New York Times: $15 an Hour is Meant to Drive Fast Food Out of Business

The car wasn't at fault, moron. It wasn't at fault in any of those accidents, so the claim is true.

How do you know? Google hasn't released ANY accident reports.

It said so in your article, moron.

The article stated: Google hasn't released ANY accident reports. Without accident reports you can't determine fault or percentage of fault.

From your article:

"It wasn't immediately clear where and when the accident took place, but company co-founder Sergey Brin said the vehicle was stopped at a traffic light and rear-ended by another driver."

Then why not release the police report? Brake lights not working? Google hasn't released ANY accident reports. Without accident reports you can't determine fault or percentage of fault.

You'll have to ask Google.
How do you know? Google hasn't released ANY accident reports.

It said so in your article, moron.

The article stated: Google hasn't released ANY accident reports. Without accident reports you can't determine fault or percentage of fault.

From your article:

"It wasn't immediately clear where and when the accident took place, but company co-founder Sergey Brin said the vehicle was stopped at a traffic light and rear-ended by another driver."

Then why not release the police report? Brake lights not working? Google hasn't released ANY accident reports. Without accident reports you can't determine fault or percentage of fault.

You'll have to ask Google.

What color was the signal light? Seems Sergey forgot that part.
It said so in your article, moron.

The article stated: Google hasn't released ANY accident reports. Without accident reports you can't determine fault or percentage of fault.

From your article:

"It wasn't immediately clear where and when the accident took place, but company co-founder Sergey Brin said the vehicle was stopped at a traffic light and rear-ended by another driver."

Then why not release the police report? Brake lights not working? Google hasn't released ANY accident reports. Without accident reports you can't determine fault or percentage of fault.

You'll have to ask Google.

What color was the signal light? Seems Sergey forgot that part.

Why would that matter? When is it permissible to run into the back of a car?
So what should we do now and forever? Never ever raise the minimum wage and just have a planned underclass of people that we pay with our taxes, to survive poverty? 88% of the people making minimum wage are adults, not children...and they are in these jobs, because there are not enough good or even slightly better jobs to go around....the adults in these jobs are obviously better workers than the teens looking for a job, and this is why businesses have hired the adults over the teenagers THEY ONCE did hire... and then we have illegal and legal immigrants as well flooding the same entry level jobs....

Do we just sit back and let the government make it easier to move jobs overseas and give the tax breaks to do such, allow trade treaties that are one sided in favor of the other country, and now let gvt just open the borders to as many immigrant workers as possible which Rubio and our dear resident Rabbi support, without giving this lower echelon of workers no way out of the poverty they dwell in...for the business's profits, and via the government's doings for decades that have eroded american jobs for American citizens? Or, DO WE SAY FINE, lets increase the "earned income credit" with our tax dollars to help them out? Or increase food stamp money to help them out? Holding the minimum wage down and increasing temporary work visas for foreigners is not the answer imo. If a foreigner wants to come and live here and wants to be a citizen, then I am fine with such because they WANT to be here and WANT to be Americans...but to let immigrants come in here just to work on HB1 visas and for them to send or to bring those dollars back home to their own country, does not help the USA...other than giving a "gift horse" to employers who can keep the minimum wage below what it should be with the flood/increased supply of workers that are willing to take anything..... any job at all, just to have a job, even if their skills ARE much higher than minimum wage pays....

It's a mess out there, a spiral downwards on worker pay, which will eventually hit the middle class more than it has already....

Once set, minimum wage should be indexed to inflation, and be done with it....

then everyone's pay will eventually be raised, in comparison to the minimum in all higher paying jobs surrounding the minimum...they will have to go up with inflation as well... and give no breaks for paying any immigrant less than the minimum wage....and jail the ones that do....
Upon what moral authority do you decide for others what their work (either offered or performed) is worth? If I wish to accept wages below the level you deem proper, upon what moral authority do you declare it illegal for me to accept such wages? Upon what moral authority do you deny someone else my services? Upon what moral authority do you deny me that employment?
The MW played a role. By increasing the cost of human labor, it hastened the advance of automation.

Bull Shit! Thirty years ago people said when planes could fly themselves we'd not need pilots. Guess what, planes can take-off, turn at intersections, find the airport and land by themselves and we still have Pilots.

