Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel

Your program failed the Turing Test.

Keep trying.

Which is that you're unable to distinguish SCOTUS one nation under God with equal justice under law Christian Nation national religion of immaculate drug conceptions to attain an Islamidiotocracy of Christiananality pedophile mentalities super egos in suicidal sociopsycholpathilogical human farming thru homicidal survival of the fittest fascists "man is God" techniques.

No, I'm unable to distinguish your word salad from a coherent paragraph. Syntax exists for a reason, use it.

How fortunate your super ego Islamidiotocracy Christiananality pedophilia business mentality cognitive dissonance is nearly as Chief Justice Rehnquist as it gets in one nation under God.

Kerouac did it better ...

The brown hills led off towards Nevada; to the South was my legendary Hollywood; to the North the mysterious Shasta country. Down below was everything: the barracks where we stole our tiny box of condiments, where Dostioffski’s tiny face had glared at us […]” from On the Road

Read Kerouac Big Sur landscapes in college back in the 70's since Rehnquist had so many thieving US Constitution arsonists of national religion lynching enforcement with immaculate drug conceptions, but then again where else would this Christian Nation be without it's Rosenberg sin tax as a Washington, D.C. born American to one of Ike's WW II Pentagon staff sergeants of the greatest generation that saved the world, also born in Washington,D.C. could reasonably expect something better than a supreme swastika up Uranus court of drugs to protect & serve thieving old glory & old testament arsonists, Arab terrorists which threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount before 9/11 & the Islamidiotocracy Christiananality pedophilia business of super ego mentalities.
Just out of curiousity...
What’s your native language?

P.S., I get a kick out of your posts.
“Strong language,” Winston Churchill once said, “is often used by weak men and it is never used more strongly than on a weak case.”

The Washington Post’s opinion pages are filled with plenty of strong language about Israel and antisemitism — and correspondingly few facts.

With growing frequency, The Washington Post has published op-eds that effectively whitewash or obfuscate on antisemitism when it emanates from the left. The recent controversy over Ilhan Omar’s most recent antisemitic tweet offers several examples.

On February 10, the Democratic freshman congresswoman tweeted “It’s all about the Benjamins” to explain why some of her fellow members of Congress were condemning a previous tweet of hers that accused Israel of “hypnotizing the world.” When asked to clarify whom she was talking about, Omar replied “AIPAC!” Omar was stating that money — Jewish money — was buying the votes and opinions of her fellow members of Congress.

Stop Whitewashing Ilhan Omar’s Antisemitism
If it is true, is it still anti Semitism?
“Strong language,” Winston Churchill once said, “is often used by weak men and it is never used more strongly than on a weak case.”

The Washington Post’s opinion pages are filled with plenty of strong language about Israel and antisemitism — and correspondingly few facts.

With growing frequency, The Washington Post has published op-eds that effectively whitewash or obfuscate on antisemitism when it emanates from the left. The recent controversy over Ilhan Omar’s most recent antisemitic tweet offers several examples.

On February 10, the Democratic freshman congresswoman tweeted “It’s all about the Benjamins” to explain why some of her fellow members of Congress were condemning a previous tweet of hers that accused Israel of “hypnotizing the world.” When asked to clarify whom she was talking about, Omar replied “AIPAC!” Omar was stating that money — Jewish money — was buying the votes and opinions of her fellow members of Congress.

Stop Whitewashing Ilhan Omar’s Antisemitism
If it is true, is it still anti Semitism?
Since you’ve never been to the region, you’ll never know.
“Strong language,” Winston Churchill once said, “is often used by weak men and it is never used more strongly than on a weak case.”

The Washington Post’s opinion pages are filled with plenty of strong language about Israel and antisemitism — and correspondingly few facts.

With growing frequency, The Washington Post has published op-eds that effectively whitewash or obfuscate on antisemitism when it emanates from the left. The recent controversy over Ilhan Omar’s most recent antisemitic tweet offers several examples.

On February 10, the Democratic freshman congresswoman tweeted “It’s all about the Benjamins” to explain why some of her fellow members of Congress were condemning a previous tweet of hers that accused Israel of “hypnotizing the world.” When asked to clarify whom she was talking about, Omar replied “AIPAC!” Omar was stating that money — Jewish money — was buying the votes and opinions of her fellow members of Congress.

