New York Times publishes Officer Darren Wilson’s account of the Michael Brown shooting

again, his version doesn't account for how the kid got SIX bullet holes in him.
Takes a lot of shots to drop a hopped up 350lb thug.

If he weighed 350 lbs, I doubt he'd be very nimble.

He was 6' 4" tall and over 300 pounds. Football players of the same size are nimble, aren't they?

Except this kid wasn't a football player, and multiple witnesses said he had his hands up when he was shot.
again, his version doesn't account for how the kid got SIX bullet holes in him.
Takes a lot of shots to drop a hopped up 350lb thug.

If he weighed 350 lbs, I doubt he'd be very nimble.

He was 6' 4" tall and over 300 pounds. Football players of the same size are nimble, aren't they?

Except this kid wasn't a football player, and multiple witnesses said he had his hands up when
he was shot.

Do you have a lot of knowledge concerning police work? Eyewitness testimony is almost always worthless.

And having your hands up doesn't indicate surrender if you are charging at the cop.
again, his version doesn't account for how the kid got SIX bullet holes in him.
Takes a lot of shots to drop a hopped up 350lb thug.

If he weighed 350 lbs, I doubt he'd be very nimble.

He was 6' 4" tall and over 300 pounds. Football players of the same size are nimble, aren't they?

Except this kid wasn't a football player, and multiple witnesses said he had his hands up when he was shot.
...and how many of those actually saw it as opposed to parroting what somebody else said they saw? See what I'm sayin'?
again, his version doesn't account for how the kid got SIX bullet holes in him.
Takes a lot of shots to drop a hopped up 350lb thug.

If he weighed 350 lbs, I doubt he'd be very nimble.

He was 6' 4" tall and over 300 pounds. Football players of the same size are nimble, aren't they?

Except this kid wasn't a football player, and multiple witnesses said he had his hands up when he was shot.

No, you suggested he could not be nimble because of his size, complete silliness. Just as many witnesses said the cop shot him in the back too. And?
And no one I've spoke to can explain how a cop sitting in a SUV can grab a 6' 4" 300 pound man by the front of this throat and hang on, with one hand only as Dorian claims, his left hand, and non-dominate hand, without the force of that large man being able to step back out of his grip. Dorian insists he only used one hand.


Do you have a lot of knowledge concerning police work? Eyewitness testimony is almost always worthless.

And having your hands up doesn't indicate surrender if you are charging at the cop.

Again, we only have this cop's word for it. The forensics don't back him up and the conduct of his department following the incident doesn't indicate a high level of professionalism.

Do you have a lot of knowledge concerning police work? Eyewitness testimony is almost always worthless.

And having your hands up doesn't indicate surrender if you are charging at the cop.

Again, we only have this cop's word for it. The forensics don't back him up and the conduct of his department following the incident doesn't indicatea high level of professionalism.

Give me a break, the FBI forensic results back up Wilson's story COMPLETELY.
Why was there no backup? Around here, if there's any sort of problem two more cars show up in no time.

I keep asking myself, what if it had been a white 18-year-old? Not just any white 18-year-old, but trashy and with a juvie record, one known to be a troublemaker?

It's extremely unlikely that a white kid would have been fatally shot.

There's a presumption that dark skin automatically proves criminal intent even with seriously injuries.

Wake - if I ever need home care I won't seek your services. Being black is my favorite time of day. You're therefore not reliable.

Here you go Grandma. This young white teen was shot by a black or what is called a non-white officer, just about the same time Brown was. Difference is, Dillon was white and unarmed, the officer who shot and killed him was non-white.

Never touched the cop the shooting was legally justified. He did not have a weapon either.

Body cam helps justify fatal South Salt Lake police shooting

"shot by a black or what is called a non-white officer"

From what can seen of the officers arm he looks rather light skinned, his last name being Cruz would suggest him being Hispanic.
Just curious why you are saying that he is black?
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Why was there no backup? Around here, if there's any sort of problem two more cars show up in no time.

I keep asking myself, what if it had been a white 18-year-old? Not just any white 18-year-old, but trashy and with a juvie record, one known to be a troublemaker?

It's extremely unlikely that a white kid would have been fatally shot.

There's a presumption that dark skin automatically proves criminal intent even with seriously injuries.