Of course, and pilots won't be eliminated in the foreseeable future because there are just too many things that can go wrong in the air. Notice, however, the advent of driverless cars. It won't be terribly long before cab and bus driver will be more jobs eliminated by automation.

The truth is we have hit a road block in terms of automation. Until someone can teach a machine to think, we'll be forever stuck.
You will always need a human to take control if a machine fails in life critical situations, but a single human controlling a machine can replace many humans doing the work the machine does.

There will not be driver-less vehicles driving on the nations roadway anytime in the next 100 years. Period.

Dude...there already are!
Well, the fat greedy old White Republicans are boasting about thems robots taking over. According to them, fast food businesses are gonna thrive once that happens. Shy why all their hissy fits about workers making $15? They should be rejoicing. Yay! The robots are coming! The robots are coming! Now those damn poor untouchables will get theirs!!

I swear, fat greedy white Republicans are the dumbest hateful tards on earth. What are they rejoicing about? More Americans being poor and unemployed is gonna effect them bigtime. Their taxes will have to be raised often and significantly, to pay for all those needing Government assistance just to survive. Better off paying em a decent wage. Because ironically, the enormous costs of more poor and unemployed, are gonna effect the fat greedy white Republicans the most. Should have just paid the workers a survivable wage when they had the chance.
Upon what moral authority do you decide for others what their work (either offered or performed) is worth? If I wish to accept wages below the level you deem proper, upon what moral authority do you declare it illegal for me to accept such wages? Upon what moral authority do you deny someone else my services? Upon what moral authority do you deny me that employment?
Which again, shows driverless cars are already on the road.

The point is that if the technology has advanced this far, that they can even have an accident on the road.... it's only a matter of time in my opinion.

Are you seriously suggesting that after the hundreds of millions Google has spent on this project, and after 5 to 10 years more research and development, that the car will be no safer, and less accident prone, than it is right now?

How would you claim that's a rational line of thought?

AND THEY CONTINUE TO RUN INTO SHIT! FYI; same problem as 20 years ago. No advancement in 20 years!

No matter how loud you shriek, it's still bullshit.
Your logical come back is the Miracle on the Hudson. But that is rare feat that not very many pilots would be skilled enough or lucky enough to pull off. I would be pretty confident that a computer might have a hard time of it. That said, I will be there are more pilot caused crashes then there would be computer caused crashes. Absolutely no risk of rushing the cockpit or a pissed off pilot flying the plane into the ground. The only way a pilot can be ready for every contingency is through experience and that doesn't happen oftern. And if it can be simulated then the response is already programmed. Don't get me wrong i don't want computers replacing people it is just the wave of the future.

Computers replacing people IS NOT the wave of the future. IF, and a BIG, IF, somebody can teach a computer to think, it MAY be possible.

Try learning something.

Funny thing is that this does not replace a person with a machine or a computer but it replaces a paid person with an unpaid person. Every time you use a self check out lane or pump your own gas you are doing what someone used to get paid to do and you are doing it for NOTHING. The prices are not lower because we are doing someone's job it is just a cost savings to the company to have people work for nothing.

I would willingly pay a premium to use self-checkout...I can check out my order a hell of a lot faster than the typical marginally-sentient stoner cashier. I also know that if I do, things will be bagged properly!

I will not go to full-serve gas under any circumstances!
Really.... LOL. So no one is using them? Really? Some of the biggest corporations in America, are paying my company millions, and none of our Kiosks are being used?

You prove that. Good luck.

Some technology is yet to be invented, that's true.

Regardless, my point is the technology has been advancing since I've been in the fast food industry, till today.

The number of employees per store, has gone down since the minimum wage went up.

Employees per establishment in the U.S. fast food industry 2018 Statistic

Prior to 2007, the average number of employees per store, was going UP. The reason is simple. As inflation makes the cost of labor cheaper, it's becomes more practical and profitable to employ more people.

Then in 2007, the average number of employees per store declined. In 2007 the average was 17.15, and today it's 15.5. That's a massive drop.

How are they able to keep their stores open? Rolling out this automation technology. Automatic beverage. Auto grill. Auto Fries. Kiosk instead of Cashier.

Again, the process is slow, because it is a significant investment. But over time, as the cost of labor goes up, the more practical those automated systems become.

The company where you work builds vending machines.

