New York Times publishes Officer Darren Wilson’s account of the Michael Brown shooting

Another interesting thing which I don't recall hearing from any witness or the police Chief's brief account:

"It was fired twice in the car, according to forensics tests performed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation."

Well, the witness Johnson, said the gun was only fired ONCE in the car. One more thing to prove Johnson is lying IMO, especially given his BS story of how the cop fired and the "cop was shocked" and just sat there INSIDE of his cop car while Brown ran and Johnson hid, but Brown RAN, and somehow the cop was able to get out of the car and supposedly WALK SLOWLY and then shoot Brown leaving him this close ( picture at 1st link) to the cops car after Brown had been running for 2-3 minutes while the cop sat "shocked" inside of his cop car. AND he said Brown was never inside of the car. Even if we pretend he meant 2-3 seconds, Brown would have been further away than 10 feet from the cops car.

Johnson interview: Cop sat inside of car "shocked" for 2-3 minutes, start video at 8 minutes.

Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson must be lying as well then:

"...the deceased individual and the officer having a fight, some kind of physical confrontation inside the car, that moved outside the car, shots were fired I don't know how many, I don't know how many struck the individual..."


I don't see where he lied. He was not present and he did not say shots were not fired in the car. It sounds like he briefly described something. Johnson was present and described the event on many different occasions and said the cop "stayed in the car shocked" for a period of time as Brown ran away, and then got out of the car and "slowly walked" and somehow shot this big sweet bear of a guy who landed in front of his cruiser about 15-20 feet away, after he had been running all the while the cop was sitting in his SUV shocked and while the cop was slowly walking? Also, if Brown was not in the car when he was shot as Johnson also states how did Browns blood end up in the car.

Can you tell me how someone sitting in a SUV can grab someone by the front of their throat, an individual who is over 300 pounds and 6'4" with one hand, his non-dominate left hand and hold onto that person without their being able to lean back out of his supposed grip?

Funny how that works:

Police Chief, whose professional responsibility it is to know and present these facts, gives a scrambled order of events = no problem

Young kid, possibly not the brightest bulb, pulled in front of TV cameras and ever thing he says is taken 100% literally, ever clumsy use of words = he's lying

And I'm not claiming Tom Jackson intentionally misrepresented what happened, perhaps he misspoke, perhaps he's telling the truth.

"The entire scene from approximately the car door to the shooting is about 35 feet" - Chief Jon Belmar with the St. Louis County Police Department
Eyewitness testimony has been demonstrated to be notoriously unreliable in many cases - from an article in American Psychological

"Mistaken or flawed identification has assumed a new found prominence in recent years: It's been cited as a factor in nearly 78 percent of the nation's first 130 convictions later overturned by DNA testing, according to the New York-based Innocence Project, which works to free the wrongly convicted. As a result, a number of researchers are turning their attention to helping police departments and juries better understand the circumstances under which eyewitnesses observe crimes and later identify a suspect.*

Witness bias is probably one of the most important factors we can use to judge how trustworthy witness testimony may or may not be in any specific case. For many reasons, some real some imagined, most black communities inherently tend to think the worst when it comes to white (or even sometimes black) police officers interactions with black "suspects". What the black witnesses say they observed in the altercation between Brown and Wilson has to be judged in the light of this inherent distrust. If their statements seem unreasonable or possibly outright lies it may be they actually believe what they are saying, it has just been altered by psychological filters.