Wake - if I ever need home care I won't seek your services. Being black is my favorite time of day. You're therefore not reliable.

Here you go Grandma. This young white teen was shot by a black or what is called a non-white officer, just about the same time Brown was. Difference is, Dillon was white and unarmed, the officer who shot and killed him was non-white.

Never touched the cop the shooting was legally justified. He did not have a weapon either.

Body cam helps justify fatal South Salt Lake police shooting

"shot by a black or what is called a non-white officer"

From what can seen of the officers arm he looks rather light skinned, his last name being Cruz would suggest him being Hispanic.
Just curious why your are saying that he is black?

"shot by a black or what is called a non-white officer"

It should have read by a "black or what is being called a non- white officer".

I suppose it does look odd, it was not meant in that manner, I was quoting what I had seen or read, in headlines and I forgot the quote marks. My mind tends to go faster than my fingers at times.
Another interesting thing which I don't recall hearing from any witness or the police Chief's brief account:

"It was fired twice in the car, according to forensics tests performed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation."

Well, the witness Johnson, said the gun was only fired ONCE in the car. One more thing to prove Johnson is lying IMO, especially given his BS story of how the cop fired and the "cop was shocked" and just sat there INSIDE of his cop car while Brown ran and Johnson hid, but Brown RAN, and somehow the cop was able to get out of the car and supposedly WALK SLOWLY and then shoot Brown leaving him this close ( picture at 1st link) to the cops car after Brown had been running for 2-3 minutes while the cop sat "shocked" inside of his cop car. AND he said Brown was never inside of the car. Even if we pretend he meant 2-3 seconds, Brown would have been further away than 10 feet from the cops car.

Johnson interview: Cop sat inside of car "shocked" for 2-3 minutes, start video at 8 minutes.

Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson must be lying as well then:

"...the deceased individual and the officer having a fight, some kind of physical confrontation inside the car, that moved outside the car, shots were fired I don't know how many, I don't know how many struck the individual..."

Another interesting thing which I don't recall hearing from any witness or the police Chief's brief account:

"It was fired twice in the car, according to forensics tests performed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation."

Well, the witness Johnson, said the gun was only fired ONCE in the car. One more thing to prove Johnson is lying IMO, especially given his BS story of how the cop fired and the "cop was shocked" and just sat there INSIDE of his cop car while Brown ran and Johnson hid, but Brown RAN, and somehow the cop was able to get out of the car and supposedly WALK SLOWLY and then shoot Brown leaving him this close ( picture at 1st link) to the cops car after Brown had been running for 2-3 minutes while the cop sat "shocked" inside of his cop car. AND he said Brown was never inside of the car. Even if we pretend he meant 2-3 seconds, Brown would have been further away than 10 feet from the cops car.

Johnson interview: Cop sat inside of car "shocked" for 2-3 minutes, start video at 8 minutes.

Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson must be lying as well then:

"...the deceased individual and the officer having a fight, some kind of physical confrontation inside the car, that moved outside the car, shots were fired I don't know how many, I don't know how many struck the individual..."


I don't see where he lied. He was not present and he did not say shots were not fired in the car. It sounds like he briefly described something. Johnson was present and described the event on many different occasions and said the cop "stayed in the car shocked" for a period of time as Brown ran away, and then got out of the car and "slowly walked" and somehow shot this big sweet bear of a guy who landed in front of his cruiser about 15-20 feet away, after he had been running all the while the cop was sitting in his SUV shocked and while the cop was slowly walking? Also, if Brown was not in the car when he was shot as Johnson also states how did Browns blood end up in the car.

Can you tell me how someone sitting in a SUV can grab someone by the front of their throat, an individual who is over 300 pounds and 6'4" with one hand, his non-dominate left hand and hold onto that person without their being able to lean back out of his supposed grip?
Eyewitness testimony has been demonstrated to be notoriously unreliable in many cases - from an article in American Psychological

"Mistaken or flawed identification has assumed a new found prominence in recent years: It's been cited as a factor in nearly 78 percent of the nation's first 130 convictions later overturned by DNA testing, according to the New York-based Innocence Project, which works to free the wrongly convicted. As a result, a number of researchers are turning their attention to helping police departments and juries better understand the circumstances under which eyewitnesses observe crimes and later identify a suspect.*

Witness bias is probably one of the most important factors we can use to judge how trustworthy witness testimony may or may not be in any specific case. For many reasons, some real some imagined, most black communities inherently tend to think the worst when it comes to white (or even sometimes black) police officers interactions with black "suspects". What the black witnesses say they observed in the altercation between Brown and Wilson has to be judged in the light of this inherent distrust. If their statements seem unreasonable or possibly outright lies it may be they actually believe what they are saying, it has just been altered by psychological filters.