Stop Whitewashing Ilhan Omar’s Antisemitism
If it is true, is it still anti Semitism?

Stupid question.
“Strong language,” Winston Churchill once said, “is often used by weak men and it is never used more strongly than on a weak case.”

The Washington Post’s opinion pages are filled with plenty of strong language about Israel and antisemitism — and correspondingly few facts.

With growing frequency, The Washington Post has published op-eds that effectively whitewash or obfuscate on antisemitism when it emanates from the left. The recent controversy over Ilhan Omar’s most recent antisemitic tweet offers several examples.

On February 10, the Democratic freshman congresswoman tweeted “It’s all about the Benjamins” to explain why some of her fellow members of Congress were condemning a previous tweet of hers that accused Israel of “hypnotizing the world.” When asked to clarify whom she was talking about, Omar replied “AIPAC!” Omar was stating that money — Jewish money — was buying the votes and opinions of her fellow members of Congress.

Stop Whitewashing Ilhan Omar’s Antisemitism
If it is true, is it still anti Semitism?

Stupid question.
Stupid Tinmore asks stupid questions.
“Strong language,” Winston Churchill once said, “is often used by weak men and it is never used more strongly than on a weak case.”

The Washington Post’s opinion pages are filled with plenty of strong language about Israel and antisemitism — and correspondingly few facts.

With growing frequency, The Washington Post has published op-eds that effectively whitewash or obfuscate on antisemitism when it emanates from the left. The recent controversy over Ilhan Omar’s most recent antisemitic tweet offers several examples.

On February 10, the Democratic freshman congresswoman tweeted “It’s all about the Benjamins” to explain why some of her fellow members of Congress were condemning a previous tweet of hers that accused Israel of “hypnotizing the world.” When asked to clarify whom she was talking about, Omar replied “AIPAC!” Omar was stating that money — Jewish money — was buying the votes and opinions of her fellow members of Congress.

Stop Whitewashing Ilhan Omar’s Antisemitism
If it is true, is it still anti Semitism?

Stupid question.
It appears that the truth is anti Semitic. How do you square that circle?
“Strong language,” Winston Churchill once said, “is often used by weak men and it is never used more strongly than on a weak case.”

The Washington Post’s opinion pages are filled with plenty of strong language about Israel and antisemitism — and correspondingly few facts.

With growing frequency, The Washington Post has published op-eds that effectively whitewash or obfuscate on antisemitism when it emanates from the left. The recent controversy over Ilhan Omar’s most recent antisemitic tweet offers several examples.

On February 10, the Democratic freshman congresswoman tweeted “It’s all about the Benjamins” to explain why some of her fellow members of Congress were condemning a previous tweet of hers that accused Israel of “hypnotizing the world.” When asked to clarify whom she was talking about, Omar replied “AIPAC!” Omar was stating that money — Jewish money — was buying the votes and opinions of her fellow members of Congress.

Stop Whitewashing Ilhan Omar’s Antisemitism
If it is true, is it still anti Semitism?

Stupid question.
It appears that the truth is anti Semitic. How do you square that circle?
It appears you’re an idiot.
“Strong language,” Winston Churchill once said, “is often used by weak men and it is never used more strongly than on a weak case.”

The Washington Post’s opinion pages are filled with plenty of strong language about Israel and antisemitism — and correspondingly few facts.

With growing frequency, The Washington Post has published op-eds that effectively whitewash or obfuscate on antisemitism when it emanates from the left. The recent controversy over Ilhan Omar’s most recent antisemitic tweet offers several examples.

On February 10, the Democratic freshman congresswoman tweeted “It’s all about the Benjamins” to explain why some of her fellow members of Congress were condemning a previous tweet of hers that accused Israel of “hypnotizing the world.” When asked to clarify whom she was talking about, Omar replied “AIPAC!” Omar was stating that money — Jewish money — was buying the votes and opinions of her fellow members of Congress.

Stop Whitewashing Ilhan Omar’s Antisemitism
If it is true, is it still anti Semitism?

Stupid question.
It appears that the truth is anti Semitic. How do you square that circle?
It appears you’re an idiot.
Is deflection all you got?
“Strong language,” Winston Churchill once said, “is often used by weak men and it is never used more strongly than on a weak case.”

