New Yorker Magazine Defends Netflix's Cuties

This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
No thanks!

I’ll leave the watching of child pornography to your kind.

And we will leave the defending of it, to yours.
I think a lot of people are attacking this movie without actually having seen it.

If they had seen the movie, they might understand the message of the movie is very opposed to over sexualization of young girls.

Yeah, I've heard that excuse. Doesn't fly. I've seen enough and I will not be watching it, because I already regret having seen as much as I have already seen.

IF your message was ANTI-pedophilia, you don't have to show children acting like professional strippers. You could show them getting the job and then fade to black and make the point, without putting the child actresses though the simulated sex acts and without giving pedos their jollies,

and then have them talk about it, with each other, or with their parents, or a social worker,

or show the effects on them, or show the type of low life scum that shows up to watch them...

and that is just off the top of my head. I would hope that a professional film maker could do better than I could.

Though with the shit that hollywood has been producing, maybe not.
If you haven’t seen it, your opinion is uninformed.

I've seen enough. I've never committed a bank robbery, but I have an informed opposition to it.

Your excuses and rationalizations for defending kiddie porn are getting more and more desperate.

Why are you doing this? Are you really so soulless that you can't part with the mob, even on kiddie porn?
Because you guys are jumping to conclusions without knowing what you’re talking about.

Platoon was an effective anti-war movie because it portrays horrors and tragedies of the Vietnam war.

The actors playing the roles were adults.

When an actor pretends to shot someone, he is not actually committing violence, no one is hurt.

When an actress acts sexy, she might not be having actual sex, but she is behaving in a sexy manner and is certainly being seen as sexy by the viewing audience. .

YOur refusal to admit what we all know, is you trying to gaslight, in defense of kiddie porn.

That is you... reaching a new low, even for liberals.
No, not all scenes are intended to be seen as sexy by the viewing audience. In fact, the scenes of dancing by the girls in the movie are supposed to make people uncomfortable.

Not buying it. They push the boundaries, so that when people speak out against it, they can say "patriarchy" and be "stunning and brave", and have an excuse to talk shit about people on the Right, and if the cost is that they have to make kiddie porn, well, you guys seem fine with that.
Pretty self centered about you to think anyone who made this movie did anything because of the right.

What makes you so confident in your assessment of the movie and it’s intent if you’ve never seen it?
its intent is irrelevant when they promoting child porn,,,

but a pervert like you wouldnt understand,,,
But that’s the point. It’s not promoting child porn. It’s taking on the problems with oversexualization of minors. You guys have a hard time seeing things in anything but black and white.

Oh, and don’t forget that it gives you something to complain about as a political statement.
my god you perverts are dense,,,

And why would anyone believe your description of the movie given that you admitted you've never seen it?
what its about doesnt matter,,its a pedo's dream movie,,,and only pedos would defend having little girls half naked and playing with themselves,,
its joe bidens dream movie,,,
So the filmmaker sees it as a statement against oversexualization of minors but you can only see it from the eyes of a pervert?
I see it for what it is,,,child porn,,,,

this guy also made movies,,,

View attachment 388330
So you did see the movie?
I did. And it’s worse than what I had imagined.

answer this question since all you have done is defend child porn here

do you condemn the film “Cuties”?
Why did you watch it and what did you think about it?
I watched it because I wanted to see if the outrage was all it was made out to be. I found it to be worse. I didn’t know that 11 year old girls took selfies of their vaginas, took pictures of a grown mans penis and played with condoms.

you didn’t answer my question. If you can’t condemn Child Porn, then you are a pedophile and deserve to burn in hell
Guess what? 11 year old girls do lots of things like that because that’s the kind of stuff their exposed to at a far too young age. Did that shock and horrify you? If so, the film made its point.
No they don’t. Maybe in your fantasy world.

why can’t you answer my question?

Im not surprised you haven’t being that I’m arguing with a Filthy demonic Pedophile
I suppose you’re an expert on what 11 year old girls do?