My opinion on what probably occurred hasn't been affected much by "eyewitness" comments. The video of the convenience store robbery convinced me that Brown was a bully, a "thug" - even though I don't like that term because it has assumed racial connotations lately. He used his size to intimidate that clerk and I think he tried the same intimidation with Officer Wilson. Whatever transpired as he leaned into the car he obviously crossed the line of legality, his apparent strength and physical outmatching of Wilson did cause Wilson to fear for his life. Adrenalin, fear and anger are a deadly combination when a police officer or even an ordinary citizen have a gun in their hand. I think Brown probably was hit by the first round fired inside the car and then attempted to flee, Wilson got out of the car and hyped on that adrenaline, anger and residual fear started firing more shots as Brown ran away. Whether Brown was hit again before he turned to surrender may be discerned by the autopsy results but maybe not. But I do believe Wilson kept firing even though his life was no longer in imminent danger, again I think that can be "natural" in the heat of a high stress moment. Some may say that his training should of kicked in at some point before the fatal shot was fired, that'll be up to the jury if there is a trial. I know if I was on that jury I certainly couldn't convict him of anything even close to murder. Has a toxicology report been released? It sure wouldn't surprise me if Brown was wacked out on some kind of meth-like substance for him to act in such a reckless, almost suicidal manner.
Listen pal. Just b/c someone puts their hands in the air doesn't mean they have surrendered. Children playing cops and robbers know that.
Wilson DID not shoot BM "in the back". What are you? Like five years old?
"But he had his hands in the air so I assumed he was good for his word and he was surrendering so I holstered my gun and asked him nicely to stand still while I handcuffed him. Then something hit me and I don't remember what happened then. Yes I understand he took my gun."
Dear God you bunch of LIB queers are pathetic.
I've just come up 'wiff' a good idea: Why not enlist every LIB pygamaboy into the Ferguson police?
Thank you. Do you now understand why there are no clear shots of Wilson? Would you want a bunch of racist vigilantes looking for you?

That's a fairly clear shot.

There's also a video of him pacing after the incident. After he allegedly almost lost consciousness. Now THAT'S blurry.

Just wondering if you saw the witness Dorian Johnson's version of what happened? Dorian, Brown's 'best friend" said the cop sat in the patrol car SHOCKED for 2-3 minutes- after the first shot! Start video at 8min in for relevant info.

I caught that too. I thought he misspoke, but the interviewer should have asked for a clarification.

"He says it at least twice in the interview."

IMO he contradicts himself in that interview. Much of what he says does not make sense.

"He says it at least twice in the interview"

No he said it one time. I'll refrain from calling you a liar and give you the benefit of the doubt that you misheard.
This whole load of negro false BS is just the same as every other. They get shown to be shall we say 'not the brightest bulbs on the tree'. They 'act out' by stealing and burning innocent peoples property and the LIB pussies here excuse that 'if only the Whites didn't hate the blacks so much then the blacks would really be able to move forward as a race. Hell! They could even someday design and build a car to compete with the finest German cars right?
Here's one: If all it took was getting a break from the White man to really shine explain how an illiterate race whore like Sharpton is presented as 'the best of the best' in US negro culture.
The fool is a standing joke even among the staff at MSNBC. One MSNBS top executive is quoted as saying: "If we didn't have Sharpton for the negroes to watch we'd be putting on another 'Jail Show' for them to relate to.
Eyewitness testimony has been demonstrated to be notoriously unreliable in many cases - from an article in American Psychological

"Mistaken or flawed identification has assumed a new found prominence in recent years: It's been cited as a factor in nearly 78 percent of the nation's first 130 convictions later overturned by DNA testing, according to the New York-based Innocence Project, which works to free the wrongly convicted. As a result, a number of researchers are turning their attention to helping police departments and juries better understand the circumstances under which eyewitnesses observe crimes and later identify a suspect.*

Witness bias is probably one of the most important factors we can use to judge how trustworthy witness testimony may or may not be in any specific case. For many reasons, some real some imagined, most black communities inherently tend to think the worst when it comes to white (or even sometimes black) police officers interactions with black "suspects". What the black witnesses say they observed in the altercation between Brown and Wilson has to be judged in the light of this inherent distrust. If their statements seem unreasonable or possibly outright lies it may be they actually believe what they are saying, it has just been altered by psychological filters.

