New York Times publishes Officer Darren Wilson’s account of the Michael Brown shooting


Easygoing Conservative
Jun 11, 2013
The New York Times has just published an account of the shooting of Michael Brown from Officer Darren Wilson. The 18-year-old was shot on August 9th in Ferguson Missouri. A prayer vigil turned into a demonstration seeking justice for Brown’s death. The police response to the looting drew in the attention of the nation.

Many eye witnesses have come forward. But, so far, no one except the Grand Jury in the case has heard from Officer Darren Wilson. According to the New York Times Wilson has told federal civil rights investigators his account of what happened that Saturday afternoon.

Wilson says he was pinned in his car and feared for his life as he struggled for his gun with Michael Brown. He says that during the scuffle Brown reached for his weapon. Two gunshots were fired in the car, one bullet hit Michael Brown in the arm, the second bullet missed.

New York Times publishes Officer Darren Wilson 8217 s account of the Michael Brown shooting

Yet more evidence bolstering Wilson's side of the story.

Looks like Michael Brown wasn't such a gentle giant.

Maybe the lynch mob will have a change of heart? Doubtful.
The kid was a thug, everybody knows that. He asked for it. Black thugs think that because we have a "black thug friendly" president they can get away with their thuggery, but Michael Brown found out the hard way that this isn't always the case.
The New York Times has just published an account of the shooting of Michael Brown from Officer Darren Wilson. The 18-year-old was shot on August 9th in Ferguson Missouri. A prayer vigil turned into a demonstration seeking justice for Brown’s death. The police response to the looting drew in the attention of the nation.

Many eye witnesses have come forward. But, so far, no one except the Grand Jury in the case has heard from Officer Darren Wilson. According to the New York Times Wilson has told federal civil rights investigators his account of what happened that Saturday afternoon.

Wilson says he was pinned in his car and feared for his life as he struggled for his gun with Michael Brown. He says that during the scuffle Brown reached for his weapon. Two gunshots were fired in the car, one bullet hit Michael Brown in the arm, the second bullet missed.

New York Times publishes Officer Darren Wilson 8217 s account of the Michael Brown shooting

Yet more evidence bolstering Wilson's side of the story.

Looks like Michael Brown wasn't such a gentle giant.

Maybe the lynch mob will have a change of heart? Doubtful.

Change of heart? Based on evidence? No, not likely. This is tribe against tribe territory, just like with the OJ verdict - we all saw the same evidence and yet blacks thought the dude was innocent.

50 years from now we're still going to be hearing about how the Gentle Giant was gunned down in cold blood, just like we hear about whites inventing HIV to kill blacks.
What really angers me is how some of these witnesses deliberately lie.

Then the people who only see things within the lens of race believe their crap.

Then the other racists fuel their anger, riots happen, destruction occurs, etc.

A lot of this crap happened because witnesses lie and people see what they want to see.

The evidence does not lie. However, it won't matter to some.
So Brown's blood was found on the gun. That sounds indeed like a struggle was going on.


The forensics tests showed Mr. Brown’s blood on the gun, as well as on the interior door panel and on Officer Wilson’s uniform. Officer Wilson told the authorities that Mr. Brown had punched and scratched him repeatedly, leaving swelling on his face and cuts on his neck.

I wonder who the first will be to say it was planted, just as it has been said Wilson asked other officers to injure him.
Michael Brown didn't reach for the officer's gun. He reached for the officer's peanut butter and jelly sandwich that had been bitten into the shape of a gun.

Poptart maybe, or nah, donut more likely. :D
What really angers me is how some of these witnesses deliberately lie.

Then the people who only see things within the lens of race believe their crap.

Then the other racists fuel their anger, riots happen, destruction occurs, etc.

A lot of this crap happened because witnesses lie and people see what they want to see.

The evidence does not lie. However, it won't matter to some.

Nope, it won't matter. It wouldn't matter if they had a video of the entire sequence of events. They would simply deny what they're seeing.
This part of your article is interesting Wake

The officials said that while the federal investigation was continuing, the evidence so far did not support civil rights charges against Officer Wilson. To press charges, the Justice Department would need to clear a high bar, proving that Officer Wilson willfully violated Mr. Brown’s civil rights when he shot him.
Continue reading the main story
The account of Officer Wilson’s version of events did not come from the Ferguson Police Department or from officials whose activities are being investigated as part of the civil rights inquiry.