Constantly repeating the same bullshit does not make it true, only annoying.
Your logical come back is the Miracle on the Hudson. But that is rare feat that not very many pilots would be skilled enough or lucky enough to pull off. I would be pretty confident that a computer might have a hard time of it. That said, I will be there are more pilot caused crashes then there would be computer caused crashes. Absolutely no risk of rushing the cockpit or a pissed off pilot flying the plane into the ground. The only way a pilot can be ready for every contingency is through experience and that doesn't happen oftern. And if it can be simulated then the response is already programmed. Don't get me wrong i don't want computers replacing people it is just the wave of the future.

Computers replacing people IS NOT the wave of the future. IF, and a BIG, IF, somebody can teach a computer to think, it MAY be possible.

Try learning something.

Funny thing is that this does not replace a person with a machine or a computer but it replaces a paid person with an unpaid person. Every time you use a self check out lane or pump your own gas you are doing what someone used to get paid to do and you are doing it for NOTHING. The prices are not lower because we are doing someone's job it is just a cost savings to the company to have people work for nothing.

I would willingly pay a premium to use self-checkout...I can check out my order a hell of a lot faster than the typical marginally-sentient stoner cashier. I also know that if I do, things will be bagged properly!

I will not go to full-serve gas under any circumstances!

Well as long as you know you are working for nothing and it sounds as if you are willing to pay the company to do work. Interesting.
As opposed to sitting waiting for the one pump jockey dealing with eight pumps, then watching him drop the gas cap against the side of the car, pump regular instead of 89-octane, dribble the last half gallon down the side of the car I just spent two hours detailing, scratch the paint with the pump nozzle, then hope he isn't selling my credit card information? Hell yes.
So what should we do now and forever? Never ever raise the minimum wage and just have a planned underclass of people that we pay with our taxes, to survive poverty? 88% of the people making minimum wage are adults, not children...and they are in these jobs, because there are not enough good or even slightly better jobs to go around....the adults in these jobs are obviously better workers than the teens looking for a job, and this is why businesses have hired the adults over the teenagers THEY ONCE did hire... and then we have illegal and legal immigrants as well flooding the same entry level jobs....

Do we just sit back and let the government make it easier to move jobs overseas and give the tax breaks to do such, allow trade treaties that are one sided in favor of the other country, and now let gvt just open the borders to as many immigrant workers as possible which Rubio and our dear resident Rabbi support, without giving this lower echelon of workers no way out of the poverty they dwell in...for the business's profits, and via the government's doings for decades that have eroded american jobs for American citizens? Or, DO WE SAY FINE, lets increase the "earned income credit" with our tax dollars to help them out? Or increase food stamp money to help them out? Holding the minimum wage down and increasing temporary work visas for foreigners is not the answer imo. If a foreigner wants to come and live here and wants to be a citizen, then I am fine with such because they WANT to be here and WANT to be Americans...but to let immigrants come in here just to work on HB1 visas and for them to send or to bring those dollars back home to their own country, does not help the USA...other than giving a "gift horse" to employers who can keep the minimum wage below what it should be with the flood/increased supply of workers that are willing to take anything..... any job at all, just to have a job, even if their skills ARE much higher than minimum wage pays....

It's a mess out there, a spiral downwards on worker pay, which will eventually hit the middle class more than it has already....

Once set, minimum wage should be indexed to inflation, and be done with it....

then everyone's pay will eventually be raised, in comparison to the minimum in all higher paying jobs surrounding the minimum...they will have to go up with inflation as well... and give no breaks for paying any immigrant less than the minimum wage....and jail the ones that do....
Upon what moral authority do you decide for others what their work (either offered or performed) is worth? If I wish to accept wages below the level you deem proper, upon what moral authority do you declare it illegal for me to accept such wages? Upon what moral authority do you deny someone else my services? Upon what moral authority do you deny me that employment?
Public policy. Some feel that the public good of the many is worth the public bad of the few.
So what should we do now and forever? Never ever raise the minimum wage and just have a planned underclass of people that we pay with our taxes, to survive poverty? 88% of the people making minimum wage are adults, not children...and they are in these jobs, because there are not enough good or even slightly better jobs to go around....the adults in these jobs are obviously better workers than the teens looking for a job, and this is why businesses have hired the adults over the teenagers THEY ONCE did hire... and then we have illegal and legal immigrants as well flooding the same entry level jobs....

