New Yorker Magazine Defends Netflix's Cuties

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
What is it with trashy liberals and pedophilia?

We have been inundated with story after story of sex traffic and pedophilia the last couple years.

And we have had the #metoo rage.

Something like 200 kids rescued since Ghislaine Maxwell was caught.

All this crap and here we have the liberal trash rag The New Yorker defending Netflix's child pornography movie Cuties.

Liberals are sick trash.

The premise of the show is, if you are against preteen girls dressing provocative and acting highly sexed - you are essentially the Taliban.
Only hardcore religious fanatics would be against young girls expressing themselves sexually, including taking pictures of their undeveloped vaginas and sharing them. If you are against that.... you are a fascist zealot.
The premise of the show is, if you are against preteen girls dressing provocative and acting highly sexed - you are essentially the Taliban.
Only hardcore religious fanatics would be against young girls expressing themselves sexually, including taking pictures of their undeveloped vaginas and sharing them. If you are against that.... you are a fascist zealot.

It's just disgusting. Just hiring those kids to do the movie is disgusting. They make a soft porn movie for them to watch all under the highjacked term patriarchy as if people that protect kids are some kind of evil people.
The end game since the 1980s, when AIDS allowed them to shove homosexuality onto us, has been the children.

Pervs are out in force publicly now, close to supporting the worst depravity. Think of NAMBLA, and look at how close the media is to supporting their proclivities.
The premise of the show is, if you are against preteen girls dressing provocative and acting highly sexed - you are essentially the Taliban.
Only hardcore religious fanatics would be against young girls expressing themselves sexually, including taking pictures of their undeveloped vaginas and sharing them. If you are against that.... you are a fascist zealot.

It's just disgusting. Just hiring those kids to do the movie is disgusting. They make a soft porn movie for them to watch all under the highjacked term patriarchy as if people that protect kids are some kind of evil people.
Anything to make traditional people look like Nazi's.
There are two sides of the film...
1) Those against grade school girls being sexualized... they chose the worst of the worst "example" you could possibly pick... religious zealots who instead want to treat women like dogs.
2) The girls. They chose the most innocent looking child like pre-teen girls they could find to represent the young girls.

What is fascinating... is just how in the hell are feminist groups not up in the air about this? How are the #metoo crowd not screaming their heads off about it??
The movie Cuties has a rating of 88% according to the "critics" and 3% according to the regular audience.

Take a look at the article to see more on how disgusting the movie is. Cancel Netflix is trending, as it should. They say you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, except there is no way to justify those pictures.

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The movie Cuties has a rating of 88% according to the "critics" and 3% according to the regular audience.

Amazing how some of our resident progressives deny Hollywood's, and governments efforts to normalize pedophilia.
I recall that critics were united in their hatred of the 1986 movie "Top Gun" not because it was a bad movie but because it glorified the U.S. Military. In their small minds that was a bad message. Karma must have come around because the movie grossed a hell of a lot of money and all of the major critics like Siskel and Ebert were dead in a couple of years.
I recall that critics were united in their hatred of the 1986 movie "Top Gun" not because it was a bad movie but because it glorified the U.S. Military. In their small minds that was a bad message. Karma must have come around because the movie grossed a hell of a lot of money and all of the major critics like Siskel and Ebert were dead in a couple of years.

I despised the movie because it was a wildly inaccurate representation of Naval Aviation.
What is it with trashy liberals and pedophilia?

We have been inundated with story after story of sex traffic and pedophilia the last couple years.

And we have had the #metoo rage.

Something like 200 kids rescued since Ghislaine Maxwell was caught.

All this crap and here we have the liberal trash rag The New Yorker defending Netflix's child pornography movie Cuties.

Liberals are sick trash.

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Gee look what looks like its been added by the film makers


The scene clearly shows that a communist hammer & sickle has been painted over the graffiti on a wall behind the characters.

It’s obvious that the symbol stands out from the rest of the graffiti and was deliberately put there by the film makers.

This is no small wonder to me that Netflix would start doing this once Barack & Michelle took over.
They claimed that "Cuties" would be a coming of age show, but it turns out that it was a series that sexualises children.
It's borderline pornography catering to Pedophiles.

Here's a description of it's content:

I cancelled my subscription almost 4 years ago when Obama signed a contract with Netflix....and this type of rubbish is textbook Obama. Obama has proven that his intentions aren't good. Nobody can excuse this trash TV.

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This is no small wonder to me that Netflix would start doing this once Barack & Michelle took over.
They claimed that "Cuties" would be a coming of age show, but it turns out that it was a series that sexualises children.
It's borderline pornography catering to Pedophiles.

Here's a description of it's content:

I cancelled my subscription almost 4 years ago when Obama signed a contract with Netflix....and this type of rubbish is textbook Obama. Obama has proven that his intentions aren't good. Nobody can excuse this trash TV.

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I have commented before that if these kids were making socks or Nike tennis shoes in some sweat shop, the progs would be telling US that it was immoral has hell, but since this is Hollyweird where deviants diddle little kids and put them on shows so they make lots of money, this isnt a sweat shop of kids, but a sweet spot for pedophiles to get some..

Wait a minute, do you think Obama runs Netflix?
Obama never gets into any agreement with someone unless he can call the shots.
Once Obama's stank got into Netflix they were going to go this way.
You know this....but want to ignore it.

For example....the minute the NFL gave into leftists like Obama they sealed their doom.
Thursday night....I just wanted to see a football game....but they kept playing leftist commercials and the announcers kept talking about how brave millionaire assholes that kneel during the national anthem were. I don't give a flying-f about what they think about racism. I want to watch a game without having to deal with their GD political beliefs.

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