Maybe in your fantasy world, kids aren’t overly specialized, but in our reality this is actually a problem.

Again, the movie isn’t about pedophiles. It’s about understanding what society looks like from a young girl’s perspective.
Answer my question jackass. Until you do or if you answer “no”, you’re a pedophile
him answering it wont change what he is,,,
Careful. The poster you replied to watched the movie which makes them a pedophile in your book.
Do you condemn the movie???
4th time asking
Never seen it. I’m told that only pedophiles watch it.
You can’t answer. Okay you’re a pedophile then.
Blah, blah, blah. Same old shit from you idiots.
It’s almost like you take pride in defending pedophiles.

blah blah blah - translation - I’m too dumb to speak. No wonder why peoplelike you Support Bidumb. You’re both very coherently alike
Nevermind defended pedophiles. Just pointing out the right wing rage industry is doing their same old shit again.

It sounds like the movie had the intended effect by making you uncomfortable with how girls respond to an oversexualization in society.

That’s the whole point.
I thought you didn’t watch the movie? How do you really know what the movie is about if you didn’t watch it?

or are you just repeating talking points from the far left news you let think for you?
Im talking about what the filmmaker has said about it.

Do you know anything about them?
I know the film maker sexualizes young children.
If you believe the words of filmakers then You should believe Harvey that he is innocent
The filmmaker says the depictions of girls attempting to be sexual is supposed to make people recoil and be uncomfortable.

Is that the effect it had on you?
we are more worried about the effect it had on you,,,since you seem to enjoy it,,,

decent people dont need a film to know child porn is repulsive,,,
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
No thanks!

I’ll leave the watching of child pornography to your kind.

And we will leave the defending of it, to yours.
I think a lot of people are attacking this movie without actually having seen it.

If they had seen the movie, they might understand the message of the movie is very opposed to over sexualization of young girls.

Yeah, I've heard that excuse. Doesn't fly. I've seen enough and I will not be watching it, because I already regret having seen as much as I have already seen.

IF your message was ANTI-pedophilia, you don't have to show children acting like professional strippers. You could show them getting the job and then fade to black and make the point, without putting the child actresses though the simulated sex acts and without giving pedos their jollies,

and then have them talk about it, with each other, or with their parents, or a social worker,

or show the effects on them, or show the type of low life scum that shows up to watch them...

and that is just off the top of my head. I would hope that a professional film maker could do better than I could.

Though with the shit that hollywood has been producing, maybe not.
If you haven’t seen it, your opinion is uninformed.

I've seen enough. I've never committed a bank robbery, but I have an informed opposition to it.

Your excuses and rationalizations for defending kiddie porn are getting more and more desperate.

Why are you doing this? Are you really so soulless that you can't part with the mob, even on kiddie porn?
Because you guys are jumping to conclusions without knowing what you’re talking about.

Platoon was an effective anti-war movie because it portrays horrors and tragedies of the Vietnam war.

The actors playing the roles were adults.

When an actor pretends to shot someone, he is not actually committing violence, no one is hurt.

When an actress acts sexy, she might not be having actual sex, but she is behaving in a sexy manner and is certainly being seen as sexy by the viewing audience. .

YOur refusal to admit what we all know, is you trying to gaslight, in defense of kiddie porn.

That is you... reaching a new low, even for liberals.
No, not all scenes are intended to be seen as sexy by the viewing audience. In fact, the scenes of dancing by the girls in the movie are supposed to make people uncomfortable.

Not buying it. They push the boundaries, so that when people speak out against it, they can say "patriarchy" and be "stunning and brave", and have an excuse to talk shit about people on the Right, and if the cost is that they have to make kiddie porn, well, you guys seem fine with that.
Pretty self centered about you to think anyone who made this movie did anything because of the right.

