New Yorkers are totally ignorant about what happened on 9/11.

All I need to know is that Trump saw thousands of Muslims dancing on rooftops

911 Whistleblowers (FULL DOCUMENTARY | 2019)​

“But someone would have talked,” say the self-styled skeptics who believe the government’s official conspiracy theory of 9/11. But there’s a problem with this logically fallacious non-argument. “Someone” did talk. In fact, numerous people have come out to blow the whistle on the events of September 11, 2001, and the cover-up that surrounds those events. These are the stories of the 9/11 Whistleblowers.
All I need to know is that Trump saw thousands of Muslims dancing on rooftops
I'm a Trump supporter, but one of the things I don't like that he did was sell Saudi Arabia $800 billion dollars in arms saying it was a good business deal knowing that they're being used to kill citizens of Yemen and elsewhere.

That's called being an American and disagreeing objectively with government.
I wonder how many Americans the Taliban in Afghanistan will torture today to celebrate.
They must have been the hardest hit with propaganda from the very start.

They get angry and deeply offended anytime you question the government and media's version of it.

You would think of all the people in the world it's them who would want to know the truth especially the families of the firefighters and the cops who died there.

The founder of AE911, Richard Gage, left the organization. They were on board with the COVID psyop, he decided to hang with the scientists that called bullshit on the COVID psyop, so he left to start a new organization, for, again, scientific facts. I believe. I have not yet gotten to all this content. Generally, Corbett' Report (open source,) tends to be the most trustworthy source on the web though. . . .

Interview 1746 - Richard Gage UNLEASHED!

Corbett • 09/08/2022
"Richard Gage, founder and former CEO of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, joins me to discuss his current work at, including his podcast, Richard Gage UNLEASHED!, his upcoming 2022 9/11 Truth Film Festival livestream, his weekly webinars, his work with the Lawyers' Commitee for 9/11 Inquiry and their upcoming film, 9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom. We also reflect on the 21st anniversary of the "catalyzing and catastrophic" events of September 11th and discuss what motivates us to do this work."

Parallels Between 9/11 and Covid-19 ~ Kevin Ryan​

The founder of AE911, Richard Gage, left the organization. They were on board with the COVID psyop, he decided to hang with the scientists that called bullshit on the COVID psyop, so he left to start a new organization, for, again, scientific facts. I believe. I have not yet gotten to all this content. Generally, Corbett' Report (open source,) tends to be the most trustworthy source on the web though. . . .

Interview 1746 - Richard Gage UNLEASHED!

Corbett • 09/08/2022
"Richard Gage, founder and former CEO of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, joins me to discuss his current work at, including his podcast, Richard Gage UNLEASHED!, his upcoming 2022 9/11 Truth Film Festival livestream, his weekly webinars, his work with the Lawyers' Commitee for 9/11 Inquiry and their upcoming film, 9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom. We also reflect on the 21st anniversary of the "catalyzing and catastrophic" events of September 11th and discuss what motivates us to do this work."

Parallels Between 9/11 and Covid-19 ~ Kevin Ryan​

He's wisdom matches his bravery.
I'm sure it was a very difficult decision to make
How much do you get paid to deny anything strange about President Biden?
Is it because you need your Club President to be happy with you?

Are you on prescription meds?
Do you have any idea what the topic is?
Perhaps it was his prescription.
on the other hand, have you seen the pictures of President Biden sniffing little girls?
McConnell just gave a live address today and he's fed up. He said the man I served for several years in the Senate with was not the man I saw at the podium this week. I didn't recognize him.
They must have been the hardest hit with propaganda from the very start.

They get angry and deeply offended anytime you question the government and media's version of it.

You would think of all the people in the world it's them who would want to know the truth especially the families of the firefighters and the cops who died there.

Ok…in your own words in reasonable detail, write out what you think happens accounting for the known facts of the day. Betcha won’t.
Ok…in your own words in reasonable detail, write out what you think happens accounting for the known facts of the day. Betcha won’t.
I believe the CIA and FBI was on to Al qaeda's plan to hijack airliners, and hired black ops to coordinate remote controlled devices to override the pilots and /or hijackers....or allowed it to go down. There's plenty of documentation evidence of the elevators mysteriously being shut down weeks before 9/11 Etc. Maybe that Larry Silverstein dude hired mossad to do it but either way it's what happened.

Before this , the twins and Tower 7 were 'wired' for demoilition before the 2 planes hit.

There's no other explanation for the way the towers came down -- the way they were built.

After 9/11 the area was concealed from the public or any kind of official investigation of the crime scene. All the steel columns and any other evidence of the use of thermite and/or other explosives was quickly removed and shipped to China to be an Israeli firm.

The media was promptly given instructions on the narrative and the rest is history.
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Our government ( and one could argue the governments of Israel and Saudi Arabia as well )wanted 9/11 happen so they could have their giant National Security state and endless defense budget..... to the tune of a trillion dollars a year or more and currently our national debt is $30 trillion dollars.

And 50 years off the gold standard the only thing backing the Petro dollar is our military which we're borrowing from our enemies to pay for.
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