IMO people really need to start WAITING for facts before jumping to conclusions. Some would rather stir the pot.
I just don't get that idiotic mentality.

All they see is a white man shooting a black man and, oh my God, it must be racism.

No, stupid, things aren't so cut-and-dried. Wait for the evidence. Wait for the jury. Don't act like a fool.
The THUGERY is simply waiting for the officer to be found innocent by the Grand Jury as a reason to go on another LOOTING and RIOTING spree!
If they get violent, shoot them all down in self-defense.

We won't tolerate death and destruction in our neighborhoods.
The New York Times has just published an account of the shooting of Michael Brown from Officer Darren Wilson. The 18-year-old was shot on August 9th in Ferguson Missouri. A prayer vigil turned into a demonstration seeking justice for Brown’s death. The police response to the looting drew in the attention of the nation.

Many eye witnesses have come forward. But, so far, no one except the Grand Jury in the case has heard from Officer Darren Wilson. According to the New York Times Wilson has told federal civil rights investigators his account of what happened that Saturday afternoon.

Wilson says he was pinned in his car and feared for his life as he struggled for his gun with Michael Brown. He says that during the scuffle Brown reached for his weapon. Two gunshots were fired in the car, one bullet hit Michael Brown in the arm, the second bullet missed.

New York Times publishes Officer Darren Wilson 8217 s account of the Michael Brown shooting

Yet more evidence bolstering Wilson's side of the story.

Looks like Michael Brown wasn't such a gentle giant.

Maybe the lynch mob will have a change of heart? Doubtful.

Change of heart? Based on evidence? No, not likely. This is tribe against tribe territory, just like with the OJ verdict - we all saw the same evidence and yet blacks thought the dude was innocent.

50 years from now we're still going to be hearing about how the Gentle Giant was gunned down in cold blood, just like we hear about whites inventing HIV to kill blacks.

Your are wrong.

Those people in that neighborhood KNEW that Brown deserved to be shot . They KNEW they were lying about him. Just as OJ supporters KNEW he cut that bitch's head off.

They KNOW about facts, they just don't care.
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I just don't get that idiotic mentality.

All they see is a white man shooting a black man and, oh my God, it must be racism.

No, stupid, things aren't so cut-and-dried. Wait for the evidence. Wait for the jury. Don't act like a fool.

You don't understand that mentality because you likely don't associate with a lot of low IQ people. Remember, the MEAN IQ of blacks is 85. The smarter blacks aren't out there protesting, it's very likely the dumber of the bunch. They don't think like you. This is a tribe versus tribe issue and that felt very powerfully by the protestors. It has nothing to do with reason.
The New York Times has just published an account of the shooting of Michael Brown from Officer Darren Wilson. The 18-year-old was shot on August 9th in Ferguson Missouri. A prayer vigil turned into a demonstration seeking justice for Brown’s death. The police response to the looting drew in the attention of the nation.

Many eye witnesses have come forward. But, so far, no one except the Grand Jury in the case has heard from Officer Darren Wilson. According to the New York Times Wilson has told federal civil rights investigators his account of what happened that Saturday afternoon.

Wilson says he was pinned in his car and feared for his life as he struggled for his gun with Michael Brown. He says that during the scuffle Brown reached for his weapon. Two gunshots were fired in the car, one bullet hit Michael Brown in the arm, the second bullet missed.

New York Times publishes Officer Darren Wilson 8217 s account of the Michael Brown shooting

Yet more evidence bolstering Wilson's side of the story.

Looks like Michael Brown wasn't such a gentle giant.

Maybe the lynch mob will have a change of heart? Doubtful.

Change of heart? Based on evidence? No, not likely. This is tribe against tribe territory, just like with the OJ verdict - we all saw the same evidence and yet blacks thought the dude was innocent.

50 years from now we're still going to be hearing about how the Gentle Giant was gunned down in cold blood, just like we hear about whites inventing HIV to kill blacks.

Your are wrong.