What makes you so confident in your assessment of the movie and it’s intent if you’ve never seen it?
its intent is irrelevant when they promoting child porn,,,

but a pervert like you wouldnt understand,,,
But that’s the point. It’s not promoting child porn. It’s taking on the problems with oversexualization of minors. You guys have a hard time seeing things in anything but black and white.

Oh, and don’t forget that it gives you something to complain about as a political statement.
my god you perverts are dense,,,

And why would anyone believe your description of the movie given that you admitted you've never seen it?
what its about doesnt matter,,its a pedo's dream movie,,,and only pedos would defend having little girls half naked and playing with themselves,,
its joe bidens dream movie,,,
So the filmmaker sees it as a statement against oversexualization of minors but you can only see it from the eyes of a pervert?
I see it for what it is,,,child porn,,,,

this guy also made movies,,,

View attachment 388330
So you did see the movie?
I did. And it’s worse than what I had imagined.

answer this question since all you have done is defend child porn here

do you condemn the film “Cuties”?
Why did you watch it and what did you think about it?
I watched it because I wanted to see if the outrage was all it was made out to be. I found it to be worse. I didn’t know that 11 year old girls took selfies of their vaginas, took pictures of a grown mans penis and played with condoms.

you didn’t answer my question. If you can’t condemn Child Porn, then you are a pedophile and deserve to burn in hell
Guess what? 11 year old girls do lots of things like that because that’s the kind of stuff their exposed to at a far too young age. Did that shock and horrify you? If so, the film made its point.
No they don’t. Maybe in your fantasy world.

why can’t you answer my question?

Im not surprised you haven’t being that I’m arguing with a Filthy demonic Pedophile
I suppose you’re an expert on what 11 year old girls do?

Maybe in your fantasy world, kids aren’t overly specialized, but in our reality this is actually a problem.

Again, the movie isn’t about pedophiles. It’s about understanding what society looks like from a young girl’s perspective.
Answer my question jackass. Until you do or if you answer “no”, you’re a pedophile
him answering it wont change what he is,,,
Careful. The poster you replied to watched the movie which makes them a pedophile in your book.
Do you condemn the movie???
4th time asking
Never seen it. I’m told that only pedophiles watch it.

Sorry, dumbass. It’s exactly what you said.

dont need to be an expert to know only perverts watch half naked little girls,,and that its wrong,,
not when you combine it with my other comment about defending it,,
Wait, wait, wait, are you saying context is important to understanding what something means?
yes harvey context matters,,,and he watched it to see that it was pure evil and has said as much,,, you defend it and now claim you didnt watch it,,,

youre such a liar,,,
Blah, blah, blah. You just are here to satisfy your three minutes of hate. You have no rational thought.
I;m rational enough not to defend child porn like youre doing,,,
Blah, blah, blah. Find someone else to bore.
what ever you say harvey,,,

in fact NO,,,I will call out any pedos like you defending this crap,,,
Wait a minute, do you think Obama runs Netflix?
What does he mean by Obama signed a contract with Netflix ???
Uh....hello!!! need to wake the f up.
Barack & Michelle signed a contract with Netflix to produce several shows shortly after he left office.
Again, what type of contract did Obama sign with Netflix ?? Otherwise what are you talking about ? Yeah from what I saw on Tucker Carlson concerning the show, it was as disturbing as it gets, and people should actually be arrested for violating any and all laws pertaining to the exploitation of minors.
Again.....they signed a contract to produce some of their content.
Shortly after this happened Netflix started producing soft-core porn.
Historically, when Obama signs on with some entity he has a tendency to influence the direction it takes.
Obama never gets in bed with anyone unless he can influence them.
Netflix buys billions in content from producers all over the world. Most of it is garbage. If Obama had any control over Netflix content it would probably have better shows.
You say that because you trust him.
I don't.

It's one thing to not trust Obama but inventing ridiculous things to blame on him just makes you seem crazy.

The timing of all of this shit, is suggestive. Correlation might not be causation, but you just airily dismissing it, is not valid.