My opinion on what probably occurred hasn't been affected much by "eyewitness" comments. The video of the convenience store robbery convinced me that Brown was a bully, a "thug" - even though I don't like that term because it has assumed racial connotations lately. He used his size to intimidate that clerk and I think he tried the same intimidation with Officer Wilson. Whatever transpired as he leaned into the car he obviously crossed the line of legality, his apparent strength and physical outmatching of Wilson did cause Wilson to fear for his life. Adrenalin, fear and anger are a deadly combination when a police officer or even an ordinary citizen have a gun in their hand. I think Brown probably was hit by the first round fired inside the car and then attempted to flee, Wilson got out of the car and hyped on that adrenaline, anger and residual fear started firing more shots as Brown ran away. Whether Brown was hit again before he turned to surrender may be discerned by the autopsy results but maybe not. But I do believe Wilson kept firing even though his life was no longer in imminent danger, again I think that can be "natural" in the heat of a high stress moment. Some may say that his training should of kicked in at some point before the fatal shot was fired, that'll be up to the jury if there is a trial. I know if I was on that jury I certainly couldn't convict him of anything even close to murder. Has a toxicology report been released? It sure wouldn't surprise me if Brown was wacked out on some kind of meth-like substance for him to act in such a reckless, almost suicidal manner.
Listen pal. Just b/c someone puts their hands in the air doesn't mean they have surrendered. Children playing cops and robbers know that.
Wilson DID not shoot BM "in the back". What are you? Like five years old?
"But he had his hands in the air so I assumed he was good for his word and he was surrendering so I holstered my gun and asked him nicely to stand still while I handcuffed him. Then something hit me and I don't remember what happened then. Yes I understand he took my gun."
Dear God you bunch of LIB queers are pathetic.
I've just come up 'wiff' a good idea: Why not enlist every LIB pygamaboy into the Ferguson police?

Taking everything I've heard and seen about the immediate steps which occurred as the event unfolded I think my "guess" is a reasonable narrative. It's a guess, I can't read minds or see into the past. Maybe new facts are available that I don't have yet. With the number of shots that were fired and the distance of the body from the original site of the altercation isn't it reasonable to assume Wilson probably continued firing as Brown was running away? And the two witnesses that I give credence are those contractors (not from the community) who say Brown did have his hands in the air when the fatal shot was fired. Read my post again, I made it clear that Brown was "the author of his own misfortune" as they say. You disagree with my interpretation, fine, but your nonsense about "children playing cops and robbers" and "lib queers" only demonstrates mindless ad hominem and no particular curiosity about what really happened. I said that the black witnesses may have psychological filters which affected their observations. You seem to have your own set of psychological filters that produce a hyper-partisan reaction without regard to logic.
Brown was a dumb shit thug who got himself killed. Wilson will walk and take a very early retirement, Blacks will continue to be outraged ad nauseum and Brown will be dead.

The moral of the story, boys and girls, is that violence begets violence. Some will learn and others will die.
It would be a more intelligent discussion if we were all privy to the evidence being presented to the grand jury.
In our system of law, the police don't get to kill a man and say well he desrved it even though I had no reason to suspect that at the time.

If you touch a cop's gun that is a felony.
If you punch or physically attack a cop that is battery on a LEO...another felony.

Brown committed at least 2 felonies...
Look at #3 below from the missouri statutes..

It was a good, legal shoot.

Law enforcement officer's use of force in making an arrest.

563.046. 1. A law enforcement officer need not retreat or desist from efforts to effect the arrest, or from efforts to prevent the escape from custody, of a person he reasonably believes to have committed an offense because of resistance or threatened resistance of the arrestee. In addition to the use of physical force authorized under other sections of this chapter, he is, subject to the provisions of subsections 2 and 3, justified in the use of such physical force as he reasonably believes is immediately necessary to effect the arrest or to prevent the escape from custody.

2. The use of any physical force in making an arrest is not justified under this section unless the arrest is lawful or the law enforcement officer reasonably believes the arrest is lawful.

3. A law enforcement officer in effecting an arrest or in preventing an escape from custody is justified in using deadly force only

(1) When such is authorized under other sections of this chapter; or

(2) When he reasonably believes that such use of deadly force is immediately necessary to effect the arrest and also reasonably believes that the person to be arrested

(a) Has committed or attempted to commit a felony; or

(b) Is attempting to escape by use of a deadly weapon; or

(c) May otherwise endanger life or inflict serious physical injury unless arrested without delay.

4. The defendant shall have the burden of injecting the issue of justification under this section.
3. A law enforcement officer in effecting an arrest or in preventing an escape from custody is justified in using deadly force only

(1) When such is authorized under other sections of this chapter; or

(2) When he reasonably believes that such use of deadly force is immediately necessary to effect the arrest AND also reasonably believes that the person to be arrested

(a) Has committed or attempted to commit a felony; or

(b) Is attempting to escape by use of a deadly weapon; or

(c) May otherwise endanger life or inflict serious physical injury unless arrested without delay.