Do we just sit back and let the government make it easier to move jobs overseas and give the tax breaks to do such, allow trade treaties that are one sided in favor of the other country, and now let gvt just open the borders to as many immigrant workers as possible which Rubio and our dear resident Rabbi support, without giving this lower echelon of workers no way out of the poverty they dwell in...for the business's profits, and via the government's doings for decades that have eroded american jobs for American citizens? Or, DO WE SAY FINE, lets increase the "earned income credit" with our tax dollars to help them out? Or increase food stamp money to help them out? Holding the minimum wage down and increasing temporary work visas for foreigners is not the answer imo. If a foreigner wants to come and live here and wants to be a citizen, then I am fine with such because they WANT to be here and WANT to be Americans...but to let immigrants come in here just to work on HB1 visas and for them to send or to bring those dollars back home to their own country, does not help the USA...other than giving a "gift horse" to employers who can keep the minimum wage below what it should be with the flood/increased supply of workers that are willing to take anything..... any job at all, just to have a job, even if their skills ARE much higher than minimum wage pays....

It's a mess out there, a spiral downwards on worker pay, which will eventually hit the middle class more than it has already....

Once set, minimum wage should be indexed to inflation, and be done with it....

then everyone's pay will eventually be raised, in comparison to the minimum in all higher paying jobs surrounding the minimum...they will have to go up with inflation as well... and give no breaks for paying any immigrant less than the minimum wage....and jail the ones that do....
Upon what moral authority do you decide for others what their work (either offered or performed) is worth? If I wish to accept wages below the level you deem proper, upon what moral authority do you declare it illegal for me to accept such wages? Upon what moral authority do you deny someone else my services? Upon what moral authority do you deny me that employment?
Public policy.
What? Identify this "Public policy" which you claim is YOUR moral authority to decide for others what their work (either offered or performed) is worth.

Some feel that the public good of the many is worth the public bad of the few.

"Some feel..."? Identify this "some." Not their representative though. Who is "some" accountable to? Explain how "feelings" grant you the moral authority to decide for others what their work (either offered or performed) is worth.

What is this "public good"? Present it. But not some representative, but the actual objective "public good" so that I may hold it accountable for it's claims against everyone.

You obviously won't do this. These identities--"Some", "Public good", etc..--are fictional constructs created by authoritarian shamans to bend their victims in to their will. In the end, these identities--"Some", "Public good", etc... are just euphemisms YOU use to distract from the reality that YOU mean to say "ME" or "I."

So I'll ask YOU again: Upon what moral authority do YOU decide for OTHERS what their work (either offered or performed) is worth? If I wish to accept wages below the level YOU deem proper, upon what moral authority do YOU declare it illegal for me to accept such wages? Upon what moral authority do YOU deny someone else my services? Upon what moral authority do YOU deny me that employment?
The MW played a role. By increasing the cost of human labor, it hastened the advance of automation.

Bull Shit! Thirty years ago people said when planes could fly themselves we'd not need pilots. Guess what, planes can take-off, turn at intersections, find the airport and land by themselves and we still have Pilots.

The truth is we have hit a road block in terms of automation. Until someone can teach a machine to think, we'll be forever stuck.

Wow..... You are absolutely brain dead bonkers.

Why do you think McDonald's spent MILLIONs building that 100% automated store? Let me guess... because they believed labor would remain cheap? Of course it was because they intended to be read when the minimum wage went up.

Why do you think that out of all the fast-food chains in the country, the CEO of McDs was ok with the minimum wage going up? Because they are ready for it.

While other smaller chains are run out of business, McDonalds has the cash to replace workers with automation. They can afford it.

So while other stores are going out of business, McDonalds will make BILLIONS. YOU are going to make the CEO of McDonalds RICH, while the poor end up unemployed.

You people on the left, are the ones who make the rich richer and poor poorer.

If McDonalds has all of these machines that will replace humans, where are they?
They're still new and expensive. Keep raising the cost of human labor and more will be sold, bringing down the cost. It happens that way with every new technology. Change is inevitable.
The MW played a role. By increasing the cost of human labor, it hastened the advance of automation.

Bull Shit! Thirty years ago people said when planes could fly themselves we'd not need pilots. Guess what, planes can take-off, turn at intersections, find the airport and land by themselves and we still have Pilots.