Netflix has been producing some serious shit and some seriously disturbing shit, in the last few years.
Don't watch it then. It is a subscription service after all. I hear Disney has a subscription service now. Not going to find any disturbingly attractive jail bait there, oh wait, that seems to be half of their original content.

I was addressing your point, that Obama has no control. you ignored your former point, and my response to it, to move on to another point

I will name yyou wally.

View attachment 387632
I'm just having a hard time understanding the controversy when no one is making you watch this movie. I'm probably not going to watch it unless my wife decides she wants to watch what is essentially a boring chick flick for tweens. Nothing there for me to identify with.

Dude. Your confusion is not credible. If you are seriously unable to understand why we don't wan this shit you people are pushing to become part of mainstream culture, then you need to work on your mind, cause that is where the problem is.

And it is a big problem.
My mind is fine. For instance, I do not allow knee-jerk reactions to rule my opinions. I haven't seen this movie and have no intention of watching it. The controversy you moral beacons of society have stirred up will ensure more people watch it and encourage more questionable content to be produced in the future. Could have just let it die in obscurity like 90% of Netflix content.
Funny how the sex trade and sex trafficking doesn't die into obscurity when being ignored. Think about that one using your logic.
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
No thanks!

I’ll leave the watching of child pornography to your kind.

And we will leave the defending of it, to yours.
I think a lot of people are attacking this movie without actually having seen it.

If they had seen the movie, they might understand the message of the movie is very opposed to over sexualization of young girls.

Yeah, I've heard that excuse. Doesn't fly. I've seen enough and I will not be watching it, because I already regret having seen as much as I have already seen.

IF your message was ANTI-pedophilia, you don't have to show children acting like professional strippers. You could show them getting the job and then fade to black and make the point, without putting the child actresses though the simulated sex acts and without giving pedos their jollies,

and then have them talk about it, with each other, or with their parents, or a social worker,

or show the effects on them, or show the type of low life scum that shows up to watch them...

and that is just off the top of my head. I would hope that a professional film maker could do better than I could.

Though with the shit that hollywood has been producing, maybe not.
If you haven’t seen it, your opinion is uninformed.

I've seen enough. I've never committed a bank robbery, but I have an informed opposition to it.

Your excuses and rationalizations for defending kiddie porn are getting more and more desperate.

Why are you doing this? Are you really so soulless that you can't part with the mob, even on kiddie porn?
Because you guys are jumping to conclusions without knowing what you’re talking about.

Platoon was an effective anti-war movie because it portrays horrors and tragedies of the Vietnam war.

The actors playing the roles were adults.

When an actor pretends to shot someone, he is not actually committing violence, no one is hurt.

When an actress acts sexy, she might not be having actual sex, but she is behaving in a sexy manner and is certainly being seen as sexy by the viewing audience. .

YOur refusal to admit what we all know, is you trying to gaslight, in defense of kiddie porn.

That is you... reaching a new low, even for liberals.
No, not all scenes are intended to be seen as sexy by the viewing audience. In fact, the scenes of dancing by the girls in the movie are supposed to make people uncomfortable.

Not buying it. They push the boundaries, so that when people speak out against it, they can say "patriarchy" and be "stunning and brave", and have an excuse to talk shit about people on the Right, and if the cost is that they have to make kiddie porn, well, you guys seem fine with that.
Pretty self centered about you to think anyone who made this movie did anything because of the right.

What makes you so confident in your assessment of the movie and it’s intent if you’ve never seen it?
its intent is irrelevant when they promoting child porn,,,

but a pervert like you wouldnt understand,,,
But that’s the point. It’s not promoting child porn. It’s taking on the problems with oversexualization of minors. You guys have a hard time seeing things in anything but black and white.

