New Zealand: First They Took Their Guns.....Now They're Removing Jesus From Their Lives's started.

New Zealand Christians Outraged as Govt Removes All References to Jesus From Parliamentary Prayer
Steve Warren

Just barely two weeks following the mosque shootings in Christchurch, New Zealand, the government has decided to remove all references to Jesus Christ from its parliamentary prayer.

The move by Speaker of the House Trevor Mallard has angered the country's Christian population. Mallard made the decision in order to drop references to Jesus in order to make the prayer "more inclusive" for all parliamentarians.

The Guardian reports a reference to "Almighty God" remains, but it is not a specific reference to a Christian God.

Earlier this week, around 1,000 people protested just outside of the parliament building in Wellington. The group wanted Jesus name reinstated in the prayer because Christianity is part of the nation's history.

Ross Smith, the organizer of the event, told Radio NZ the country has a Christian heritage that should not be erased.

"It's a legacy. The principals and the values that are in this nation are based on our Christian-Judea roots. Removing the name would destroy those roots," he said.

"He needs a good kick in his pants, and he needs to actually be removed because this is a Christian nation," protester Rieki Teutscher told Radio NZ. We don't share his atheism."

Another demonstrator, Carmel Morgan, said Mallard should have consulted with New Zealanders or announced a referendum before changing the prayer.

"This is a land of democracy, this is a land of freedom, you know, we want to be a first world country... he took that choice away from us."

Other New Zealand politicians also voiced their concern over the change made by the speaker without consulting the entire parliament.

Well, the decision as to what should be changed should be made by parliamentarians and not the speaker – that's our position, I don't mind telling you publicly," deputy prime minister Winston Peters told RadioNZ.

"If you're going to make a change let's have parliament decide – not one person," Peters added.

Mallard said he had consulted other politicians and the majority he spoke to were in favor of a secular prayer.

One week after a white supremacist gunman opened fire inside two mosques, killing 50 people, the entire country observed a Muslim call to prayer. The event was televised nationwide. New Zealand Christians Outraged as Govt Removes All References to Jesus From Parliamentary Prayer

Sadly, I am not surprised Jesus is being removed from their lives. There is a Socialist in power in NZ.

That's where the rats will jump ship when the times comes....the elites, Silicon Valley all the scum of the Earth really, and all thanks to Jacinta Ardern , she is a traitor to all New Zealander Patriots! I hope her day will come.

Socialist, Globlalist New Zealand Prime Minister, a very good friend with the rats, rats like John Podesta, who was there a couple of weeks ago just before the shooting....... also very good friend with this rat below, just to name a few.

Why is it that Hillary is always doing selfies with all of these Socialist assholes????
Those references to Jesus were removed by one person without any consultation and is a slap in the face to nearly half the nation.

"Another demonstrator, Carmel Morgan, said Mallard should have consulted with New Zealanders or announced a referendum before changing the prayer.

"This is a land of democracy, this is a land of freedom, you know, we want to be a first world country... he took that choice away from us."
From a Parliamentary prayer by the Speaker of the Parliament, who has the Authority to do so.
------------------------------ cool , and some protester so there is some annoyance CNM .
Socialist, Globlalist New Zealand Prime Minister,
Every day I grow more satisfied I cast a vote for her party candidate in my electorate and a vote for her party with my party vote. Jacinda has impressed me with her leadership.
In a country with vastly different religious beliefs like New Zealand, government should be neutral otherwise it invites accusations of religious discrimination and stirs up hatred. However, I think the timing of this decision is bad.
Yeah, gods should be ignored by politicians while conducting national business.
We had them already, last year. ANd you people loved it and made bullshit excuses for them.

Blood sacrificed in the name of your crazy pretend tolerance and diversity, fighting, destroying, burning, supposed to stop "nazis" several of whom were Jewish.

So full of shit, you people.
From the content of your post that would be you people.'s started.

New Zealand Christians Outraged as Govt Removes All References to Jesus From Parliamentary Prayer
Steve Warren

Just barely two weeks following the mosque shootings in Christchurch, New Zealand, the government has decided to remove all references to Jesus Christ from its parliamentary prayer.

The move by Speaker of the House Trevor Mallard has angered the country's Christian population. Mallard made the decision in order to drop references to Jesus in order to make the prayer "more inclusive" for all parliamentarians.

The Guardian reports a reference to "Almighty God" remains, but it is not a specific reference to a Christian God.

Earlier this week, around 1,000 people protested just outside of the parliament building in Wellington. The group wanted Jesus name reinstated in the prayer because Christianity is part of the nation's history.

