New Yorker Magazine Defends Netflix's Cuties

This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
No thanks!

I’ll leave the watching of child pornography to your kind.

And we will leave the defending of it, to yours.
I think a lot of people are attacking this movie without actually having seen it.

If they had seen the movie, they might understand the message of the movie is very opposed to over sexualization of young girls.

Yeah, I've heard that excuse. Doesn't fly. I've seen enough and I will not be watching it, because I already regret having seen as much as I have already seen.

IF your message was ANTI-pedophilia, you don't have to show children acting like professional strippers. You could show them getting the job and then fade to black and make the point, without putting the child actresses though the simulated sex acts and without giving pedos their jollies,

and then have them talk about it, with each other, or with their parents, or a social worker,

or show the effects on them, or show the type of low life scum that shows up to watch them...

and that is just off the top of my head. I would hope that a professional film maker could do better than I could.

Though with the shit that hollywood has been producing, maybe not.
If you haven’t seen it, your opinion is uninformed.

I've seen enough. I've never committed a bank robbery, but I have an informed opposition to it.

Your excuses and rationalizations for defending kiddie porn are getting more and more desperate.

Why are you doing this? Are you really so soulless that you can't part with the mob, even on kiddie porn?
Because you guys are jumping to conclusions without knowing what you’re talking about.

Platoon was an effective anti-war movie because it portrays horrors and tragedies of the Vietnam war.

The actors playing the roles were adults.

When an actor pretends to shot someone, he is not actually committing violence, no one is hurt.

When an actress acts sexy, she might not be having actual sex, but she is behaving in a sexy manner and is certainly being seen as sexy by the viewing audience. .

YOur refusal to admit what we all know, is you trying to gaslight, in defense of kiddie porn.

That is you... reaching a new low, even for liberals.
No, not all scenes are intended to be seen as sexy by the viewing audience. In fact, the scenes of dancing by the girls in the movie are supposed to make people uncomfortable.

Not buying it. They push the boundaries, so that when people speak out against it, they can say "patriarchy" and be "stunning and brave", and have an excuse to talk shit about people on the Right, and if the cost is that they have to make kiddie porn, well, you guys seem fine with that.
Pretty self centered about you to think anyone who made this movie did anything because of the right.

What makes you so confident in your assessment of the movie and it’s intent if you’ve never seen it?

Decades of observation on how you liberals think and act. And of course a number of stills and clips from the movie and reviews by trusted youtubers who did watch it, to their disgust.

So in other words, you don't actually know, you just took the word of people who's livelihood is to stoke controversy?

Seems like you just admitted this comes from a place of ignorance. Still and clips divorced from context to prove a point is a really shitty way of coming to a conclusion.

I'm aware that the children are dressed and acting like strippers in several scenes. I'm aware that one child finds a used rubber and blows it up with her mouth.

You can make a point about, even AGAINST the sexualization of children, without that shit.


That is all it takes. Maybe your film won't be generate as much buzz. Maybe you won't be called "stunning and brave" on twitter.

But you also don't have to teach children how to act like strippers either.

You are defending kiddie porn.
So you don’t know what you’re talking about then. Films don’t create a message by fading to black.

Sure they do. They set up the scene, fade to black and the audience knows what happened. Then you can address the issue without being porn.

We used to know that. Back when we were a serious country.

You show a scene where the girl is talking to a friend and discussing how bad it feels to twerk in front of gross old men. This is an actress ACTING.

You show an child stripping in front of adult males, and it is a child actually STRIPPING, for the camera.

Your pretense of not getting this, is not credible.
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
No thanks!

I’ll leave the watching of child pornography to your kind.

And we will leave the defending of it, to yours.
I think a lot of people are attacking this movie without actually having seen it.

If they had seen the movie, they might understand the message of the movie is very opposed to over sexualization of young girls.

Yeah, I've heard that excuse. Doesn't fly. I've seen enough and I will not be watching it, because I already regret having seen as much as I have already seen.

IF your message was ANTI-pedophilia, you don't have to show children acting like professional strippers. You could show them getting the job and then fade to black and make the point, without putting the child actresses though the simulated sex acts and without giving pedos their jollies,

and then have them talk about it, with each other, or with their parents, or a social worker,

or show the effects on them, or show the type of low life scum that shows up to watch them...

and that is just off the top of my head. I would hope that a professional film maker could do better than I could.

Though with the shit that hollywood has been producing, maybe not.
If you haven’t seen it, your opinion is uninformed.

I've seen enough. I've never committed a bank robbery, but I have an informed opposition to it.

Your excuses and rationalizations for defending kiddie porn are getting more and more desperate.

Why are you doing this? Are you really so soulless that you can't part with the mob, even on kiddie porn?
Because you guys are jumping to conclusions without knowing what you’re talking about.

Platoon was an effective anti-war movie because it portrays horrors and tragedies of the Vietnam war.

The actors playing the roles were adults.

When an actor pretends to shot someone, he is not actually committing violence, no one is hurt.

When an actress acts sexy, she might not be having actual sex, but she is behaving in a sexy manner and is certainly being seen as sexy by the viewing audience. .

YOur refusal to admit what we all know, is you trying to gaslight, in defense of kiddie porn.

That is you... reaching a new low, even for liberals.
No, not all scenes are intended to be seen as sexy by the viewing audience. In fact, the scenes of dancing by the girls in the movie are supposed to make people uncomfortable.

Not buying it. They push the boundaries, so that when people speak out against it, they can say "patriarchy" and be "stunning and brave", and have an excuse to talk shit about people on the Right, and if the cost is that they have to make kiddie porn, well, you guys seem fine with that.
Pretty self centered about you to think anyone who made this movie did anything because of the right.

What makes you so confident in your assessment of the movie and it’s intent if you’ve never seen it?
its intent is irrelevant when they promoting child porn,,,

but a pervert like you wouldnt understand,,,
But that’s the point. It’s not promoting child porn. It’s taking on the problems with oversexualization of minors. You guys have a hard time seeing things in anything but black and white.

Oh, and don’t forget that it gives you something to complain about as a political statement.
my god you perverts are dense,,,

And why would anyone believe your description of the movie given that you admitted you've never seen it?
what its about doesnt matter,,its a pedo's dream movie,,,and only pedos would defend having little girls half naked and playing with themselves,,
its joe bidens dream movie,,,
So the filmmaker sees it as a statement against oversexualization of minors but you can only see it from the eyes of a pervert?
I see it for what it is,,,child porn,,,,

this guy also made movies,,,

View attachment 388330
So you did see the movie?
I did. And it’s worse than what I had imagined.

answer this question since all you have done is defend child porn here

do you condemn the film “Cuties”?
Why did you watch it and what did you think about it?
I watched it because I wanted to see if the outrage was all it was made out to be. I found it to be worse. I didn’t know that 11 year old girls took selfies of their vaginas, took pictures of a grown mans penis and played with condoms.

you didn’t answer my question. If you can’t condemn Child Porn, then you are a pedophile and deserve to burn in hell
Guess what? 11 year old girls do lots of things like that because that’s the kind of stuff their exposed to at a far too young age. Did that shock and horrify you? If so, the film made its point.
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
No thanks!

I’ll leave the watching of child pornography to your kind.

And we will leave the defending of it, to yours.
I think a lot of people are attacking this movie without actually having seen it.

If they had seen the movie, they might understand the message of the movie is very opposed to over sexualization of young girls.

Yeah, I've heard that excuse. Doesn't fly. I've seen enough and I will not be watching it, because I already regret having seen as much as I have already seen.

IF your message was ANTI-pedophilia, you don't have to show children acting like professional strippers. You could show them getting the job and then fade to black and make the point, without putting the child actresses though the simulated sex acts and without giving pedos their jollies,

and then have them talk about it, with each other, or with their parents, or a social worker,

or show the effects on them, or show the type of low life scum that shows up to watch them...

and that is just off the top of my head. I would hope that a professional film maker could do better than I could.

Though with the shit that hollywood has been producing, maybe not.
If you haven’t seen it, your opinion is uninformed.

I've seen enough. I've never committed a bank robbery, but I have an informed opposition to it.

Your excuses and rationalizations for defending kiddie porn are getting more and more desperate.

Why are you doing this? Are you really so soulless that you can't part with the mob, even on kiddie porn?
Because you guys are jumping to conclusions without knowing what you’re talking about.

Platoon was an effective anti-war movie because it portrays horrors and tragedies of the Vietnam war.

The actors playing the roles were adults.

When an actor pretends to shot someone, he is not actually committing violence, no one is hurt.

When an actress acts sexy, she might not be having actual sex, but she is behaving in a sexy manner and is certainly being seen as sexy by the viewing audience. .

YOur refusal to admit what we all know, is you trying to gaslight, in defense of kiddie porn.

That is you... reaching a new low, even for liberals.
No, not all scenes are intended to be seen as sexy by the viewing audience. In fact, the scenes of dancing by the girls in the movie are supposed to make people uncomfortable.

Not buying it. They push the boundaries, so that when people speak out against it, they can say "patriarchy" and be "stunning and brave", and have an excuse to talk shit about people on the Right, and if the cost is that they have to make kiddie porn, well, you guys seem fine with that.
Pretty self centered about you to think anyone who made this movie did anything because of the right.

What makes you so confident in your assessment of the movie and it’s intent if you’ve never seen it?
its intent is irrelevant when they promoting child porn,,,

but a pervert like you wouldnt understand,,,
But that’s the point. It’s not promoting child porn. It’s taking on the problems with oversexualization of minors. You guys have a hard time seeing things in anything but black and white.