Those people in that neighborhood KNEW that Brown deserved to be shot . They KNEW they were lying about him. Just as OJ supporters KNEW he cut that bitch's head off.

They KNOW about facts, they just don't care.

I don't think anyone deserves to be shot. Are their times when force and or lethal force is necessary? Yes.

I wonder if there was the same uproar each time a white man was killed by the cops ( white men have been killed twice as much as black men over the past 10 years) and I know the % breakdown of white v black in the US, but the fact remains blacks also commits a rate of crime for their % which is higher than the norm as well.

Over the span of more than a decade, 2,151 whites died by being shot by police compared to 1,130 blacks. In that respect, Medved is correct.

But when you factor in the population of whites and blacks, the felony rates stand at 330 per 100,000 for whites and 1,178 per 100,000 for blacks. That’s more than a three-fold difference.

Talk show host Police kill more whites than blacks PunditFact

Do I believe cops overstep their bounds, of course and their are examples of their taking advantage of their position and brutality. But just because there are a few bad cops, it does not make them all bad.
What really angers me is how some of these witnesses deliberately lie.

Then the people who only see things within the lens of race believe their crap.

Then the other racists fuel their anger, riots happen, destruction occurs, etc.

A lot of this crap happened because witnesses lie and people see what they want to see.

The evidence does not lie. However, it won't matter to some.

Well there's some good and bad ways that evidence such as blood on the gun got there. We should keep an open mind until all the facts are in. Different people perceive things differently.
The New York Times has just published an account of the shooting of Michael Brown from Officer Darren Wilson. The 18-year-old was shot on August 9th in Ferguson Missouri. A prayer vigil turned into a demonstration seeking justice for Brown’s death. The police response to the looting drew in the attention of the nation.

Many eye witnesses have come forward. But, so far, no one except the Grand Jury in the case has heard from Officer Darren Wilson. According to the New York Times Wilson has told federal civil rights investigators his account of what happened that Saturday afternoon.

Wilson says he was pinned in his car and feared for his life as he struggled for his gun with Michael Brown. He says that during the scuffle Brown reached for his weapon. Two gunshots were fired in the car, one bullet hit Michael Brown in the arm, the second bullet missed.

New York Times publishes Officer Darren Wilson 8217 s account of the Michael Brown shooting

Yet more evidence bolstering Wilson's side of the story.

Looks like Michael Brown wasn't such a gentle giant.

Maybe the lynch mob will have a change of heart? Doubtful.

Change of heart? Based on evidence? No, not likely. This is tribe against tribe territory, just like with the OJ verdict - we all saw the same evidence and yet blacks thought the dude was innocent.

50 years from now we're still going to be hearing about how the Gentle Giant was gunned down in cold blood, just like we hear about whites inventing HIV to kill blacks.

Your are wrong.

Those people in that neighborhood KNEW that Brown deserved to be shot . They KNEW they were lying about him. Just as OJ supporters KNEW he cut that bitch's head off.

They KNOW about facts, they just don't care.

I don't think anyone deserves to be shot. Are their times when force and or lethal force is necessary? Yes.

I wonder if there was the same uproar each time a white man was killed by the cops ( white men have been killed twice as much as black men over the past 10 years) and I know the % breakdown of white v black in the US, but the fact remains blacks also commits a rate of crime for their % which is higher than the norm as well.

Over the span of more than a decade, 2,151 whites died by being shot by police compared to 1,130 blacks. In that respect, Medved is correct.

But when you factor in the population of whites and blacks, the felony rates stand at 330 per 100,000 for whites and 1,178 per 100,000 for blacks. That’s more than a three-fold difference.

Talk show host Police kill more whites than blacks PunditFact

Do I believe cops overstep their bounds, of course and their are examples of their taking advantage of their position and brutality. But just because there are a few bad cops, it does not make them all bad.

Some people deserve to get shot. That doesn't mean we're happy that the situation was resolved with someone getting shot, that's just recognizing that some people do things that were likely to end in their getting shot, and thus they deserved it. You fight with a police officer you are likely to get shot.
Not all cops are bad. Factors such as what race would cause more crime etc are not relevant. What is relevant is what each party knew what they saw and what they did.

One statement taken out of context can taint the entire story.

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