New York time new editorial board members celebrated dumbass f**king white people going extinct

The racial relativism has gone off the hook in our America of the today. A "white" American tweets, texts, speaks, or reports something with even a sniff of political incorrectness, and it is game over for their public image, career, marriage, etc. However, when "a person of any other color" does the same or much, much worse--up to and including overt, naked, public calls for violence against other skin tones, the politically correct cultural infrastructure rushes to their defense. Same goes for straight people vs. LGBTQ and now pedophiles who are "only joking".

So obvious that this culture of the day is designed to promote class and race warfare--and it works? Have we all become so stupid we can't or refuse to call it when we've been fooled? Needs to end. End now.

I think it's the profound proliferation of ignorance. You need an ignorant, hateful society for evil men to work their deeds in the background unimpeded. Every racist here is their tool and puppet.

The secret of freedom lies in educating people , whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant .
Maximilien Robespierre
More educated and knowledgeable than you obviously.
No, you SPIN, avoiding the topic of discussion, That doesn't make you 'intelligent'. That makes you a coward.

I pointed out how the Democrats were exposed through their own leaked e-mails as racist, sexist, homophobic anti-Semites - all TRUE...yet you challenged me on it, asked me if I was crazy for making such a statement. I backed it up with proof / links. You then come back at me with, "Yeah, BUT TRUMP..." ... "Yeah, but the Republican Party...."

Trust me, you don't want to start digging up the past regarding 'racism'...and you might want to be careful trying to point to what is going on now.

Latinos recently gave the DNC the finger when the Democrats they have doing nothing but giving lip service to the issues that concern Latinos, that they would rather keep those issues as ELECTION ISSUES with which to try to manipulate Latinos for their votes. Blacks are not far behind, especially with the successes blacks are experiencing under President Trump - most blacks employed in recordable history, lowest unemployment for blacks in recorded history, fewer on food stamps, unemployment, and welfare....

...and then you have stories like this where the new 'futures of the Democratic Party' are openly racist.

Your challenge was met...with flying colors.

Well I think that the past has Impacted today and I can confidently point out what's really going on now as opposed your alt right bullshit. I am black and there is not going to be the great back exodus from the democratic party to the republican party. You want to talk about what's going on now when daily I am in forums reading racism day after day from republicans and you are talking about how blacks are just going to flock to your party. You're a loon son. Straight crazy.

Clarence Thomas’ wife shares fake news posts about blacks leaving Democratic party

The wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas shared fake news images on Facebook of African-Americans who allegedly “walked away” from the Democratic party.


Ginni Thomas, a lawyer and conservative activist, shared a number of posts from “The Citizens Mandate” that appeared to show former members of the Democratic party — but the individuals are models posing for stock images.

“Thank you, #WalkAway movement, for showing us there are American citizens appalled at what they are seeing in the Democrat Party and its activists,” Thomas wrote on July 16 along with the mocked up image of an African American woman.

The item showed the model along with a list of inflammatory reasons she purportedly left the political party.

The image is a stock photo that can be found by a simple image search.

President Trump has done nothing for us.


How Trump compares with Obama so far on jobs

Donald Trump's job record as president so far has been pretty good. It's just not as good as Barack Obama's.

Employers added 1,189,000 jobs in February through August, according to data released Friday.

That falls short of the 1,375,000 jobs created during Obama's last seven months.

That means Trump is trailing Obama by 186,000 jobs when you compare the end of one presidency to the start of another.

Here's another way to look at it: How is Trump faring on a straight year-over-year basis? He lags Obama there, too. There have been 1,189,000 jobs created under his watch so far, compared to 1,422,000 between February and August 2016.

Of course, Trump's seven-month record is far better than Obama's first seven months in office, when the economy lost 3.6 million jobs. That's because Obama was sworn in during the worst downturn since the Great Depression. The economy was hemorrhaging jobs.

By contrast, Obama handed Trump an economy that was close to what economists consider full employment. The unemployment rate on Inauguration Day was 4.8%, and it has fallen since then to 4.4%.

In fact, if Obama left a problem for Trump, it wasn't that the economy was too weak -- it was that the labor market was almost too strong. At full employment, businesses have an extremely difficult time finding available, qualified workers to fill job openings.

How Trump compares with Obama so far on jobs
LOL! I have to laugh at the lunacy of people like you who support locking up any Hispanic you can talking about not wanting open borders while leaving the white northern border wide open.

Yes, I forgot about of the millions of illegal aliens coming across the 'great white northern open border' by the millions from Whitehorse and Ontario!


