of the master's turning us against each other. You're aiding and abetting "The Man" even as you think you're sticking it to Him. Boring.
Times hired this fucking gooker to be their tech reporter. Racist bitch. But hey...liberals think racism is OK so long as it is against white people.
New York Times stands by new tech writer Sarah Jeong after racist tweets surface

The racial relativism has gone off the hook in our America of the today. A "white" American tweets, texts, speaks, or reports something with even a sniff of political incorrectness, and it is game over for their public image, career, marriage, etc. However, when "a person of any other color" does the same or much, much worse--up to and including overt, naked, public calls for violence against other skin tones, the politically correct cultural infrastructure rushes to their defense. Same goes for straight people vs. LGBTQ and now pedophiles who are "only joking".

So obvious that this culture of the day is designed to promote class and race warfare--and it works? Have we all become so stupid we can't or refuse to call it when we've been fooled? Needs to end. End now.
PC is bullshit and ruining our country.
Times hired this fucking gooker to be their tech reporter. Racist bitch. But hey...liberals think racism is OK so long as it is against white people.
New York Times stands by new tech writer Sarah Jeong after racist tweets surface
I dunno...... I have issues with old white men myself.

Chuckles Schumer
Jake Tapper
Jim Acosta
John Fucking McCain
Dingie Harry Reid
John Horse-face Kerry
Joe Scarborough
Adam Pencil-neck Schiff
George Soros
Chris Wallace
Bret Baer
Neil Cavuto
Paul Ryan
Jake Clapper
John Brennan
Rod Rosenstein
Peter Strzok
Robert Ferris Mueller
James Comey

These Honky Motherfuckers should all die of Gonorrhea.
There was once a time when Liberals tried to hide their true identity...and then one day Democrats allowed their e-mails servers to be illegally accessed, their dirty little secrets, and had them laid bare for the entire world to see. They were exposed as racists, sexists, homophobic Anti-Semites.

Finding themselves in such a bright and undesirable spotlight...and being masters of spin, the Democrats quickly painted themselves as 'VICTIMS' and began the 'Russia, Russia, Russia' narrative.

I guess they figure the proverbial cat is out of the bag now so there is no reason to hide who they are. Intolerant Socialists, racists, sexists, homophobes, anti-Semites, Islamic Extremist sympathizers, propagandists, generators of fake news, primary riggers, debate cheaters, Obstructionists, perjurers, national security compromisers, traitors....

It's all 'good'. Coming out of the closet, so to speak, must be so liberating for them after all these decades.


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