Ross Smith, the organizer of the event, told Radio NZ the country has a Christian heritage that should not be erased.

"It's a legacy. The principals and the values that are in this nation are based on our Christian-Judea roots. Removing the name would destroy those roots," he said.

"He needs a good kick in his pants, and he needs to actually be removed because this is a Christian nation," protester Rieki Teutscher told Radio NZ. We don't share his atheism."

Another demonstrator, Carmel Morgan, said Mallard should have consulted with New Zealanders or announced a referendum before changing the prayer.

"This is a land of democracy, this is a land of freedom, you know, we want to be a first world country... he took that choice away from us."

Other New Zealand politicians also voiced their concern over the change made by the speaker without consulting the entire parliament.

Well, the decision as to what should be changed should be made by parliamentarians and not the speaker – that's our position, I don't mind telling you publicly," deputy prime minister Winston Peters told RadioNZ.

"If you're going to make a change let's have parliament decide – not one person," Peters added.

Mallard said he had consulted other politicians and the majority he spoke to were in favor of a secular prayer.

One week after a white supremacist gunman opened fire inside two mosques, killing 50 people, the entire country observed a Muslim call to prayer. The event was televised nationwide. New Zealand Christians Outraged as Govt Removes All References to Jesus From Parliamentary Prayer
In a country with vastly different religious beliefs like New Zealand, government should be neutral otherwise it invites accusations of religious discrimination and stirs up hatred. However, I think the timing of this decision is bad.
However, I think the timing of this decision is bad
What...October last year?
We're criticising the NZ government for not having the power of prescience now?
We had them already, last year. ANd you people loved it and made bullshit excuses for them.

Blood sacrificed in the name of your crazy pretend tolerance and diversity, fighting, destroying, burning, supposed to stop "nazis" several of whom were Jewish.

So full of shit, you people.
From the content of your post that would be you people.

Nope. YOu people the ones making attacks and defending them.

So, when the nation observed the Muslim Call to Prayer, was there multiple references to the many other religions in New Zealand?
It was at a Muslim religious service. You're demented in your self victimisation.
New Zealand banned guns, (wrong) and now they banned Jesus (which also is a lie). This whole thread is lie, esp the title.

They did NOT ban "jesus"

They just removed JESUS from their government prayer. They are a secular government, and as such they should NOT be promoting ALLAH or JESUS or ZORO or ANYONE!
Conservative self-proclaimed CHRISTIAN Roy Moore (ex-judge, ran for US State Senator in Alabama and BARELY lost to a democrat) thinks you are an idiot.

HE says that the BIBLE specifically proclaims homosexuality a SIN and he believes it should be a CRIME in the US!

Why don't you go argue with him.

tell HIM to stop using the OT

tell HIM he doesn't know much about the bible....

and after that tell TRUMP who ENDORSED Moore for senate.

You should get that Roy Moore burr removed from up your ass. It really seems to bother you and you constantly post about him.
Moore is a Christian fundamentalist and as such doesn't really reflect the views of most of the Christian community.

Most modern Christians who profess to believe in the bible aren't obsessed by homosexuality and recognize it as an immorality the same as any other sin, more or less.
They reject proselytizing by radical gay groups in our schools and have managed to reject the sin but not the sinners in most cases. No one wanted to stone Liberace, despite being flamingly gay, for example.

And Trump endorsed Moore plainly because he was the republican candidate in Alabama. No more and no less.

Get over your little obsession.

"You should get that Roy Moore burr removed from up your ass. It really seems to bother you and you constantly post about him.
Moore is a Christian fundamentalist and as such doesn't really reflect the views of most of the Christian community."


He is a great example of a prominent conservative christian ENDORSED BY TRUMP, SUPPORTED by and VOTED FOR by MILLIONS of conservatives who have NO PROBLEM with his EXTREME views!

I kinda get tired of conservatives telling me to shut up.

I wish they'd just shut up about that.

NEVER have I ever said to anyone like you "get over it and shut up"

but I hear it from YOUR ilk all the time.

MILLIONS VOTED for him and would do so again.

YOU would vote for him.

So, when the nation observed the Muslim Call to Prayer, was there multiple references to the many other religions in New Zealand?
It was at a Muslim religious service. You're demented in your self victimisation.

From the op, you hypocrite.

"One week after a white supremacist gunman opened fire inside two mosques, killing 50 people, the entire country observed a Muslim call to prayer. The event was televised nationwide. "

Like I said, liberal tolerance. Islam gets celebrated, while Christianity is purged.'s started.

