New York: You can’t discriminate based on height and weight!

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
That’s right New Yorkers..

If there’s an aspiring flight attendant thats 340 lbs and 4ft wide that isn’t hired (because the plane has a 3ft aisle way)… it’s DISCRIMINATION

If theres a 340 lb 5’ 2” guy, and the local fire department hires a 224 lb 5’ 10” guy for the force over them… it’s evil, unfair DISCRIMINATION

How insane is the woke left. People can be too fat for jobs. Likewise, who wants a 115 lb bouncer?

Woke leftists.. answer for the results of your ideology

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I'll take "A Nothing Burger that has once again enraged the endlessly triggered right" for $2000, Mayim.
That’s right New Yorkers..

If there’s an aspiring flight attendant thats 340 lbs and 4ft wide that isn’t hired (because the plane has a 3ft aisle way)… it’s DISCRIMINATION

If theres a 340 lb 5’ 2” guy, and the local fire department hires a 224 lb 5’ 10” guy for the force over them… it’s evil, unfair DISCRIMINATION

How insane is the woke left. People can be too fat for jobs. Likewise, who wants a 115 lb bouncer?

Woke leftists.. answer for the results of your ideology


Well since your article states, "Unless it is a job-imperative...." so if it is imperative that you fit down an aisle of a plane, be able to hoof it up to the 8th floor lugging hoses and an airtank, or be able to take down drunks at a bar, you need to consider the anorexic and the obese.
That’s right New Yorkers..

If there’s an aspiring flight attendant thats 340 lbs and 4ft wide that isn’t hired (because the plane has a 3ft aisle way)… it’s DISCRIMINATION

If theres a 340 lb 5’ 2” guy, and the local fire department hires a 224 lb 5’ 10” guy for the force over them… it’s evil, unfair DISCRIMINATION

How insane is the woke left. People can be too fat for jobs. Likewise, who wants a 115 lb bouncer?

Woke leftists.. answer for the results of your ideology

I say it is about time. I wish all states would do that. I have a Master's degree and you have no idea how many jobs I been discriminated against for being a short stature half Native American!

I couldn't get hired anywhere even with a Master's degree, seriously even minimum wage jobs.. I could bench press 350 lbs when I was younger, clean & J 250, Squat/Deadlift 500. Was involved in martial arts and boxing in my youth. Yet because of my short height I was denied so many jobs that involved any physical labor.

I once applied to UPS to be a crewman, job title said must be able to lift heavy boxes. As soon as the girl in the interview saw how short I was she immediately mentioned my height and her concern that I would have a hard time lifting these boxes all day long. I explained to to her how I have lifted weights since I was like 12 and probably had more physical strength than most people she hired, but it didn't matter she insisted because of my height I couldn't do it. I think also being half Native American helped eliminate me as a candidate.

Applied to work as stocker at a big chain store, denied because of my height. Again afraid I wouldn't be able to lift those boxes. Also I didn't think they wanted a half Indian.

Railroad, denied didn't think I had the physical strength for job due to height. Laborer for like $12-14/hr at factories, denied. I would always get the interview due to how good I looked on paper or doing well on a phone interview, but once they saw how short I was in person, forget the job. They didn't think I could do because of my height. I would be told how unqualified I was for the job and that I didn't have the experience, yet they would hire an 18 year old 6' tall high school drop out with no previous work experience instead of me.

Even with a Master's degree I had a hard time for anyone taking me seriously for any job in interviews. They loved me in email or on the phone. They loved my resume because I paid good money to have it professionally done. Teaching jobs, forget it. Masters in Education 4.0 GPA, undegrad in Business and highly qualified teaching license in Special Ed, Elementary Ed... had like 20+ interviews.... all denied as soon as they saw how short I was and that I was half Native American. Once they saw how short I was in the interview, the job was over. I saw the look on their faces as soon as I walked in the door.

Walmart denied, restaurant denied, McDonalds denied, housekeeping jobs denied, stocking jobs denied, Burger King denied. Taco Bell, denied. You name it even with a Masters degree no one and I mean no one would want to hire me. I think being short stature and half Native American had a lot to do with it. No criminal record, passed it each time. Passed every drug test.

I am working in healthcare now working on completing a 2nd Master's degree in healthcare. Great job to get I like the pay and benefits, no one wanted healthcare during COVID so I took the opportunity to get the job.

I have seen the same problem with people overweight. Don't even get me started with the 300 lb highly qualifed female Elementary teacher I knew who couldn't get hired anywhere because of her weight.
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