New Yorkers will soon be forced to deny reality

Do you have any comments or do your personal attacks show you lack any argument?

Why should people be forced to deny reality? Can I demand that I'm black for purposes of affirmative action and diversity in hiring? Should you be forced to treat me as black despite being lilly white?

If I feel like I'm the CEO of a company, can I force them to treat me as such? If we're fine with denying reality like prancing, liberal deviants are, then why pick and choose?

Translation: "Don't insult me, even though I insult others."

Regardless, the only way to really solve this "issue" is to focus on private property rights. Whoever owns the building should have the right to delineate who goes to the bathroom where. If the employees don't like the arrangement they may choose not to use the facilities, or not work there in the first place.
Libs don't believe in those property rights. They want to force others to deny reality under pain of law

Unless you think the property owner would have the right to allow transgender people in the bathroom of the gender they prefer to be known as, then you don't believe in property rights either.
Translation: "Don't insult me, even though I insult others."

Regardless, the only way to really solve this "issue" is to focus on private property rights. Whoever owns the building should have the right to delineate who goes to the bathroom where. If the employees don't like the arrangement they may choose not to use the facilities, or not work there in the first place.
Libs don't believe in those property rights. They want to force others to deny reality under pain of law

All property is theft.

Yes, stolen from... nobody.
Libs don't believe in those property rights. They want to force others to deny reality under pain of law

The fact that you think that all liberals think the same is reason for you to be ignored.
All liberals do think the same.
Never have I heard a liberal stand up to another when he says or does something totally unacceptable.
On another forum, a homosexual paedophile named HOWEY threatened to subject my son( 13 months old at the time) to violent sodomy.

Not one liberal said a word, but attacked me for pointing out how his threat was wrong!!
All liberals are blind adherents to a dogma.
Those who don't adhere are to be attacked.

If liberals didn't think the same, they wouldn't be liberals!
Translation: "Don't insult me, even though I insult others."

Regardless, the only way to really solve this "issue" is to focus on private property rights. Whoever owns the building should have the right to delineate who goes to the bathroom where. If the employees don't like the arrangement they may choose not to use the facilities, or not work there in the first place.
Libs don't believe in those property rights. They want to force others to deny reality under pain of law

Unless you think the property owner would have the right to allow transgender people in the bathroom of the gender they prefer to be known as, then you don't believe in property rights either.
If they want to allow lions I to bathrooms I don't care. My issue is with the state forcing this bullshit in others
I didn't know this but the DNA investigation of the Boston bombers indicated that you can tell gender from DNA. Doesn't it follow that even if you fixed it so that you have to squat to piss, whatever fantasy you have in your mind does not change the reality of your DNA?
I'm sure if they knew it was from a tranny they would say transgendered DNA. But yes, DNA doesn't lie, like genitalia doesn't lie. But libs want us to deny reality
Transgender rights groups hope to get GENDA bill to Senate floor

If I went I to the women's bathroom at work i would get fired and arrested

Current law makes it illegal in New York State to discriminate on the basis of age, race, creed, national origin, sexual orientation, sex and other categories in the areas of employment, housing, public accommodations, education and credit.

This law simply adds "gender identity" to that mix.

I guess if this proposed minor change to NY law is bothering you, there’s really not a whole lot of concerning things going on in your world.

Just saying. :eusa_whistle:
So you think employers should be required to allow soneone with a dick into the woman's bathroom?
Transgender rights groups hope to get GENDA bill to Senate floor

If I went I to the women's bathroom at work i would get fired and arrested

Current law makes it illegal in New York State to discriminate on the basis of age, race, creed, national origin, sexual orientation, sex and other categories in the areas of employment, housing, public accommodations, education and credit.

This law simply adds "gender identity" to that mix.

I guess if this proposed minor change to NY law is bothering you, there’s really not a whole lot of concerning things going on in your world.