Oh, and don’t forget that it gives you something to complain about as a political statement.
my god you perverts are dense,,,

And why would anyone believe your description of the movie given that you admitted you've never seen it?
what its about doesnt matter,,its a pedo's dream movie,,,and only pedos would defend having little girls half naked and playing with themselves,,
its joe bidens dream movie,,,
So the filmmaker sees it as a statement against oversexualization of minors but you can only see it from the eyes of a pervert?
I see it for what it is,,,child porn,,,,

this guy also made movies,,,

View attachment 388330
So you did see the movie?
I did. And it’s worse than what I had imagined.

answer this question since all you have done is defend child porn here

do you condemn the film “Cuties”?
Why did you watch it and what did you think about it?
I watched it because I wanted to see if the outrage was all it was made out to be. I found it to be worse. I didn’t know that 11 year old girls took selfies of their vaginas, took pictures of a grown mans penis and played with condoms.

you didn’t answer my question. If you can’t condemn Child Porn, then you are a pedophile and deserve to burn in hell
Guess what? 11 year old girls do lots of things like that because that’s the kind of stuff their exposed to at a far too young age. Did that shock and horrify you? If so, the film made its point.
No they don’t. Maybe in your fantasy world.

why can’t you answer my question?

Im not surprised you haven’t being that I’m arguing with a Filthy demonic Pedophile
I suppose you’re an expert on what 11 year old girls do?

Maybe in your fantasy world, kids aren’t overly specialized, but in our reality this is actually a problem.

Again, the movie isn’t about pedophiles. It’s about understanding what society looks like from a young girl’s perspective.
Answer my question jackass. Until you do or if you answer “no”, you’re a pedophile
him answering it wont change what he is,,,
Careful. The poster you replied to watched the movie which makes them a pedophile in your book.
Do you condemn the movie???
4th time asking
Never seen it. I’m told that only pedophiles watch it.
You can’t answer. Okay you’re a pedophile then.
Blah, blah, blah. Same old shit from you idiots.
It’s almost like you take pride in defending pedophiles.

blah blah blah - translation - I’m too dumb to speak. No wonder why peoplelike you Support Bidumb. You’re both very coherently alike
Nevermind defended pedophiles. Just pointing out the right wing rage industry is doing their same old shit again.

It sounds like the movie had the intended effect by making you uncomfortable with how girls respond to an oversexualization in society.

That’s the whole point.
I thought you didn’t watch the movie? How do you really know what the movie is about if you didn’t watch it?

or are you just repeating talking points from the far left news you let think for you?
Im talking about what the filmmaker has said about it.

Do you know anything about them?
I know the film maker sexualizes young children.
If you believe the words of filmakers then You should believe Harvey that he is innocent
The filmmaker says the depictions of girls attempting to be sexual is supposed to make people recoil and be uncomfortable.

Is that the effect it had on you?
we are more worried about the effect it had on you,,,since you seem to enjoy it,,,

decent people dont need a film to know child porn is repulsive,,,
Honestly, I doubt any of you actually think about anything from the perspective of someone like the protagonist which is a part of the problem.

You’re too caught up in rage to think rationally.
Wait a minute, do you think Obama runs Netflix?
What does he mean by Obama signed a contract with Netflix ???
Uh....hello!!! need to wake the f up.
Barack & Michelle signed a contract with Netflix to produce several shows shortly after he left office.
Again, what type of contract did Obama sign with Netflix ?? Otherwise what are you talking about ? Yeah from what I saw on Tucker Carlson concerning the show, it was as disturbing as it gets, and people should actually be arrested for violating any and all laws pertaining to the exploitation of minors.
Again.....they signed a contract to produce some of their content.
Shortly after this happened Netflix started producing soft-core porn.
Historically, when Obama signs on with some entity he has a tendency to influence the direction it takes.
Obama never gets in bed with anyone unless he can influence them.
Netflix buys billions in content from producers all over the world. Most of it is garbage. If Obama had any control over Netflix content it would probably have better shows.
You say that because you trust him.
I don't.

It's one thing to not trust Obama but inventing ridiculous things to blame on him just makes you seem crazy.