If you are not racist and oppose open borders, you close all the borders.
Every Republican running this year should ask every Democrat running this year if they agree with the New York Times.
Times hired this fucking gooker to be their tech reporter. Racist bitch. But hey...liberals think racism is OK so long as it is against white people.
New York Times stands by new tech writer Sarah Jeong after racist tweets surface

Gooker? You know, I'm Asian and I think this chick is a total shitbag and the NYT should immediately release her from their staff, but when you say shit like gooker it makes me feel not so bad for you and this precisely why minorities in this country have a poor view of conservatives.
Last edited:
Thread had been reopened. Several posts have been deleted and several warnings handed out. If you can't discuss this topic like mature adults then perhaps you should move on to another one
THIS IS WHAT LEFTIST WANT and PROMOTE we minds fall victim to acting just like this.

Times hired this fucking gooker to be their tech reporter. Racist bitch. But hey...liberals think racism is OK so long as it is against white people.
New York Times stands by new tech writer Sarah Jeong after racist tweets surface

Gooker? You know, I'm Asian and I think this chick is a total shitbag and the NYT should immediately release her from their staff, but when you say shit like gooker it makes me feel not so bad for you and this precisely why minorities in this country have a poor view of conservatives.
He is just mad.

The double standard is atrocious and unbearable.

This is the “progressive” party that literally censors people for saying something they don’t like and expects Republicans to condemn white nationalists on demand.

Minorities need to understand how fucked up this is. This directly disproves “white privilege” .
I can't get over the irony of having the remains of white American GI's of whom saved countless Korean lives, come home today from the Korean War, and knowing that Sarah Jeong the white hater is from South Korea.
Don't Taz Me, your siding with white racists is why Bush92 felt he could say what he did about Asians. Where is the rant about this rotting subculture of racism that exists in the white communiy. You have consistently taken sides with racists and you have done the same to people you are admonishing everyone here about now. Maybe you show the same ability to openly criticize these white racists instead of siding with them and repeating their racist beliefs.
The country has divided. We are at each other's throats.

It needs to grow and develop into street by street hand to hand combat. All our cities need to be Fallujah.
Times hired this fucking gooker to be their tech reporter. Racist bitch. But hey...liberals think racism is OK so long as it is against white people.
New York Times stands by new tech writer Sarah Jeong after racist tweets surface

Gooker? You know, I'm Asian and I think this chick is a total shitbag and the NYT should immediately release her from their staff, but when you say shit like gooker it makes me feel not so bad for you and this precisely why minorities in this country have a poor view of conservatives.
He is just mad.

The double standard is atrocious and unbearable.

This is the “progressive” party that literally censors people for saying something they don’t like and expects Republicans to condemn white nationalists on demand.

Minorities need to understand how fucked up this is. This directly disproves “white privilege” .

There is no double standard. We minorities know how fucked up it is junior. Whites just need to stop big racists. That's the problem.
The silver lining: in a white majority country, the New York Slimes and liberal hatemongering pigs in general will continue to alienate more and more moderate people sitting on the fence. Today's Democratic party, due to a perfect fusion of stupidity and arrogance, is the most self-marginalizing movement I have ever seen in my entire life.
Times hired this fucking gooker to be their tech reporter. Racist bitch. But hey...liberals think racism is OK so long as it is against white people.
New York Times stands by new tech writer Sarah Jeong after racist tweets surface
Suck it up cupcake.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
So that's what we need to tell all you WHINERS when something "racist" happens to some negro,mexishit etc. Good to know.

Says the whiner.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
If it was a black person you would be whining about this, jim crow, slavery and your great great great great grandaddys tribal leader selling him for a bucket of oranges.

My great great great great grandaddy was a Cherokee.
I am Cherokee.
Thanks for playing.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
I love this woman. :laughing0301:


Nope, no racism to see here. Grab some watermelon and relax you nappy headed scamp.


Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

You'll live.
I know. You are still an idiot.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

It's always funny how racists don't like to be treated like they treat others. You may go now.

I will do whatever I want. I don't need your approval.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Times hired this fucking gooker to be their tech reporter. Racist bitch. But hey...liberals think racism is OK so long as it is against white people.
New York Times stands by new tech writer Sarah Jeong after racist tweets surface
Suck it up cupcake.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
So that's what we need to tell all you WHINERS when something "racist" happens to some negro,mexishit etc. Good to know.

Says the whiner.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
If it was a black person you would be whining about this, jim crow, slavery and your great great great great grandaddys tribal leader selling him for a bucket of oranges.

My great great great great grandaddy was a Cherokee.
I am Cherokee.
Thanks for playing.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
You got my point, im sure.

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