The Washington Post’s opinion pages are filled with plenty of strong language about Israel and antisemitism — and correspondingly few facts.

With growing frequency, The Washington Post has published op-eds that effectively whitewash or obfuscate on antisemitism when it emanates from the left. The recent controversy over Ilhan Omar’s most recent antisemitic tweet offers several examples.

On February 10, the Democratic freshman congresswoman tweeted “It’s all about the Benjamins” to explain why some of her fellow members of Congress were condemning a previous tweet of hers that accused Israel of “hypnotizing the world.” When asked to clarify whom she was talking about, Omar replied “AIPAC!” Omar was stating that money — Jewish money — was buying the votes and opinions of her fellow members of Congress.

Stop Whitewashing Ilhan Omar’s Antisemitism
If it is true, is it still anti Semitism?

Stupid question.
It appears that the truth is anti Semitic. How do you square that circle?
It appears you’re an idiot.
Is deflection all you got?
I’ve got you.
So when you actually going to get off your Jew Hating ass and visit the region?
What’s your native language?

I'm guessing ...

Israel needs to wipe out the Palestinians to the very last one. They can take Rashida Taliban and Mullah Omar along with the rest
Israel needs to wipe out the Palestinians to the very last one. They can take Rashida Taliban and Mullah Omar along with the rest

That isn't what Israelis do. Israelis have from the beginning, and will continue to do so, play the role of the eternal juggler.

They will fight an implacable enemy and forgive him when he surrenders. They will fight when they need to, dealing out just enough force to stop their enemy for the moment. They will forgive him and prepare for inevitable next attack.

They will continue with this juggling act as many times as it takes.

If the Palestinians put down their guns, rockets, and bombs tomorrow, the first people to trade with them will be the Israelis. They will continue to treat them as friends until they attack again.

People who don't understand that Israelis fight only when all other options are removed will probably never understand Israel.
Which is that you're unable to distinguish SCOTUS one nation under God with equal justice under law Christian Nation national religion of immaculate drug conceptions to attain an Islamidiotocracy of Christiananality pedophile mentalities super egos in suicidal sociopsycholpathilogical human farming thru homicidal survival of the fittest fascists "man is God" techniques.

No, I'm unable to distinguish your word salad from a coherent paragraph. Syntax exists for a reason, use it.

How fortunate your super ego Islamidiotocracy Christiananality pedophilia business mentality cognitive dissonance is nearly as Chief Justice Rehnquist as it gets in one nation under God.

Kerouac did it better ...

The brown hills led off towards Nevada; to the South was my legendary Hollywood; to the North the mysterious Shasta country. Down below was everything: the barracks where we stole our tiny box of condiments, where Dostioffski’s tiny face had glared at us […]” from On the Road

Read Kerouac Big Sur landscapes in college back in the 70's since Rehnquist had so many thieving US Constitution arsonists of national religion lynching enforcement with immaculate drug conceptions, but then again where else would this Christian Nation be without it's Rosenberg sin tax as a Washington, D.C. born American to one of Ike's WW II Pentagon staff sergeants of the greatest generation that saved the world, also born in Washington,D.C. could reasonably expect something better than a supreme swastika up Uranus court of drugs to protect & serve thieving old glory & old testament arsonists, Arab terrorists which threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount before 9/11 & the Islamidiotocracy Christiananality pedophilia business of super ego mentalities.
Just out of curiousity...
What’s your native language?

P.S., I get a kick out of your posts.

Maybe you too could be one of the crooks on Capitol Hill like an Ilhan Omar anti-Semite congresswomen with that Islam "death to the infidels" diatribe, or the more prevalent US Christian Nation "serve the Pope or die" Christiananality pedophilia business tautology of SCOTUS "one nation under God with equal justice under law" immaculate drug conceptions in that Fuhrer's Brainwashing Inquisition tradition that no one steals & burns US Constitutions in this country.
I don't know exactly what those congresswomen said but I think the Israeli Palestinian conflict is almost impossible to solve.
More than 70 years of hate, violence, pain from both sides are not easy to delete.
Maybe a new generation of Israelis and Palestinians (new politicians above all...) will be able to do something good in the future (in the not too near future I fear...:sad:)
I don't know exactly what those congresswomen said but I think the Israeli Palestinian conflict is almost impossible to solve.
More than 70 years of hate, violence, pain from both sides are not easy to delete.
Maybe a new generation of Israelis and Palestinians (new politicians above all...) will be able to do something good in the future (in the not too near future I fear...:sad:)
This thread is full of articles which deal with what either woman has said or done. Please, feel free to read anyone of them for self information.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is actually a 1400 year war of Muslims against Jews.

