Newborn Lawyers


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
I went to a middling law school that had a reputation for having a high percentage of its grads passing the Bar on the first try. Many higher-rated law schools do not fare so well on that metric. For general information, the subjects that are on the generic Bar exam (not the Patent Bar) are taught in the first year of law school, after which most law students start to branch out into areas that have more personal interest to them. Hence, when you take the Bar, you haven't studied those subjects for a couple of years, other than in a Bar Review course.

I see a lot of lawyers in the political and public sector who seem to me like virtual idiots, and I know that there is no cheating on the Bar. You have to pass it, and it is difficult. I've heard scandalous rumors that none of the Kennedy politicians passed the MA Bar the first time around, but I don't know how that could be corroborated. I can't imagine Joe Biden passing the PA or DE Bar even when he was younger. He has always been full of shit.

I wonder if there is any reliable public source that tracks that stuff. The score itself is extremely secret. NO ONE gets it but the test-taker him/herself. But if one is working for a law firm when the results are published, it is obvious to everyone around them that they didn't pass. Sometimes they even get fired.

Any ideas?
We should place a 10 year temporary ban on new law degrees....and then limit the number per year....
We should place a 10 year temporary ban on new law degrees....and then limit the number per year....
And apply it to the number of lawyers allowed into DC at one time. Gotta control that pandemic........ :eusa_whistle:

DC has the highest number of lawyers PER CAPITA than anywhere else.
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One of the biggest wastes of talent in the world is the egalitarian nature of America's law schools. Anyone who is smart enough can get in, and most of those can graduate and pass the Bar. Thus we have tens of thousands of very bright individuals committed to a career that ADDS NOTHING OF VALUE to society.

One of the biggest wastes of talent in the world is the egalitarian nature of America's law schools. Anyone who is smart enough can get in, and most of those can graduate and pass the Bar. Thus we have tens of thousands of very bright individuals committed to a career that ADDS NOTHING OF VALUE to society.

Lawyers are as essential to society as doctors, teachers, and police officers.

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