While you are presuming Brown committed 2 felonies, the evidence and witness testimony hardly supports that conclusively.
But let's say he did. Wilson will need to prove he reasonably believed that such use of deadly force is immediately necessary to effect the arrest.
From what I've read, heard and watched it will take a very liberal interpretation of reasonably believed to support that deadly force was immediately necessary. He was roughly 20 feet away by most accounts, unarmed, had his arms up to some extent, and he was already shot - most probably several times before the fatal shot. It's also possible, if not likely the fatal shot came when he was already down considering the 2 head shots. One struck the crown of his head the other, the other above the eye exiting the bottom of his jaw. ( He was 6, 4").


Go punch a cop and try to take his gun and see how it works out for you... 2 felonies.

Good, legal shoot.

About the worst they can do is charge wilson with littering.

The statement that ''the worst they can do is charge wilson with littering'' is both ignorant and disgusting. But what can we expect from a bubba who lives in ''federally occupied territory'' where he is probably expecting to get federal social security benefits and whose wages and working conditions are protected by federal laws.
What really angers me is how some of these witnesses deliberately lie.

Then the people who only see things within the lens of race believe their crap.

Then the other racists fuel their anger, riots happen, destruction occurs, etc.

A lot of this crap happened because witnesses lie and people see what they want to see.

The evidence does not lie. However, it won't matter to some.

How do you know they lied? No one is saying there wasn't a struggle and a gunshot in the police car. The issue is whether or not Officer Wilson gunned Michael brown down when he was surrendering. You can't gun down a person who is surrendering.
This whole load of negro false BS is just the same as every other. They get shown to be shall we say 'not the brightest bulbs on the tree'. They 'act out' by stealing and burning innocent peoples property and the LIB pussies here excuse that 'if only the Whites didn't hate the blacks so much then the blacks would really be able to move forward as a race. Hell! They could even someday design and build a car to compete with the finest German cars right?
Here's one: If all it took was getting a break from the White man to really shine explain how an illiterate race whore like Sharpton is presented as 'the best of the best' in US negro culture.
The fool is a standing joke even among the staff at MSNBC. One MSNBS top executive is quoted as saying: "If we didn't have Sharpton for the negroes to watch we'd be putting on another 'Jail Show' for them to relate to.

Yeah you're totally not racist.
In our system of law, the police don't get to kill a man and say well he desrved it even though I had no reason to suspect that at the time.

If you touch a cop's gun that is a felony.
If you punch or physically attack a cop that is battery on a LEO...another felony.

Brown committed at least 2 felonies...
Look at #3 below from the missouri statutes..

It was a good, legal shoot.

Law enforcement officer's use of force in making an arrest.
563.046. 1. A law enforcement officer need not retreat or desist from efforts to effect the arrest, or from efforts to prevent the escape from custody, of a person he reasonably believes to have committed an offense because of resistance or threatened resistance of the arrestee. In addition to the use of physical force authorized under other sections of this chapter, he is, subject to the provisions of subsections 2 and 3, justified in the use of such physical force as he reasonably believes is immediately necessary to effect the arrest or to prevent the escape from custody.

2. The use of any physical force in making an arrest is not justified under this section unless the arrest is lawful or the law enforcement officer reasonably believes the arrest is lawful.

3. A law enforcement officer in effecting an arrest or in preventing an escape from custody is justified in using deadly force only

(1) When such is authorized under other sections of this chapter; or

(2) When he reasonably believes that such use of deadly force is immediately necessary to effect the arrest and also reasonably believes that the person to be arrested

(a) Has committed or attempted to commit a felony; or

(b) Is attempting to escape by use of a deadly weapon; or

(c) May otherwise endanger life or inflict serious physical injury unless arrested without delay.

4. The defendant shall have the burden of injecting the issue of justification under this section.
3. A law enforcement officer in effecting an arrest or in preventing an escape from custody is justified in using deadly force only

(1) When such is authorized under other sections of this chapter; or

(2) When he reasonably believes that such use of deadly force is immediately necessary to effect the arrest AND also reasonably believes that the person to be arrested

(a) Has committed or attempted to commit a felony; or

(b) Is attempting to escape by use of a deadly weapon; or

(c) May otherwise endanger life or inflict serious physical injury unless arrested without delay.