The timing of all of this shit, is suggestive. Correlation might not be causation, but you just airily dismissing it, is not valid.

Netflix has been producing some serious shit and some seriously disturbing shit, in the last few years.
Don't watch it then. It is a subscription service after all. I hear Disney has a subscription service now. Not going to find any disturbingly attractive jail bait there, oh wait, that seems to be half of their original content.

I was addressing your point, that Obama has no control. you ignored your former point, and my response to it, to move on to another point

I will name yyou wally.

View attachment 387632
I'm just having a hard time understanding the controversy when no one is making you watch this movie. I'm probably not going to watch it unless my wife decides she wants to watch what is essentially a boring chick flick for tweens. Nothing there for me to identify with.

Dude. Your confusion is not credible. If you are seriously unable to understand why we don't wan this shit you people are pushing to become part of mainstream culture, then you need to work on your mind, cause that is where the problem is.

And it is a big problem.
My mind is fine. For instance, I do not allow knee-jerk reactions to rule my opinions. I haven't seen this movie and have no intention of watching it. The controversy you moral beacons of society have stirred up will ensure more people watch it and encourage more questionable content to be produced in the future. Could have just let it die in obscurity like 90% of Netflix content.

YOu are incorrect about the way this goes. If we don't push back, you people get to define what is the norm, with your dominance of pop culture. It will not "die in obscurity" it will be the forerunner of a whole niche market.

Time and time again, you people pretend to be about "Tolerance" or some such bullshit, and we stand for Tradition and or decency, and you every time you win, you just keep pushing.

Now we are having to try to draw the line at children stripping for adults and we are being attacked and ridiculed for it.

If you win this time, what is the NEXT big faux outrage that you will manufacture to continue your deconstruction of this once great nation?

Bestiality? cannibalism? necrophilia?
Your self-righteous outrage counts for nothing when you don't care about thousands of Americans dying in a pandemic. The right is morally screwed when this bullshit is what finally gets your puritanical juices flowing.

Your excuses and rationalizations for defending pedophilia is noted and dismissed.

The Left is morally screwed when this shit does NOT get you upset.
Screw you retard. I got molested in church so much I almost thought it was normal. Everyone in that church including my parents at at least suspected what that deacon was and said nothing. He died in his bed surrounded by his loved ones instead of jail. Spare me your moral outrage. The only people in my life I ever saw "normalizing" pedophilia were bible toting hypocrites who didn't want to deal with it.

NOt sure how your abuse, justifies letting the producer of this film, make girl children act like professional strippers to give her movie some... whatever she was going for.

My point stands.

Yes, I am righteously outraged over this movie and it's portrayal of child strippers.

That you are not, that the Left is defending this shit, is a problem in you people.

And normal people should judge you accordingly, and ostracize you from civilized society and certainly not vote for your depraved asses.
For an honest person it's difficult to be outraged at a fairly honest portrayal of real life. The real righteous outrage should come when you realize that real pedos seek "respectable" positions like deacons, doctors, preachers, cops and scoutmasters and do that shit right under your nose because you don't want to see it.

That makes no sense. The stories we tell ourselves, are part of how we define ourselves, they are a big part of our culture.

Your denial of this fact is silly. You lefties know this. That is the whole point of cancel culture, to control the culture to impact the way we live and policy.

There is nothing about being outraged over a movie, that conflicts with being against the real life crimes portrayed. That is beyond silly.

You are putting out sophist nonsense to try to distract from the fact that your side of the political divide, ie The Left, has come out in defense of pedophilia.
You can eat shit and die. The left is not defending anything other than themselves from this latest retarded cooked-up right-wing controversy. Accuse me of being pro pedophilia again you sick fuck. I fucking dare you. Do it coward, see what happens.
If you support Democrats you're pro-pedophilia.....
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
This movie is getting quite the buzz around here but how is it any worse than those sickening child beauty pageants?
I don’t support beauty pageants and think they’re wierd but at least beauty pageants don’t pretend to stoke and suck cocks and pretend to get fucked up the ass.
Why don’t you watch the movie before commenting on it?
No thanks!