Since the Muslims cannot give up their war against Jews and need to have the Jews only as their servants or second class citizens , then clearly any Jew being sovereign over its own recreated Nation on its ancestral land, once conquered by Muslims is not going to please the most devout and extreme Muslims, as it didn't please Al Husseini who started the riots and wars against Jews and Israel from 1920 to 1948, and after that.

Being well informed is the main key in understanding and who knows, eventually ending any conflict.
Its nice to see that Ilhan Omar is making all the right alliances and doing her best to represent American values and American constituents.

Ilhan Omar To Fundraise For Hamas-Linked Muslim Organization

Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar is scheduled to raise money in March with the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) only a week after she used an anti-Semitic trope to claim Israel has paid for GOP support.

Omar will be the keynote speaker at CAIR’s 4th Annual Valley Banquet on March 23 to discuss advancing justice and empowering Muslims, according to the organization’s invitation. Single tickets start at $55 per person and a table can cost upwards of $500.

Hassan Shibly, the chief executive director for CAIR-Florida, will also be speaking at the event. Shibly has emphatically stated that Hezbollah and Hamas are not terrorist organizations, reported Jordan Schachtel at Conservative Review.

Hussam Ayloush, the chief executive director for CAIR-LA, who is hosting the event, compared the state of Israel to the Islamic State during a speech in April. Shibley has repeatedly echoed those sentiments and spread propaganda describing U.S. armed forces as radical terrorists.
No, I'm unable to distinguish your word salad from a coherent paragraph. Syntax exists for a reason, use it.

How fortunate your super ego Islamidiotocracy Christiananality pedophilia business mentality cognitive dissonance is nearly as Chief Justice Rehnquist as it gets in one nation under God.

Kerouac did it better ...

The brown hills led off towards Nevada; to the South was my legendary Hollywood; to the North the mysterious Shasta country. Down below was everything: the barracks where we stole our tiny box of condiments, where Dostioffski’s tiny face had glared at us […]” from On the Road

Read Kerouac Big Sur landscapes in college back in the 70's since Rehnquist had so many thieving US Constitution arsonists of national religion lynching enforcement with immaculate drug conceptions, but then again where else would this Christian Nation be without it's Rosenberg sin tax as a Washington, D.C. born American to one of Ike's WW II Pentagon staff sergeants of the greatest generation that saved the world, also born in Washington,D.C. could reasonably expect something better than a supreme swastika up Uranus court of drugs to protect & serve thieving old glory & old testament arsonists, Arab terrorists which threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount before 9/11 & the Islamidiotocracy Christiananality pedophilia business of super ego mentalities.
Just out of curiousity...
What’s your native language?

P.S., I get a kick out of your posts.

Maybe you too could be one of the crooks on Capitol Hill like an Ilhan Omar anti-Semite congresswomen with that Islam "death to the infidels" diatribe, or the more prevalent US Christian Nation "serve the Pope or die" Christiananality pedophilia business tautology of SCOTUS "one nation under God with equal justice under law" immaculate drug conceptions in that Fuhrer's Brainwashing Inquisition tradition that no one steals & burns US Constitutions in this country.
I could never do that; I actually have a concience.
Arabs already have the entire M.E. why does it burn them so much that there is a tiny area that they have not completely dominated? they threw out or subjugated all the jews and christians everywhere else they have controlled.
How dare people want to live in their homeland. The audacity!
Arabs already have the entire M.E. why does it burn them so much that there is a tiny area that they have not completely dominated? they threw out or subjugated all the jews and christians everywhere else they have controlled.
How dare people want to live in their homeland. The audacity!
I do not understand the answer to the quote.
Could you please explain?

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