My opinion on what probably occurred hasn't been affected much by "eyewitness" comments. The video of the convenience store robbery convinced me that Brown was a bully, a "thug" - even though I don't like that term because it has assumed racial connotations lately. He used his size to intimidate that clerk and I think he tried the same intimidation with Officer Wilson. Whatever transpired as he leaned into the car he obviously crossed the line of legality, his apparent strength and physical outmatching of Wilson did cause Wilson to fear for his life. Adrenalin, fear and anger are a deadly combination when a police officer or even an ordinary citizen have a gun in their hand. I think Brown probably was hit by the first round fired inside the car and then attempted to flee, Wilson got out of the car and hyped on that adrenaline, anger and residual fear started firing more shots as Brown ran away. Whether Brown was hit again before he turned to surrender may be discerned by the autopsy results but maybe not. But I do believe Wilson kept firing even though his life was no longer in imminent danger, again I think that can be "natural" in the heat of a high stress moment. Some may say that his training should of kicked in at some point before the fatal shot was fired, that'll be up to the jury if there is a trial. I know if I was on that jury I certainly couldn't convict him of anything even close to murder. Has a toxicology report been released? It sure wouldn't surprise me if Brown was wacked out on some kind of meth-like substance for him to act in such a reckless, almost suicidal manner.
Eyewitness testimony has been demonstrated to be notoriously unreliable in many cases - from an article in American Psychological

"Mistaken or flawed identification has assumed a new found prominence in recent years: It's been cited as a factor in nearly 78 percent of the nation's first 130 convictions later overturned by DNA testing, according to the New York-based Innocence Project, which works to free the wrongly convicted. As a result, a number of researchers are turning their attention to helping police departments and juries better understand the circumstances under which eyewitnesses observe crimes and later identify a suspect.*

Witness bias is probably one of the most important factors we can use to judge how trustworthy witness testimony may or may not be in any specific case. For many reasons, some real some imagined, most black communities inherently tend to think the worst when it comes to white (or even sometimes black) police officers interactions with black "suspects". What the black witnesses say they observed in the altercation between Brown and Wilson has to be judged in the light of this inherent distrust. If their statements seem unreasonable or possibly outright lies it may be they actually believe what they are saying, it has just been altered by psychological filters.

My opinion on what probably occurred hasn't been affected much by "eyewitness" comments. The video of the convenience store robbery convinced me that Brown was a bully, a "thug" - even though I don't like that term because it has assumed racial connotations lately. He used his size to intimidate that clerk and I think he tried the same intimidation with Officer Wilson. Whatever transpired as he leaned into the car he obviously crossed the line of legality, his apparent strength and physical outmatching of Wilson did cause Wilson to fear for his life. Adrenalin, fear and anger are a deadly combination when a police officer or even an ordinary citizen have a gun in their hand. I think Brown probably was hit by the first round fired inside the car and then attempted to flee, Wilson got out of the car and hyped on that adrenaline, anger and residual fear started firing more shots as Brown ran away. Whether Brown was hit again before he turned to surrender may be discerned by the autopsy results but maybe not. But I do believe Wilson kept firing even though his life was no longer in imminent danger, again I think that can be "natural" in the heat of a high stress moment. Some may say that his training should of kicked in at some point before the fatal shot was fired, that'll be up to the jury if there is a trial. I know if I was on that jury I certainly couldn't convict him of anything even close to murder. Has a toxicology report been released? It sure wouldn't surprise me if Brown was wacked out on some kind of meth-like substance for him to act in such a reckless, almost suicidal manner.[/QUOTE]

Brown was whacked out on testosterone and adrenaline. Did you know that hormones in a young mans body are able to make their thinking go haywire? Causes all sorts of poor decision making.
In our system of law, the police don't get to kill a man and say well he desrved it even though I had no reason to suspect that at the time.

