New York time new editorial board members celebrated dumbass f**king white people going extinct

Trump is creating Jobs so fast the New York Times, which pays rock bottom because it is nearly broke----has to hire the Handicapped.

And this Bitch is clearly handicapped.
New York Times’ New Editorial Board Member Celebrated “Dumbass F**king White People” Going Extinct
The New York Times’ new editorial board member wrote scores of tweets expressing her hatred for “dumbass f**king white people,” including one which celebrated white people going extinct.

The best thing any PRO AMERICAN can do is help the others to take this pos company down.

How wil the nation ever get rid of " Racisim" if you STUPID POS F.........G. ASSHOLES DON'T STOP POINTING OUT EVERYTHING MAKING IT RACIST!!

Are you leftist morons this gawd dam stupd, oh yes you are!
News Flash, when white people stop hating, racism will end. One more time, when white people who are the majority for now in this country, when you mf's stop hating, racism will end yesterday, its just that simple. Your hatred got us Trump, your hatred is what is destroying this country.
New York Times’ New Editorial Board Member Celebrated “Dumbass F**king White People” Going Extinct
The New York Times’ new editorial board member wrote scores of tweets expressing her hatred for “dumbass f**king white people,” including one which celebrated white people going extinct.

The best thing any PRO AMERICAN can do is help the others to take this pos company down.

How wil the nation ever get rid of " Racisim" if you STUPID POS F.........G. ASSHOLES DON'T STOP POINTING OUT EVERYTHING MAKING IT RACIST!!

Are you leftist morons this gawd dam stupd, oh yes you are!
News Flash, when white people stop hating, racism will end. One more time, when white people who are the majority for now in this country, when you mf's stop hating, racism will end yesterday, its just that simple. Your hatred got us Trump, your hatred is what is destroying this country.
Horse fucking shit! Asshole! You tards are the racists. Yours is well documented.
"we can try to understand the new york time effect on man"

More educated and knowledgeable than you obviously. Trump came out firing racism and you want to pretend it didn't happen. The republican party has played identity politics since Goldwater and you want to pretend republicans are all for racial equality. And then we have forums like this, full of republican racists and you guys want to portend that you are not racists. You're a nutjob.

More educated and knowledgeable than you obviously. Trump came out firing racism and you want to pretend it didn't happen. The republican party has played identity politics since Goldwater and you want to pretend republicans are all for racial equality. And then we have forums like this, full of republican racists and you guys want to portend that you are not racists. You're a nutjob.


More educated and knowledgeable than you obviously. Trump came out firing racism and you want to pretend it didn't happen. The republican party has played identity politics since Goldwater and you want to pretend republicans are all for racial equality. And then we have forums like this, full of republican racists and you guys want to portend that you are not racists. You're a nutjob.
Goldwater was a libertarian, moron.

His position had nothing to do with race.
The Times is already taking Paul Krugman to and from work on The Yellow Short Bus.

Now, he has someone to ride with him.
Are you insane?

Again, no...

Remember when the Democrats' own personal leaked e-mails exposed them as being RACIST, sexist, homophobic anti-Semites?

Just when you think they are about to live that down, that people are going to forget all about that, the Democrats proudly step forward to remind everyone that they are STILL racist, sexist, homophobic anti-Semites!

Thank you Democrats, especially / specifically Chuck Schumer!

"Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer faced a stern rebuke from congressional colleagues for citing skin color in voting against a white federal judge nominee earlier this week."

Lindsey Graham may have said it best when he responded by saying:

"Voting against a highly qualified nominee because of the color of his skin does nothing to bring our country and nation together. Frankly it is a massive step backward."
— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC)
March 1, 2018

Schumer slammed for citing skin color in vote against white judicial nominee
while labinh th whte rhrn bderwode open.

So Much For Democrats Calling Others 'Racists' - Thank You, Chuck Schumer: Racist and Proud Of It!

LOL! I have to laugh at the lunacy of people like you who support locking up any Hispanic you can talking about not wanting open borders while leaving the white northern border wide open.
More educated and knowledgeable than you obviously.
No, you SPIN, avoiding the topic of discussion, That doesn't make you 'intelligent'. That makes you a coward.

I pointed out how the Democrats were exposed through their own leaked e-mails as racist, sexist, homophobic anti-Semites - all TRUE...yet you challenged me on it, asked me if I was crazy for making such a statement. I backed it up with proof / links. You then come back at me with, "Yeah, BUT TRUMP..." ... "Yeah, but the Republican Party...."

Trust me, you don't want to start digging up the past regarding 'racism'...and you might want to be careful trying to point to what is going on now.

Latinos recently gave the DNC the finger when the Democrats they have doing nothing but giving lip service to the issues that concern Latinos, that they would rather keep those issues as ELECTION ISSUES with which to try to manipulate Latinos for their votes. Blacks are not far behind, especially with the successes blacks are experiencing under President Trump - most blacks employed in recordable history, lowest unemployment for blacks in recorded history, fewer on food stamps, unemployment, and welfare....

...and then you have stories like this where the new 'futures of the Democratic Party' are openly racist.

Your challenge was met...with flying colors.
LOL! I have to laugh at the lunacy of people like you who support locking up any Hispanic you can talking about not wanting open borders while leaving the white northern border wide open.

Yes, I forgot about of the millions of illegal aliens coming across the 'great white northern open border' by the millions from Whitehorse and Ontario!


More educated and knowledgeable than you obviously. Trump came out firing racism and you want to pretend it didn't happen. The republican party has played identity politics since Goldwater and you want to pretend republicans are all for racial equality. And then we have forums like this, full of republican racists and you guys want to portend that you are not racists. You're a nutjob.
Goldwater was a libertarian, moron.

His position had nothing to do with race.

Goldwater was the republican nominee for president the United Sates junior. His position had everything to do with race.

More educated and knowledgeable than you obviously. Trump came out firing racism and you want to pretend it didn't happen. The republican party has played identity politics since Goldwater and you want to pretend republicans are all for racial equality. And then we have forums like this, full of republican racists and you guys want to portend that you are not racists. You're a nutjob.
Goldwater was a libertarian, moron.

His position had nothing to do with race.

Goldwater was the republican nominee for president the United Sates junior. His position had everything to do with race.
No idiot.

It was about private property rights.

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