Of course, and pilots won't be eliminated in the foreseeable future because there are just too many things that can go wrong in the air. Notice, however, the advent of driverless cars. It won't be terribly long before cab and bus driver will be more jobs eliminated by automation.

The truth is we have hit a road block in terms of automation. Until someone can teach a machine to think, we'll be forever stuck.
You will always need a human to take control if a machine fails in life critical situations, but a single human controlling a machine can replace many humans doing the work the machine does.

There will not be driver-less vehicles driving on the nations roadway anytime in the next 100 years. Period.

Dude...there already are!
I predict that urban centers will go first. Once control mechanisms are in place, it will become illegal to drive a car in the city.
How do you know? Google hasn't released ANY accident reports.

It said so in your article, moron.

The article stated: Google hasn't released ANY accident reports. Without accident reports you can't determine fault or percentage of fault.

From your article:

"It wasn't immediately clear where and when the accident took place, but company co-founder Sergey Brin said the vehicle was stopped at a traffic light and rear-ended by another driver."

Then why not release the police report? Brake lights not working? Google hasn't released ANY accident reports. Without accident reports you can't determine fault or percentage of fault.

You'll have to ask Google.

That doesn't even seem relevant. If the break lights are not working, how would that be a problem of the automation? You think the program pushed the brake pedal too hard, and it burned out the bulb? (/sarcasm).

In the words of Hillary, what difference does that make?

Give you a hint..... If I'm driving my car, or a friend of mine is driving my car, it's still me as the cars owners, who is responsible for replacing a brake light.

The more OnePercenter talks about this, the more I'm convinced he's too old to be a forum. He sounds like an old codger talking about "those darn kids and their new fangled gadgets!".

Seriously dude, the abacus is outdated.
The MW played a role. By increasing the cost of human labor, it hastened the advance of automation.

Bull Shit! Thirty years ago people said when planes could fly themselves we'd not need pilots. Guess what, planes can take-off, turn at intersections, find the airport and land by themselves and we still have Pilots.

Of course, and pilots won't be eliminated in the foreseeable future because there are just too many things that can go wrong in the air. Notice, however, the advent of driverless cars. It won't be terribly long before cab and bus driver will be more jobs eliminated by automation.

The truth is we have hit a road block in terms of automation. Until someone can teach a machine to think, we'll be forever stuck.
You will always need a human to take control if a machine fails in life critical situations, but a single human controlling a machine can replace many humans doing the work the machine does.

There will not be driver-less vehicles driving on the nations roadway anytime in the next 100 years. Period.

Dude...there already are!
I predict that urban centers will go first. Once control mechanisms are in place, it will become illegal to drive a car in the city.

Whoa...... That's steep. You really think so? I doubt that. I mean... Americans love to drive. That would be a tough one to get support for.
Computers replacing people IS NOT the wave of the future. IF, and a BIG, IF, somebody can teach a computer to think, it MAY be possible.

I've met some employees who apparently can't be taught to think. Can't remember the last time a young person counted out change when I paid for something. They rely on the cash register to tell them how much change to give you and some still have trouble figuring out which bills and coins are needed. It's easy to confuse them. If something costs $4.02 and I hand them a five dollar bill and two pennies, I get a blank look.

Computers and other automated machines can and have replaced some people. Telephone operators haven't been needed for years. Most of the times when you call any business, you get a computer and much of the time you don't even need to be referred to an actual customer service rep. Taxes can be done on computer and eliminate the need for accountants. Banking can be done on computer so don't need as many bank tellers. Shopping can be done online, so no need for as many stores and salespeople. With digital cameras and computer software, few require film developing companies or even photographers. And the first driverless car made a trip across country. Won't need taxi drivers and maybe no bus drivers in the future.

When was the last time anyone had full service at a gas station? Pump your own gas, wash your own windows and pay at the pump.

Machines don't think, but they are often programmed so well that they are more dependable than some people.

Yes, many jobs have been eliminated and more will be. There's an app for everything these days and you don't need to pay a person for a great many things.
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Europe and Japan have automated fast food outlets. We will too.

Very likely.
Wages are commonly the greatest cost for employers so, if a machine can do the job cheaper, bye bye people.



See all the people in the second one?
No, neither do I, they got too expensive to employ.

That's buy buy to the person who takes the order, and whoever handles the cash.

It also takes the thick fuckers out of he way.



To the greedy fast food workers.
Remember my warning if you ever manage to get overpaid for your job.

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