Oh, and don’t forget that it gives you something to complain about as a political statement.
my god you perverts are dense,,,

And why would anyone believe your description of the movie given that you admitted you've never seen it?
what its about doesnt matter,,its a pedo's dream movie,,,and only pedos would defend having little girls half naked and playing with themselves,,
its joe bidens dream movie,,,
So the filmmaker sees it as a statement against oversexualization of minors but you can only see it from the eyes of a pervert?
I see it for what it is,,,child porn,,,,

this guy also made movies,,,

View attachment 388330
So you did see the movie?
I did. And it’s worse than what I had imagined.

answer this question since all you have done is defend child porn here

do you condemn the film “Cuties”?
Why did you watch it and what did you think about it?
I watched it because I wanted to see if the outrage was all it was made out to be. I found it to be worse. I didn’t know that 11 year old girls took selfies of their vaginas, took pictures of a grown mans penis and played with condoms.

you didn’t answer my question. If you can’t condemn Child Porn, then you are a pedophile and deserve to burn in hell
Guess what? 11 year old girls do lots of things like that because that’s the kind of stuff their exposed to at a far too young age. Did that shock and horrify you? If so, the film made its point.
youre a pathetic human being harvey,,,
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
No thanks!

I’ll leave the watching of child pornography to your kind.

And we will leave the defending of it, to yours.
I think a lot of people are attacking this movie without actually having seen it.

If they had seen the movie, they might understand the message of the movie is very opposed to over sexualization of young girls.

Yeah, I've heard that excuse. Doesn't fly. I've seen enough and I will not be watching it, because I already regret having seen as much as I have already seen.

IF your message was ANTI-pedophilia, you don't have to show children acting like professional strippers. You could show them getting the job and then fade to black and make the point, without putting the child actresses though the simulated sex acts and without giving pedos their jollies,

and then have them talk about it, with each other, or with their parents, or a social worker,

or show the effects on them, or show the type of low life scum that shows up to watch them...

and that is just off the top of my head. I would hope that a professional film maker could do better than I could.

Though with the shit that hollywood has been producing, maybe not.
If you haven’t seen it, your opinion is uninformed.

I've seen enough. I've never committed a bank robbery, but I have an informed opposition to it.

Your excuses and rationalizations for defending kiddie porn are getting more and more desperate.

Why are you doing this? Are you really so soulless that you can't part with the mob, even on kiddie porn?
Because you guys are jumping to conclusions without knowing what you’re talking about.

Platoon was an effective anti-war movie because it portrays horrors and tragedies of the Vietnam war.

The actors playing the roles were adults.

When an actor pretends to shot someone, he is not actually committing violence, no one is hurt.

When an actress acts sexy, she might not be having actual sex, but she is behaving in a sexy manner and is certainly being seen as sexy by the viewing audience. .

YOur refusal to admit what we all know, is you trying to gaslight, in defense of kiddie porn.

That is you... reaching a new low, even for liberals.
No, not all scenes are intended to be seen as sexy by the viewing audience. In fact, the scenes of dancing by the girls in the movie are supposed to make people uncomfortable.

Not buying it. They push the boundaries, so that when people speak out against it, they can say "patriarchy" and be "stunning and brave", and have an excuse to talk shit about people on the Right, and if the cost is that they have to make kiddie porn, well, you guys seem fine with that.
Pretty self centered about you to think anyone who made this movie did anything because of the right.

What makes you so confident in your assessment of the movie and it’s intent if you’ve never seen it?
its intent is irrelevant when they promoting child porn,,,

but a pervert like you wouldnt understand,,,
But that’s the point. It’s not promoting child porn. It’s taking on the problems with oversexualization of minors. You guys have a hard time seeing things in anything but black and white.

Oh, and don’t forget that it gives you something to complain about as a political statement.
my god you perverts are dense,,,

And why would anyone believe your description of the movie given that you admitted you've never seen it?
what its about doesnt matter,,its a pedo's dream movie,,,and only pedos would defend having little girls half naked and playing with themselves,,
its joe bidens dream movie,,,
So the filmmaker sees it as a statement against oversexualization of minors but you can only see it from the eyes of a pervert?
I see it for what it is,,,child porn,,,,

this guy also made movies,,,

View attachment 388330
So you did see the movie?
I did. And it’s worse than what I had imagined.

answer this question since all you have done is defend child porn here

do you condemn the film “Cuties”?
Why did you watch it and what did you think about it?
I watched it because I wanted to see if the outrage was all it was made out to be. I found it to be worse. I didn’t know that 11 year old girls took selfies of their vaginas, took pictures of a grown mans penis and played with condoms.

you didn’t answer my question. If you can’t condemn Child Porn, then you are a pedophile and deserve to burn in hell
Guess what? 11 year old girls do lots of things like that because that’s the kind of stuff their exposed to at a far too young age. Did that shock and horrify you? If so, the film made its point.
youre a pathetic human being harvey,,,
Blah, blah, blah. I don’t care what an idiot like you thinks and I doubt anyone else does.
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
No thanks!

I’ll leave the watching of child pornography to your kind.

And we will leave the defending of it, to yours.
I think a lot of people are attacking this movie without actually having seen it.

If they had seen the movie, they might understand the message of the movie is very opposed to over sexualization of young girls.

Yeah, I've heard that excuse. Doesn't fly. I've seen enough and I will not be watching it, because I already regret having seen as much as I have already seen.

IF your message was ANTI-pedophilia, you don't have to show children acting like professional strippers. You could show them getting the job and then fade to black and make the point, without putting the child actresses though the simulated sex acts and without giving pedos their jollies,

and then have them talk about it, with each other, or with their parents, or a social worker,

or show the effects on them, or show the type of low life scum that shows up to watch them...

and that is just off the top of my head. I would hope that a professional film maker could do better than I could.

Though with the shit that hollywood has been producing, maybe not.
If you haven’t seen it, your opinion is uninformed.

I've seen enough. I've never committed a bank robbery, but I have an informed opposition to it.

Your excuses and rationalizations for defending kiddie porn are getting more and more desperate.

Why are you doing this? Are you really so soulless that you can't part with the mob, even on kiddie porn?
Because you guys are jumping to conclusions without knowing what you’re talking about.

Platoon was an effective anti-war movie because it portrays horrors and tragedies of the Vietnam war.

The actors playing the roles were adults.

When an actor pretends to shot someone, he is not actually committing violence, no one is hurt.

When an actress acts sexy, she might not be having actual sex, but she is behaving in a sexy manner and is certainly being seen as sexy by the viewing audience. .

YOur refusal to admit what we all know, is you trying to gaslight, in defense of kiddie porn.

That is you... reaching a new low, even for liberals.
No, not all scenes are intended to be seen as sexy by the viewing audience. In fact, the scenes of dancing by the girls in the movie are supposed to make people uncomfortable.

Not buying it. They push the boundaries, so that when people speak out against it, they can say "patriarchy" and be "stunning and brave", and have an excuse to talk shit about people on the Right, and if the cost is that they have to make kiddie porn, well, you guys seem fine with that.
Pretty self centered about you to think anyone who made this movie did anything because of the right.

What makes you so confident in your assessment of the movie and it’s intent if you’ve never seen it?
its intent is irrelevant when they promoting child porn,,,

but a pervert like you wouldnt understand,,,
But that’s the point. It’s not promoting child porn. It’s taking on the problems with oversexualization of minors. You guys have a hard time seeing things in anything but black and white.

Oh, and don’t forget that it gives you something to complain about as a political statement.
my god you perverts are dense,,,

And why would anyone believe your description of the movie given that you admitted you've never seen it?
what its about doesnt matter,,its a pedo's dream movie,,,and only pedos would defend having little girls half naked and playing with themselves,,
its joe bidens dream movie,,,
So the filmmaker sees it as a statement against oversexualization of minors but you can only see it from the eyes of a pervert?
I see it for what it is,,,child porn,,,,

this guy also made movies,,,

View attachment 388330
So you did see the movie?
I did. And it’s worse than what I had imagined.

answer this question since all you have done is defend child porn here

do you condemn the film “Cuties”?
Why did you watch it and what did you think about it?
I watched it because I wanted to see if the outrage was all it was made out to be. I found it to be worse. I didn’t know that 11 year old girls took selfies of their vaginas, took pictures of a grown mans penis and played with condoms.

you didn’t answer my question. If you can’t condemn Child Porn, then you are a pedophile and deserve to burn in hell
Guess what? 11 year old girls do lots of things like that because that’s the kind of stuff their exposed to at a far too young age. Did that shock and horrify you? If so, the film made its point.
youre a pathetic human being harvey,,,
Blah, blah, blah. I don’t care what an idiot like you thinks and I doubt anyone else does.
but we care what pedos think,,and youre a disgusting human being,,,

have you noticed youre the only one now defending child porn???
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
No thanks!

I’ll leave the watching of child pornography to your kind.

And we will leave the defending of it, to yours.
I think a lot of people are attacking this movie without actually having seen it.

If they had seen the movie, they might understand the message of the movie is very opposed to over sexualization of young girls.

Yeah, I've heard that excuse. Doesn't fly. I've seen enough and I will not be watching it, because I already regret having seen as much as I have already seen.

IF your message was ANTI-pedophilia, you don't have to show children acting like professional strippers. You could show them getting the job and then fade to black and make the point, without putting the child actresses though the simulated sex acts and without giving pedos their jollies,

and then have them talk about it, with each other, or with their parents, or a social worker,

or show the effects on them, or show the type of low life scum that shows up to watch them...

and that is just off the top of my head. I would hope that a professional film maker could do better than I could.

Though with the shit that hollywood has been producing, maybe not.
If you haven’t seen it, your opinion is uninformed.