If you touch a cop's gun that is a felony.
If you punch or physically attack a cop that is battery on a LEO...another felony.

Brown committed at least 2 felonies...
Look at #3 below from the missouri statutes..

It was a good, legal shoot.

Law enforcement officer's use of force in making an arrest.

563.046. 1. A law enforcement officer need not retreat or desist from efforts to effect the arrest, or from efforts to prevent the escape from custody, of a person he reasonably believes to have committed an offense because of resistance or threatened resistance of the arrestee. In addition to the use of physical force authorized under other sections of this chapter, he is, subject to the provisions of subsections 2 and 3, justified in the use of such physical force as he reasonably believes is immediately necessary to effect the arrest or to prevent the escape from custody.

2. The use of any physical force in making an arrest is not justified under this section unless the arrest is lawful or the law enforcement officer reasonably believes the arrest is lawful.

3. A law enforcement officer in effecting an arrest or in preventing an escape from custody is justified in using deadly force only

(1) When such is authorized under other sections of this chapter; or

(2) When he reasonably believes that such use of deadly force is immediately necessary to effect the arrest and also reasonably believes that the person to be arrested

(a) Has committed or attempted to commit a felony; or

(b) Is attempting to escape by use of a deadly weapon; or

(c) May otherwise endanger life or inflict serious physical injury unless arrested without delay.

4. The defendant shall have the burden of injecting the issue of justification under this section.
3. A law enforcement officer in effecting an arrest or in preventing an escape from custody is justified in using deadly force only

(1) When such is authorized under other sections of this chapter; or

(2) When he reasonably believes that such use of deadly force is immediately necessary to effect the arrest AND also reasonably believes that the person to be arrested

(a) Has committed or attempted to commit a felony; or

(b) Is attempting to escape by use of a deadly weapon; or

(c) May otherwise endanger life or inflict serious physical injury unless arrested without delay.

While you are presuming Brown committed 2 felonies, the evidence and witness testimony hardly supports that conclusively.
But let's say he did. Wilson will need to prove he reasonably believed that such use of deadly force is immediately necessary to effect the arrest.
From what I've read, heard and watched it will take a very liberal interpretation of reasonably believed to support that deadly force was immediately necessary. He was roughly 20 feet away by most accounts, unarmed, had his arms up to some extent, and he was already shot - most probably several times before the fatal shot. It's also possible, if not likely the fatal shot came when he was already down considering the 2 head shots. One struck the crown of his head the other, the other above the eye exiting the bottom of his jaw. ( He was 6, 4").


Go punch a cop and try to take his gun and see how it works out for you... 2 felonies.

Good, legal shoot.

About the worst they can do is charge wilson with littering.

Do you have a lot of knowledge concerning police work? Eyewitness testimony is almost always worthless.

And having your hands up doesn't indicate surrender if you are charging at the cop.

Again, we only have this cop's word for it. The forensics don't back him up and the conduct of his department following the incident doesn't indicate a high level of professionalism.

Lies, lies, and more lies.
If Wilson reasonably believed that Brown committed a felony he was justified in using deadly force, he does NOT have to prove to you that Brown committed a felony.

Since brown attacked wilson, that is a felony. Battery on a LEO.
If you try to take a cops gun away from him, that is another felony.

Regardless of what brown did BEFORE this, the fact that he committed 2 felonies on wilson is all it takes to meet the criteria.

Good, legal shoot.
You are being beyond stupid. Let's say someone breaks in your home and you shoot them. Who's at fault for the circumstances that led to them getting shot?

That's a really poor analogy.

The actions we know of are Brown and friend walking in the street vs. Wilson taking the time to yell at them for it.

How do you know this? You heard it and liked it, so you'll go with it. Show me an account that has wilson "yelling" at the negroes to get out of the street>

You can't claim that Brown's initial action of walking in the street necessitates shooting.

No one ever did....he was shot for attacking and punching wilson and trying to take his gun, not for walking in the street.

I notice that there are some that take no time to ponder what the officer did. Did he act in a professional manner? Did he let his temper get the better of him?

brown committed 2 felonies against wilson. Missouri law..(and U.S. law) allows a cop to use deadly force to detain a felon if they resist or try to flee.
Hate it for you...but there it is.