Just saying. :eusa_whistle:

Only gender identity is cooked up whole cloth in someone's imagination. What are they going to do about people who have intermittent gender dysphoria? They believe themselves the gender opposite of the one they were born with, just not all the time. The responsibility of accommodating that kind of gender bending isn't his responsibility, it's yours. It's the employers/
So you think employers should be required to allow soneone with a dick into the woman's bathroom?

If a person genuinely lives his/her entire life as a member of the opposite sex (I’m talking a man wearing a dress at work every day, dressing up and acting like a woman 100% of the time), then I have no problem with that person using the women’s bathroom.

If the NY dwellers vote in representatives who will approve this, then that's their own prerogative.

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So you think employers should be required to allow soneone with a dick into the woman's bathroom?

If a person genuinely lives his/her entire life as a member of the opposite sex (I’m talking a man wearing a dress at work every day, dressing up and acting like a woman 100% of the time), then I have no problem with that person using the women’s bathroom. If the voters of NY want this, then what’s the big deal?


That's not the way it works. Transgendered persons have seldom, if ever, lived as the chosen sex their entire lives. Don't we have a killer in prison who murdered his wife now claiming to be transgendered? He wants the state to pay for his surgery. Should he be transferred to a women's prison?

And, it might be pointed out, this is not an issue that will be put up for vote. It will be a legislated action without a vote. What's the big deal? Let the people vote on it.
So you think employers should be required to allow soneone with a dick into the woman's bathroom?

If a person genuinely lives his/her entire life as a member of the opposite sex (I’m talking a man wearing a dress at work every day, dressing up and acting like a woman 100% of the time), then I have no problem with that person using the women’s bathroom.

If the NY dwellers vote in representatives who will approve this, then that's their own prerogative.


Do all women wear dresses and have long hair? Seems you need to believe I. Stereotypes and gender roles to support trannies eh? Typicall you libs abhorr gender roles. Why not here?
So you think employers should be required to allow soneone with a dick into the woman's bathroom?

If a person genuinely lives his/her entire life as a member of the opposite sex (I’m talking a man wearing a dress at work every day, dressing up and acting like a woman 100% of the time), then I have no problem with that person using the women’s bathroom. If the voters of NY want this, then what’s the big deal?


That's not the way it works. Transgendered persons have seldom, if ever, lived as the chosen sex their entire lives. Don't we have a killer in prison who murdered his wife now claiming to be transgendered? He wants the state to pay for his surgery. Should he be transferred to a women's prison?

And, it might be pointed out, this is not an issue that will be put up for vote. It will be a legislated action without a vote. What's the big deal? Let the people vote on it.

I updated my post (ie the voting comment).

Also, I would never want the state to pay for anyone's transgender surgery - especially a prisoner's - that's silly.

So you think employers should be required to allow soneone with a dick into the woman's bathroom?

If a person genuinely lives his/her entire life as a member of the opposite sex (I’m talking a man wearing a dress at work every day, dressing up and acting like a woman 100% of the time), then I have no problem with that person using the women’s bathroom.

If the NY dwellers vote in representatives who will approve this, then that's their own prerogative.


Do all women wear dresses and have long hair? Seems you need to believe I. Stereotypes and gender roles to support trannies eh? Typicall you libs abhorr gender roles. Why not here?

I'm not a liberal you doof (as noted from my numerous posts slamming Obama and the Dems for their tyrannical actions).

When did I say I abhor gender roles? I'll wait...

Why do you have to play the role to pass as a tranny? Do all women wear dresses and have long hair? Why can't I claim to be a tranny and use the women's bathroom while wearing jeans, a tshirt and facial hair? Do no women dress that way? Plenty of women have facial hair
Why do you have to play the role to pass as a tranny? Do all women wear dresses and have long hair? Why can't I claim to be a tranny and use the women's bathroom while wearing jeans, a tshirt and facial hair? Do no women dress that way? Plenty of women have facial hair

Why would you claim to be a tranny? Are you transgendered (ie what would compel you to do this)?

We are a society built on compromise; if you are to only bring up the bizarre, rare, 0.1% occurance issues with bills like these (instead of discussing what’s going to happen 99.9% of the time), you are doing nothing more than wasting everyone’s time and resource.


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