New Zealand votes out leftist government...

I was over there when that muzzie-loving buck tooth queen was running rough shod over the whole country. She completely killed their oilfield. They're so cucked I really can't believe they had a free election. Good for them, it's a lot better than the way this shithole installs drooling fucktards into office.

No democratic government is ever elected in perpetuity. It comes to power, and when the people decide they've had enough, they vote someone else in. Nothing really noteworthy in that regard.
And that goofy Nazi woman was a WEF Poster Girl -- a so called paid-up global leader who once worked for the disgusting Tony Bliar who , incidentally . is running the British Labour Party behind his iron curtain .

As if you are interested in Turdy Tainted's political party .
New Zealand's youngest MP, 21-year-old Hana-Raviti Maipi-Clark, performs a Maori ritual dance at her first appearance.
I apologize if I have hurt the feelings of believers in MPs, but there is an opinion among me that a dancing 21-year-old MP can hardly be of any use in matters of public administration.
New Zealand's youngest MP, 21-year-old Hana-Raviti Maipi-Clark, performs a Maori ritual dance at her first appearance.
I apologize if I have hurt the feelings of believers in MPs, but there is an opinion among me that a dancing 21-year-old MP can hardly be of any use in matters of public administration.

why does the guy behind her have a head of garlic as an earring?
Another horse face, called New Zealand's premier, flicked its nostrils in a show of support for Ukraine.
Question for non-cocaine users - how often do you touch your nose?

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