While you are presuming Brown committed 2 felonies, the evidence and witness testimony hardly supports that conclusively.
But let's say he did. Wilson will need to prove he reasonably believed that such use of deadly force is immediately necessary to effect the arrest.
From what I've read, heard and watched it will take a very liberal interpretation of reasonably believed to support that deadly force was immediately necessary. He was roughly 20 feet away by most accounts, unarmed, had his arms up to some extent, and he was already shot - most probably several times before the fatal shot. It's also possible, if not likely the fatal shot came when he was already down considering the 2 head shots. One struck the crown of his head the other, the other above the eye exiting the bottom of his jaw. ( He was 6, 4").


Go punch a cop and try to take his gun and see how it works out for you... 2 felonies.

Good, legal shoot.

About the worst they can do is charge wilson with littering.

Yup! - And don't forget the violent felony robbery that Wilson herd over the radio Brown committed prior to assaulting the officer, attempted robbery of his gun, likely to murder with it. Brown was a danger to the public & officer Wilson. Plus officer Wilson had to worry about whether Brown's accomplice Johnson was about to also ambush him at any time. It was a good shoot.
Last edited:
In our system of law, the police don't get to kill a man and say well he desrved it even though I had no reason to suspect that at the time.

If you touch a cop's gun that is a felony.
If you punch or physically attack a cop that is battery on a LEO...another felony.

Brown committed at least 2 felonies...
Look at #3 below from the missouri statutes..

It was a good, legal shoot.

Law enforcement officer's use of force in making an arrest.

563.046. 1. A law enforcement officer need not retreat or desist from efforts to effect the arrest, or from efforts to prevent the escape from custody, of a person he reasonably believes to have committed an offense because of resistance or threatened resistance of the arrestee. In addition to the use of physical force authorized under other sections of this chapter, he is, subject to the provisions of subsections 2 and 3, justified in the use of such physical force as he reasonably believes is immediately necessary to effect the arrest or to prevent the escape from custody.

2. The use of any physical force in making an arrest is not justified under this section unless the arrest is lawful or the law enforcement officer reasonably believes the arrest is lawful.

3. A law enforcement officer in effecting an arrest or in preventing an escape from custody is justified in using deadly force only

(1) When such is authorized under other sections of this chapter; or

(2) When he reasonably believes that such use of deadly force is immediately necessary to effect the arrest and also reasonably believes that the person to be arrested

(a) Has committed or attempted to commit a felony; or

(b) Is attempting to escape by use of a deadly weapon; or

(c) May otherwise endanger life or inflict serious physical injury unless arrested without delay.

4. The defendant shall have the burden of injecting the issue of justification under this section.
3. A law enforcement officer in effecting an arrest or in preventing an escape from custody is justified in using deadly force only

(1) When such is authorized under other sections of this chapter; or

(2) When he reasonably believes that such use of deadly force is immediately necessary to effect the arrest AND also reasonably believes that the person to be arrested

(a) Has committed or attempted to commit a felony; or

(b) Is attempting to escape by use of a deadly weapon; or

(c) May otherwise endanger life or inflict serious physical injury unless arrested without delay.

While you are presuming Brown committed 2 felonies, the evidence and witness testimony hardly supports that conclusively.
But let's say he did. Wilson will need to prove he reasonably believed that such use of deadly force is immediately necessary to effect the arrest.
From what I've read, heard and watched it will take a very liberal interpretation of reasonably believed to support that deadly force was immediately necessary. He was roughly 20 feet away by most accounts, unarmed, had his arms up to some extent, and he was already shot - most probably several times before the fatal shot. It's also possible, if not likely the fatal shot came when he was already down considering the 2 head shots. One struck the crown of his head the other, the other above the eye exiting the bottom of his jaw. ( He was 6, 4").


Go punch a cop and try to take his gun and see how it works out for you... 2 felonies.

Good, legal shoot.

About the worst they can do is charge wilson with littering.

The statement that ''the worst they can do is charge wilson with littering'' is both ignorant and disgusting. But what can we expect from a bubba who lives in ''federally occupied territory'' where he is probably expecting to get federal social security benefits and whose wages and working conditions are protected by federal laws.

sure...sure, counselor...whatever you say. :rolleyes:
Brown was a dumb shit thug who got himself killed. Wilson will walk and take a very early retirement, Blacks will continue to be outraged ad nauseum and Brown will be dead.