I’ll leave the watching of child pornography to your kind.

And we will leave the defending of it, to yours.
I think a lot of people are attacking this movie without actually having seen it.

If they had seen the movie, they might understand the message of the movie is very opposed to over sexualization of young girls.

Yeah, I've heard that excuse. Doesn't fly. I've seen enough and I will not be watching it, because I already regret having seen as much as I have already seen.

IF your message was ANTI-pedophilia, you don't have to show children acting like professional strippers. You could show them getting the job and then fade to black and make the point, without putting the child actresses though the simulated sex acts and without giving pedos their jollies,

and then have them talk about it, with each other, or with their parents, or a social worker,

or show the effects on them, or show the type of low life scum that shows up to watch them...

and that is just off the top of my head. I would hope that a professional film maker could do better than I could.

Though with the shit that hollywood has been producing, maybe not.
If you haven’t seen it, your opinion is uninformed.

I've seen enough. I've never committed a bank robbery, but I have an informed opposition to it.

Your excuses and rationalizations for defending kiddie porn are getting more and more desperate.

Why are you doing this? Are you really so soulless that you can't part with the mob, even on kiddie porn?
Because you guys are jumping to conclusions without knowing what you’re talking about.

Platoon was an effective anti-war movie because it portrays horrors and tragedies of the Vietnam war.

The actors playing the roles were adults.

When an actor pretends to shot someone, he is not actually committing violence, no one is hurt.

When an actress acts sexy, she might not be having actual sex, but she is behaving in a sexy manner and is certainly being seen as sexy by the viewing audience. .

YOur refusal to admit what we all know, is you trying to gaslight, in defense of kiddie porn.

That is you... reaching a new low, even for liberals.
No, not all scenes are intended to be seen as sexy by the viewing audience. In fact, the scenes of dancing by the girls in the movie are supposed to make people uncomfortable.

Not buying it. They push the boundaries, so that when people speak out against it, they can say "patriarchy" and be "stunning and brave", and have an excuse to talk shit about people on the Right, and if the cost is that they have to make kiddie porn, well, you guys seem fine with that.
Pretty self centered about you to think anyone who made this movie did anything because of the right.

What makes you so confident in your assessment of the movie and it’s intent if you’ve never seen it?
its intent is irrelevant when they promoting child porn,,,

but a pervert like you wouldnt understand,,,
But that’s the point. It’s not promoting child porn. It’s taking on the problems with oversexualization of minors. You guys have a hard time seeing things in anything but black and white.

Oh, and don’t forget that it gives you something to complain about as a political statement.
my god you perverts are dense,,,

And why would anyone believe your description of the movie given that you admitted you've never seen it?
what its about doesnt matter,,its a pedo's dream movie,,,and only pedos would defend having little girls half naked and playing with themselves,,
its joe bidens dream movie,,,
So the filmmaker sees it as a statement against oversexualization of minors but you can only see it from the eyes of a pervert?
I see it for what it is,,,child porn,,,,

this guy also made movies,,,

View attachment 388330
So you did see the movie?
I did. And it’s worse than what I had imagined.

answer this question since all you have done is defend child porn here

do you condemn the film “Cuties”?
Why did you watch it and what did you think about it?
I watched it because I wanted to see if the outrage was all it was made out to be. I found it to be worse. I didn’t know that 11 year old girls took selfies of their vaginas, took pictures of a grown mans penis and played with condoms.

you didn’t answer my question. If you can’t condemn Child Porn, then you are a pedophile and deserve to burn in hell
Guess what? 11 year old girls do lots of things like that because that’s the kind of stuff their exposed to at a far too young age. Did that shock and horrify you? If so, the film made its point.
No they don’t. Maybe in your fantasy world.

why can’t you answer my question?