New Zealand Christians Outraged as Govt Removes All References to Jesus From Parliamentary Prayer
Steve Warren

Just barely two weeks following the mosque shootings in Christchurch, New Zealand, the government has decided to remove all references to Jesus Christ from its parliamentary prayer.

The move by Speaker of the House Trevor Mallard has angered the country's Christian population. Mallard made the decision in order to drop references to Jesus in order to make the prayer "more inclusive" for all parliamentarians.

The Guardian reports a reference to "Almighty God" remains, but it is not a specific reference to a Christian God.

Earlier this week, around 1,000 people protested just outside of the parliament building in Wellington. The group wanted Jesus name reinstated in the prayer because Christianity is part of the nation's history.

Ross Smith, the organizer of the event, told Radio NZ the country has a Christian heritage that should not be erased.

"It's a legacy. The principals and the values that are in this nation are based on our Christian-Judea roots. Removing the name would destroy those roots," he said.

"He needs a good kick in his pants, and he needs to actually be removed because this is a Christian nation," protester Rieki Teutscher told Radio NZ. We don't share his atheism."

Another demonstrator, Carmel Morgan, said Mallard should have consulted with New Zealanders or announced a referendum before changing the prayer.

"This is a land of democracy, this is a land of freedom, you know, we want to be a first world country... he took that choice away from us."

Other New Zealand politicians also voiced their concern over the change made by the speaker without consulting the entire parliament.

Well, the decision as to what should be changed should be made by parliamentarians and not the speaker – that's our position, I don't mind telling you publicly," deputy prime minister Winston Peters told RadioNZ.

"If you're going to make a change let's have parliament decide – not one person," Peters added.

Mallard said he had consulted other politicians and the majority he spoke to were in favor of a secular prayer.

One week after a white supremacist gunman opened fire inside two mosques, killing 50 people, the entire country observed a Muslim call to prayer. The event was televised nationwide. New Zealand Christians Outraged as Govt Removes All References to Jesus From Parliamentary Prayer
In a country with vastly different religious beliefs like New Zealand, government should be neutral otherwise it invites accusations of religious discrimination and stirs up hatred. However, I think the timing of this decision is bad.
--------------------------------- funny and PARTLY agree . Timing is bad for the lefty 'gov' but otherwise its good for 'new zealander' Christians to see that their lefty gov is their enemy with ill will and intent towards them Flopper .
If October 2018 was bad timing...then what would have been good timing?
They waited for a five month gap until a mass shooting...that seems a pretty reasonable time-frame to me.
Yep....typical liberal.....can't win an argument so you scream "RACIST".
Which is ironic since my wife is half Native-American and so is my brothers and sisters.
As though the name Pocahontas was not used to deride. What did your wife and siblings think about its use?
"One week after a white supremacist gunman opened fire inside two mosques, killing 50 people, the entire country observed a Muslim call to prayer. The event was televised nationwide. "
At For a Muslim religious service, you ineducable Cracker.
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Yep....typical liberal.....can't win an argument so you scream "RACIST".
Which is ironic since my wife is half Native-American and so is my brothers and sisters.
As though the name Pocahontas was not used to deride. What did your wife and siblings think about its use?

The onus was not because the women is question was Indian, but because she was a fraud, because she was NOT Indian.

If that is your best example, you just made the opposite case then what you intended.
Nope. YOu people the ones making attacks and defending them.
Could you point out the New Zealanders please?

You leftards are the same across the Western World. Same stupid shit you believe and say and do.

You denying you support Antifa, or other rioters that attacked people for made up bullshit reasons?
"One week after a white supremacist gunman opened fire inside two mosques, killing 50 people, the entire country observed a Muslim call to prayer. The event was televised nationwide. "
At a Muslim religious service, you ineducable Cracker.

Observed nation wide.

And shove your racism up your ass, fucktard.
It was entirely voluntary...a bit like praising Jesus in Parliament really
"One week after a white supremacist gunman opened fire inside two mosques, killing 50 people, the entire country observed a Muslim call to prayer. The event was televised nationwide. "
At a Muslim religious service, you ineducable Cracker.

Observed nation wide.

And shove your racism up your ass, fucktard.
It was entirely voluntary...a bit like praising Jesus in Parliament really

Even if true, in no way addresses my point.

Oh, do you have a problem with racist slurs that cnm is doing, or should your defense of him be considered to be a defense of anti-white racism too?

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