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NewGuy's Disproving Evolution Thread

Originally posted by NewGuy
Catholocism isn't Christianity.

How many times do you have to hear this you weenie?

Catholicism is Christianity you weenie. It is the Mother Church to all the forms of Christianity which have taken root in Western Society over the last five or six hundred years. Get over it.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
Catholicism is Christianity you weenie. It is the Mother Church to all the forms of Christianity which have taken root in Western Society over the last five or six hundred years. Get over it.

Prove it.

Christianity (FOLLOWING CHRIST, NOT A CHURCH OR MAN REPRESENTING ONE) has been around since BEFORE 2000 years ago.

You have just shown, once again, you speak with a forked tongue and rectal cranial inversion.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
Read Babylonian, and/or Assyrian mythology. (<i>In their day, it was religion.</i>)

:clap1: :rotflmao:

MYTHOLOGY is proof of what Christianity is?!?!?

Try a Bible smart guy.
Originally posted by NewGuy
Prove it.

Christianity (FOLLOWING CHRIST, NOT A CHURCH OR MAN REPRESENTING ONE) has been around since BEFORE 2000 years ago.

You have just shown, once again, you speak with a forked tongue and rectal cranial inversion.

You've just succeeded in insulting every Catholic in the world.

The branches of Christanity you speak of, except for a few small, isolated pockets, were largely absorbed of snuffed out by the Catholic Church centuries ago.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
In His...Or Her image? If you look back far enough, you'll find that every biblical story is an echo of the religious mythos of the cultures that preceeded Christianity. SO is the Supreme Being male?, Or female? Or perhaps both?

As to Humans being "...no better than any other animal..." that is essentially true on the physical level. It is our neurological developement, and the cognitive capabilities that it gives rise to, that set us above other animals.

Oh boy...

First, God is obviously neither male nor female, in the context that we usually assign genders to people. He revealed Himself in the masculine to the Israelites, when the surrounding Canaanite tribes worshipped predominantly female dieties. Jesus referred to Him as "Father" - or, more accurately, "Dad." So we refer to God as "He" and "Father" because that is how He revealed Himself to us.

And Biblical stories being part of other religions... it would seem that if every religion had a similar story that covered a certain event (like the worldwide flood stories in many religions) that there might be a certain amount of truth to those stories. To me, it only proves that the events, like the Flood, were historical events.

And while you may or may not believe it, I do believe that every person has a soul, and that sets us apart from every animal on earth.
Originally posted by NewGuy
Prove it.

Christianity (FOLLOWING CHRIST, NOT A CHURCH OR MAN REPRESENTING ONE) has been around since BEFORE 2000 years ago.

You have just shown, once again, you speak with a forked tongue and rectal cranial inversion.


I think it is rather ridculous for you to claim that Catholicism is not a Christian denomination. The Catholic Church preaches the Trinity, the Bible, etc. They have vastly different theological beliefs within that context, and a few beliefs that we would both agree are not Biblical, but to say that Catholics are not Christians is not true.
Originally posted by gop_jeff

I think it is rather ridculous for you to claim that Catholicism is not a Christian denomination. The Catholic Church preaches the Trinity, the Bible, etc. They have vastly different theological beliefs within that context, and a few beliefs that we would both agree are not Biblical, but to say that Catholics are not Christians is not true.

As I have said before.....

Catholicism IS NOT Christianity.

Catholics CAN be Christians.

There NEEDS to be this distinction.

Catholocism was NEVER a division of Christianity. It was formed AFTER Christ walked the Earth and was SEPERATE from His teachings.

It may have started out as REFERENCING the Bible, but as a religious belief system, it has ALWAYS pitched its power in a human position, REQUIRING supplanting either Mary or a pope (man) in place of God for determining salvation.

Since this did not DERIVE from Christs teachings, and WAS NOT Biblical in origin, it was a parallel origin and a CULT.

It may CLAIM BIBLICAL foundation, but so do a million OTHER cults. Christianity is a FAITH. Catholocism is a RITUAL which USES a misplaced faith which CAN subvert people into replacement theology and replace God with MAN.

However, IF God is NOT replaced by man in the mind and internallized FAITH of the catholic, then they would be a Christian. -Ritualistic practices, or not.