Good shoot.

These are questions that need answering.
I just did.
Dr Michael Baden said, "There was no gunshot residue, no stippling, no powders present around the entrance wounds, which indicates that the muzzle end of the weapon was more than a foot or two away at the time of discharge. It wasn't a close contact. It wasn't very close, as would have to be the case if they were fighting inside of a car."

Brown was also shot twice in the head, once in the crown and the other shot entering above the eye, exiting the bottom of his jaw and reentering around his collar bone. Which means most likely what? Either he was already down or he charged at Wilson with his head down while being at a distance still not close enough to leave gunshot residue. Which seems more likely?

Dirt Naps blood was on Officer Wilsons gun and on the driver side inner door panel.

Still is pretty consistent. The officer gets out. He tries to let Brown into the back doorof the squad car. A scuffle ensues. An officer can call for backup using his radio.

In some places in CAthe officers have car cams and personal cams.
Dear GOD you are stupid.
Even Johnson said Wilson NEVER got out of the SUV when he first interacted with Big Mike.
Other witness's agree. Wilson was opening his door to get out when Big Mike slammed the door not allowing Wilson to get out.
Then Big Mike reached in through the open window and punched Wilson. Wilson went for his gun and Big Mike tried to grab the gun. Wilson then shot two rounds. One round missed Big Mike the other hit him in the arm. At that point Big Mike pulled his arm/s out of the open window and began to walk away. Wilson got out of the SUV and ordered Big Mike to stop. Big Mike stopped then turned and was taunting Wilson and Big Mike began to move towards Wilson. Wilson was actually backing up when he felt his life was being further threatened so he open fired killing the Tree Dweller.
Try to keep up pal.
The GJ has already made their ruling. Holder is not going to release it until after the mid-terms b/c he knows the Tree Dwellers are going to go 'Ape-shit' when no charges are laid.
If Holder released the ruling before the mid-terms BOBO can forget about his Tree Dwellers turning out to vote. They will blame BOBO and Holder and the JD.
All fucking politics all the time with BOBO and his LIBs.
Dr Michael Baden said, "There was no gunshot residue, no stippling, no powders present around the entrance wounds, which indicates that the muzzle end of the weapon was more than a foot or two away at the time of discharge. It wasn't a close contact. It wasn't very close, as would have to be the case if they were fighting inside of a car."

Brown was also shot twice in the head, once in the crown and the other shot entering above the eye, exiting the bottom of his jaw and reentering around his collar bone. Which means most likely what? Either he was already down or he charged at Wilson with his head down while being at a distance still not close enough to leave gunshot residue. Which seems more likely?

Dirt Naps blood was on Officer Wilsons gun and on the driver side inner door panel.

Still is pretty consistent. The officer gets out. He tries to let Brown into the back doorof the squad car. A scuffle ensues. An officer can call for backup using his radio.

In some places in CAthe officers have car cams and personal cams.
Dear GOD you are stupid.
Even Johnson said Wilson NEVER got out of the SUV when he first interacted with Big Mike.
Other witness's agree. Wilson was opening his door to get out when Big Mike slammed the door not allowing Wilson to get out.
Then Big Mike reached in through the open window and punched Wilson. Wilson went for his gun and Big Mike tried to grab the gun. Wilson then shot two rounds. One round missed Big Mike the other hit him in the arm. At that point Big Mike pulled his arm/s out of the open window and began to walk away. Wilson got out of the SUV and ordered Big Mike to stop. Big Mike stopped then turned and was taunting Wilson and Big Mike began to move towards Wilson. Wilson was actually backing up when he felt his life was being further threatened so he open fired killing the Tree Dweller.
Try to keep up pal.
The GJ has already made their ruling. Holder is not going to release it until after the mid-terms b/c he knows the Tree Dwellers are going to go 'Ape-shit' when no charges are laid.
If Holder released the ruling before the mid-terms BOBO can forget about his Tree Dwellers turning out to vote. They will blame BOBO and Holder and the JD.
All fucking politics all the time with BOBO and his LIBs.

Holder has NOTHING to do with releasing any grand jury findings at the local level

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