I've seen enough. I've never committed a bank robbery, but I have an informed opposition to it.

Your excuses and rationalizations for defending kiddie porn are getting more and more desperate.

Why are you doing this? Are you really so soulless that you can't part with the mob, even on kiddie porn?
Because you guys are jumping to conclusions without knowing what you’re talking about.

Platoon was an effective anti-war movie because it portrays horrors and tragedies of the Vietnam war.

The actors playing the roles were adults.

When an actor pretends to shot someone, he is not actually committing violence, no one is hurt.

When an actress acts sexy, she might not be having actual sex, but she is behaving in a sexy manner and is certainly being seen as sexy by the viewing audience. .

YOur refusal to admit what we all know, is you trying to gaslight, in defense of kiddie porn.

That is you... reaching a new low, even for liberals.
No, not all scenes are intended to be seen as sexy by the viewing audience. In fact, the scenes of dancing by the girls in the movie are supposed to make people uncomfortable.

Not buying it. They push the boundaries, so that when people speak out against it, they can say "patriarchy" and be "stunning and brave", and have an excuse to talk shit about people on the Right, and if the cost is that they have to make kiddie porn, well, you guys seem fine with that.
Pretty self centered about you to think anyone who made this movie did anything because of the right.

What makes you so confident in your assessment of the movie and it’s intent if you’ve never seen it?
its intent is irrelevant when they promoting child porn,,,

but a pervert like you wouldnt understand,,,
But that’s the point. It’s not promoting child porn. It’s taking on the problems with oversexualization of minors. You guys have a hard time seeing things in anything but black and white.

Oh, and don’t forget that it gives you something to complain about as a political statement.
my god you perverts are dense,,,

And why would anyone believe your description of the movie given that you admitted you've never seen it?
what its about doesnt matter,,its a pedo's dream movie,,,and only pedos would defend having little girls half naked and playing with themselves,,
its joe bidens dream movie,,,
So the filmmaker sees it as a statement against oversexualization of minors but you can only see it from the eyes of a pervert?
I see it for what it is,,,child porn,,,,

this guy also made movies,,,

View attachment 388330
So you did see the movie?
I did. And it’s worse than what I had imagined.

answer this question since all you have done is defend child porn here

do you condemn the film “Cuties”?
Why did you watch it and what did you think about it?
I watched it because I wanted to see if the outrage was all it was made out to be. I found it to be worse. I didn’t know that 11 year old girls took selfies of their vaginas, took pictures of a grown mans penis and played with condoms.

you didn’t answer my question. If you can’t condemn Child Porn, then you are a pedophile and deserve to burn in hell
Guess what? 11 year old girls do lots of things like that because that’s the kind of stuff their exposed to at a far too young age. Did that shock and horrify you? If so, the film made its point.
youre a pathetic human being harvey,,,
Blah, blah, blah. I don’t care what an idiot like you thinks and I doubt anyone else does.
“Blah blah blah” - words of a Demon

not enough left wing articles we’re published for you to make another talking point
You can eat shit and die. The left is not defending anything other than themselves from this latest retarded cooked-up right-wing controversy. Accuse me of being pro pedophilia again you sick fuck. I fucking dare you. Do it coward, see what happens.
Oooh...impressive rage! Why the anger? Do the charges hit too close too home?
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
No thanks!

I’ll leave the watching of child pornography to your kind.

And we will leave the defending of it, to yours.
I think a lot of people are attacking this movie without actually having seen it.

If they had seen the movie, they might understand the message of the movie is very opposed to over sexualization of young girls.

Yeah, I've heard that excuse. Doesn't fly. I've seen enough and I will not be watching it, because I already regret having seen as much as I have already seen.

IF your message was ANTI-pedophilia, you don't have to show children acting like professional strippers. You could show them getting the job and then fade to black and make the point, without putting the child actresses though the simulated sex acts and without giving pedos their jollies,

and then have them talk about it, with each other, or with their parents, or a social worker,

or show the effects on them, or show the type of low life scum that shows up to watch them...

and that is just off the top of my head. I would hope that a professional film maker could do better than I could.

Though with the shit that hollywood has been producing, maybe not.
If you haven’t seen it, your opinion is uninformed.

I've seen enough. I've never committed a bank robbery, but I have an informed opposition to it.

Your excuses and rationalizations for defending kiddie porn are getting more and more desperate.

Why are you doing this? Are you really so soulless that you can't part with the mob, even on kiddie porn?
Because you guys are jumping to conclusions without knowing what you’re talking about.

Platoon was an effective anti-war movie because it portrays horrors and tragedies of the Vietnam war.

The actors playing the roles were adults.

When an actor pretends to shot someone, he is not actually committing violence, no one is hurt.

When an actress acts sexy, she might not be having actual sex, but she is behaving in a sexy manner and is certainly being seen as sexy by the viewing audience. .

YOur refusal to admit what we all know, is you trying to gaslight, in defense of kiddie porn.

That is you... reaching a new low, even for liberals.
No, not all scenes are intended to be seen as sexy by the viewing audience. In fact, the scenes of dancing by the girls in the movie are supposed to make people uncomfortable.

Not buying it. They push the boundaries, so that when people speak out against it, they can say "patriarchy" and be "stunning and brave", and have an excuse to talk shit about people on the Right, and if the cost is that they have to make kiddie porn, well, you guys seem fine with that.
Pretty self centered about you to think anyone who made this movie did anything because of the right.

What makes you so confident in your assessment of the movie and it’s intent if you’ve never seen it?
its intent is irrelevant when they promoting child porn,,,

but a pervert like you wouldnt understand,,,
But that’s the point. It’s not promoting child porn. It’s taking on the problems with oversexualization of minors. You guys have a hard time seeing things in anything but black and white.

Oh, and don’t forget that it gives you something to complain about as a political statement.
my god you perverts are dense,,,

And why would anyone believe your description of the movie given that you admitted you've never seen it?
what its about doesnt matter,,its a pedo's dream movie,,,and only pedos would defend having little girls half naked and playing with themselves,,
its joe bidens dream movie,,,
So the filmmaker sees it as a statement against oversexualization of minors but you can only see it from the eyes of a pervert?
I see it for what it is,,,child porn,,,,

this guy also made movies,,,

View attachment 388330
So you did see the movie?
I did. And it’s worse than what I had imagined.

answer this question since all you have done is defend child porn here

do you condemn the film “Cuties”?
Why did you watch it and what did you think about it?
I watched it because I wanted to see if the outrage was all it was made out to be. I found it to be worse. I didn’t know that 11 year old girls took selfies of their vaginas, took pictures of a grown mans penis and played with condoms.

you didn’t answer my question. If you can’t condemn Child Porn, then you are a pedophile and deserve to burn in hell
Guess what? 11 year old girls do lots of things like that because that’s the kind of stuff their exposed to at a far too young age. Did that shock and horrify you? If so, the film made its point.
youre a pathetic human being harvey,,,
Blah, blah, blah. I don’t care what an idiot like you thinks and I doubt anyone else does.
but we care what pedos think,,and youre a disgusting human being,,,

have you noticed youre the only one now defending child porn???
I think it’s weird you spend time empathizing with pedophiles.
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
No thanks!

I’ll leave the watching of child pornography to your kind.

And we will leave the defending of it, to yours.
I think a lot of people are attacking this movie without actually having seen it.

If they had seen the movie, they might understand the message of the movie is very opposed to over sexualization of young girls.

Yeah, I've heard that excuse. Doesn't fly. I've seen enough and I will not be watching it, because I already regret having seen as much as I have already seen.

IF your message was ANTI-pedophilia, you don't have to show children acting like professional strippers. You could show them getting the job and then fade to black and make the point, without putting the child actresses though the simulated sex acts and without giving pedos their jollies,

and then have them talk about it, with each other, or with their parents, or a social worker,

or show the effects on them, or show the type of low life scum that shows up to watch them...

and that is just off the top of my head. I would hope that a professional film maker could do better than I could.

Though with the shit that hollywood has been producing, maybe not.
If you haven’t seen it, your opinion is uninformed.

I've seen enough. I've never committed a bank robbery, but I have an informed opposition to it.

Your excuses and rationalizations for defending kiddie porn are getting more and more desperate.

Why are you doing this? Are you really so soulless that you can't part with the mob, even on kiddie porn?
Because you guys are jumping to conclusions without knowing what you’re talking about.

Platoon was an effective anti-war movie because it portrays horrors and tragedies of the Vietnam war.

The actors playing the roles were adults.

When an actor pretends to shot someone, he is not actually committing violence, no one is hurt.

When an actress acts sexy, she might not be having actual sex, but she is behaving in a sexy manner and is certainly being seen as sexy by the viewing audience. .

YOur refusal to admit what we all know, is you trying to gaslight, in defense of kiddie porn.

That is you... reaching a new low, even for liberals.
No, not all scenes are intended to be seen as sexy by the viewing audience. In fact, the scenes of dancing by the girls in the movie are supposed to make people uncomfortable.

Not buying it. They push the boundaries, so that when people speak out against it, they can say "patriarchy" and be "stunning and brave", and have an excuse to talk shit about people on the Right, and if the cost is that they have to make kiddie porn, well, you guys seem fine with that.
Pretty self centered about you to think anyone who made this movie did anything because of the right.

What makes you so confident in your assessment of the movie and it’s intent if you’ve never seen it?
its intent is irrelevant when they promoting child porn,,,

but a pervert like you wouldnt understand,,,
But that’s the point. It’s not promoting child porn. It’s taking on the problems with oversexualization of minors. You guys have a hard time seeing things in anything but black and white.