I hope that clarifies the issue.

Catholocism is cultic ritual.

Christianity is a faith.

Catholics CAN be Christians, but it is a shaky area in regard to their faith.
NewGuy is one of those people that is not even smart enough to know he's stupid.
Originally posted by Big D
NewGuy is one of those people that is not even smart enough to know he's stupid.

The funny part is you aren't either.
Originally posted by NewGuy
Good question....I have never looked into them.

We were a part of the Catholic church until about 12, 1300 years ago, not sure exactly but we have some rituals but not the same rules. Our priests get married and we have less emphasis on a vengeful God like the Catholics. I've always likened them to suffering, you have to suffer and are never good enough if you are a Catholic.

Interesting tidbit though, the Bible was originally in Greek so 1 could say that we were the original organizers of an organized Christian church, I could be wrong though.
There can be no doubt that we have evolved to some extent. But let's look at the basis for the "scientific" theory to creation.

The universe was created by the explosion of a huge cloud of gas.

If that's true, then I create alternate universes by the dozens after a big bowl of the wife's chili. But seriously, a big ball of gas? Where did THAT come from? And somehow that explosion resulted in the cosmos at it is today. Really. Strange that some people can accept that theory and yet deny the evidence of the complexity of life that is paraded before their eyes every day.
Originally posted by OCA
We were a part of the Catholic church until about 12, 1300 years ago, not sure exactly but we have some rituals but not the same rules. Our priests get married and we have less emphasis on a vengeful God like the Catholics. I've always likened them to suffering, you have to suffer and are never good enough if you are a Catholic.

Interesting tidbit though, the Bible was originally in Greek so 1 could say that we were the original organizers of an organized Christian church, I could be wrong though.

From what I am reading, on the Orthodox Church
In summary, Orthodoxy does not reject Roman primacy as such, but simply a particular way of understanding that primacy. Within a reintegrated Christendom the bishop of Rome will be considered primus inter pares serving the unity of God's Church in love. He cannot be accepted as set up over the Church as a ruler whose diakonia is conceived through legalistic categories of power of jurisdiction. His authority must be understood, not according to standards of earthly authority and domination, but according to terms of loving ministry and humble service (Matt. 20:25&#8209;27).[44]

This would mean that there is still a connection. I don't believe ther CAN be. They need to make clear wether they are or aren't connected.

As far as their BELIEF system, it looks intact for FAITH purposes. I disagree with a couple ritualistic things, but the faith and MOST of the practices I see right off the bat line up with Biblical teachings.

I may not be in the most authoritative place to look. If you have a link to the best site, I will look it up more. I plan on studying this now over the next day or two. The site I am looking at is: http://www.goarch.org/en/ourfaith

From now on, I will do the distinction of refering to my earlier opinions as being in regard to "roman catholocism".
Originally posted by NewGuy
From what I am reading, on the Orthodox Church

This would mean that there is still a connection. I don't believe ther CAN be. They need to make clear wether they are or aren't connected.

As far as their BELIEF system, it looks intact for FAITH purposes. I disagree with a couple ritualistic things, but the faith and MOST of the practices I see right off the bat line up with Biblical teachings.

I may not be in the most authoritative place to look. If you have a link to the best site, I will look it up more. I plan on studying this now over the next day or two. The site I am looking at is: http://www.goarch.org/en/ourfaith

From now on, I will do the distinction of refering to my earlier opinions as being in regard to "roman catholocism".

Hold on i've probably got a link around here somewhere. That damn thing was wrong though, we've got absolutely no connection to Rome this I can tell you unequivocally. Our leader sits in Constantinople(Istanbul:mad: )
Hey you were in the right place but not exactly sure about the Roman thing. Might be something political, but as far as the faith goes we don't have jack to do with the Pope.
"The Case for a Creator" is an easy but insightful read by Lee Strobel. It goes over the Evolution/Creation debate. I am reevaluating by belief system - Not that I believe in Christ and I am far from advocating the imposition of victimless crimes suggested in the Bible in any case - but I might become a theist.
...One might as well reas J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Silmarillion"...It provides about as much ontological insight as any religious writings one might care to name.

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