Im not surprised you haven’t being that I’m arguing with a Filthy demonic Pedophile
I suppose you’re an expert on what 11 year old girls do?

Maybe in your fantasy world, kids aren’t overly specialized, but in our reality this is actually a problem.

Again, the movie isn’t about pedophiles. It’s about understanding what society looks like from a young girl’s perspective.
Answer my question jackass. Until you do or if you answer “no”, you’re a pedophile
him answering it wont change what he is,,,
Careful. The poster you replied to watched the movie which makes them a pedophile in your book.
Do you condemn the movie???
4th time asking
Never seen it. I’m told that only pedophiles watch it.
You can’t answer. Okay you’re a pedophile then.
Blah, blah, blah. Same old shit from you idiots.
It’s almost like you take pride in defending pedophiles.

blah blah blah - translation - I’m too dumb to speak. No wonder why peoplelike you Support Bidumb. You’re both very coherently alike
Nevermind defended pedophiles. Just pointing out the right wing rage industry is doing their same old shit again.

It sounds like the movie had the intended effect by making you uncomfortable with how girls respond to an oversexualization in society.

That’s the whole point.
I thought you didn’t watch the movie? How do you really know what the movie is about if you didn’t watch it?

or are you just repeating talking points from the far left news you let think for you?
Im talking about what the filmmaker has said about it.

Do you know anything about them?
I know the film maker sexualizes young children.
If you believe the words of filmakers then You should believe Harvey that he is innocent
The filmmaker says the depictions of girls attempting to be sexual is supposed to make people recoil and be uncomfortable.

Is that the effect it had on you?
we are more worried about the effect it had on you,,,since you seem to enjoy it,,,

decent people dont need a film to know child porn is repulsive,,,
Honestly, I doubt any of you actually think about anything from the perspective of someone like the protagonist which is a part of the problem.

You’re too caught up in rage to think rationally.
the rage comes from people like you defending child porn,,,

youre one sick fucker,,,
The filmmaker says the depictions of girls attempting to be sexual is supposed to make people recoil and be uncomfortable.

Is that the effect it had on you?
That's bullshit.

The show is fodder for pedophiles.

The show is to normalize pedophilia.
How does it normalize it? It doesn’t.
by broadcasting it world wide for any pervert like you to watch anytime they want without getting arrested,,,
The filmmaker says the depictions of girls attempting to be sexual is supposed to make people recoil and be uncomfortable.

Is that the effect it had on you?
That's bullshit.

The show is fodder for pedophiles.

The show is to normalize pedophilia.
How does it normalize it? It doesn’t.
by broadcasting it world wide for any pervert like you to watch anytime they want without getting arrested,,,
They could just watch miss teen USA instead.
The filmmaker says the depictions of girls attempting to be sexual is supposed to make people recoil and be uncomfortable.

Is that the effect it had on you?
That's bullshit.

The show is fodder for pedophiles.

The show is to normalize pedophilia.
How does it normalize it? It doesn’t.
by broadcasting it world wide for any pervert like you to watch anytime they want without getting arrested,,,
They could just watch miss teen USA instead.
youre getting more pathetic by the comment,,,
Because none of you are actually thinking about what the movie is actually about.

This is just right wing outrage farming.
There is NO JUSTIFICATION for child sex exploitation.

Your comment is SHIT!!!
Do none of you understand the point of the movie? Oversexualization of minors isn’t because of this movie, it’s attempting to explain how our society engenders this in minors.
The filmmaker says the depictions of girls attempting to be sexual is supposed to make people recoil and be uncomfortable.

Is that the effect it had on you?
That's bullshit.

The show is fodder for pedophiles.

The show is to normalize pedophilia.
How does it normalize it? It doesn’t.
by broadcasting it world wide for any pervert like you to watch anytime they want without getting arrested,,,
They could just watch miss teen USA instead.
youre getting more pathetic by the comment,,,
So why do you support a pervert president Trump who produced child porn?

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