Oh, and don’t forget that it gives you something to complain about as a political statement.
my god you perverts are dense,,,

And why would anyone believe your description of the movie given that you admitted you've never seen it?
what its about doesnt matter,,its a pedo's dream movie,,,and only pedos would defend having little girls half naked and playing with themselves,,
its joe bidens dream movie,,,
So the filmmaker sees it as a statement against oversexualization of minors but you can only see it from the eyes of a pervert?
I see it for what it is,,,child porn,,,,

this guy also made movies,,,

View attachment 388330
So you did see the movie?
I did. And it’s worse than what I had imagined.

answer this question since all you have done is defend child porn here

do you condemn the film “Cuties”?
Why did you watch it and what did you think about it?
I watched it because I wanted to see if the outrage was all it was made out to be. I found it to be worse. I didn’t know that 11 year old girls took selfies of their vaginas, took pictures of a grown mans penis and played with condoms.

you didn’t answer my question. If you can’t condemn Child Porn, then you are a pedophile and deserve to burn in hell
Guess what? 11 year old girls do lots of things like that because that’s the kind of stuff their exposed to at a far too young age. Did that shock and horrify you? If so, the film made its point.
No they don’t. Maybe in your fantasy world.

why can’t you answer my question?

Im not surprised you haven’t being that I’m arguing with a Filthy demonic Pedophile
I suppose you’re an expert on what 11 year old girls do?

Maybe in your fantasy world, kids aren’t overly specialized, but in our reality this is actually a problem.

Again, the movie isn’t about pedophiles. It’s about understanding what society looks like from a young girl’s perspective.
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
No thanks!

I’ll leave the watching of child pornography to your kind.

And we will leave the defending of it, to yours.
I think a lot of people are attacking this movie without actually having seen it.

If they had seen the movie, they might understand the message of the movie is very opposed to over sexualization of young girls.

Yeah, I've heard that excuse. Doesn't fly. I've seen enough and I will not be watching it, because I already regret having seen as much as I have already seen.

IF your message was ANTI-pedophilia, you don't have to show children acting like professional strippers. You could show them getting the job and then fade to black and make the point, without putting the child actresses though the simulated sex acts and without giving pedos their jollies,

and then have them talk about it, with each other, or with their parents, or a social worker,

or show the effects on them, or show the type of low life scum that shows up to watch them...

and that is just off the top of my head. I would hope that a professional film maker could do better than I could.

Though with the shit that hollywood has been producing, maybe not.
If you haven’t seen it, your opinion is uninformed.

I've seen enough. I've never committed a bank robbery, but I have an informed opposition to it.

Your excuses and rationalizations for defending kiddie porn are getting more and more desperate.

Why are you doing this? Are you really so soulless that you can't part with the mob, even on kiddie porn?
Because you guys are jumping to conclusions without knowing what you’re talking about.

Platoon was an effective anti-war movie because it portrays horrors and tragedies of the Vietnam war.

The actors playing the roles were adults.

When an actor pretends to shot someone, he is not actually committing violence, no one is hurt.

When an actress acts sexy, she might not be having actual sex, but she is behaving in a sexy manner and is certainly being seen as sexy by the viewing audience. .

YOur refusal to admit what we all know, is you trying to gaslight, in defense of kiddie porn.

That is you... reaching a new low, even for liberals.
No, not all scenes are intended to be seen as sexy by the viewing audience. In fact, the scenes of dancing by the girls in the movie are supposed to make people uncomfortable.

Not buying it. They push the boundaries, so that when people speak out against it, they can say "patriarchy" and be "stunning and brave", and have an excuse to talk shit about people on the Right, and if the cost is that they have to make kiddie porn, well, you guys seem fine with that.
Pretty self centered about you to think anyone who made this movie did anything because of the right.

What makes you so confident in your assessment of the movie and it’s intent if you’ve never seen it?
its intent is irrelevant when they promoting child porn,,,

but a pervert like you wouldnt understand,,,
But that’s the point. It’s not promoting child porn. It’s taking on the problems with oversexualization of minors. You guys have a hard time seeing things in anything but black and white.

Oh, and don’t forget that it gives you something to complain about as a political statement.
my god you perverts are dense,,,

And why would anyone believe your description of the movie given that you admitted you've never seen it?
what its about doesnt matter,,its a pedo's dream movie,,,and only pedos would defend having little girls half naked and playing with themselves,,
its joe bidens dream movie,,,
So the filmmaker sees it as a statement against oversexualization of minors but you can only see it from the eyes of a pervert?
I see it for what it is,,,child porn,,,,

this guy also made movies,,,

View attachment 388330
So you did see the movie?
I did. And it’s worse than what I had imagined.

answer this question since all you have done is defend child porn here

do you condemn the film “Cuties”?
Why did you watch it and what did you think about it?
I watched it because I wanted to see if the outrage was all it was made out to be. I found it to be worse. I didn’t know that 11 year old girls took selfies of their vaginas, took pictures of a grown mans penis and played with condoms.

you didn’t answer my question. If you can’t condemn Child Porn, then you are a pedophile and deserve to burn in hell
Guess what? 11 year old girls do lots of things like that because that’s the kind of stuff their exposed to at a far too young age. Did that shock and horrify you? If so, the film made its point.
No they don’t. Maybe in your fantasy world.

why can’t you answer my question?

Im not surprised you haven’t being that I’m arguing with a Filthy demonic Pedophile
I suppose you’re an expert on what 11 year old girls do?

Maybe in your fantasy world, kids aren’t overly specialized, but in our reality this is actually a problem.

Again, the movie isn’t about pedophiles. It’s about understanding what society looks like from a young girl’s perspective.
dont need to be an expert to know only perverts watch half naked little girls,,and that its wrong,,,
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
No thanks!

I’ll leave the watching of child pornography to your kind.

And we will leave the defending of it, to yours.
I think a lot of people are attacking this movie without actually having seen it.

If they had seen the movie, they might understand the message of the movie is very opposed to over sexualization of young girls.

Yeah, I've heard that excuse. Doesn't fly. I've seen enough and I will not be watching it, because I already regret having seen as much as I have already seen.

IF your message was ANTI-pedophilia, you don't have to show children acting like professional strippers. You could show them getting the job and then fade to black and make the point, without putting the child actresses though the simulated sex acts and without giving pedos their jollies,

and then have them talk about it, with each other, or with their parents, or a social worker,

or show the effects on them, or show the type of low life scum that shows up to watch them...

and that is just off the top of my head. I would hope that a professional film maker could do better than I could.

Though with the shit that hollywood has been producing, maybe not.
If you haven’t seen it, your opinion is uninformed.

I've seen enough. I've never committed a bank robbery, but I have an informed opposition to it.

Your excuses and rationalizations for defending kiddie porn are getting more and more desperate.

Why are you doing this? Are you really so soulless that you can't part with the mob, even on kiddie porn?
Because you guys are jumping to conclusions without knowing what you’re talking about.

Platoon was an effective anti-war movie because it portrays horrors and tragedies of the Vietnam war.

The actors playing the roles were adults.

When an actor pretends to shot someone, he is not actually committing violence, no one is hurt.

When an actress acts sexy, she might not be having actual sex, but she is behaving in a sexy manner and is certainly being seen as sexy by the viewing audience. .

YOur refusal to admit what we all know, is you trying to gaslight, in defense of kiddie porn.

That is you... reaching a new low, even for liberals.
No, not all scenes are intended to be seen as sexy by the viewing audience. In fact, the scenes of dancing by the girls in the movie are supposed to make people uncomfortable.

Not buying it. They push the boundaries, so that when people speak out against it, they can say "patriarchy" and be "stunning and brave", and have an excuse to talk shit about people on the Right, and if the cost is that they have to make kiddie porn, well, you guys seem fine with that.
Pretty self centered about you to think anyone who made this movie did anything because of the right.

What makes you so confident in your assessment of the movie and it’s intent if you’ve never seen it?
its intent is irrelevant when they promoting child porn,,,

but a pervert like you wouldnt understand,,,
But that’s the point. It’s not promoting child porn. It’s taking on the problems with oversexualization of minors. You guys have a hard time seeing things in anything but black and white.

Oh, and don’t forget that it gives you something to complain about as a political statement.
my god you perverts are dense,,,

And why would anyone believe your description of the movie given that you admitted you've never seen it?
what its about doesnt matter,,its a pedo's dream movie,,,and only pedos would defend having little girls half naked and playing with themselves,,
its joe bidens dream movie,,,
So the filmmaker sees it as a statement against oversexualization of minors but you can only see it from the eyes of a pervert?
I see it for what it is,,,child porn,,,,

this guy also made movies,,,

View attachment 388330
So you did see the movie?
I did. And it’s worse than what I had imagined.

answer this question since all you have done is defend child porn here

do you condemn the film “Cuties”?
Why did you watch it and what did you think about it?
I watched it because I wanted to see if the outrage was all it was made out to be. I found it to be worse. I didn’t know that 11 year old girls took selfies of their vaginas, took pictures of a grown mans penis and played with condoms.

you didn’t answer my question. If you can’t condemn Child Porn, then you are a pedophile and deserve to burn in hell
Guess what? 11 year old girls do lots of things like that because that’s the kind of stuff their exposed to at a far too young age. Did that shock and horrify you? If so, the film made its point.
No they don’t. Maybe in your fantasy world.

why can’t you answer my question?

Im not surprised you haven’t being that I’m arguing with a Filthy demonic Pedophile
I suppose you’re an expert on what 11 year old girls do?

Maybe in your fantasy world, kids aren’t overly specialized, but in our reality this is actually a problem.

Again, the movie isn’t about pedophiles. It’s about understanding what society looks like from a young girl’s perspective.
Answer my question jackass. Until you do or if you answer “no”, you’re a pedophile
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
No thanks!

