Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel

Truth is that Islam is a malevolent cult of evil afflicting the minds of 1.5 billion people around the world, and that Israel is the eternal homeland of the Jewish people.

So you want to be in that Christiananality pedophile business bipolar schizoid realm of Lucifer-Satan survival of the fittest fascists according to Islam being Allah & all else is the amoral evil......
New Muslim congresswomen favor eliminating Israel

I am so happy they stated that is the long term Goal. For that reason alone Israel will never give up any more territory or allow " Right of Return"
This is a rightwing lie – neither support ‘eliminating Israel.’

You need to get your head out of the sand it is in the Muslim doctrine.

More specifically- Koranic injunctions regarding “driving the disbelievers out of where they drove you out”, “the final hour on the day of judgment will not come to be until the Muslims fight the Jews.....”

The second one of course being then infamous Sahih ahadith.
Arab countries also outspend the Israel lobby.

AIPAC is influential, no doubt. However, the emphasis on AIPAC plays on antisemitic stereotypes of Jewish money, Jewish influence and a Jewish agenda that is at odds with what is best for America.

It doesn't get more antisemitic than that.

The people who are trying to excuse Omar as somehow ignorant of this, as well as those who are pretending that she somehow is only exposing the general influence of money in politics, are being disingenuous. The Israel lobby is not at or near the top of any metric in spending or influence among all the lobbies in Washington.

Choosing to only highlight AIPAC as the source of all Washington corruption is antisemitic. Ignoring that this is what Omar did, or pretending that she understands this now when she tries to pretend that she just randomly chose AIPAC as her example, is enabling and excusing antisemitism.

(full article online)

The hypocrisy over Ilhan Omar continues (update) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The description of that state makes it pretty clear that most Jews would be forced to leave.

This can only be achieved by establishing One Democratic State of Palestine for its indigenous people, the refugees who we were forced out of the country and its current citizens. This is the key to a ‘fair and permanent solution of conflict’ in the region, and to a ‘just solution’ for the Palestinian cause. Failing this, war and mutual destruction will continue.They say they have no problems with Jews, which means they would allow any Jews who were there in 1917 or 1880 or something like that to stay, but anyone else who arrived after the Zionist movement began would not be welcome.

In other words - ethnic cleansing of Jews.

Someone may want to ask Tlaib if she supports the goals of the Free Palestine Movement and the Palestine Liberation Movement, and if her vision of a one-state solutionlooks like this one.

As of this writing, only eight people signed up for this vision, but it is in fact very close to what Palestinian Arabs say they want their own final solution to be, and "two states" are just a stage in the way to a single Palestinian state where Jews are only tolerated as a tiny minority with no political rights.

(full article online)

"Free Palestine Movement" calls to expel all "non-indigenous Jews" from Israel. Does Rashida Tlaib agree? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Maybe Islamic not native born in the USA IIhan Omar serving in the Christian Nation Congress getting Christians to attack Jews in the name of Allah as that Christian second coming thru Byrd's KKK churchstate fiefdom Bicentennial plan to kill all the Jews in NYC & Israel, Rehnquist's thieving US Constitution arsonists Reichquest & those burning Bush's 9/11 patriot act will be another scandal of ….
Congress, you gave a Muslim a cookie. So did you, London, France, Greece and Germany!

Maybe Islamic not native born in the USA IIhan Omar serving in the Christian Nation Congress getting Christians to attack Jews in the name of Allah as that Christian second coming thru Byrd's KKK churchstate fiefdom Bicentennial plan to kill all the Jews in NYC & Israel, Rehnquist's thieving US Constitution arsonists Reichquest & those burning Bush's 9/11 patriot act will be another scandal of ….
Congress, you gave a Muslim a cookie. So did you, London, France, Greece and Germany!
What are you blathering about psycho?

Maybe Islamic not native born in the USA IIhan Omar serving in the Christian Nation Congress getting Christians to attack Jews in the name of Allah as that Christian second coming thru Byrd's KKK churchstate fiefdom Bicentennial plan to kill all the Jews in NYC & Israel, Rehnquist's thieving US Constitution arsonists Reichquest & those burning Bush's 9/11 patriot act will be another scandal of ….
Congress, you gave a Muslim a cookie. So did you, London, France, Greece and Germany!
What are you blathering about psycho?
That is exactly what this person is. A Psycho.

Let it stay in its room :)

Maybe Islamic not native born in the USA IIhan Omar serving in the Christian Nation Congress getting Christians to attack Jews in the name of Allah as that Christian second coming thru Byrd's KKK churchstate fiefdom Bicentennial plan to kill all the Jews in NYC & Israel, Rehnquist's thieving US Constitution arsonists Reichquest & those burning Bush's 9/11 patriot act will be another scandal of ….
Congress, you gave a Muslim a cookie. So did you, London, France, Greece and Germany!
What are you blathering about psycho?

This will probably get that suicidal homicidal sociopsychopathic human farming pedophilia super ego in a blather:
This is an interesting analysis.
If you give a Muslim a cookie, he'll complain that it isn't halal and demand that you provide one that is.
If you give a Muslim a Halal cookie, he'll demand that you give him a job so he can buy his own cookies.
If you give a Muslim a job, he'll demand you give him time out to pray.
If you give a Muslim time out to pray, he'll demand that you respect his prophet.
If you show respect for his prophet, a Muslim will demand that you stop singing your National Anthem.
If you stop singing your National Anthem, a Muslim will demand that you elect him to Congress.
If you elect a Muslim to Congress, he'll demand that we change our Constitution, so we are no longer allowed to speak freely or have guns or worship the god of our choice (or not any god at all).
If we change the Constitution to what a Muslim demands, he will demand that Sharia Law be followed by everyone in the land.
If Sharia is followed by everyone in the land, then Muslims will be permitted by law to execute anyone who disagrees with them or does not dress like them or does not worship Allah.
Congress, you gave a Muslim a cookie. So did you, London, France, Greece and Germany!
Already the newly elected congressional woman from Michigan is criticizing Pence for his Christian values and beliefs.
It's just starting.

Maybe Islamic not native born in the USA IIhan Omar serving in the Christian Nation Congress getting Christians to attack Jews in the name of Allah as that Christian second coming thru Byrd's KKK churchstate fiefdom Bicentennial plan to kill all the Jews in NYC & Israel, Rehnquist's thieving US Constitution arsonists Reichquest & those burning Bush's 9/11 patriot act will be another scandal of ….
Congress, you gave a Muslim a cookie. So did you, London, France, Greece and Germany!
What are you blathering about psycho?
That is exactly what this person is. A Psycho.

Let it stay in its room :)

Seems this Islam cross conditioned way beyond therapy schizoid Christian of whether being Lucifer or Satan is better standing can't fight it's way out of it's paper bag

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