New York Times: $15 an Hour is Meant to Drive Fast Food Out of Business

It said so in your article, moron.

The article stated: Google hasn't released ANY accident reports. Without accident reports you can't determine fault or percentage of fault.

From your article:

"It wasn't immediately clear where and when the accident took place, but company co-founder Sergey Brin said the vehicle was stopped at a traffic light and rear-ended by another driver."

Then why not release the police report? Brake lights not working? Google hasn't released ANY accident reports. Without accident reports you can't determine fault or percentage of fault.

You'll have to ask Google.

That doesn't even seem relevant. If the break lights are not working, how would that be a problem of the automation? You think the program pushed the brake pedal too hard, and it burned out the bulb? (/sarcasm).

In the words of Hillary, what difference does that make?

Give you a hint..... If I'm driving my car, or a friend of mine is driving my car, it's still me as the cars owners, who is responsible for replacing a brake light.

The more OnePercenter talks about this, the more I'm convinced he's too old to be a forum. He sounds like an old codger talking about "those darn kids and their new fangled gadgets!".

Seriously dude, the abacus is outdated.

The automated car would know when the brake lights aren't working and report it to the owner. Whether your brake lights are working are not, the buy who hits you from behind is still at fault, especially when you are stopped at a light.
Why would that matter? When is it permissible to run into the back of a car?

I don't know about Canada, but in the United States of America, if the brake lights aren't working on the car that is struck, then the accident becomes 50/50. We don't know because Sergay won't release the accident reports.
I would willingly pay a premium to use self-checkout...I can check out my order a hell of a lot faster than the typical marginally-sentient stoner cashier. I also know that if I do, things will be bagged properly!

I will not go to full-serve gas under any circumstances!

You are the ultimate loon. People must flock around to watch you for the comedy potential.
They're still new and expensive. Keep raising the cost of human labor and more will be sold, bringing down the cost. It happens that way with every new technology. Change is inevitable.

Again! Where are the machines you write of?
The automated car would know when the brake lights aren't working and report it to the owner. Whether your brake lights are working are not, the buy who hits you from behind is still at fault, especially when you are stopped at a light.

If the automated car was working. Perhaps why the police reports weren't released.

I had an employee rear end a car at a traffic light. The brake lights on the vehicle that was struck weren't working, the cops deemed it 50/50.
Why would that matter? When is it permissible to run into the back of a car?

I don't know about Canada, but in the United States of America, if the brake lights aren't working on the car that is struck, then the accident becomes 50/50. We don't know because Sergay won't release the accident reports.
If your break lights weren't working, then you would get a ticket for your break lights not working, but the car that hits you from behind gets the moving violation. There's absolutely no excuse for hitting a car stopped at a light.
Dude...there already are!

Really? Who's marketing them? Ford? Chevy? Dodge? Your current science fiction movie?

Google (and others) is testing them...they are on the road RIGHT NOW.

(and others) have been testing them over the past twenty years, and yet, no driver-less car is available to buy. The driver-less car is nothing but a pipe-dream.

Everything was a pipe dream until it became reality. Within 10 years driverless semis will be everywhere.
Why would that matter? When is it permissible to run into the back of a car?

I don't know about Canada, but in the United States of America, if the brake lights aren't working on the car that is struck, then the accident becomes 50/50. We don't know because Sergay won't release the accident reports.
If your break lights weren't working, then you would get a ticket for your break lights not working, but the car that hits you from behind gets the moving violation. There's absolutely no excuse for hitting a car stopped at a light.

The fault by law is 50/50.
Dude...there already are!

Really? Who's marketing them? Ford? Chevy? Dodge? Your current science fiction movie?

Google (and others) is testing them...they are on the road RIGHT NOW.

(and others) have been testing them over the past twenty years, and yet, no driver-less car is available to buy. The driver-less car is nothing but a pipe-dream.

Everything was a pipe dream until it became reality. Within 10 years driverless semis will be everywhere.

If I (or wall street) thought there would be any chance of that, we'd be investing.
Dude...there already are!

Really? Who's marketing them? Ford? Chevy? Dodge? Your current science fiction movie?

Google (and others) is testing them...they are on the road RIGHT NOW.

(and others) have been testing them over the past twenty years, and yet, no driver-less car is available to buy. The driver-less car is nothing but a pipe-dream.

Everything was a pipe dream until it became reality. Within 10 years driverless semis will be everywhere.

If I (or wall street) thought there would be any chance of that, we'd be investing.

What would you invest, your delusional money?
Dude...there already are!

Really? Who's marketing them? Ford? Chevy? Dodge? Your current science fiction movie?

Google (and others) is testing them...they are on the road RIGHT NOW.

(and others) have been testing them over the past twenty years, and yet, no driver-less car is available to buy. The driver-less car is nothing but a pipe-dream.
There are two ways we can go with driver-less cars. Either put incredible smarts (and more points of failure) in cars so they can deal with human drivers (who are unpredictable and uncontrollable), or outlaw human controlled cars and put the smarts into a control system. Here's how I think it will go. The first "smart" cars are being developed now that will try to be smart enough to handle interactions with human driven cars. They will fail, and the second option will be adopted. Cities will build in control mechanisms for city streets, and cars will be developed that will communicate with those mechanisms. Then human driven cars will be illegal within ever expanding prescribed areas.
Dude...there already are!

Really? Who's marketing them? Ford? Chevy? Dodge? Your current science fiction movie?

Google (and others) is testing them...they are on the road RIGHT NOW.

(and others) have been testing them over the past twenty years, and yet, no driver-less car is available to buy. The driver-less car is nothing but a pipe-dream.
There are two ways we can go with driver-less cars. Either put incredible smarts (and more points of failure) in cars so they can deal with human drivers (who are unpredictable and uncontrollable), or outlaw human controlled cars and put the smarts into a control system. Here's how I think it will go. The first "smart" cars are being developed now that will try to be smart enough to handle interactions with human driven cars. They will fail, and the second option will be adopted. Cities will build in control mechanisms for city streets, and cars will be developed that will communicate with those mechanisms. Then human driven cars will be illegal within ever expanding prescribed areas.
It doesn't take incredible smarts for self driving cars to avoid accidents with humans. A typical laptop has more than enough smarts. the number of rules to be followed is really quite small.

The difficult part is getting the car to recognize where the road is and to accomplish other driving tasks, like how to negotiate a parking lot. Google seems to have accomplished this later feat.

Self driving cars will be all over the highway within 10 years. Count on it.
Why would that matter? When is it permissible to run into the back of a car?

I don't know about Canada, but in the United States of America, if the brake lights aren't working on the car that is struck, then the accident becomes 50/50. We don't know because Sergay won't release the accident reports.

But it still doesn't matter to the point of this discussion.

Even if liability is 50/50, that makes no difference to the question of whether self-driving cars are going to be on the road.

No logical person would conclude that we shouldn't have self-driving cars, because human-driven cars, rear-ended the self-driving ones. That's not rational by any stretch.

That would be like me, rear-ending you, and then claiming you should not be allowed on the roads, because I hit you.

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