I’ll leave the watching of child pornography to your kind.

And we will leave the defending of it, to yours.
I think a lot of people are attacking this movie without actually having seen it.

If they had seen the movie, they might understand the message of the movie is very opposed to over sexualization of young girls.

Yeah, I've heard that excuse. Doesn't fly. I've seen enough and I will not be watching it, because I already regret having seen as much as I have already seen.

IF your message was ANTI-pedophilia, you don't have to show children acting like professional strippers. You could show them getting the job and then fade to black and make the point, without putting the child actresses though the simulated sex acts and without giving pedos their jollies,

and then have them talk about it, with each other, or with their parents, or a social worker,

or show the effects on them, or show the type of low life scum that shows up to watch them...

and that is just off the top of my head. I would hope that a professional film maker could do better than I could.

Though with the shit that hollywood has been producing, maybe not.
If you haven’t seen it, your opinion is uninformed.

I've seen enough. I've never committed a bank robbery, but I have an informed opposition to it.

Your excuses and rationalizations for defending kiddie porn are getting more and more desperate.

Why are you doing this? Are you really so soulless that you can't part with the mob, even on kiddie porn?
Because you guys are jumping to conclusions without knowing what you’re talking about.

Platoon was an effective anti-war movie because it portrays horrors and tragedies of the Vietnam war.

The actors playing the roles were adults.

When an actor pretends to shot someone, he is not actually committing violence, no one is hurt.

When an actress acts sexy, she might not be having actual sex, but she is behaving in a sexy manner and is certainly being seen as sexy by the viewing audience. .

YOur refusal to admit what we all know, is you trying to gaslight, in defense of kiddie porn.

That is you... reaching a new low, even for liberals.
No, not all scenes are intended to be seen as sexy by the viewing audience. In fact, the scenes of dancing by the girls in the movie are supposed to make people uncomfortable.

Not buying it. They push the boundaries, so that when people speak out against it, they can say "patriarchy" and be "stunning and brave", and have an excuse to talk shit about people on the Right, and if the cost is that they have to make kiddie porn, well, you guys seem fine with that.
Pretty self centered about you to think anyone who made this movie did anything because of the right.

What makes you so confident in your assessment of the movie and it’s intent if you’ve never seen it?
its intent is irrelevant when they promoting child porn,,,

but a pervert like you wouldnt understand,,,
But that’s the point. It’s not promoting child porn. It’s taking on the problems with oversexualization of minors. You guys have a hard time seeing things in anything but black and white.

Oh, and don’t forget that it gives you something to complain about as a political statement.
my god you perverts are dense,,,

And why would anyone believe your description of the movie given that you admitted you've never seen it?
what its about doesnt matter,,its a pedo's dream movie,,,and only pedos would defend having little girls half naked and playing with themselves,,
its joe bidens dream movie,,,
So the filmmaker sees it as a statement against oversexualization of minors but you can only see it from the eyes of a pervert?
I see it for what it is,,,child porn,,,,

this guy also made movies,,,

View attachment 388330
So you did see the movie?
I did. And it’s worse than what I had imagined.

answer this question since all you have done is defend child porn here

do you condemn the film “Cuties”?
Why did you watch it and what did you think about it?
I watched it because I wanted to see if the outrage was all it was made out to be. I found it to be worse. I didn’t know that 11 year old girls took selfies of their vaginas, took pictures of a grown mans penis and played with condoms.

you didn’t answer my question. If you can’t condemn Child Porn, then you are a pedophile and deserve to burn in hell
Guess what? 11 year old girls do lots of things like that because that’s the kind of stuff their exposed to at a far too young age. Did that shock and horrify you? If so, the film made its point.
No they don’t. Maybe in your fantasy world.

why can’t you answer my question?

Im not surprised you haven’t being that I’m arguing with a Filthy demonic Pedophile
I suppose you’re an expert on what 11 year old girls do?

Maybe in your fantasy world, kids aren’t overly specialized, but in our reality this is actually a problem.

Again, the movie isn’t about pedophiles. It’s about understanding what society looks like from a young girl’s perspective.
Answer my question jackass. Until you do or if you answer “no”, you’re a pedophile
Sorry, what was the question?
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
No thanks!

I’ll leave the watching of child pornography to your kind.

And we will leave the defending of it, to yours.
I think a lot of people are attacking this movie without actually having seen it.

If they had seen the movie, they might understand the message of the movie is very opposed to over sexualization of young girls.

Yeah, I've heard that excuse. Doesn't fly. I've seen enough and I will not be watching it, because I already regret having seen as much as I have already seen.

IF your message was ANTI-pedophilia, you don't have to show children acting like professional strippers. You could show them getting the job and then fade to black and make the point, without putting the child actresses though the simulated sex acts and without giving pedos their jollies,

and then have them talk about it, with each other, or with their parents, or a social worker,

or show the effects on them, or show the type of low life scum that shows up to watch them...

and that is just off the top of my head. I would hope that a professional film maker could do better than I could.

Though with the shit that hollywood has been producing, maybe not.
If you haven’t seen it, your opinion is uninformed.

I've seen enough. I've never committed a bank robbery, but I have an informed opposition to it.

Your excuses and rationalizations for defending kiddie porn are getting more and more desperate.

Why are you doing this? Are you really so soulless that you can't part with the mob, even on kiddie porn?
Because you guys are jumping to conclusions without knowing what you’re talking about.

Platoon was an effective anti-war movie because it portrays horrors and tragedies of the Vietnam war.

The actors playing the roles were adults.

When an actor pretends to shot someone, he is not actually committing violence, no one is hurt.

When an actress acts sexy, she might not be having actual sex, but she is behaving in a sexy manner and is certainly being seen as sexy by the viewing audience. .

YOur refusal to admit what we all know, is you trying to gaslight, in defense of kiddie porn.

That is you... reaching a new low, even for liberals.
No, not all scenes are intended to be seen as sexy by the viewing audience. In fact, the scenes of dancing by the girls in the movie are supposed to make people uncomfortable.

Not buying it. They push the boundaries, so that when people speak out against it, they can say "patriarchy" and be "stunning and brave", and have an excuse to talk shit about people on the Right, and if the cost is that they have to make kiddie porn, well, you guys seem fine with that.
Pretty self centered about you to think anyone who made this movie did anything because of the right.

What makes you so confident in your assessment of the movie and it’s intent if you’ve never seen it?
its intent is irrelevant when they promoting child porn,,,

but a pervert like you wouldnt understand,,,
But that’s the point. It’s not promoting child porn. It’s taking on the problems with oversexualization of minors. You guys have a hard time seeing things in anything but black and white.

Oh, and don’t forget that it gives you something to complain about as a political statement.
my god you perverts are dense,,,

And why would anyone believe your description of the movie given that you admitted you've never seen it?
what its about doesnt matter,,its a pedo's dream movie,,,and only pedos would defend having little girls half naked and playing with themselves,,
its joe bidens dream movie,,,
So the filmmaker sees it as a statement against oversexualization of minors but you can only see it from the eyes of a pervert?
I see it for what it is,,,child porn,,,,

this guy also made movies,,,

View attachment 388330
So you did see the movie?
I did. And it’s worse than what I had imagined.

answer this question since all you have done is defend child porn here

do you condemn the film “Cuties”?
Why did you watch it and what did you think about it?
I watched it because I wanted to see if the outrage was all it was made out to be. I found it to be worse. I didn’t know that 11 year old girls took selfies of their vaginas, took pictures of a grown mans penis and played with condoms.

you didn’t answer my question. If you can’t condemn Child Porn, then you are a pedophile and deserve to burn in hell
Guess what? 11 year old girls do lots of things like that because that’s the kind of stuff their exposed to at a far too young age. Did that shock and horrify you? If so, the film made its point.
No they don’t. Maybe in your fantasy world.

why can’t you answer my question?

Im not surprised you haven’t being that I’m arguing with a Filthy demonic Pedophile
I suppose you’re an expert on what 11 year old girls do?

Maybe in your fantasy world, kids aren’t overly specialized, but in our reality this is actually a problem.

Again, the movie isn’t about pedophiles. It’s about understanding what society looks like from a young girl’s perspective.
Answer my question jackass. Until you do or if you answer “no”, you’re a pedophile
him answering it wont change what he is,,,
Careful. The poster you replied to watched the movie which makes them a pedophile in your book.
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
No thanks!

I’ll leave the watching of child pornography to your kind.

And we will leave the defending of it, to yours.
I think a lot of people are attacking this movie without actually having seen it.

If they had seen the movie, they might understand the message of the movie is very opposed to over sexualization of young girls.

Yeah, I've heard that excuse. Doesn't fly. I've seen enough and I will not be watching it, because I already regret having seen as much as I have already seen.

IF your message was ANTI-pedophilia, you don't have to show children acting like professional strippers. You could show them getting the job and then fade to black and make the point, without putting the child actresses though the simulated sex acts and without giving pedos their jollies,

and then have them talk about it, with each other, or with their parents, or a social worker,

or show the effects on them, or show the type of low life scum that shows up to watch them...

and that is just off the top of my head. I would hope that a professional film maker could do better than I could.

Though with the shit that hollywood has been producing, maybe not.
If you haven’t seen it, your opinion is uninformed.

I've seen enough. I've never committed a bank robbery, but I have an informed opposition to it.

Your excuses and rationalizations for defending kiddie porn are getting more and more desperate.

Why are you doing this? Are you really so soulless that you can't part with the mob, even on kiddie porn?
Because you guys are jumping to conclusions without knowing what you’re talking about.

