Newcomer Illegals.Do They Know How Hot It Gets In The Southwest Come Summer, If They Are Homeless?

:FIREdevil: This is just something to think about. But keep in mind, out of the 100,000? to 300,000? that somehow made their way into LA/New Mexico/Nevada/Texas/Arizona, they cant all be living in very nice/new upgraded homes/apts. Some will wind up in very sub-par living conditions, you know, the ones with no plumbing/electricity. Pretty much homes that were abandoned over the last 20/30 years{and thats if there are any available}.
If we have another record summer when the average days range from 90 to 110 degrees out there, we all know what is going to happen to many of them.
So anyone think that the left will blame Trump for any heat related deaths?
You think Mexicans don't know it's hot?
The best thing we could do for the invaders is to introduce a fast acting pathogen into the camps.
we can already see CNN hosts making up thier own facts on why Trump caused 42 illegals to die in the Desserts of Arizona where its been about 115 degrees all week. yup,,Trump caused it to be 115 degrees in Arizona.

What are the desserts of Arizona?

My favorite is cheesecake, but it would probably melt!

While I'm no wordsmith it always cracks me up when someone gets this one wrong.
Easy one to remember, the extra "s" makes desserts fatter, just like extra desserts do to you.

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