The moral of the story, boys and girls, is that violence begets violence. Some will learn and others will die.

Actually, next election, you are probably going to see the whole corrupt white power structure thrown out in that town.
Brown was a dumb shit thug who got himself killed. Wilson will walk and take a very early retirement, Blacks will continue to be outraged ad nauseum and Brown will be dead.

The moral of the story, boys and girls, is that violence begets violence. Some will learn and others will die.

Actually, next election, you are probably going to see the whole corrupt white power structure thrown out in that town.

Quick Trip dug up it's gas tanks & is abandoning Ferguson. The NFL Rams who fled LA after the LA Riots, is no ready to flee St. Louis for LA. Voters are pissed, fed-up, sick & tired of this Mike Brown protest riot crap. The white power structure is not going anywhere this election.
Actually, next election, you are probably going to see the whole corrupt white power structure thrown out in that town.
And then what do you suppose will happen to that town? Are you acquainted with the decline of Camden, New Jersey?

If Darren Wilson is indicted and his action is adjudged criminal, the police in that entire region will engage in a job action protest in which they will pay as little attention as is feasible to any of the usual criminal activity they presently interfere with and prevent by their aggressive actions. And when the ghetto rats of the area realize the cops are turning their heads and dealing only with what they can't avoid there will be a surge in crime that will have those citizen protesters begging them to shoot a few of the "Big Mike" Brown and Dorian Johnson types.

And if the local political machine manages to replace all the White Ferguson cops with Blacks the Black community will soon be begging them to bring back the Whites. Because that actually happened in Brooklyn, NY, back in the early 1950s. After a number of "police brutality" complaints the mayor ordered the police commissioner to replace all White cops in the Bedford/Stuyvestant (Black) neighborhood with Blacks. Within three months the Black community leaders were screaming for the White cops to come back.
again, his version doesn't account for how the kid got SIX bullet holes in him.
If Wilson says he was dazed and disoriented by Brown's punch to the side of his head, and that he was in fear of what a man of Brown's massive size who already had attacked him was capable of, for him to keep shooting until Brown was brought down is perfectly reasonable -- especially if Wilson's gun is a 9mm, which is a notoriously low-impact pistol bullet.
real talk- you'd think with all the white cops and black criminals or potential criminals roaming the streets there would be hundreds or thousands of death by white cop every year.
What really angers me is how some of these witnesses deliberately lie.

Then the people who only see things within the lens of race believe their crap.

Then the other racists fuel their anger, riots happen, destruction occurs, etc.

A lot of this crap happened because witnesses lie and people see what they want to see.

The evidence does not lie. However, it won't matter to some.

How do you know they lied? No one is saying there wasn't a struggle and a gunshot in the police car. The issue is whether or not Officer Wilson gunned Michael brown down when he was surrendering. You can't gun down a person who is surrendering.

Sure there is, the main witness ( Dorian Johnson) said there was never a struggle in the car, nor was there a gun shot in the car. He repeated himself in about 5 different interviews. Here is just one:

And here is the miraculous one armed only, front throat grab of a 6'4" 300 pound man from inside of a police SUV which Brown could not figure out how to get out of by stepping backwards ( BUT he could say to Dorian, "here hold my cigarillo's", ( According to Dorian) while I try and get out of this one armed, left handed, throat grab from inside a car on a 6'4" 300 lb man) :

What really angers me is how some of these witnesses deliberately lie.

Then the people who only see things within the lens of race believe their crap.

Then the other racists fuel their anger, riots happen, destruction occurs, etc.

A lot of this crap happened because witnesses lie and people see what they want to see.

The evidence does not lie. However, it won't matter to some.

Nope, it won't matter. It wouldn't matter if they had a video of the entire sequence of events. They would simply deny what they're seeing.
One black woman when asked "What will happen if Wilson is acquitted of all charges." She replied >> "All hell is gonna break loose."

Well, that's when the cops get to show what their made of. Are they going to kiss protestor ass, or are they going to KICK ASS and HARD, like they need to ,to show these creepos a lesson ?

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