Platoon was an effective anti-war movie because it portrays horrors and tragedies of the Vietnam war.

The actors playing the roles were adults.

When an actor pretends to shot someone, he is not actually committing violence, no one is hurt.

When an actress acts sexy, she might not be having actual sex, but she is behaving in a sexy manner and is certainly being seen as sexy by the viewing audience. .

YOur refusal to admit what we all know, is you trying to gaslight, in defense of kiddie porn.

That is you... reaching a new low, even for liberals.
No, not all scenes are intended to be seen as sexy by the viewing audience. In fact, the scenes of dancing by the girls in the movie are supposed to make people uncomfortable.

Not buying it. They push the boundaries, so that when people speak out against it, they can say "patriarchy" and be "stunning and brave", and have an excuse to talk shit about people on the Right, and if the cost is that they have to make kiddie porn, well, you guys seem fine with that.
Pretty self centered about you to think anyone who made this movie did anything because of the right.

What makes you so confident in your assessment of the movie and it’s intent if you’ve never seen it?
its intent is irrelevant when they promoting child porn,,,

but a pervert like you wouldnt understand,,,
But that’s the point. It’s not promoting child porn. It’s taking on the problems with oversexualization of minors. You guys have a hard time seeing things in anything but black and white.

Oh, and don’t forget that it gives you something to complain about as a political statement.
my god you perverts are dense,,,

And why would anyone believe your description of the movie given that you admitted you've never seen it?
what its about doesnt matter,,its a pedo's dream movie,,,and only pedos would defend having little girls half naked and playing with themselves,,
its joe bidens dream movie,,,
So the filmmaker sees it as a statement against oversexualization of minors but you can only see it from the eyes of a pervert?
I see it for what it is,,,child porn,,,,

this guy also made movies,,,

View attachment 388330
So you did see the movie?
I did. And it’s worse than what I had imagined.

answer this question since all you have done is defend child porn here

do you condemn the film “Cuties”?
Why did you watch it and what did you think about it?
I watched it because I wanted to see if the outrage was all it was made out to be. I found it to be worse. I didn’t know that 11 year old girls took selfies of their vaginas, took pictures of a grown mans penis and played with condoms.

you didn’t answer my question. If you can’t condemn Child Porn, then you are a pedophile and deserve to burn in hell
Guess what? 11 year old girls do lots of things like that because that’s the kind of stuff their exposed to at a far too young age. Did that shock and horrify you? If so, the film made its point.
No they don’t. Maybe in your fantasy world.

why can’t you answer my question?

Im not surprised you haven’t being that I’m arguing with a Filthy demonic Pedophile
I suppose you’re an expert on what 11 year old girls do?

Maybe in your fantasy world, kids aren’t overly specialized, but in our reality this is actually a problem.

Again, the movie isn’t about pedophiles. It’s about understanding what society looks like from a young girl’s perspective.
Answer my question jackass. Until you do or if you answer “no”, you’re a pedophile
him answering it wont change what he is,,,
Careful. The poster you replied to watched the movie which makes them a pedophile in your book.
Do you condemn the movie???
4th time asking
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
No thanks!

I’ll leave the watching of child pornography to your kind.

And we will leave the defending of it, to yours.
I think a lot of people are attacking this movie without actually having seen it.

If they had seen the movie, they might understand the message of the movie is very opposed to over sexualization of young girls.

Yeah, I've heard that excuse. Doesn't fly. I've seen enough and I will not be watching it, because I already regret having seen as much as I have already seen.

IF your message was ANTI-pedophilia, you don't have to show children acting like professional strippers. You could show them getting the job and then fade to black and make the point, without putting the child actresses though the simulated sex acts and without giving pedos their jollies,

and then have them talk about it, with each other, or with their parents, or a social worker,

or show the effects on them, or show the type of low life scum that shows up to watch them...

and that is just off the top of my head. I would hope that a professional film maker could do better than I could.

Though with the shit that hollywood has been producing, maybe not.
If you haven’t seen it, your opinion is uninformed.

I've seen enough. I've never committed a bank robbery, but I have an informed opposition to it.

Your excuses and rationalizations for defending kiddie porn are getting more and more desperate.

Why are you doing this? Are you really so soulless that you can't part with the mob, even on kiddie porn?
Because you guys are jumping to conclusions without knowing what you’re talking about.

Platoon was an effective anti-war movie because it portrays horrors and tragedies of the Vietnam war.

The actors playing the roles were adults.

When an actor pretends to shot someone, he is not actually committing violence, no one is hurt.

When an actress acts sexy, she might not be having actual sex, but she is behaving in a sexy manner and is certainly being seen as sexy by the viewing audience. .

YOur refusal to admit what we all know, is you trying to gaslight, in defense of kiddie porn.

That is you... reaching a new low, even for liberals.
No, not all scenes are intended to be seen as sexy by the viewing audience. In fact, the scenes of dancing by the girls in the movie are supposed to make people uncomfortable.

Not buying it. They push the boundaries, so that when people speak out against it, they can say "patriarchy" and be "stunning and brave", and have an excuse to talk shit about people on the Right, and if the cost is that they have to make kiddie porn, well, you guys seem fine with that.
Pretty self centered about you to think anyone who made this movie did anything because of the right.

What makes you so confident in your assessment of the movie and it’s intent if you’ve never seen it?
its intent is irrelevant when they promoting child porn,,,

but a pervert like you wouldnt understand,,,
But that’s the point. It’s not promoting child porn. It’s taking on the problems with oversexualization of minors. You guys have a hard time seeing things in anything but black and white.

Oh, and don’t forget that it gives you something to complain about as a political statement.
my god you perverts are dense,,,

And why would anyone believe your description of the movie given that you admitted you've never seen it?
what its about doesnt matter,,its a pedo's dream movie,,,and only pedos would defend having little girls half naked and playing with themselves,,
its joe bidens dream movie,,,
So the filmmaker sees it as a statement against oversexualization of minors but you can only see it from the eyes of a pervert?
I see it for what it is,,,child porn,,,,

this guy also made movies,,,

View attachment 388330
So you did see the movie?
I did. And it’s worse than what I had imagined.

answer this question since all you have done is defend child porn here

do you condemn the film “Cuties”?
Why did you watch it and what did you think about it?
I watched it because I wanted to see if the outrage was all it was made out to be. I found it to be worse. I didn’t know that 11 year old girls took selfies of their vaginas, took pictures of a grown mans penis and played with condoms.

you didn’t answer my question. If you can’t condemn Child Porn, then you are a pedophile and deserve to burn in hell
Guess what? 11 year old girls do lots of things like that because that’s the kind of stuff their exposed to at a far too young age. Did that shock and horrify you? If so, the film made its point.
No they don’t. Maybe in your fantasy world.

why can’t you answer my question?

Im not surprised you haven’t being that I’m arguing with a Filthy demonic Pedophile
I suppose you’re an expert on what 11 year old girls do?

Maybe in your fantasy world, kids aren’t overly specialized, but in our reality this is actually a problem.

Again, the movie isn’t about pedophiles. It’s about understanding what society looks like from a young girl’s perspective.
Answer my question jackass. Until you do or if you answer “no”, you’re a pedophile
him answering it wont change what he is,,,
Careful. The poster you replied to watched the movie which makes them a pedophile in your book.
I dont see him defending it at all,,let alone with your passion,,
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
No thanks!

I’ll leave the watching of child pornography to your kind.

And we will leave the defending of it, to yours.
I think a lot of people are attacking this movie without actually having seen it.

If they had seen the movie, they might understand the message of the movie is very opposed to over sexualization of young girls.

Yeah, I've heard that excuse. Doesn't fly. I've seen enough and I will not be watching it, because I already regret having seen as much as I have already seen.

IF your message was ANTI-pedophilia, you don't have to show children acting like professional strippers. You could show them getting the job and then fade to black and make the point, without putting the child actresses though the simulated sex acts and without giving pedos their jollies,

and then have them talk about it, with each other, or with their parents, or a social worker,

or show the effects on them, or show the type of low life scum that shows up to watch them...

and that is just off the top of my head. I would hope that a professional film maker could do better than I could.

Though with the shit that hollywood has been producing, maybe not.
If you haven’t seen it, your opinion is uninformed.

I've seen enough. I've never committed a bank robbery, but I have an informed opposition to it.

Your excuses and rationalizations for defending kiddie porn are getting more and more desperate.

Why are you doing this? Are you really so soulless that you can't part with the mob, even on kiddie porn?
Because you guys are jumping to conclusions without knowing what you’re talking about.

Platoon was an effective anti-war movie because it portrays horrors and tragedies of the Vietnam war.

The actors playing the roles were adults.

When an actor pretends to shot someone, he is not actually committing violence, no one is hurt.

When an actress acts sexy, she might not be having actual sex, but she is behaving in a sexy manner and is certainly being seen as sexy by the viewing audience. .

YOur refusal to admit what we all know, is you trying to gaslight, in defense of kiddie porn.

That is you... reaching a new low, even for liberals.
No, not all scenes are intended to be seen as sexy by the viewing audience. In fact, the scenes of dancing by the girls in the movie are supposed to make people uncomfortable.

Not buying it. They push the boundaries, so that when people speak out against it, they can say "patriarchy" and be "stunning and brave", and have an excuse to talk shit about people on the Right, and if the cost is that they have to make kiddie porn, well, you guys seem fine with that.
Pretty self centered about you to think anyone who made this movie did anything because of the right.

What makes you so confident in your assessment of the movie and it’s intent if you’ve never seen it?
its intent is irrelevant when they promoting child porn,,,

but a pervert like you wouldnt understand,,,
But that’s the point. It’s not promoting child porn. It’s taking on the problems with oversexualization of minors. You guys have a hard time seeing things in anything but black and white.

