Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel

Maybe Islamic not native born in the USA IIhan Omar serving in the Christian Nation Congress getting Christians to attack Jews in the name of Allah as that Christian second coming thru Byrd's KKK churchstate fiefdom Bicentennial plan to kill all the Jews in NYC & Israel, Rehnquist's thieving US Constitution arsonists Reichquest & those burning Bush's 9/11 patriot act will be another scandal of ….
Congress, you gave a Muslim a cookie. So did you, London, France, Greece and Germany!
What are you blathering about psycho?
That is exactly what this person is. A Psycho.

Let it stay in its room :)

Polly want a cracker to get back in Byrd's KKK churchstate fiefdom cage as if Islam hasn't had US Christianity eliminating US Constitutions, old glorys & old testaments in more than 24 separate incidents for years & for years after these Islamidiotocracy Christiananality pedophile mentalities Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate, due to not accomplishing nuke Temple Mount for 9/11 are still putting on a patriot act.
Does this propaganda tour go to the West Bank and Gaza? Maybe some refugee camps?

She might prefer to be with the islamic terrorists in Gaza where her seething Joooooo hatreds will find a willing audience.

So yet another princess self anointed national religion Islamo-Nazi security of this Christian Nation supreme swastika up Uranus court one nation under God with equal justice under law federal perjury lynching enforcement super egos cross conditioned way beyond therapy Islamidiotocracy fabricated misnomer of an immaculate conception Christiananality pedophilia business mentality of waging Muslims war against Jews hasn't changed over the centuries, including this 21st century one.
Now that she has attacked Elliot Abrams, I wonder where Representative Ilhan Omar stands on the issue of FGM given that she is a Somali-American and the practice is pandemic among Somalis. No one has asked her about it publicly. I am asking her here.

(full article online)

The two-faced women who hate Israel - and Jews
Now that she has attacked Elliot Abrams, I wonder where Representative Ilhan Omar stands on the issue of FGM given that she is a Somali-American and the practice is pandemic among Somalis. No one has asked her about it publicly. I am asking her here.

(full article online)

The two-faced women who hate Israel - and Jews

Obvious that forced genital mutilation of Israel & Jews is in her upbringing, even if derived from Somalis practicing it for a subconscious yet misdirected anger in suicidal pedophile homicidal super egos as those crooks on Capitol Hill genocide for beyond the pleasure principle satisfaction.

As if Muslims having Christians wage wars against Jews, Israel & one nation under God isn't all about the Benjamins with Islam's fabricated misnomer of an immaculate conception for their master race where Byrd's KKK churchstate fiefdom of West Nazi Germany Virginia thieving US Constitution, old glory, old testament arsonists & the burning Bush's 9/11 patriot act Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate have left big goosesteps for Ilhan Omar to fill.

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