Oh, and don’t forget that it gives you something to complain about as a political statement.
my god you perverts are dense,,,

And why would anyone believe your description of the movie given that you admitted you've never seen it?
what its about doesnt matter,,its a pedo's dream movie,,,and only pedos would defend having little girls half naked and playing with themselves,,
its joe bidens dream movie,,,
So the filmmaker sees it as a statement against oversexualization of minors but you can only see it from the eyes of a pervert?
I see it for what it is,,,child porn,,,,

this guy also made movies,,,

View attachment 388330
So you did see the movie?
I did. And it’s worse than what I had imagined.

answer this question since all you have done is defend child porn here

do you condemn the film “Cuties”?
Why did you watch it and what did you think about it?
I watched it because I wanted to see if the outrage was all it was made out to be. I found it to be worse. I didn’t know that 11 year old girls took selfies of their vaginas, took pictures of a grown mans penis and played with condoms.

you didn’t answer my question. If you can’t condemn Child Porn, then you are a pedophile and deserve to burn in hell
Guess what? 11 year old girls do lots of things like that because that’s the kind of stuff their exposed to at a far too young age. Did that shock and horrify you? If so, the film made its point.
No they don’t. Maybe in your fantasy world.

why can’t you answer my question?

Im not surprised you haven’t being that I’m arguing with a Filthy demonic Pedophile
I suppose you’re an expert on what 11 year old girls do?

Maybe in your fantasy world, kids aren’t overly specialized, but in our reality this is actually a problem.

Again, the movie isn’t about pedophiles. It’s about understanding what society looks like from a young girl’s perspective.
Answer my question jackass. Until you do or if you answer “no”, you’re a pedophile
him answering it wont change what he is,,,
Careful. The poster you replied to watched the movie which makes them a pedophile in your book.
I dont see him defending it at all,,let alone with your passion,,
You said only pedophiles watch the movie. This poster watched the movie. Ipso facto, you think he’s a pedophile.
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
No thanks!

I’ll leave the watching of child pornography to your kind.

And we will leave the defending of it, to yours.
I think a lot of people are attacking this movie without actually having seen it.

If they had seen the movie, they might understand the message of the movie is very opposed to over sexualization of young girls.

Yeah, I've heard that excuse. Doesn't fly. I've seen enough and I will not be watching it, because I already regret having seen as much as I have already seen.

IF your message was ANTI-pedophilia, you don't have to show children acting like professional strippers. You could show them getting the job and then fade to black and make the point, without putting the child actresses though the simulated sex acts and without giving pedos their jollies,

and then have them talk about it, with each other, or with their parents, or a social worker,

or show the effects on them, or show the type of low life scum that shows up to watch them...

and that is just off the top of my head. I would hope that a professional film maker could do better than I could.

Though with the shit that hollywood has been producing, maybe not.
If you haven’t seen it, your opinion is uninformed.

I've seen enough. I've never committed a bank robbery, but I have an informed opposition to it.

Your excuses and rationalizations for defending kiddie porn are getting more and more desperate.

Why are you doing this? Are you really so soulless that you can't part with the mob, even on kiddie porn?
Because you guys are jumping to conclusions without knowing what you’re talking about.

Platoon was an effective anti-war movie because it portrays horrors and tragedies of the Vietnam war.

The actors playing the roles were adults.

When an actor pretends to shot someone, he is not actually committing violence, no one is hurt.

When an actress acts sexy, she might not be having actual sex, but she is behaving in a sexy manner and is certainly being seen as sexy by the viewing audience. .

YOur refusal to admit what we all know, is you trying to gaslight, in defense of kiddie porn.

That is you... reaching a new low, even for liberals.
No, not all scenes are intended to be seen as sexy by the viewing audience. In fact, the scenes of dancing by the girls in the movie are supposed to make people uncomfortable.

Not buying it. They push the boundaries, so that when people speak out against it, they can say "patriarchy" and be "stunning and brave", and have an excuse to talk shit about people on the Right, and if the cost is that they have to make kiddie porn, well, you guys seem fine with that.
Pretty self centered about you to think anyone who made this movie did anything because of the right.

What makes you so confident in your assessment of the movie and it’s intent if you’ve never seen it?
its intent is irrelevant when they promoting child porn,,,

but a pervert like you wouldnt understand,,,
But that’s the point. It’s not promoting child porn. It’s taking on the problems with oversexualization of minors. You guys have a hard time seeing things in anything but black and white.

Oh, and don’t forget that it gives you something to complain about as a political statement.
my god you perverts are dense,,,

And why would anyone believe your description of the movie given that you admitted you've never seen it?
what its about doesnt matter,,its a pedo's dream movie,,,and only pedos would defend having little girls half naked and playing with themselves,,
its joe bidens dream movie,,,
So the filmmaker sees it as a statement against oversexualization of minors but you can only see it from the eyes of a pervert?
I see it for what it is,,,child porn,,,,

this guy also made movies,,,

View attachment 388330
So you did see the movie?
I did. And it’s worse than what I had imagined.

answer this question since all you have done is defend child porn here

do you condemn the film “Cuties”?
Why did you watch it and what did you think about it?
I watched it because I wanted to see if the outrage was all it was made out to be. I found it to be worse. I didn’t know that 11 year old girls took selfies of their vaginas, took pictures of a grown mans penis and played with condoms.

you didn’t answer my question. If you can’t condemn Child Porn, then you are a pedophile and deserve to burn in hell
Guess what? 11 year old girls do lots of things like that because that’s the kind of stuff their exposed to at a far too young age. Did that shock and horrify you? If so, the film made its point.
No they don’t. Maybe in your fantasy world.

why can’t you answer my question?

Im not surprised you haven’t being that I’m arguing with a Filthy demonic Pedophile
I suppose you’re an expert on what 11 year old girls do?

Maybe in your fantasy world, kids aren’t overly specialized, but in our reality this is actually a problem.

Again, the movie isn’t about pedophiles. It’s about understanding what society looks like from a young girl’s perspective.
Answer my question jackass. Until you do or if you answer “no”, you’re a pedophile
him answering it wont change what he is,,,
Careful. The poster you replied to watched the movie which makes them a pedophile in your book.
Do you condemn the movie???
4th time asking
Never seen it. I’m told that only pedophiles watch it.
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
No thanks!

I’ll leave the watching of child pornography to your kind.

And we will leave the defending of it, to yours.
I think a lot of people are attacking this movie without actually having seen it.

If they had seen the movie, they might understand the message of the movie is very opposed to over sexualization of young girls.

Yeah, I've heard that excuse. Doesn't fly. I've seen enough and I will not be watching it, because I already regret having seen as much as I have already seen.

IF your message was ANTI-pedophilia, you don't have to show children acting like professional strippers. You could show them getting the job and then fade to black and make the point, without putting the child actresses though the simulated sex acts and without giving pedos their jollies,

and then have them talk about it, with each other, or with their parents, or a social worker,

or show the effects on them, or show the type of low life scum that shows up to watch them...

and that is just off the top of my head. I would hope that a professional film maker could do better than I could.

Though with the shit that hollywood has been producing, maybe not.
If you haven’t seen it, your opinion is uninformed.

I've seen enough. I've never committed a bank robbery, but I have an informed opposition to it.

Your excuses and rationalizations for defending kiddie porn are getting more and more desperate.

Why are you doing this? Are you really so soulless that you can't part with the mob, even on kiddie porn?
Because you guys are jumping to conclusions without knowing what you’re talking about.

Platoon was an effective anti-war movie because it portrays horrors and tragedies of the Vietnam war.

The actors playing the roles were adults.

When an actor pretends to shot someone, he is not actually committing violence, no one is hurt.

When an actress acts sexy, she might not be having actual sex, but she is behaving in a sexy manner and is certainly being seen as sexy by the viewing audience. .

YOur refusal to admit what we all know, is you trying to gaslight, in defense of kiddie porn.

That is you... reaching a new low, even for liberals.
No, not all scenes are intended to be seen as sexy by the viewing audience. In fact, the scenes of dancing by the girls in the movie are supposed to make people uncomfortable.

Not buying it. They push the boundaries, so that when people speak out against it, they can say "patriarchy" and be "stunning and brave", and have an excuse to talk shit about people on the Right, and if the cost is that they have to make kiddie porn, well, you guys seem fine with that.
Pretty self centered about you to think anyone who made this movie did anything because of the right.

What makes you so confident in your assessment of the movie and it’s intent if you’ve never seen it?
its intent is irrelevant when they promoting child porn,,,

but a pervert like you wouldnt understand,,,
But that’s the point. It’s not promoting child porn. It’s taking on the problems with oversexualization of minors. You guys have a hard time seeing things in anything but black and white.

Oh, and don’t forget that it gives you something to complain about as a political statement.
my god you perverts are dense,,,

And why would anyone believe your description of the movie given that you admitted you've never seen it?
what its about doesnt matter,,its a pedo's dream movie,,,and only pedos would defend having little girls half naked and playing with themselves,,
its joe bidens dream movie,,,
So the filmmaker sees it as a statement against oversexualization of minors but you can only see it from the eyes of a pervert?
I see it for what it is,,,child porn,,,,

this guy also made movies,,,

View attachment 388330
So you did see the movie?
I did. And it’s worse than what I had imagined.

answer this question since all you have done is defend child porn here

do you condemn the film “Cuties”?
Why did you watch it and what did you think about it?
I watched it because I wanted to see if the outrage was all it was made out to be. I found it to be worse. I didn’t know that 11 year old girls took selfies of their vaginas, took pictures of a grown mans penis and played with condoms.

you didn’t answer my question. If you can’t condemn Child Porn, then you are a pedophile and deserve to burn in hell
Guess what? 11 year old girls do lots of things like that because that’s the kind of stuff their exposed to at a far too young age. Did that shock and horrify you? If so, the film made its point.
No they don’t. Maybe in your fantasy world.

why can’t you answer my question?

Im not surprised you haven’t being that I’m arguing with a Filthy demonic Pedophile
I suppose you’re an expert on what 11 year old girls do?

Maybe in your fantasy world, kids aren’t overly specialized, but in our reality this is actually a problem.

Again, the movie isn’t about pedophiles. It’s about understanding what society looks like from a young girl’s perspective.
Answer my question jackass. Until you do or if you answer “no”, you’re a pedophile
him answering it wont change what he is,,,
Careful. The poster you replied to watched the movie which makes them a pedophile in your book.
I dont see him defending it at all,,let alone with your passion,,
You said only pedophiles watch the movie. This poster watched the movie. Ipso facto, you think he’s a pedophile.
sorry harvey,,,youre outed for what you are,,,
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
No thanks!

I’ll leave the watching of child pornography to your kind.

And we will leave the defending of it, to yours.
I think a lot of people are attacking this movie without actually having seen it.

If they had seen the movie, they might understand the message of the movie is very opposed to over sexualization of young girls.

Yeah, I've heard that excuse. Doesn't fly. I've seen enough and I will not be watching it, because I already regret having seen as much as I have already seen.

IF your message was ANTI-pedophilia, you don't have to show children acting like professional strippers. You could show them getting the job and then fade to black and make the point, without putting the child actresses though the simulated sex acts and without giving pedos their jollies,

and then have them talk about it, with each other, or with their parents, or a social worker,

or show the effects on them, or show the type of low life scum that shows up to watch them...

and that is just off the top of my head. I would hope that a professional film maker could do better than I could.

Though with the shit that hollywood has been producing, maybe not.
If you haven’t seen it, your opinion is uninformed.

I've seen enough. I've never committed a bank robbery, but I have an informed opposition to it.

Your excuses and rationalizations for defending kiddie porn are getting more and more desperate.

Why are you doing this? Are you really so soulless that you can't part with the mob, even on kiddie porn?
Because you guys are jumping to conclusions without knowing what you’re talking about.

Platoon was an effective anti-war movie because it portrays horrors and tragedies of the Vietnam war.

The actors playing the roles were adults.

When an actor pretends to shot someone, he is not actually committing violence, no one is hurt.

When an actress acts sexy, she might not be having actual sex, but she is behaving in a sexy manner and is certainly being seen as sexy by the viewing audience. .

YOur refusal to admit what we all know, is you trying to gaslight, in defense of kiddie porn.

That is you... reaching a new low, even for liberals.
No, not all scenes are intended to be seen as sexy by the viewing audience. In fact, the scenes of dancing by the girls in the movie are supposed to make people uncomfortable.

Not buying it. They push the boundaries, so that when people speak out against it, they can say "patriarchy" and be "stunning and brave", and have an excuse to talk shit about people on the Right, and if the cost is that they have to make kiddie porn, well, you guys seem fine with that.
Pretty self centered about you to think anyone who made this movie did anything because of the right.

What makes you so confident in your assessment of the movie and it’s intent if you’ve never seen it?
its intent is irrelevant when they promoting child porn,,,

but a pervert like you wouldnt understand,,,
But that’s the point. It’s not promoting child porn. It’s taking on the problems with oversexualization of minors. You guys have a hard time seeing things in anything but black and white.

Oh, and don’t forget that it gives you something to complain about as a political statement.
my god you perverts are dense,,,

And why would anyone believe your description of the movie given that you admitted you've never seen it?
what its about doesnt matter,,its a pedo's dream movie,,,and only pedos would defend having little girls half naked and playing with themselves,,
its joe bidens dream movie,,,
So the filmmaker sees it as a statement against oversexualization of minors but you can only see it from the eyes of a pervert?
I see it for what it is,,,child porn,,,,

this guy also made movies,,,

View attachment 388330
So you did see the movie?
I did. And it’s worse than what I had imagined.

answer this question since all you have done is defend child porn here

do you condemn the film “Cuties”?
Why did you watch it and what did you think about it?
I watched it because I wanted to see if the outrage was all it was made out to be. I found it to be worse. I didn’t know that 11 year old girls took selfies of their vaginas, took pictures of a grown mans penis and played with condoms.

you didn’t answer my question. If you can’t condemn Child Porn, then you are a pedophile and deserve to burn in hell
Guess what? 11 year old girls do lots of things like that because that’s the kind of stuff their exposed to at a far too young age. Did that shock and horrify you? If so, the film made its point.
No they don’t. Maybe in your fantasy world.

why can’t you answer my question?

Im not surprised you haven’t being that I’m arguing with a Filthy demonic Pedophile
I suppose you’re an expert on what 11 year old girls do?

Maybe in your fantasy world, kids aren’t overly specialized, but in our reality this is actually a problem.

Again, the movie isn’t about pedophiles. It’s about understanding what society looks like from a young girl’s perspective.
Answer my question jackass. Until you do or if you answer “no”, you’re a pedophile
him answering it wont change what he is,,,
Careful. The poster you replied to watched the movie which makes them a pedophile in your book.
Do you condemn the movie???
4th time asking
Never seen it.
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
No thanks!

I’ll leave the watching of child pornography to your kind.

And we will leave the defending of it, to yours.
I think a lot of people are attacking this movie without actually having seen it.

If they had seen the movie, they might understand the message of the movie is very opposed to over sexualization of young girls.

Yeah, I've heard that excuse. Doesn't fly. I've seen enough and I will not be watching it, because I already regret having seen as much as I have already seen.

IF your message was ANTI-pedophilia, you don't have to show children acting like professional strippers. You could show them getting the job and then fade to black and make the point, without putting the child actresses though the simulated sex acts and without giving pedos their jollies,

and then have them talk about it, with each other, or with their parents, or a social worker,

or show the effects on them, or show the type of low life scum that shows up to watch them...

and that is just off the top of my head. I would hope that a professional film maker could do better than I could.

Though with the shit that hollywood has been producing, maybe not.
If you haven’t seen it, your opinion is uninformed.

I've seen enough. I've never committed a bank robbery, but I have an informed opposition to it.

Your excuses and rationalizations for defending kiddie porn are getting more and more desperate.

Why are you doing this? Are you really so soulless that you can't part with the mob, even on kiddie porn?
Because you guys are jumping to conclusions without knowing what you’re talking about.

Platoon was an effective anti-war movie because it portrays horrors and tragedies of the Vietnam war.

The actors playing the roles were adults.

When an actor pretends to shot someone, he is not actually committing violence, no one is hurt.

When an actress acts sexy, she might not be having actual sex, but she is behaving in a sexy manner and is certainly being seen as sexy by the viewing audience. .

YOur refusal to admit what we all know, is you trying to gaslight, in defense of kiddie porn.

That is you... reaching a new low, even for liberals.
No, not all scenes are intended to be seen as sexy by the viewing audience. In fact, the scenes of dancing by the girls in the movie are supposed to make people uncomfortable.

Not buying it. They push the boundaries, so that when people speak out against it, they can say "patriarchy" and be "stunning and brave", and have an excuse to talk shit about people on the Right, and if the cost is that they have to make kiddie porn, well, you guys seem fine with that.
Pretty self centered about you to think anyone who made this movie did anything because of the right.

What makes you so confident in your assessment of the movie and it’s intent if you’ve never seen it?
its intent is irrelevant when they promoting child porn,,,

but a pervert like you wouldnt understand,,,
But that’s the point. It’s not promoting child porn. It’s taking on the problems with oversexualization of minors. You guys have a hard time seeing things in anything but black and white.

Oh, and don’t forget that it gives you something to complain about as a political statement.
my god you perverts are dense,,,

And why would anyone believe your description of the movie given that you admitted you've never seen it?
what its about doesnt matter,,its a pedo's dream movie,,,and only pedos would defend having little girls half naked and playing with themselves,,
its joe bidens dream movie,,,
So the filmmaker sees it as a statement against oversexualization of minors but you can only see it from the eyes of a pervert?
I see it for what it is,,,child porn,,,,

this guy also made movies,,,

View attachment 388330
So you did see the movie?
I did. And it’s worse than what I had imagined.

answer this question since all you have done is defend child porn here

do you condemn the film “Cuties”?
Why did you watch it and what did you think about it?
I watched it because I wanted to see if the outrage was all it was made out to be. I found it to be worse. I didn’t know that 11 year old girls took selfies of their vaginas, took pictures of a grown mans penis and played with condoms.

you didn’t answer my question. If you can’t condemn Child Porn, then you are a pedophile and deserve to burn in hell
Guess what? 11 year old girls do lots of things like that because that’s the kind of stuff their exposed to at a far too young age. Did that shock and horrify you? If so, the film made its point.
No they don’t. Maybe in your fantasy world.

why can’t you answer my question?

Im not surprised you haven’t being that I’m arguing with a Filthy demonic Pedophile
I suppose you’re an expert on what 11 year old girls do?

Maybe in your fantasy world, kids aren’t overly specialized, but in our reality this is actually a problem.

Again, the movie isn’t about pedophiles. It’s about understanding what society looks like from a young girl’s perspective.
Answer my question jackass. Until you do or if you answer “no”, you’re a pedophile
him answering it wont change what he is,,,
Careful. The poster you replied to watched the movie which makes them a pedophile in your book.
Do you condemn the movie???
4th time asking
Never seen it. I’m told that only pedophiles watch it.

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